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Lower covid numbers
Each day we are getting lower Covid numbers
I think this is a false positive because people are on holiday and not even thinking about getting tested
perhaps after the break we may see the figures go back up again, not that I want them to and I hope that its just about done and dusted, just dont let Omicron into the country, we dont want to start all over again.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
Oh man, don't you read the news properly. They are saying low numbers, because there is low testing.

Once people are back to work, then the numbers will go back up again.
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".
(29-12-2021, 12:42 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: Oh man, don't you read the news properly. They are saying low numbers, because there is low testing.

Once people are back to work, then the numbers will go back up again.
Exactly.   The epidemiologists are cautiously suggesting that numbers will revert to 50 - 60 per day after the holiday period, provided Omicron doesn't escape into the community.
The UK has had record numbers - 117,000 daily cases today.

Numbers have been high across Europe. Its likely our numbers may rise once we get to Autumn & Winter.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well it just goes to show how intelligent I am , no need to read the news because I thunk of that all by myself  Tongue
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
And Omicron took a walk through Auckland over the Christmas days. No wonder we call it the silly season.
The person was a recent arrival who returned a positive result on day nine of their self-isolation period.

The ministry said they had previously returned three negative tests for Covid-19 while completing seven days of managed isolation in an Auckland facility.

After they were released, they then returned a positive result on day nine of their self-isolation.

Why the hell were they released before the last test came in ... someone should be sacked for this!!!
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
Self isolation. They released themselves.

Why we expect self isolation to work I do not know. Heavens even MIQ doesn't mean folk stay in, self isolation is an oxymoron.
But even in self isolation they would have been told when they could mix and mingle again, so why were they told to do so before the final test was in ... I could be wrong but thats my understanding of it.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(29-12-2021, 05:33 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: But even in self isolation they would have been told when they could mix and mingle again, so why were they told to do so before the final test was in ... I could be wrong but thats my understanding of it.
I don't think you should assume that they were told they could go out while in self-isolation.    Not everyone does what they are told.   It reads to me that they took it upon themselves to go out and mingle despite being supposed to isolate until their final test result came in.   

These isn't enough information yet, but by the sounds if it this person has broken the rules and the consequences might be hideous.
(29-12-2021, 05:55 PM)Olive Wrote:
(29-12-2021, 05:33 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: But even in self isolation they would have been told when they could mix and mingle again, so why were they told to do so before the final test was in ... I could be wrong but thats my understanding of it.
I don't think you should assume that they were told they could go out while in self-isolation.    Not everyone does what they are told.   It reads to me that they took it upon themselves to go out and mingle despite being supposed to isolate until their final test result came in.   

These isn't enough information yet, but by the sounds if it this person has broken the rules and the consequences might be hideous.
That's what it sounded like to me too, but best to wait for more facts I guess. Damned annoying whatever the circumstances.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
Press conference 11am Thursday, Chris Hipkins with updates.
(29-12-2021, 06:37 PM)Olive Wrote: Press conference 11am Thursday,  Chris Hipkins with updates.

Ok will have to watch that one if its on TV, just speaking to the kids in Auckland and saying I hope they are not headed for another lockdown, they are supposed to be going to Orange on New Years Eve.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
And I will be scootering to the supermarket for Big Dinner supplies. Someone take notes for me...

(29-12-2021, 06:20 PM)Oldfellah Wrote:                                                       
You are so well brought up.

My response was more along the lines of fuckityfuckfuckfuck...
Just eight days ago Hipkins announced a suite of changes to prevent Omicron from entering the community.
It included lengthening the time spent in managed isolation for those returning from overseas from seven to 10 days.Up until recently, returnees were able to leave MIQ after seven days and self-isolate at home for a further three days.
"Bringing those final three days back into MIQ reduces the risk of the virus entering the community," he said.

So if the decision was made eight days ago why was it not implemented?
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
The entitled wanker DJ arrived before the changes were brought in.
He said
After completing my 10 day isolation, and of the understanding that I had completed my quarantine, I entered the community.

But the ministry said
they didn't wait for their negative day nine test result before leaving self-isolation, as required, and went on to visit multiple venues including a nightclub.

But how come he was allowed to enter the country to play at a festival when hundreds of Kiwis cant get back home?
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(30-12-2021, 08:24 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: He said
After completing my 10 day isolation, and of the understanding that I had completed my quarantine, I entered the community.

But the ministry said
they didn't wait for their negative day nine test result before leaving self-isolation, as required, and went on to visit multiple venues including a nightclub.

But how come he was allowed to enter the country to play at a festival when hundreds of Kiwis cant get back home?
There is a special allocation of a small number of MIQ spaces for sportspeople and entertainers who are regarded as bringing something of importance to Aotearoa.   I think the festival organisers would have applied for spaces for him and others who were starring at R & A.
According to Stuff he has received hate mail and death threats. If he generates another lockdown he will have earned some more.

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