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You can never have enough...
Happy New Year. Onwards and upwards for 2022.

Nice temperature this morning but we are expecting 30 deg today, so had better get everything done early ... which will include some watering and weeding! It's currently very quiet in my neighbourhood after lots of parties and fireworks overnight!

Will look up that site kiwimade ... good to have an explanation for anything seen zipping across the night sky!

Enjoy the 1st day of the New Year  Smile
Morning all
Looks like another great day

Welcome to 2022  Big Grin

It was great catching up with our friends for lunch but the place we met was a bit fawltey towers. Despite advising them I was gluten free ordered appropriate meal it came out lathered in glutinous containing chips a sauces I was poisoned cause I did bite into a chip and then realised they were coated with something then turns out sauces had gluten but the meat patty and bun ok argg.... whats the point!!  Idiots with no idea so yesterday afternoon and evening was not good  Sick  sorry for the vent.

Did get DD strips cut  before we went out she is  coming over to lay them out on our lounge floor then she can take them and sew together.

Today take xmas tree down this morning and continue piecing quilt top this afternoon.

Have a great New Years day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good Morning everyone and Happy New Year...!!!!

I too hope things can be better this year..

I think today is going to be a stinker tempwise. But Ive got washing on, a load to fold away and Ive stripped the bed. Ive gathered the Christmas decorations so will crate those up.. and remake my bed and that will probably be enough for my bones.

I realised yesterday when I was up the road , Im walking differently.. Its strange but Im not plonking along now, its far more gentle and smooth.. Im guessing the magnesium is undoing all the tight muscles... Its a dammed good feeling lol.

I need to get back to my painting so it will depend on what the game challenges are today..

Have an awesome time
morning ladies Smile  We're heading to 29 degrees today and over the next few days so as usual. We're up early to do outside stuff until it gets too hot.

I have the hose on the garden and will move it around over the day.  Thank goodness for our bore.  MrK has watered the vegies.

Ironing to do this morning (yep, I iron) and then the board can stay out while I start this quilt top.  I need to find something to embroider and have found a design but the website is closed for Christmas/New Year.   I think she would be one of the very few to actually shut her site down for the holidays.

The Furry One is finding the heat a bit much and is flaking out earlier now.  He even turned his nose up at chasing a rabbit last evening.  And he's like my shadow at the moment too, following me around constantly. 

Time to move the hose.

happy crafting  Wink Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Going to another hot day here too

Started piecing one of the blocks yesterday 3of 15  done then move on to the other block set 15 to do so a few days work.
DD and DGD came over yesterday and she laid out her quilt blocks. DGD fell asleep we have cute photos of her sleeping on the slat dog bed  too lazy to get out the portico. Bad nana Big Grin

DH not the best today so it will be quiet around here

Keep cool and have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning everyone

Its 23 here already and going to be a stinker....

AND I have a steamed pudding on.. MrP asked if I could make him one if it wasn't too hot. So I got everything out last night and had it in the pot a few minutes ago. Will be better than having it boiling when the sun is around the kitchen and lounge side of the house... NUTS I know lol... but Im partial to it myself lol.

He's been soo good since he met Bobbie in the home. He hasn't mentioned Frank the loud mouth for a while which is good. Makes for a much happier man and Im enjoying it.

Yesterday I got quite a lot of housework done, decamped Christmas and I finally have my bed made fully in red and white. I Love it. One of the red sheets I got is only just fitting so I've decided once I washed it Im going to make a couple of Tr-Pillow covers out of it. Then everything will be matching. it only just fits the bed, and I have two others so its worth the sacrifice. I also put the red bath mat in my en-suite. Not sure what happened to the red ribbons I had ion there for the curtains but I have Heaps of ribbon so will cut a couple more today...... Im so easily pleased lol..

And it means I might get my red and white crochet blanket out and on the bed Finally lol.

I hope to paint later... The floor can wait another day cos Id rather put up with the niggly than take a big pain med today.

Have a fab day everyone
It is a good morning here in the big city. Clear, and stillish, after a few days of serious breezes. Watering this morning I noticed my peach tree branches are starting to droop under fruit weight - to within pinching distance, so I will have to do something about that. We have bare faced thieves in this village who think fruit and vegies grown here are theirs to pillage and give away to family by right.

I also have beautiful lilies in bloom, great open flowers heavily scented growing alongside a big plot of mirabilis which scents my flat at night. I do love a good natural perfume.

