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Meat loaf: Bat Out Of Hell singer dies at 74
Meat Loaf: Bat Out Of Hell singer dies at 74 - BBC News

Interesting quote from last year... When Jim Steinman died last year Meat Loaf paid tribute, posting: "Coming here soon, my brother Jimmy."

Rest in peace
I have the "Bat Out of Hell" album on vinyl but had not realised it is one of the top-selling albums ever. Remarkable. 

Thank you for the music, sir, rest in peace.
RIP Meatie Sad 

He'd had health issues for some years, and it seems that catching Covid was the last straw.

I only know the ubiquitous BOOH. That’s plenty of Meat Loaf for me! So bombastic. I always hear it as a soundtrack to a bogan couple’s nighttime drive in their '70s V8 Holden, sometime during which they pull over for a root in the back seat.

A Meat Loaf story from Ireland
Autumn comes
rock opera legend.
nothing wrong with BOOH, it was an icon for its time.
its doggerel beside keats, and he had his detractors but the guy threw himself into it
he left nothing on the stage. no one but meat could have done it.
cometh the moment cometh the man, and meat was the man on that day..
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye

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