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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile  It looks like we're in for a mixed bag of weather today.  We had rain off and on in the afternoon yesterday so hopefully it will do the same today.

Oh_hunnihunni, I hope your neighbour is OK, it's so sad when they won't accept the help that is out there.  If she did, she would realise just how much easier and better things would be for her.  

Today I plan to move the rose 'Belle Storey'.  She thinks she's a climber but she's not lol.  Austin roses have minds of their own Tongue .  This is the rose I had no idea what it was as it was just a half dead stick when I plucked it from the neighbour's garden (who had moved by then and had no idea either of what it was).  She's had a few years to recover so time to put her where she can do her thing and not catch our clothes as we walk by.  A good dose of worm wee and sheep pellets, plenty of water and she will be fine.  I will have to prune her back so her flowering season will be a tad crazy for a year.  Oh and in case you are thinking I nicked the rose lmao, I didn't.  The house owner asked if I would like it after our friend had moved.  He was getting rid of the gardens as it was too much work for tenants.

We pulled the broken tree branch down.  In the end we tied a rope to it and the car tow bar and pulled it out that way.  Did the trick and by some miracle, it missed my rose Ingrid Bergman.  So the branch itself is now ready for chain sawing when the chainsaw comes out to chop the other tree down and all the leaves and small branches have been mulched and spread on the garden.  The Furry One was happy as he had a 'ride' in the car.  He doesn't care even if it is three meters lol.

My frog is done and I'm embroidering the dragon flies onto the other side of the bag.  I should get that done  this afternoon and then I can sew the tote bag.  Excuse the puckering, I'll iron those out.  Blimmen tension, I need to wind some bias binding around my hoop to keep my fabric taut. 


Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Oh Kiwimade he is Beautiful. Well done... Love the simpleness of the dragon flies too.

No rain for us yesterday, it got back up to 27 tho..

MrP was in a right snotty mood last night so I hung up. Its getting easier to do so. Cos im just not putting up with his moody tantrums anymore.

I only need to wash the kitchen floor tonight and Im done.. I do enjoy it when its all done and dusted lol

Did some more shredding yesterday.. I even found a couple of phone bills from 2006 lol... Missed the previous shredder lol.

Off to do my bloods which I forgot last week.. oops.. and get a few groceries. I need to make a list or Ill come home with bananas and milk and not alot else .

A friend is having eye surgery today so my mind is elsewhere.

Have a fab day everyone
Good morning another beautiful morning- we were supposed to have thunder storms yesterday but two claps of thunder and it was over - I love thunderstorms
The frog is amazing Kiwimade
My grandson went the the music festival on the weekend that is developing into a covid drama - he is not sick but I think I will stay away from him for a while- we were to all have a pre going back to school dinner on Friday but that’s on hold - I finished his blanket and was looking forward to giving it to him - he has no idea I have made it - he is so looking forward to getting back to school - he is a prefect and gets to wear a kilt for formal days my old boy would be bursting with pride - gave my grandson my Dads kilt pin so that was special .Wish I could put a photo on here of the blanket - not even sure where my desk top is since I shifted use my iPad all the time but I just can’t get photos to load on here - can do on Facebook and trademe
When Mum shifted into the home she gave me a pot with a lily bulb in it that my kid sister who died had given her - she knew my husband would look after it and he did - but when I shifted I didn’t bring a lot of my pots with me but did tell my son the bulb one must make the shift - but it didnt appear - long story short it has been sitting in the garage for 16 months with a bucket on top of it - dragged it out gave it a dose of worm wee thinking it would be a futile effort but it is about 6 inches high already - absolutely over the moon with its resurrection
Coffee machine is pinging so better get on
Morning all

Bit of a nip in the air today and a few rain drops nothing wetting

Everyone sounds like they are busy. Will have to come back and look at your photo KM for some reason it won't open so will take a peek when I am on the laptop.

