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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile  More rain until Friday and it is very welcome.  It has been so warm at night.  No heat pump and blankets turfed off the bed.  Even the Furry One has been sleeping on the duvet on the floor. 

OHH, we use our heat pump year round.  On those 30 plus degree days over summer it was very welcome.  It's on the wall and the heat/cool air reaches the whole house.  Fair Go last night reminded me, I must clean the filters so will do that today.

Congratulations on the weight loss, popeye.  I bet you feel so much better for it.  But I have to ask, where are the vegies in your diet?

Another indoors day so  once I have finished  all the usual morning stuff,  I'll work on my pincushion.  I've glued some quilting batting around a clean face moisteriser tub and yesterday embroidered the fabric to go around the side.  I'll either glue or sew that on today and start the filled bit on the top.  I had to borrow MrK's epoxy glue to glue the batting to plastic.  Funny how sometimes our crafts cross over.  He's borrowed a few things I use in the past too.  Nothing like a teeny bit of upcycling.

The diggers are still in the paddock, we did wonder what they were doing yesterday.  It seemed like they were just shuffling the trees around in no particular order.  We're assuming they have a plan.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Another wet balmy day.. Even Missy didn't curl up on me through the night.. I missed her lol.

Vege's and meat just dont feature at the mo Kiwimade.. Well not often anyway. It is showing too so I have to make a better effort. But the trouble is I can get something out to cook for tea and if Im not hungry it doesn't get cooked.. And I cant stand food waste. I have a daily banana on my weet-bix.

I admit I got a shock when I discovered it was 29 kilos, cos I couldn't remember how much I weighed when I had my heart attack. but I got a letter yesterday. Its down to the stress of the year and the new pill... Friday it is a year since MrP moved into the home here.

Off to my meeting this morning. Im all prepared, I just hope I can keep on track and not let the emotions get the better of me.
Only I must add something. There will be people in there who have woollens that need washing and they dont have people to do them for them.. So they need to think about those people.

Have a fab day everyone. Ill report back later
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Steady rain here today mild.

No hand work yesterday all meeting prep and then the meetings. Virtual meetings do save on travel time so thats all good.

A trip to Spotlight for thread this morning, and the aemporium for buttons. The afternoon taking DH to medical appt so another day will whizz by.

Need to make a cardi which finishes mid calf to go with one of the dresses I have made will draft a pattern for that, possibly a simple long line vest to.
Got some embroidery work to do for DD eyes and noses on the applique dogs on the quilt she is making,, eyes no problem French knot not sure about the noses and bushy eyebrows. The dogs have been made using batik fabric so thats going to need a very sharp needle too.

Good luck for today Popeye.

Have a good day everyone.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good luck for today, popeye Smile

*does the happy dance* I have a new leaf on the clematis seedling Heart It's so tiny I needed my glasses to see it but it's there Big Grin

While I was taking the heat pump filters down and cleaning the heat pump, I was dancing on the stool to Elton John... MrK... I suppose that's better than dancing on the dining room table! I dunno... the table is bigger Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

A lovely, summery day after a brief shower earlier.

Lol KM, I know the feeling of success as we wait for those first leaves to appear, I have 12 pots with dahlia bulbs in ... 4 of them have emerged, though I have read that some may remain dormant through the winter. They are checked daily  Big Grin

Off outside to do a spot of weeding while it's so warm.

Hope the meeting goes well Popeye.

Enjoy the day.
Have done the dreaded grocery run, came back & took dog for walk than made another foray into the workroom & managed to cull some magazines & older images I used as references years ago; (they've all gone into recycling so feeling almost saintly) & then a bit more work on two or three paintings in progress.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I thought the meeting went well.

The Lady Listened and wrote a lot of things down. Things that she agreed needed to happen. Such as making sure everyone gets the emails, and told the same story.

And things that I suggested such as grief counselling, as people there know its their last port of call, and covid hastened some deaths. MrP for example has lost 3 people in less than 11 months.

The Problem of the man who scared the life out of Bobbie is being dealt with, It requires some pretty heavy administrations but he will be leaving.

Ive asked them to put a note of MrPs shower days up, and make sure they stick to them.

Asked them they be given time to actually drink their hot drinks and eat their food.

Asked that the carers that Did nothing for the lady that fell, be trained if they arent.

There is going to be some handwashing of woollen garments done, when I asked about those who dont have family to do it.

When it comes to the food she wants it to improve or at least stay where it has been in the last couple of weeks. I suggested to let them chose a meal every so often. Its one of their few pleasures.

She looked at photos, and read posts from FB.. And in the end she said she knows Im not just a moaning customer,, she can tell I care and just want what is best and safe for the "Flatmates".. We even Hugged.

She also told me to talk directly to her, things will happen or be dealt with faster.

And she agreed that a Handle in the publics toilet needs to be installed. I said Older and disabled people visit their loved ones and the toilet needs to be safe for them.. Common sense really.

Came home with a massive stress headache, but I know in my heart I did my best. The ball is in their court now.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I am so proud of you popeye. I know what it takes to stick your head up, I'm glad you got a good response...
Excellent result Popeye; you did so well & stuck to your guns & finally got them to listen. It was so well worth you doing given the improvements they'll be making.
I think you should award yourself a cuppa & a choccy biscuit unless you'd prefer something different, well done you. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(17-05-2022, 07:07 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Excellent result Popeye; you did so well & stuck to your guns & finally got them to listen. It was so well worth you doing given the improvements they'll be making.
I think you should award yourself a cuppa & a choccy biscuit unless you'd prefer something different, well done you. Smile

I Did for lunch lol..

