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You can never have enough...
Morning all

Got the tights sewn up yesterday and drafted a long cardi off for DIL

Meeting a couple of sewing friends today so some sewing fun 

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have big, beautiful rain clouds overhead! Fingers and everything crossed they drop some rain.

I'm laughing at your comments about the scammers, what a hoot. I asked them once which computer are they talking about? The green one or the purple one? Or is it the red one? I challenged one though and told him he was a scammer. "I can assure you madam, I am not'' he told me. My reply was NO one calls me 'madam' and the businesses I know call me by my first name as I have requested that. You aren't very good at scamming, are you? Then I hung up. After so many though, we both told them to f off.

Yesterday MrK and I repaired (finally) the support for the Albertine rose. I cut it back roughly three weeks ago and the growth it has already is huge! Earlier in the year I moved Gertrude Jekyll and had to cut it right back and it has gone nuts too. And the other two roses I recently moved have new growth on them as well. Just shows how tough roses are. A friend has two roses in pots she doesn't want so they are going in our garden soon. We don't know their names but one is yellow and the other red. It will be fun next summer trying to find their names. So my challenge is to find spots for them as I have a rough idea of what is going into the new garden and it didn't include roses. I will have to change my thinking as they can't stay in pots for much longer.

I repotted one of my pots full of succulents yesterday. It was so full there was no soil left in the pot, just a huge mass of plants. If I remember right I had used horse poo in the pot and topped it up with compost to keep the flies away. No wonder it grew the way it did.

I'm still working on the log the falcon is sitting on. For a small area, it's taking a lot of stitching. Thank goodness I didn't decide to use the A4 sized photo to embroider Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Blowing a lot with some rain thrown in at present.  We had torrential rain, nearly 30mm in a short while about 7.30pm last night. Luckily our son camping with the family in the Waikato were spared!

An inside day today,  starting with visitors this morning. 

Have a good day all,  with those who need rain getting some.
I noticed this morning that the hibiscus cuttings in the glasses of water on the kitchen windowsill each have teeny root nubs. I can only spot such small developments without my contact lenses so first thing is a good time to check for tiny miracles. So exciting to watch new plants start to grow, and begin to wonder about new places they might like. That is a way off yet, but the process has begun. I suspect our gardens will see a flush of hibiscus bushes over the next couple of years with me discovering how easy they are to 'steal'!
Time for a cuppa. MrK is emptying the compost bin still. The worm farm has had a clean out and shuffle round too and fresh scraps thrown in for the worms. A couple of avocados stones weren't touched by the worms (must be getting sick of avocado lol) and have started to sprout. MrK has potted them up so we'll see how they go. The geranium leaf in water on the kitchen windowsill is at the same stage as your hibiscus, oh_hunnihunni. I had to put my glasses on to see but there is a teeeeeny tiny root forming. I agree, it's really something to see new life forming. Lucky you being able to grow hibiscus! *looks guiltily around* I have been known to steal a leaf or two from gardens to propagate.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

I felt 6 spits yesterday when I took lunch up to MrP.. Its blowing now but not rain yet.. maybe today tho lol

Wow everyone's gardens are doing well by the sounds of it.

I love Hibiscus, there's alot up here. When I think about it there are quite alot that i like I suppose.

A late start for me today, Didnt sleep well and needed to stretch my bones... I wish someone would invent Poly filler for the body and Id feel fine lol.. hahaha

Was thinking last night I need to find some motivation. I should get this picture of Missy done for MrP... It will lift his mood. Should aim for his birthday actually.. hmm thats an idea..

Keep your fingers crossed for rain here..

