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Sir Elton John Not Well
He is not well, been diagnosed with Walking Pnuemonia and ended his gig in tears Sad  Get Well Soon, he needs to cancel the rest of the gigs
That's not good. How was the gig otherwise?
Not sure, i read that he had to stop through it and be attended by paramdeics
Ahh right. My parents are there, mum said he tried to sing on but couldn't do it and had to be escourted off stage by medics.
Oh dear thats sad Sad

All that touring probably has taken its toll.
NZ seems to be the last destination for many concerts and has been out of luck recently as we missed the KISS final tour under similar circumstances when Paul Stanley come down with influenza.
Really feel for him. But thought I read somewhere he was continuing in days ahead.
Yes the other 2 concerts are going ahead at this stage, just shows what a true legend the man is. I just hope he gets better soon
Did he stop in Singapore on his Oscar's trip?
(17-02-2020, 05:01 PM)jackinabox Wrote: Did he stop in Singapore on his Oscar's trip?
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.  I hope he was tested for coronavirus.
What's the range of a private jet?
Probably higher than Eltons in recent years!

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