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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Well, we wanted rain and we have it. The rain hasn't stopped all night and is still going. I haven't looked at our creek yet but I'm pretty sure it's overflowing by now. We'll be fine as we are on higher ground. The Furry One isn't impressed as he wants to pee and doesn't like getting wet lol.

We haven't been able to have a cat since the Furry One joined us. He chases anything that moves and to be fair, we have encouraged him with chasing the rabbits. He just couldn't (more likely wouldn't) distinguish between a rabbit and a cat so we decided it was kinder not to have one. He's happier and so are we. We both miss having the purring though and have to get our 'cat fix'' from a friend's cat. And ommggg are we thoroughly sniffed and checked out if we pat a cat! When we had our labby, we had cats and they all lived together happily. It just wasn't to be with the Furry One I guess.

Thank you for your kind comments about the bag. I'm pleased it's finished Smile I've started embroidering some flowers for a face mask. It won't take long to do as I've embroidered this before. Thought it was time we had some new masks so I'll have embroidered ones but I'll need to buy some more fabric for MrK.

We watched Zoi win her gold, omggg that was a nail biting win lol. When she had that awful second run and the American took first place we were on the edge of our seats. What we loved though was when it was all over and the girls did the big 'pile on'. MrK even said this is the Olympic spirit and I bet the guys could learn a thing or two watching this. I must admit, I'm a sucker for the Olympics. Just love watching all the different sports.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

We have rain ... a ton of it as well and still going strong! The parched park over the road will be greening up as I type!

Yes, Zoi was amazing ... thrilling to watch.

We have never been without a cat either, our current boy, a burmese, is nearly 13 and rules the roost. Fortunately we managed to teach our JR, when we had her, to respect our cat but any other cat (or creature) look out! I'll never forget the day she chased stray turkeys up the steep hill behind our place only to see them come flying back down ... a sight to behold!

An inside day today

Have a good one.
Morning all
Rain stopped here but boy it was wet and cold yesterday 14 degrees brrr...!

Our terriers will chase cats given the chance but live with the resident feline harmoniously. The cats always rule the roost at home. 

Got bra toille sewn up yesterday. A few tweaks required to the pattern but the important bit is the cup fits really well so I might get some pretty fabric and doings and make a real one

Dinner and company was very enjoyable last night. Our firend is severely immune compromised so needs to be really careful in these times.

 The woolly hat that I made for DGD  for winter got used yesterday,  I must have known something Big Grin

Coffee finished time to move

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

We still have rain and its lovely.. The humidity has dropped a little too I think.

On Dec 31ist 2000 our Millie cat arrived. Short for Millennium.. She got past both our Fox Terriers to be under the house, and even tho both dogs were barking at her she was standing up to them behind the wood. We figured since she got past them , she could stay. Ohh she used to give them hell. Chasing them all the time, but she was never scared of them.. They just seemed to know she was off limits on the plate lol.

I watched quite a bit of the Olympics yesterday while resting my knee.. it certainly helped. Have to juggle pain meds this morning cos I dont like to drive on the oxynorm.

Going up to see MrP. Id postpone if I could but he's run out of shower gel and I have to go and get a rubbish bag anyway.

Have an awesome day everyone
Morning all -heavy rain all night - hope Sunflower doesn’t get flooded again - pity she hasn’t made it onto here - I know she used to love contributing to the old page
Our creek is bulging but it would take a lot of rain to get up here to the house- my son is busy shovelling his very wealthy neighbour took a dire shortcut with his section development and once again his section is coming down onto my sons lawn and swimming pool area -the council are taking him to court but in the meantime my sons lawn and landscaping is ruined
Yes every cat we have had has ruled the roost - our last dog Ash the staffi cohabited with Bob the Manx - he used to sit on a chair and when Ash walked past whack him claws out on his backside - Ash pretended he hadn’t got him - but I had to be so careful when I haws walking with Ash if he saw a cat he went mad
Bob died in Oz so didn’t replace him as I knew we were coming back to NZ and I deliberately didn’t get another dog in case I had to go in a resthome or something and would hate to rehome an animal
Well intend to have a completely lazy day
Looks like a cooler less windy one here on the Shore for me'n The Cat. Herself is being a right pain in the arse over having a teeny antibiotic pill stashed in her food. She can smell it I think and is not happy about her constant food supplies being interfered with. She is a Burmese Rex, bossy and neurotic, the best of both varieties, and not in the least bit shy about making her feelings felt. Still, the cooler morning meant after the 4am wake up I was left in peace and we both caught up on some much needed sleep.

