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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone and Happy Easter.

Brrr I have a top with short sleeves and a summer cardy on lol.

Thank you everyone for your help and support.

I had what Ill call a successful day yesterday.. And I have heard back from the Mps sectreary I guess she was.. Id forgotten to put my phone number in the email.

Dont think my Mother would be proud, she was a strange one who once told me If she had known back when she was younger what having family was like she wouldn't have had Kids... This was in our house after we had taken her in cos no one else was.
But Ill never forget her admitting she would never win against me lol

The home is barking up the wrong tree by getting the Dr involved. cos quite Simply its a Rest Home... Not a fat farm.

I must write a note before I head up today to drop into one lady who Ive known for a while but she had some dementia now and I dont think she recognises me. But I know they have complained about the food and she has only been in there a couple of months.

The Home doesnt realise how many people I know in there.. that will be a surprise for them.. I know the Manager wont be there over the weekend cos she never is so hopefully it will be a good visit today.

MrP keeps asking to come home, but I remind him we are fighting this for him and all the others.

Since I wont be glued to the phone this afternoon I might be able to start the second Missy Picture.

Lol Kiwimade most terriers dont have ears of any use but Good boy to the furry one for stopping.

OHH I soo want to be like you. I always say I want to be an old lady who I could say scares Children but its more like scares the parents and make children have fun and be a little norty lol.. I want them to think Im a witch.. but a good witch lol.

I have to say I hate Easter when shopping.. There's never any chocolate on special lol.. and I dont like the price of the eggs lol

Please take care on the roads if travelling. And I hope the water is draining away nicely

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Nice day here

Go Popeye you are being a good advocate

Our k9s love a good run on the beach too KM

Glad you are getting some wear already out of your boots

Having a coffee before I go punch down the hotcross bun dough the things I do for my glutinous lot. Cant get out of making hotcross buns with secret filling Big Grin

Made another preggie T for DIL, my merino order for her arrived as well. In the washing machine as I type

Not sure what I will tackle this afternoon

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Popeye, you are already a witch. Just like me, only using your broomstick to do good things.

And to occasionally whack someone who needs it!

Long may it be so.
I've given my broom to a granddaughter...Smile

Good luck with it all Popeye, hope it goes well.

That damn dog decided to play up last night; having barked loudly while I was attempting to catch the news, I put her in the hall. And shut the door.

When I came down to the kitchen, I found that clever clogs had opened the door, let herself out & was now refusing to come in, even to get the few scraps she usually has of an evening. The little baggage stayed out while i did the dishes, despite being called several times. So I decided to fix her & her nonsense, & locked the door - she hasn't managed to actually unlock the damn thing, (yet) so was effectively shut out.

Which meant no dental stick which she loves & has every evening after the human finishes the dishes.
Madame was not best pleased, & looked very sorry for herself by the time I opened the door (1/2 an hour later, I was feeling really mean by then & weakened) & slunk in, went straight to her crate - after looking at me as though I'm the world's cruellest human & given half a chance she'd be on the phone to the SPCA. Smile

She perked up after about 10 minutes & claimed to deserve a biscuit. She got one.

I'll have to lock that door every evening now, dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well Im back

And yes Ive been longer than usual.

I spoke toa lady and her daughter and the daughter showed me an email She got last night. Saying that we can now visit as long as we like.. But still have to book of course.

I didn't NOT get and email containing that information.. So Another nice note to add to my list. There is no office staff or management there today and wont be till Tuesday.

The Lunch looked better today. Fish wedges and salad. I've never seen round fish bits before.. It wasn't the normal Chef or as I have come to call her a "Fech"

MrP was worried cos I was delayed by talking to people on my way but loved that I could stay longer. I have told one of the carers that he is not to be in any photos and no photos can be taken in his room.... Ill make sure the office is told on Tuesday.

Poor Bobbie was very confused about what day it was today.. I said not to be upset cos Im the same today. but Im going to print out a calendar for her, or just make one so she can cross the days off each day. For now she can follow MrPs one.

Another Patient passed away last night.. Soo sad. but the reality is thats their past port of call. And all I want is that they can enjoy themselves and get pleasure from one of lifes small thing of food.

(15-04-2022, 10:39 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Popeye, you are already a witch. Just like me, only using your broomstick to do good things.

And to occasionally whack someone who needs it!

Long may it be so.

Lol yep I have a few brooms that need a good airing lol

(14-04-2022, 08:26 PM)Outsider Wrote:
(14-04-2022, 05:32 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Ive now heard from our Local MPs assistant.  And from the Ministry of Health again.

I told the MOH that they were taking photos of MrPs food now.. I said to her that without David being in the photo it could be staged. She said it wont help them.

I will tell MrP tonight to make sure he is not in any photos.

Judging by the fact that they have had the DR in, and wanting photos they are running scared and know Im going further.

My Mother told me once, She would never pick a fight with me. Cos she would never win... I have my teeth in the Bone and I will not give in...
This is not only about MrP its all of them. those who are too scared to complain.