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning -nice morning next week plenary of rain forecasted but so often doesn’t come .My purple snow peas left their run late but are certainly producing well could just about supply the supermarket .
Speaking of the supermarket - it’s OK I am not going to rant - Robie brought me a box of Fisherking fish and chips - two pieces of lovely crumbed fish and a big handful of chips - with a bit of salad on the side plenty for two meals for me $3.29 which I thought was really good buying even if it was one meal - did mine in the air fryer - something to look out for Popeye when you fancy fish and chips
I unpicked a couple of rows of the baby blanket wasn’t too happy with one of the pinks - found something better in the stash - looks much better
Did something really dumb yesterday - my coffee milk frother wasn’t supposed to be immersed in water - ran some water in the sink to wash my breakfast dishes and dropped the frother in - it’s in the rubbish lucky KMart have them on special
Another week gone just about time is flying
Sometimes, the things which grow the best are from those little cuttings you nicked from somewhere. Smile

As we were going for our walk we saw another dog on the other side of the street with his two humans - obviously heading to the park because he had two of the most enormous sticks in his mouth!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(20-03-2022, 10:04 AM)JanW Wrote: Good morning -nice morning next week plenary of rain forecasted but so often doesn’t come .My purple snow peas left their run late but are certainly producing well could just about supply the supermarket .
Speaking of the supermarket - it’s OK I am not going to rant - Robie brought me a box of Fisherking fish and chips - two pieces of lovely crumbed fish and a big handful of chips - with a bit of salad on the side plenty for two meals for me $3.29 which I thought was really good buying even if it was one meal - did mine in the air fryer - something to look out for Popeye when you fancy fish and chips
I unpicked a couple of rows of the baby blanket wasn’t too happy with one of the pinks - found something better in the stash - looks much better
Did something really dumb yesterday - my coffee milk frother wasn’t supposed to be immersed in water - ran some water in the sink to wash my breakfast dishes and dropped the frother in - it’s in the rubbish lucky KMart have them on special
Another week gone just about time is flying
Was it in the frozens section Jan? will have a looky.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes Popeye in a box will email you a photo - it really was very nice - so often those frozen fish fillets are yuk - just something quick and yummy so often when you are on your own it’s just what you need
The winds up so I'm inside while MrK watches Netflix. I've seen those fish and chips at the supermarket, Jan, and wondered what they were like. Always nice to have someone 'review' these things!

MrK has been having a tutu with my embroidery stand... lots of measurements taken and looks like he's using rimu Big Grin

Almost finished the log the falcon is sitting on. I have also nearly finished a Stephen King book I'm in the throws of reading. For the Jack Reacher fans amongst us I read a story online today about Lee Child and he said he based Reacher on a front rower of England's rugby team from the 1980's. Am not surprised really as the guys that play that rugby position are huge!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile We have rain!! And lots of it!! *skips through the rain drops* At long last lol.

As it's raining, it will be an 'inside' day today so I'll have time to do more to the falcon. I'm up to his claws, have done the metal identification band on his leg. Might even get the sewing machine out and do some sewing too.

lol Lilith about the dog with the sticks. They love them don't they!

I didn't know milk frothers couldn't be washed in water, Jan. What a buggar dropping it into the dishwater.

We must be getting close to the finish of daylight saving, I'll have to look that up.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

Its Raining its Pouring.. and MrP wont be snoring lol... He loves the sound of rain lol

Its warm but lovely.

Daylight Savings ends on April 3rd Kiwimade, so not long now.

I had a lovely day watching the cricket and doing some painting.. my shoulder is aching but its a good ache lol. Oddly every time I told Frankie to get one out, she did.. Was a good game and I like close ones like that. Im not telling MrP that Im painting again. Ill get the picture done and take it to him for his birthday in July.

Im visiting MrP today, was meant to be cutting his hair, but seeing as I hardly had the strength to cut the pork crackle he requested I wont be able to hold the clippers up. So hopefully by Friday it will be much better.

Enjoy your indoor crafts etc today everyone... Sorry but Long may the rain last lol.

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Lots of rain ... and wind.  Made for an interesting school run plus pushchair! It's done on foot ... rain,  hail or shine ... wet days are chaos with cars in the equation!

Will keep an eye out for overhanging hibiscus, now I know they grow from cuttings! I have a few and they add such vibrant colour to the garden. A nice replacement to the roses I once grew  Smile

Now to entertain gd for the day. 