So freshly energised, I have plans to finish the furniture rearranging today, though I will confess there is a nearly finished jigsaw on the table which may tempt me off task. But then, it is a holiday after all...
I managed to get the Jasmine trimmed back earlier, had to trick the dog into front room, turn on music, shut the door & then sneak outside to get trimmer & ladder.
She has very acute hearing & reacts to noise with loud barking, hence the attempt at using the hedge trimmer without her hearing.

Its sheer hell when I have to do the hedge because clever clogs can open the door of the room nearest the hedge, stroll over to the window & bark loudly to make sure the human doesn't miss any bits. She also insists on going outside immediately I finish lawn mowing to do a quick inspection in case the human has done a proper job.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We had sooo much rain yesterday, all of it gratefully received. More to come today too.

I have to trim our jasmine back too, Lileth. I hate trimming it as the white goo makes me itch. The begonia my sister-in-law gave me is loving it's new pot. I was supposed to keep it in it's tiny pot as they apparently like to be jammed into pots (according to my sister-in-law) but I 'accidently' knocked the pot over and it fell out of the pot. So into a bigger pot it went with worm wee and potting mix and it hasn't looked back. New flowers already and it looks so much healthier.

Today I think I'll sew some masks for me. Yesterday while watching Jack Reacher on Prime Amazon (the series, not the awful movie with the upstart Tom Cruise) I embroidered one side of the fabric. It was a perfect day to embroider with all the rain outside.

A week or so ago I knocked my knee on the coffee table and have been hobbling around. The bruise is finally starting to show after all that time so sitting yesterday certainly helped it. Lots of antiflamme helps too. It takes a bit longer to get things done so hopefully the bruising goes away soon.

I have a bucket of plums to deal with today then I'll sew.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all,
Sunny day here.
Just dropped my car off for a service so I am I the city for 3 hours. Might visit The Fabric Store.
Sitting waiting for coffee. The city is very very quiet.sad for businesses especially cafes who wod usually be buzzing at this time
DS and his family visited last night and bought gluten free chocolate cake for desert yummy.
Not sure what I will do this afternoon.
Sewing Ave needs a vacuum
Coffee arrive, not doubt our posts have crossed again Popeye.
Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Still wet here too... and warmish this morning.

Yesterday was a very different day. Sadly today I will be ringing head office of the rest home and putting in my complaints. They had the cheek to try and tell me to leave after 45 minutes when my appointments have always been an hour, other than Christmas Day.... And Bobbie had popped in for a chat with us. And They tried to send her out of the room when I was explaining that the manager had told me an hour.

I lost it.. I said Bobbie is welcome to stay we were all talking... And I reminded them it was a rest home not a bloody Jail. They had the misfortune to bring in MrPs lunch at the same time, a plate with peas on Yet again, and I asked straight out was it dished up in the kitchen or the dining room at the end of his wing. They said the Kitchen and I said well for about the 10th time please teach the cook to read then. The diet form has been there since day one, and we talked about it only a couple of weeks ago..

So Im ringing head office today... The manager wasnt there yesterday of course. So if Head office wont fix things Ill be going to the Health and Disability Commission..... I guess alot of the people there are just dumped, and dont have anyone to stand their ground for them. But MrP and Bobbie have me ....

I wish I could use antiflamm Kiwimade it helps soo much eh.. I must have slept on my back most of the night,or my hips are accomodating the sore knee lol...

Have a fab day everyone

(08-02-2022, 08:06 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all,
Sunny day here.
Just dropped my car off for a service so I am I  the city for 3 hours. Might visit The Fabric Store.
Sitting waiting for coffee. The city is very very quiet.sad for businesses especially cafes who wod usually be buzzing at this time
DS and his family visited last night and bought gluten  free chocolate cake for desert yummy.
Not sure what I will do this afternoon.
Sewing  Ave needs a  vacuum
Coffee arrive, not doubt our posts have crossed again Popeye.
Have a good day
Lol Yep they have Mica... Enjoy the fabric store  !!!
(07-02-2022, 09:36 AM)JanW Wrote: Morning all -heavy  rain all night - hope Sunflower doesn’t get flooded again - pity she hasn’t made it onto here - I know she used to love contributing to the old page
Our creek is bulging but it would take a lot of rain to get up here to the house- my son is busy shovelling his very wealthy neighbour took a dire shortcut with his section development and once again his section is coming down onto my sons lawn and swimming pool area -the council are taking him to court but in the meantime my sons lawn and landscaping is ruined
Yes every cat we have had has ruled the roost - our last dog Ash the staffi cohabited with Bob the Manx - he used to sit on a chair and when Ash walked past whack him claws out on his backside - Ash pretended he hadn’t got him - but I had to be so careful when I haws walking with Ash if he saw a cat he went mad
Bob died in Oz so didn’t replace him as I knew we were coming back to NZ and I deliberately didn’t get another dog in case I had to go in a resthome or something and would hate to rehome an animal
Well intend to have a completely lazy day

Just checked out what this thread is about and I love all the cat/dog stories here. Our guy is a neutered moggy who can be quite aggressive at times. He doesn't like dogs and twice has chased strays away at night. Each time we were woken up by the sound of a dog yelping as it ran past the bedroom window.  First time a couple of years ago. Second time just a few nights ago. The security camera didn't pick up much footage, but enough to see that yes, both times a stray dog came into the back yard, and left at speed with cat close behind.