I also contacted Fair Go and Breakfast

Oh wow, good for you, Popeye! I'd like to think I would be strong enough to do the same but not sure of that!
I hope they interview all the residents to back you up on it.
It's a wonderful thing you are doing, so good luck and hope for a good outcome for all the residents.

I learnt something when I went to CWI years ago Outsider... We are like teabags We never know how Strong we are until we are in Hot water.    !!!
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous autum day today Smile

Lilith, aren't our dogs funny. They sure do have loads of personality and definitely let us know how they feel. It's that soulful look and the wag of the tail and we melt lol. I must admit to missing having a cat though. We both miss the purring.

I remember years ago having round fish cakes, popeye. I haven't seen them for quite a while though. We used to have them in burgers instead of a meat patty with lettuce, tomato and so on. You could buy them in the large 'family' sized meat trays.

Late yesterday morning I was able to sit and stitch for a while. What a huge difference the stand makes. I suspect when our daughter sees it 'in action' she's going to want one too. I'll be working on my falcon again today. But first I have another dahlia to sort out. MrK kindly pointed out I had missed one out on the roadside lol. I can take a hint lol.

MrK really enjoyed his time at the beach the other day. I'm trying to make him more spontaneous, he's becoming a bit of a recluse. I suspect this is partially because of covid but he's also slowing down a bit. Mind you, he will be 80 next year (and doesn't want a fuss...hmmmm).

Washing machine has finished, the beeping has called me to empty the machine and hang out the washing. And once again I have found the bottom of my coffee cup. How on earth that happens so quickly, I'll never know lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

The sun is trying to come out after a nice soaking overnight, with everything now looking fresh. About to dog sit while her 'parents' go to Bunnings but first they have all gone for a beach walk. My dog and her greet each other like long-lost friends  Smile  

A day of family gathering so not much else happening, apart from food related activity. Glad to not be out on the roads. 

Have a good day all.
Morning all
Cloudy and  it wind not cold

Our k9s certainly enrich our lives and give us some laughs.

Family descended for hotcross buns yesterday and stayed for lunch
DIL loved the cardi I made and the tshurt fits well so will make a couple in merino for her. She is petit and most bought preggy gear just swamps her

Might clean the window frames this morning then I can go down yo the sewing cave

Had a bit of lie in this morning so running behind my usual schedule

Have fun day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I had a lovely day yesterday, a bit of a sort out in the garden, and a long visit with a local neighbour who always makes me laugh a lot, then a call from a friend who shares my obsessions with the artmaking things we're both good at. And the weather was just beautiful. I do love Autumn, it is that Goldilocks time - neither too hot, nor too cold. Just right.

Let's hope we get another one today.
Morning Ladies

Another cool clear morning, I have a cardy on again lol.

I love hearing the K9 stories cos I miss having dogs... One we had we had to give to another home . He was a Heinz special but grew so big he would jump at me and knocked me down a few times. but when he was a puppy he would refuse to walk through puddles.. So I made the silly mistake one day to carry him through it... And of course he expected it all the time lol.. he was a nutter tho but I loved him. but he needed a very strong Human.

This fish wasn't fishcakes Kiwimade, It had real flakes of fish in. Even more so than the mashed mix in fish fingers.. Maybe 2 inches across max. But definitely flake able fish.

My washing machine is on, and I will vaccuum today.. I need to pop up to the supermarket at some stage too.

Apparently last nights meal at the home was disgusting and many refused to eat it, so they're not learning anything at the home. Ive added it to my book. I also spoke to a young lady whose grandmother is in there. She hates the food. but she told me of a time when her grandmother rang the bell to go to the toilet, and they never answered it, the grand daughter got there and they rang the bell again. She told her grandmother to pee in the bed but she refused to, even tho she was in pain hanging on. It was another 20 minutes before anyone helped. '

Another resident died on Thursday from Pneumonia... Another lady told me of a woman who had fallen on the floor and no one came to pick her up for over 20 minutes. The resident popped a pillow behind her head and put a blanket on her. These too are going in my book

I hope to paint later

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sounds to me as if these residents need a medical alarm if their own care team are that delayed...
(16-04-2022, 09:55 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Sounds to me as if these residents need a medical alarm if their own care team are that delayed...

Actually thats not a Bad idea OHH..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That sounds an excellent idea - if nothing has happened after say, 5 minutes, then residents can press the medical alarm. I expect that might smarten them all up a bit. Smile

Yes Kiwimade, I find I miss having a cat too; the dog alas isn't so keen going by the look she gives me whenever I mention that we really need a cat. No doubt one will turn up sooner or later.
Mucked about with painting yesterday - odd how strange things creep into them sometimes. Smile
Pottered about a bit in the garden & did a bit of washing - hope it dries before the rain we're supposed to get.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(08-04-2022, 03:01 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Well, the fans are in at last. The rangehood is so noisy I can't see me using it very often. I doubt the housing is insulated at all, it is certainly a lot noisier than the ones I have had before. Forewarned by that racket I haven't dared to try the bathroom one yet! But the healthy homes box is now ticked and the budget version will suit the bottom line if not the actual users!

I'll bet both of them suck power too...

(16-04-2022, 10:03 AM)popeye333 Wrote:
(16-04-2022, 09:55 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Sounds to me as if these residents need a medical alarm if their own care team are that delayed...