I also have a faint colouring up on my tomatoes and I have a bright yellow punkin swelling on the fence, so I have popped an upturned pot under it so the contractor can still deal to the grass without risking that beauty. I grew firey orange ones in my Blenheim garden and this one is a reminder of those. It is a gorgeous colour...

Going to be a good day I think!
We're back inside, it's getting too hot now. I'll give the garden a few more minutes watering then turn the hose off and put it away so that's the garden watered. We have some dead grass where the hose was as the water left in the hose must have gotten too hot and killed it.

Been into town for petrol for the mower and car and it's very quiet. Heard on the local gossip vine that our local coppers had the spikes out yesterday for some idiot. We're pretty sure we heard him (or her Tongue ) hoon by here yesterday.

Time to find something to do indoors.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Happy new year to you all from a rather warm already Hawkes Bay - not sure what our temperature is going to be but have put my shade cover over my veggie pod just in case - the only plant that has disappointed is a patio tomato that came in a pot and was probably more expensive than the other plants which were from Awapuni nursery in Palmerston North - came in bundles roots wrapped in newspaper - under $3 for 10 seedlings so they definitely are cost effective
I have had too much ham and my finger is paying the price - gout actually is better in my hand than my foot - will have a go at crocheting later but I think it might be a stretch too far
Popeye that’s good Mr P has struck up a friendship - Mum used to get so annoyed when she would find a good poker player who didn’t notice her cheating - she outlived them all and she used to get so annoyed when they passed on
Hunni I had beautiful lillies at my old place - I told the new owners they were there - at the time they bought the place they were dormant but they forgot about them and concreted over them - had a wee cry as they were so beautiful
Kiwimade the heat maybe getting to your old four legged friend - i bought one of those cooling pads I think from Kmart or somewhere about $10 - Ash used to love it - was especially good in the car - it is filled with gel and stays cool for hours
Better get cracking
morning ladies Smile  Another 30 degree day, am loving this hot weather.  There was a smidgen of fog when I got up but it's long gone now.

I would have cried too, Jan, if I had seen the lilies concreted over.  Similar thing happened to us with the new owners of our home in town ripping out all the roses.  If she had told me she didn't want them, I would have taken them with me.  And those patio tomatoes are a waste of time.  They take up a lot of space for little reward.

I'm doing the happy dance this morning, our neighbour texted us last evening asking if he could come and take the concrete fill away this morning.  Heck yeah!! lol.  I'll try and take some pics as I'm taking photos of the house and garden as we change it over the years.  I like to keep  a record of the house's history and it's fun to look back and see just how much work has gone into it.    But first I'm going to mow the lawn before the day gets too hot.  

Yesterday I hand sewed a few more hexagons for my hexie quilt.  It's something I can pick up and put down, an 'in betweener' if you like.

Better get moving or the cool morning will be over.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Another hot day expected.

Had brunch with friends yesterday morning DH stayed home and rested most of the day.
Finished the 15 blocks of first set and started on the second block set.

Got dog cooling pad out yesterday to cool my feet. For the first time the older k9 actually used it last night.

Good the concrete is off to its new home KM that will really clear the decks for you.

Washed the mixed fruit that I finally scored last week so DH will have a New Year fruit cake , fruit soaking up the brandy as I type will make cake tomorrow.

Got to dust today sitting here and can see a layer on the furniture. Never ending battle but rry to do it weekly

More piecing for me today

Keep cool and have a good day Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
lawns mowed and I'm just filling in time waiting for our neighbour and his tractor.

Mica, I bought one of those cooling pads but the Furry One refused to use it. I ended up giving it to our daughter for our grandson who had just been born. She put a cotton sheet over it and lay him on it to help keep him cool. Worked well for him <3 <3

Boy the temperature's rising out there, it's going to be hot work moving this concrete!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Going to be hot again for sure... I just want to hide. Not coping with it at all.

At least I dont have a pot boiling today tho.

I didnt end up painting yesterday , it was just too hot.

Glad your concrete is going Kiwimade, you then get to see the work show off.

When we revisited Mangakino a few years after selling out place all the lovely roses and dahlias had been pulled out. They went for the minimalistic look and had no gardens. The gardens were started in 1988 so many years of work gone. It looks stupid. My Stepfather would have been turning over in his grave if he had seen it.

Off to see MrP this morning.