It looks like it has stopped raining here so I'm off to brave the supermarket this morning. People seem to be keeping their distance better since Omicron so hopefully it will be a safe trip. This afternoon I might get to some sewing. At the beginning of summer I bought a cheap rayon dress which has shrunk a bit at every wash and is now too small. I figure I can chop the excess hem off the back (where it now hangs down more than 10cms longer than the front) and can use that piece to enlarge the side seam at the armholes.
Good morning all.

Overcast and muggy here. The ground is sodden, the birds will be happy  Shy

Good on you Popeye for speaking up for Mr P (and Bobbie). I hope they listen to you.  My sister is a nurse and not backwards in coming forward with any issues regarding our mother in her resthome. I think they see her coming, lol!

I have my 2.5 yo granddaughter today, so had better get moving, now we've had our morning snack. She wants me to "play"!

Have a good day.
Thought I would pop back in while MrK is pottering in the kitchen. He has done the plums for me along with some windfall apples. Saved me working in a hot kitchen and freed me up to sew some masks. He hates having loops over his ears so I have sewed him one with elastic to go behind his head. He's had a quick trial run with it and is happy. I'll sew him more after I have bought some fabric. Getting tired of the same old, same old. And I love mine with the embroidered flower on it. I've already prepared another piece of fabric for me to embroider for my next mask.

Welcome SueDonim Smile Always good to have new 'faces' and ideas. We chat about anything and everything really. Some say it's a boring thread but to us, it's just everyday conversation. But when you see how many 'lurkers' there are, we can't be that boring! Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Hi Suedomin,

As Kiwimade says we talk about everything here.. I think most crafters have all the same type of hobbies..

I love the sound of a Guard Cat lol...

Our previous two were 8 kilo fatties, never could slim them down. The Grey Millie saved my life once. And bob who was a White and Ginger was such a clever boy. He knew his left from right.

I think it comes from training and teaching as they grow.

I got to Mid morning and the pain med worked, but too well I ended up sleeping for 2.5 hours.. but it has helped with the pain and I stretched my spine and hips.

I looked at head office's details and They have an email facility. I want things in writing so will do that and give them a couple of days to respond..

When I rang MrP last night he was very thankful for me yesterday. I think he understands I hate him being there but he knows he has to be, but that I havent just dumped him. And am willing to fight for both their sakes. We have a tendancy to call people who are bolshy in positions of reception etc , bulldogs.. meaning both good and bad in cases. but he said last night , He has his own Bulldog in me. And he knows I dont fight dirty, I dont swear and I also dont stop till something is sorted..

So Im about to get my collar on and email them.
I hope they're trembling in their boots then, Popeye, & you get the result you want.Smile

Fairly frustrating afternoon - had to have an X ray on my little finger to see if its broken or not so decided to go to Southern cross private hospital's radiology as they're listed on the alternatives, & as it was ACC no charge.
Ha! Not so fast - it seems they now have a surcharge of $50. Had to tell them that as I'd never needed ACC before (& in fact the only X ray I've ever had was when I was about 8) I wasn't familiar with all the details & hadn't brought that amount with me. Whereupon they said they'd give me the account & I could pay it ASAP. Came home went online to do so - so far have had three attempts & the wretched thing will only let me get so far before stopping.
I'll give it another bash later - there's never a grandchild around when you need one, dammit! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Misty start this morning but it starting to burn off

Didnt get to fabric shop yesterday as I thought I had 3.5 hr wait I walked all way fown to cbd and Harbour, had coffee and was going to amble back past fabric shop on way back
 Car was ready just over an hour later very nice of them to service her first. Probably saved the bank acct taking a hit Big Grin

Puttered around in the afternoon mostly reading did some knitting last night while watching the Olympics.

Kids planning a picnic today not sure where yet.

Popeye you go girl and get things sorted

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another sticky day today.

I've been outside mowing the lawn and moving some mulch a friend dropped off yesterday afternoon. I estimate there is at least three cubic meters of mulch. It's going to take me a few days between weeding first and my knee. There's not that many weeds but the rain has encouraged the convolvulus to grow and there is no point mulching while that is spreading.

I hope you get things sorted for MrP and Bobbie, popeye. I think an email to the Head Office and copy in the disability commissioner at the same time. That might get a better response. And it's always good to have a paper trail.