Went to look at new phones really funny one shop young female salesperson directed me to very low end with poor camera and not much RAM despite me telling her what I was looking for. I had done some homework   Big Grin but obviously old ladies don't need/want a phone with fast processing, good battery life etc
Second shop was the other end of the spectrum salesperson took me too high end  lol I had my talk that I used to give the kids in my head about wants versus need  Cool  loll look at some reviews and make a decision soon. Also saw new lounge suite so will be taking DH to look we need new springs going in our current one. Its old

Had DD and her BFF here last night to check he fit of BFF wedding dress and DD bridesmaid dress. The brides dress fit fine and no need to alter anything  thank goodness as bit chiffon on bias involved
DD dress just needs straps shortening and a snap to hold cross over bust secure easy peasy  Big Grin

Just finishing my coffee after gym, then shower small food hunt then pick up DH from airport and we will hunker down for 5 days just to be on the safe side. Got to decide if we will still attend a wedding in late Feb there are 90 guests

Have a good day

edit KM the frog and dragon flies are beautiful
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I need to know which phone that is Mica, my ancient Note 3 is playing silly buggers with the camera, which makes scanning more occasional than reliable.
Good morning.

Quite blowy this morning but it was nice out walking in the sun with my dog before. We had lots of thunder yesterday afternoon and a couple of sun showers. Unfortunately the drying wind today will be cancelling out the rain we've had  Undecided

The frog is lovely kiwimade, he almost looks alive ... as he eyes up the dragonflies!

Time for a spot of weeding, maybe start another amigurumi critter, if it doesn't get too hot later.

Enjoy the day.
Kiwimade I am always in awe of your embroidery skills. I have tried in the past but it always looks so uneven. I get impatient and don’t persevere long enough I guess. Confused
Cross stitch though I enjoy - does anyone know where you can get photos made into cross stitch patterns? There was a place in the Hutt quite a while ago who did some very good ones for me of my sisters children but they moved and stopped. 
I’m not really game to use a do it yourself on-line one as the amount of work to do a portrait would be more than disappointing if comes out wrong.
Beautiful embroidery, the frog is gorgeous. Weather a bit iffy today, have played put & take with the washing once or twice.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another warm day today Smile

Thank you for your kind comments about my frog. I'm still embroidering the dragonflies but should finish them this afternoon.

Welcome Venetian1 Smile I'm sorry, I don't know of any businesses who can turn a photo into a cross stitch pattern, only the online versions. Could you have another go at embroidering it? I practise the stitches on a 'spare' piece of fabric if they are new to me. It does take time but worth the effort. If you need help, I can always help you here or recommend some awesome websites and you tube clips. Another reference I use an awful lot is the needleworking book The Royal School of Needleworking. It has a LOT of information and ideas in it and 'how to'. I bought mine on Book Depository two Christmas' ago and it is already well thumbed. Sometimes I go through it just to admire the photos lol.

The rose I moved yesterday survived the move overnight so I'm happy. It has certainly changed the look of the garden, that's for sure. So I have some bigger gaps to fill (oh dear, that means a trip to the garden center at some stage lol) and am thinking daisies and I need to replace the daphne that died a couple of years ago.

Washing machine has beeped, this well trained person will dutifully move her ar** and hang out the washing lol. Housework today, the Furry One will be happy as he gets to 'protect' me from the nasty, dangerous vacum cleaner. Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Nice day here.

Nice to have more people join the chat

DH back home yesterday so we plan on sticking to ourselves for a few days precautionary just in case dratted virus.
Oh_Hunihuni the phones I am currently .looking at are all Samsung's A20 FE, A21FE and S52. Not my fav thing to shop for but I will have it for a while.

Today plan on tracing off bigger sizes for DGD she has grown. Want to make outfit for her to wear to DD BFF wedding.

Must move the appliances here have me trained too.

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

And its lovely to see new people enjoying our group of crafters, gardeners and everything else in general lol.

Ive washed the kitchen floor and now sitting with my breakfast lol.. back to front... that's me lol.

Now the house is clean and tidy and I wont have to do anything for a few days at least.

MrP wasn't happy about missing our visit today but it wasn't my fault.

I will crochet later cos I just have to sit and wait... Im finding I dont quite have the patience I used to have , which is not good lol.

My mystery geranium is still a mystery. Its the healthiest of the 3 but still no flowers.

