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Partner sent home from work yesterday suspected of having covid
She has four of the symptoms. Had a test yesterday but has to self isolate and wait 72 hours for the result. Physiologist at a DHB so was mandatory to have all
three shots. Handy when you don't live together at times, haven't seen her since Sunday which is out of the norm. Hopefully she and I don't have it. Think I should be in the clear if she does ? I have had all three shots now but booster was only given on Monday.
Before Omnicron when there was covid in the country she had to wear full PPE gear and change each time she seen a new client. ($65 bucks a pop each time for the PPE gear) Pretty sure the PPE gear was dropped with Omnicrom on the loose.
have you had a test?
are you going to?

sorry btw to hear about your good lady
hopefully nowt serious.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(25-02-2022, 02:58 PM)Magoo Wrote: have you had a test?
are you going to?

sorry btw to hear about your good lady
hopefully nowt serious.
Good point and thanks Magoo, probably hard to believe hadn't actually thought about it, I can be
a simpleton at times. Yes better get onto that.
Yeah hopefully she ok.

Thank you for your wishes, she is a good lady changed many
people's lives for the better. Was at the hospital each day during covid lockdowns while most of us had our feet up.

Partner pretty sure that she contracted it on Monday when working out of town. A work colleague that was in the car with her for over an hour both ways is fiine and has no symptoms. On the way back to town if my partner has covid it can't have been at a stage to be transmittable.
If she had covid before leaving town on Monday morning the work colleague would no doubt have ovid with it being highly transmittable. .

Will just self isolate at home until my partner gets her test results, as the dark destroyer says "Just another day at the office".
Bugger all they can do for you if you have it anyway just have to self isolate at home for 10 days, starting to reek of a different type of flu like plenty have said in the past.Guess could be different outcome without the shots but who knows, could depend on immune system.
At stage don't know who or what to believe.
All the best for you and your lady , perhaps you can let us know (as people keep saying) its just like the flu, which I doubt. Hang in there you will both get through this Im sure  Yes Yes Yes
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(25-02-2022, 03:48 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: All the best for you and your lady , perhaps you can let us know (as people keep saying) its just like the flu, which I doubt. Hang in there you will both get through this Im sure  Yes Yes Yes
Cheers for your kind words and thoughts Oldfellah, yes will 
let the board know.

Yes no doubt you are correct doubting its not like the flu.
Wonder how the two at the Wellington protest are feeling 
that I presume were not vaccinated that contracted covid, take it was Omnicrom. 
I have to be thankful of the vaccines, we are at 50 something deaths to my knowledge, not to be sneezed at, one too many.

Partner bit tired and has sore throat, I have no symptoms, can't be bothered doing much but I did go to bed at 4am
and got up at 10am.
Good luck Mike...
(25-02-2022, 04:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Good luck Mike...
Cheers Oh_hunni, think we will be fine.
Good luck from me, too.
I do have other cameras!
(25-02-2022, 05:21 PM)Praktica Wrote: Good luck from me, too.
Thanks Praktica - loving the love in here- it's what the world needs more of.
Hope you're both OK, Mike, that can't be a lot of fun.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(25-02-2022, 06:27 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Hope you're both OK, Mike, that can't be a lot of fun.
Cheers Lilith. I'm fine thanks.

Was on the phone before to my partner and she doesn't 
sound too bad. She is a very
fit woman into alpine hiking,
goes to the gym, eats healthy.
We got caught out last weekend kayaking and had to paddle against the river current that was very strong due to water coming from the high country after all the rain.
I was impressed she would put many a men to shame for
strength. We had to eventually 
ditch the kayaks but was amazed how far up the river she got.

Only 5ft 3 and 50kg's but strong as an ox.
i went to a gym once
needed to piss real bad, any port in a storm.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(26-02-2022, 04:50 AM)Magoo Wrote: i went to a gym once
needed to piss real bad, any port in a storm.
Any port in a storm lollol that is classic, cheers.
(26-02-2022, 04:50 AM)Magoo Wrote: i went to a gym once
needed to piss real bad, any port in a storm.
So, not a McPiddle nearby then I take it? The only reason for me to visit golden arches to be honest.
She is in the clear, test came back negative, not sure what was going on.
Better to be safe than sorry. Will take her out for arvo, go to Okains Bay for a
boost and get some muscles.

Cheers everyone for your well wishes.
Great news Mike  Yes Yes
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
Excellent news Mike. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My workmate and I developed symptoms on Wednesday, got tested & isolated.

At home I messaged a warning to friends that we had symptoms & were isolating. It turned out that two of friends had started experiencing symptoms that day and got tested. We all thought we had the plague.

I was sick & miserable & not looking forward to 10 days of being confined to the property. But I was cleared on Friday afternoon; the others, that evening.

When I told my boss of the negative result he said he'd just been talking with a former customer, who told him a cold bug was on the loose and gumming up the testing works. Amazing how much better I felt immediately!
Autumn comes
One of my kids had that happen - had symptoms so went for a test, but it was just a bad cold/flu.
He's wearing a mask to avoid passing it on to anyone else, its a nasty one apparently.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-02-2022, 06:19 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: One of my kids had that happen - had symptoms so went for a test, but it was just a bad cold/flu.
He's wearing a mask to avoid passing it on to anyone else, its a nasty one apparently.

It certainly gave me a good knocking around. I've still got a cough.

It must be all over the country. After my post earlier my friend in AKL called. She told me she too had isolated earlier in the week because of the fake Covid.
Autumn comes

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