Damed frustrating having a broken finger, isn't it, Lilith7. Sadly gone are the days ACC pay for our x-rays. You have to wonder why ACC has a massive profit. Surely that money is for our welfare and to pay for these things.

I think I've come inside at the right time. The sun has come out and it's getting even more humid out there. Yesterday we 100% humidity so I hope we don't have the same today.

Bit more embroidery later on. It was so humid yesterday I couldn't hold the needle properly.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Another hot sticky one here too... Thank god for Fans lol.. although they are just moving the wet air..

Well I haven't heard from head office so I will phone them.. I did hear from the head nurse here yesterday tho. She wanted to know what happened on Monday. Not sure if perhaps head office contacted them, and poor Merleen was told to deal with me cos the manager is useless or what.
Merleen is going to ring me today as to whether I can visit Bobbie on Friday. Shes also going to sneakily let me know the Date of Bobbies birthday. I told her I dont need the year. Just the Date.

Was up at 4am, not well, just retching tho. So Now I have a sore throat. lol. My Nemesis ... My friend in TGA will say get a test lol... But I know what its from.

Im going to potter about this morning and get more stuff out for my garage sale.. Have to ask a friend if she will help me on the day.

A good thing, my knee is feeling soo much better. Be careful of yours Kiwimade..

Awesome willpower Mica, I love going through my fabric... but I need inspiration lol

Have a fab day everyone
(08-02-2022, 06:29 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We had sooo much rain yesterday, all of it gratefully received.  More to come today too.

I have to trim our jasmine back too, Lileth.  I hate trimming it as the white goo makes me itch.  The begonia my sister-in-law gave me is loving it's new pot.  I was supposed to keep it in it's tiny pot as they apparently like to be jammed into pots (according to my sister-in-law) but I 'accidently' knocked the pot over and it fell out of the pot.  So into a bigger pot it went with worm wee and potting mix and it hasn't looked back.  New flowers already and it looks so much healthier. 

Today I think I'll sew some masks for me.  Yesterday while watching Jack Reacher on Prime Amazon (the series, not the awful movie with the upstart Tom Cruise) I embroidered one side of the fabric.  It was a perfect day to embroider with all the rain outside.

A week or so ago I knocked my knee on the coffee table and have been hobbling around.  The bruise is finally starting to show after all that time so sitting yesterday certainly helped it.  Lots of antiflamme helps too.  It takes a bit longer to get things done so hopefully the bruising goes away soon.

I have a bucket of plums to deal with today then I'll sew. 

Happy crafting Smile
I quite liked the first episode of Reacher, but I don't think he's old enough! Needs to be a bit more worn looking - but at least he doesn't need a stool to stand on...
(08-02-2022, 12:13 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Hi Suedomin,

As Kiwimade says we talk about everything here..  I think most crafters have all the same type of hobbies..

I love the sound of a Guard Cat lol...

Our previous two were 8 kilo fatties, never could slim them down. The Grey Millie saved my life once. And bob who was a White and Ginger was such a clever boy. He knew his left from right.

I think it comes from training and teaching as they grow.

I got to Mid morning and the pain med worked, but too well I ended up sleeping for 2.5 hours.. but it has helped with the pain and I stretched my spine and hips.

I looked at head office's details and They have an email facility. I want things in writing so will do that and give them a couple of days to respond..

When I rang MrP last night he was very thankful for me yesterday. I think he understands I hate him being there but he knows he has to be, but that I havent just dumped him. And am willing to fight for both their sakes. We have a tendancy to call people who are bolshy in positions of reception etc , bulldogs.. meaning both good and bad in cases. but he said last night , He has his own Bulldog in me. And he knows I dont fight dirty, I dont swear and I also dont stop till something is sorted..

So Im about to get my collar on and email them.

Thanks Popeye333 and Kiwimade64.

Popeye333 it sounds like you have a lot going on. I hope you're coping and that what can be resolved will be. Resthome issues can be a problem. Best wishes.

I like the Guard Cat concept! That a good name for him. He spends a lot of time guarding the compost bins (ie pest control). Thanks to him we get very few rodents, although he's had 2 mice in the last week. I disturbed them when I was turning one bin into the other and he got one on the spot, and the other was dead on the lawn a few days later. He's 7.5kg and not fat. A few weeks ago a neighbour asked if was losing weight. I had weighed him a couple of weeks before that and he was the same as usual. All lean muscle and full of character.

I didn't get to sewing yesterday - got sidetracked and didn't get home with the groceries until mid-afternoon, then had some food items that needed immediate processing - eg I bought some cheap bulk mushrooms to slice and freeze. So that took priority.

Today is another day although so far I've been doing other (housework) things first.

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