Have a good day all.
Morning all
 Overcast, no wind at all and warm. Rain predicted later this morning.

Back from gym having my coffee.

Got to prep for a meeting I ga e this afternoon. The up side of virtual meetings is no travel so more me time Cool

Want to put outer borders on my 2nd eyespy quilt today. Drafted off bigger sizes for DGD yesterday so 5hey will be ready to go. Will make some merino long-sleeved tshirts for the colder weather. Always something to do.

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning - just has my order cancelled at KMart for my replacement frother no stock so will have to pay a bit more from Briscoes - it’s electric Kiwimade and the business end wasn’t supposed to be dunked
We have possible heavy rain forecast for this afternoon so we shall see what transpires
I am going to give myself a hair cut today - my hair has a natural curl so it’s very easy to cut it - had only one drama touch wood and ended up with no fringe
That ongoing rescue up North sounds diabolical and sounds like the weather is worsening
Those hibiscus are easy. I just pick a flower, long enough stem for a vase, cut the leaves off and halve the two nearest the top and put in water and leave it alone. The bloom dies as they do and after a couple of weeks or so the teeny root tips start appearing along the stem. I leave them until I have a good clutch of roots then pot up into loose damp potting mix and keep in shade until it is obvious they have transitioned safely into the mix. No rooting hormone or extras needed. Might take longer in Winter, but it's definitely worth a try - way cheaper than a nursery grown potted plant too!

Boy we had some great thunder and lightning over the sea last night. The beast spent most of it tucked under my chin, no desire to go for an early morning wander, for which I was very grateful. Almost makes up for the weather making the bones talk back! A good sleep does wonders, doesn't it?
Morning all

Overcast and mild here. Some rain last night but not the torrential kind seen up north.

Ran errands and meeting in afternoon  yesterday so no sewing. Did finish the left front of a cardi I am knitting.

Taking a  extra shift volunteering this morning hopefully will get to sewing cave this afternoon.

Time to move 

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Be careful what you wish for! We wanted rain and boy did we get it. Not as bad as Auckland though but we had the thunder and lightening. The ground was so dry in the paddock next door the water was pooling around the trees and took ages to soak in. Because we had been watering our garden over the last few weeks, the rain was able to soak in quickly here so no huge puddles for us. More rain today Big Grin Big Grin

The Furry One spent a lot of the day with us trying to hide from the thunder but perked up when the weather cleared a bit in the afternoon. No damage to the garden, not even old branches have fallen off the trees so not much mess to clear away. I think the cyclone we had a while back took out the dead or dying branches so there was nothing this time.

Thanks for looking up the daylight saving date, popeye. The 3rd April is nearly here so we'll have to make the most of the summer hours.

Yesterday I stitched part of the falcon's foot, it took most of the morning and part of the afternoon and I still haven't finished it. Trying to get the right angles of the 'toes' and claws was tricky and took a lot of referencing back to the photo. It doesn't have to be exactly like the photo but the direction of my stitches is important to give the impression of size and separated 'toes'.

A good nights sleep does do wonders, oh_hunnihunni and in more ways than one. How many times have we thought, I'll sleep on that thought and the next day see things clearer.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Weird thing happened...

I put a comment on a very serious thread on facebook and an American poster replied to my comment quite supportively, and we had a mild small conversation. The American asked if he could message me, and did. We messaged a couple of times before I realised I was doing most of the talking, and my intuition started poking me in the ribs. So I stopped replying. But he didn't. This morning I muted him on messenger and deleted the conversation and my intuition has shut up.

Now, I don't know if his was a fake profile, or if he was a scammer priming me for whatever nefarious deeds these people get up to, but I was increasingly uncomfortable with the tone of the conversation. I felt he was blowing smoke up my arse, to put it very bluntly. Too positive. Too complimentary. I hope he was up to no good and I haven't just hurt his feelings without cause, but funny thing is, I feel a whole lot less discombobulated now I have pulled the plug on him.

And I also feel a teeny bit more educated about the pitfalls of the interwebby thing. Real or imagined. Another little adventure in life...

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