Actually thats not a Bad idea OHH..
They are free for those who need them, once the paperwork is done. And  simply applying might serve to alert people to a real problem, in addition to all your other efforts.

It is neglect, and that is a criminal matter. The management must know that, surely. Perhaps they just do not understand the gravity of it.
Dad used Blooper (spelt wrong I think) and they were awesome. He kept it when he came to live with us and had to use it a few times. They stayed on the line with us until the ambulance came or dad felt comfortable again.

I've been working on my falcon this morning and in the morning light, I've come to the conclusion the grey is far to bright and 'blue'. Then the big light bulb moment, what is wrong with the charcoal colour... duhhhhhh!!!! So it's unpicking for me after lunch. For the third time. No wonder MrK calls me the queen of unpicking lol. Sometimes you just need a different time of the day and light to see what's what.

MrK has used the last of the roast chook to make chicken and vege soup so it's a yummy lunch for us. I was thinking about your residents, popeye, as he was cooking it... there is no excuse for not having decent food. I suspect the almighty dollar and their 'bottom line' has a lot to do with what is happening there. And I am thinking they are probably understaffed too for the same reason. Which makes it difficult when residents need support and help. Rest homes seem to be more business orientated now, sadly.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have just put a butterflied chook in the oven, on a rack over vast quantities of vegies. Should keep me happy for three or four days and then go into the soup pot.

Worth the trouble doing a proper cook up if it covers the next few days!
morning ladies Smile Autum is stretching out just nicely, my favourite time of the year.

Yummmm, split chook. I love the chilli flavoured chooks but often we will split whole chooks and flavour them ourselves. And yep, OHH, it is worth the cooking if you can get a few decent meals out of it.

I've just been reading an article in the Herald (through FB) about babies being uplifted between the 1960's - 1980's. Was in tears reading it as I was one of those babies. Was sitting here sobbing. Even though I have found my birth mother, it hit me hard as she has never gotten over it. And the lies that were told to cover her pregnancy up were appalling. As if you could hide a teenage girl away for nine months. Thank goodness times are changing. And I believe the adoption laws are being looked at with a view of updating. Long overdue.

Yesterday afternoon I unpicked the bluey-greys on the falcon... sigh... this is a looooonggg process but I'll get there. MrK just shook his head but admitted it will look better. And I would never be happy with it that way so better to unpick while there is a small amount to unpick. Your quote about unpainting was going through my head, Lilith lol.

Coffee is finished, time to get rid of these used tissues and get cracking.

Happy Easter everyone <3
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Easter Sunday morning. 

The sun has come out for now but rain expected tomorrow. 

Wow KM, am glad you have been able to connect with your birth mother. When I was a child we had neighbours who denied to all, their daughter being pregnant,  getting 'sent away' and returning home ... no pregnancy, no baby ... appalling! That child finally made contact with their birth mother as an adult. My adopted niece has had contact with her birth mother her whole life ... vastly different happy 'process'.

Not much time for crafting lately ... will be more motivated once we know what new gc will be  Smile

Time now for doggy walk and then more family time. 

Have a great day.
Morning everyone

So pleased things are changing for adoptees etc.. A girl I went to school with is a part of a family of 3 and they were all adopted. but the real uncanny thing is from her Birth mothers surname to her adopted surname and her married name she has always been Gayle MaC something lol.. She had both her Mums at her 21st, it was a little tence as her Adopted Mum wasn't keen on having the other one there (she had only just been found) But my friend said she wanted both there or no party. So me and another friend took flowers for her Adoptive Mum and that helped her get through.

They tried to take a photos of MrPs and his food last night. but MrP told them to get out. Apparently its the chef that wanted it.. She obviously hasn't thought about the fact that she only cooks what she is told to cook so isnt really a part of the problem
I rang the home and told them Under no circumstances are they to take photos of MrP or anything in his room. Its an invasion of his privacy and I wont have it.. This is advice from the Ministry of Health.

Today Ill be printing off a calendar for Bobbie. With plenty of room for her to write her appointments on and to be able to cross each day off. She is very messed up with the days so hopefully this will help.

Ducked up to New World yesterday... It was worse than Covid Panic shopping lol. I guess thats our New term rather than it being worse than Christmas shopping.

I like butterflying a small chicken too. I get about 4 days of meals. Just as well I dont get sick of it tho lol...

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It is a strange feeling knowing we have lived long enough to be part of history. I remember another side of that social change when terminations were still so difficult to access they were practically illegal, and the surgeon who performed mine had his rooms and home raided by the police seeking medical records. And today I recall back 36 years to when we had just been approved as adoptive parents by the then Social Welfare system, only to have that joyous prospect abruptly overturned by that year's Easter road toll.

Life is a funny business. We set out with all these dreams and plans never really grasping how they can collapse or explode - in an instant, until it happens to each of us. Life really is about strength and resilience, and through those switches and turns we are made anew as the years go by. Looking back on my interesting life I see few regrets and so many times of incredible happiness that balance out the challenges. I am a very fortunate woman, and this adventure aint over yet!

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