Have a fab day everyone.
Good morning - already 25 which is supposedly our top temp for the day - there is a breeze which is lovely - but feeling it’s going to be a lazy day - a few rows of crochet if the gouty finger can cope
Great idea Kiwimade keeping a photographic record of your garden development - could be a very fascinating record in the future - my mother with her little box brownie took lots of photos of my Dads trucks in the early days and they have proven to be invaluable .She took a photo of me in the backyard - my first day at school with my leather school bag standing in the backyard beside his truck which had a huge boat on the back - he was taking it up to Taupo - 70 years ago what a mission that would have been
So many road deaths and drownings - terrible time for so many families
Sunflower still hasn’t joined us
Have a good day everybody
morning ladies Smile  Another scorcher of a day on it's way.  Not a cloud in the sky and the bit of fog has already gone.

Our bin man has been and gone, he has really early starts and empties our bin around 6.00am (earlier this morning).  I love that the bins are emptied so early, it means I can still work in the garden while it's cool.

Yesterday I mowed the lawn and our nieghbour then bought his tractor down to take the concrete fill away.  Am so chuffed, he took the lot, even the concrete under the pile.  OMG it was hot, sweaty work loading the tractor bucket but he took three huge loads away.  There are one or two little bits left we missed but they can go into the bin.


Today I had better go food hunting as mica says and while in Hamilton I might pop into Spotlight as they have a decent sale on.  Oh who am I kidding, I know I'll be in Spotlight lol.  I also have to buy a new handle for the garden fork.  I keep breaking them  Angel  While in Hamilton I have a knitting pattern to drop off to a lady who bought it from me. Saves her postage and I'm in Hamilton anyway so no biggie.  I'm selling my baby and small children's patterns as I don't need them anymore and someone could have a use for them.  Face Book market is brilliant with no fees so I can sell small, cheap things without loosing out on fees.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Another hot day with no breeze, was a light wind yesterday which moved air in the house.

Started DH fruit cake this morning so oven going to add to the temp all be it a low cooking  temp.

Still plodding along with quilt piecing keeps me gainfully occupied.

KM great idea using cooling pad for infant, DD has got a paddling pool I suspect that she also cools down along with DGD

Enjoy your trip to Spotlight, our local one has  very ,title stock almost looks like they are closing I suspect the rumours that they are moving lo another building might be the reason. Time will tell

Have a great day everyone
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A stunner here and just a hint of a breeze in the trees.

The things we do in the heat lol, loading concrete, making cakes and cooking steamed puddings lol... And this morning Im vacuuming.. It badly needs doing but Ill do it in sections.

I wish I could change the room around so I was sitting in between the doors. But it would totally block the walkways.

I may paint later but it depends if the heat fries my brain.

I like selling on FB too Kiwimade... I do have some things on TM and last night I had bids on two things, which is good. I need to get a shredder.. I had one several years ago, I think I over worked it. lol... But as a part of the decluttering its at least something I can do sitting by the fan when its too hot to do anything else..

Have a fab day everyone
morning ladies Smile Another scorcher today by the looks of it.

Hamilton was very quiet yesterday, I had a lovely, cruisey drive with the road pretty much to myself. So I was able to blat about and do what I had to do. Even Spotlight wasn't that busy. Their selection of embroidery threads is terrible so I think I will stick to the new shop in Tauranga for those. She has all sorts of threads in interesting textures and variations. I did buy some fabric for embroidery or sewing or even both at 40% off. Might start Christmas 2022's projects and get them out of the way. Have already bought one Christmas present in a sale and started the supermarket Christmas Club again.

MrK has cut me some more mulch from the plum tree so I will spread that out shortly and dig out some weeds in our entrance. My weed sprayer has died, am over the nozzles constantly blocking. So I'm going to look for a decent brand that will last. I may also start digging over the new bit of garden and picking out the little bits of concrete that was broken as we threw it into the tractor bucket.

I have a banana cake to bake some time today, there are a few bananas that need using up. And we haven't had a banana cake for at least 12 months.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Mornjng all
Morning cloud which will burn off later another scorcher expected

Plodding along pieicng but have run out of background fabric so a trip to quilt fabric shop tomorrow.
Sounds like you are organised for Xmas 2022 KM
Popeye I meant to say yesterday that I use my slow cooker to cook steamed pud  Same principle put water in cooker and bowl in lid on and walk away. Converted  many years ago after using Alison and Simon Holstbslow cook book recipe. Porridge done overnight in SC lovely and  creamy too. Put all ingredients in bowl, water in slow cooker flip the switch and go to bed.
 DS has invited us to go on a picnic today don't know location yet making a pasta salad to take

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
You know Mica, even though I love my slow cooker and have used it for some interesting projects, I never cottoned on to the porridge thing or the steamed pud! So thank you, this winter the little beast is coming out to sit on my bench more often.

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