Have an awesome day everyone
Welcome Venetian1 Smile I'm sorry, I don't know of any businesses who can turn a photo into a cross stitch pattern, only the online versions. Could you have another go at embroidering it? I practise the stitches on a 'spare' piece of fabric if they are new to me. It does take time but worth the effort. If you need help, I can always help you here or recommend some awesome websites and you tube clips. Another reference I use an awful lot is the needleworking book The Royal School of Needleworking. It has a LOT of information and ideas in it and 'how to'. I bought mine on Book Depository two Christmas' ago and it is already well thumbed. Sometimes I go through it just to admire the photos lol.

Thank you Kiwimade for this - it is not the actual stitching that is the problem but the pattern. I am wanting to do portraits of children but don’t want them to look too pixelated- the last one I did the pattern makers were so good they tweaked the pattern several times so as to get the colours right.
there were about 8 colours in the eye which gave it a lovely natural look. Took me months to do as I used a fine count fabric but well worth it.
morning ladies Smile Another dry day today by the looks of it.

No problem, venetian. I'm sure there are places out there somewhere that can convert your photo. Your cross stitch sounds lovely, is there any way we could see a photo? I use long and short stitch for shading (thread 'painting') so this could be worth looking at too if you ever get tired of cross stitching.

The cabbage tree has been dropping it's leaves and they get tangled in the mower blade so I'll pick them up today. They don't compost very well but I bundle them up and tie them together with one of the leaves and they make great fire starters for a friend's winter fire. And I think MrK wants a hand with cutting up the branch we pulled down the other day.

Yesterday I finished the dragon flies but the piece looks unfinished to my eye. It seems to need something else so I'll mull that over today.

I heard the town fire/accident siren go off not long ago. Sometimes when the day or night is still we can hear it from here. A police car has just gone by full noise with sirens and lights so I suspect we have an accident up the road. Sad

Time to get moving, the Furry One is bashing my leg with his toy wanting to play. He doesn't give up lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

It must be cooler this morning, my old cat has just climbed onto my knee ... I expect the day to warm up a lot though!

Hopefully not a serious accident kiwimade. I see the Kaimais have more road closures coming up. It will be good when all those roadworks are over with ... makes for a longer drive to Hamilton when we go!

Popeye, you are right - having house inspections is a good incentive to keep up with housework - it did me good while we rented a couple of years ago for a short period! I'm a terrible 'find something better to do' person  Big Grin

A visitor this morning, some puppy sitting this afternoon ... at least we can take her out walking now she is vaccinated  - she is VERY busy compared to our girl!

Hopefully will fit in some more weeding and some baking for a visiting family tomorrow.

Enjoy the day.
Morning all
Crisp start to the day but will warm up don't mind cool mornings easier to get things done.

Spent the afternoon tracing off a couple onsie patterns and then made them they look cute lovely pink with pink lace shoulder frills will post photo when I get on laptop
 Dress alterations and  make a mask to match bridesmaid dress today.

Pondering  I have had a bra making  kit for a few years lovely red colour and think that I might clone one of my Fantasia bras. Think that might mean I don't have to make a fitting toille using the bra patterns I have  Big Grin

Of course I have the urge to quilt and that can't happen until the spare part arrives for my bigger machine. I am hoping the part arrives this coming week fingers crossed. When it does you will all hear the yahoo from me  Big Grin

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A very still day out there. Will be a hot one for sure.

As far as I know we passed the inspection. They seldom say lol..

So today I'm free to do what I want lol.. Ive come to the conclusion that when it comes to babies I only tend to do blankets or booties, so Im going to have a cull in the patterns I have. Kiwimade did you use the destash group on FB to clear out yours?

The young lady that came to do the inspection was surprised that Missy came out to see her, first time she has, but what amazed her more was that when it was time for her to leave I told Missy to go to Our room so I could move the screen in the door. And she did.. I just have to tell her to go to our room and she toddles off.. She's a clever girl lol

Have a fab day everyone
Good morning all - nice day here - grandsons covid test came back negatively so that’s a relief - one of his school friends has covid - GS stayed in a tent but the other boy was in a group that rented a house so his reluctance to spend money possibly saved him .He has worked over the holidays for a demolition company and has banked $5000 - very proud of him - he could so easily be a spoiled brat -
Missy is clever for sure - the only cat we ever had that had ears so to speak was an Abyssinian - he used to ping the microwave when he needed to be fed his warmed fresh fish and he would play fetch and come to a whistle
Kiwimade maybe a lily pad or a bull rush
I am trawling through my patterns for my next project- baby blanket for my next great grandchild to be born in two weeks in Oz - wonder if they will ever come for a visit - certainly not while they would have to be in MIQ for two weeks with two small children - depressing thought
Better get cracking
morning ladies Smile A hot day on the cards for us again today.

That onsie sounds very cute, mica. Amazing the things we can sew, I never thought of sewing a bra Smile

Popeye, I bet they are quick to tell you when something is wrong! My patterns are on the Marketplace. Slowly but surely selling them. Postage is huge though so I'm thinking that would be off putting to some.

I didn't see your post in time, Jan Sad and had started to fill the gaps with more dragonflies. They are in a circle so now I'm doing the outline of the circle in the same colour combination as the frog. I keep telling myself I will finish this today!

I had to go into town yesterday and was thinking on the way home, the car needs a good vacum and clean. Get home and MrK says, we should clean the car tomorrow lol. Funny how we can think alike.

The town siren and police cars we saw yesterday morning was for a man whose car had ended up in a ditch. I've just read he has passed away Sad

The last few pieces of concrete in the new garden and lawn area have finally gone. There were some bits we missed where the tractor was and one I missed completely even when digging the soil over. I did the happy dance, that's for sure. When the weather cools down in autum we will buy new soil for both areas and sow the grass seed. I'm happy to wait for planting the garden until then too.

We're eating our grapes (omggg soooo goood!) and I've cut up and weighed some plums for plum sauce. Until I can get to the supermarket (damit, forgot yesterday when in town) to buy more vinegar, they are in the freezer, all good to go. Thank goodness brown sugar is back on the shelves for the sauce. It's our first crop of plums and it's a beauty. So worth the wait. We're eating stewed plums and custard lots too lol as the plums are a tad tart. Our apples will be ready soon too. We've decided the raspberries were a huge disappointment so MrK is going to dig them out and plans to plant a peacherine to espalier along the end of the garden. All our fruit trees except the lemon are espaliered. It saves us space and makes for easier picking.

Am debating whether to mow the lawn now before we clean the car. Yeah, nah. Tomorrow's another day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Bit windy but sunny.

Having my morning coffee then will take dogs for walk

Made batch choc chip and cranberry biscuits yesterday morning. Did alterations to  bridesmaid dress and made dribble bib with picot lace trim. Now wait for feedback re fit etc before I make more. If DD likes them I will need to order more bamboo fleece.

Have made bras before just to see how difficult it was and actually not hard sew at all the fiddly bit is getting  the fit. So still on my list to play with.
While I was looking for my patterns to redraft saw cute pair shorts that I know my DD would like for DGD so might give those a go. The bra that I am going to salvage wires from is in the wash so project bra can stay on the list for now. Easily distracted thats me Big Grin

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Exciting day ahead for me!

My ancient Husqv blew a transistor or something equally stinky some years back and has been sitting idle in the top cupboard ever since waiting for me to get it repaired. It was the first gift my darling brought me with his first pay when we got back to NZ in the 70s so I am emotionally attached to the beast, but it is heavy, has no case, and seeing repair people are a long way away getting it done has just been one of those Too Hard things.

And last night I found a Singer Genie listed on TM and impulse bought it, and the seller is delivering it to my door later today. They are such solid little machines, a sort of good inbetween design between the gorgeous black 201s that many of us learned to sew on, and the dreadful lightweight modern creatures that are the budget machines of today. I cannot jump to a computerised machine, that is one leap too far, so I am hoping this retro baby will be just right for my much smaller needs these days - just the odd bit of plain or zig zag will do me.

I guess it was an inevitable next step once I started going through the fabric stash with the intention of decluttering. There are some pieces I just cannot pass on, and if I can't then I have to get sewing...

And now, I can!

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