Well not the Cuppa... I dont drink tea or coffee. But have the odd Hot chocolate when its cold lol.

They have already told MrP that they will weigh him weekley now

(17-05-2022, 06:21 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am so proud of you popeye. I know what it takes to stick your head up, I'm glad you got a good response...

Thank you OHH... The the thing I like to hear the most. And my twin Brother rang and told me he was Proud too..   It means alot to me
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Raining here again and now through to Saturday. It's so warm though, no heat pump on. Using the drier will use the power anyway.

Well done, popeye. That's an excellent result. Always pays to have your evidence ready (like the FB pages), they can't argue with that. Here's hoping things change for the better now.

I've almost finished the pin cushion, just have to figure out how to put the top on. A bit of glue and sewing I think.

Last night the Furry One flatly refused to leave my pillow. We have the winter sheets on now and he just loves it. Lots of growling (from me and the Furry One lol) but he was so stubborn, I tipped him off the pillow. He sulked on the end of the bed for a while with lots of woe-is-me sighs. This morning, as soon as it was light, he sat on my head to show he hasn't forgiven me and to push me off the pillow. Jack Russells are pretty determined wee dogs, just as well we're equally as determined not to be bossed by him. But I think I'll find him a pillow of his own and put a flannelette pillowcase on it. Will save a lot of hassle at bed time. And he'll still probably want mine.

The diggers are still there. Yesterday they were sorting the logs from the rubbish. When those logs hit the ground, the whole house shakes. We're still getting used to our new view.

It's a family get together today, lots of May birthdays to celebrate. MrK turns 79 on Saturday so next year is his 'big' one. I've asked the kids to think about what they would like to and to put suggestions to MrK. Our daughter, ever the practical one, suggested a family picnic at one of the Rotorua lakes. She had a family picnic for her 21st and we hung streamers and balloons on tree branches, was an awesome day. We would have to do that in warmer weather but that's no biggie.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
fine day and some sun

Well done Popeye you are a good advocate Big Grin

Nipped to Spotlight yesterday morning for thread and other doings, spent early afternoon applying snaps and jeans buttons to the dungarees I made for DGD. While engrossed doing that friends popped in for coffee so we had a nice chat for half hour before we needed to leave for DH appt.
Will put snaps on knit overalls today so that they are ready for DD to collect.

Time to get to gym

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

And thank you, I do feel I was heard, I just hope things change.. Sometimes they need someone to point out the most obvious things, like the hand rail in the Visitors toilet. It just makes sense that there will be older people who visit and need that help.

Kiwimade you might have to "Warm" the Furry ones pillow before he gets on it lol.. A good idea tho. A friends cat sleeps wrapped around the top of her head so she's always warm in the winter lol.

Love the idea of a picnic for MrK's birthday etc.. 'That's the sort of thing I would do if I had a gathering. No stress just fun.

Im off to Visit the July babies this morning. I've told MrP about Frank being moved on but I wont tell Bobbie just yet. I felt I was told as a bit of a hush hush and Bobbie has dementia and may get the story wrong. Ill just tell her they are going to take better care of keeping him away from the ladies.

I kinda feel a bit flat this morning. Maybe the emotion is coming from the whole episode. So long as if I crash it happens when Im home not at the home.

High time I did some form of craft.. Need to whip through the games and get this picture finished and then find something fun and exciting to do.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Adrenalin hangover perhaps. We have to gird our loins for such events and there is an aftermath to deal with as well. Pity you aren't a coffee drinker, but a couple of bits of your chocolate might help.

I am off for coffee and cake today, but will have to rob the savings account again to get the last of the groceries. Money just doesn't stretch as far these days. Annoying it is, but at least I have that little safety net put aside these days, was a time when... Porridge for dinner gets awful boring on Day 3!
Sitting here at the computer, I kept hearing this odd noise, rather like a birds wing fluttering, thought I was imagining it but it kept happening. It seemed to be coming from the fireplace so thought perhaps a bird had managed to fall down the chimney - luckily hadn't used the fire recently so went & grabbed an old towel, made sure the dog couldn't get in & opened both doors so bird could escape easily if needed. The plan was to grab it, cover with towel & take it out to front porch & release, but it managed to evade me & the towel & flew straight out through both doors, much to my relief - & probably to the bird's as well, poor thing must have been terrified.

Did a bit of weeding & ivy removal in the garden earlier; it was that or tackle the bottom freezer drawer. Its amazing, the things you can achieve when avoiding other things! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I tipped the laundry basket out on the floor to sort the whites and coloureds and in my blind contactlensless state spotted what I thought was a wee cricket escaping from the folds. Blardy cat I thought. Put the contacts in and separated the piles and discovered a tiny lizard beetling across the floor. I hope it survives in there, among the dust bunnies behind the loo. I'm leaving the front door open as often as I can to aid its more permanent escape, but I'm certainly not up to delving in behind there in any rescue attempt...
(18-05-2022, 02:24 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I tipped the laundry basket out on the floor to sort the whites and coloureds and in my blind contactlensless state spotted what I thought was a wee cricket escaping from the folds. Blardy cat I thought. Put the contacts in and separated the piles and discovered a tiny lizard beetling across the floor. I hope it survives in there, among the dust bunnies behind the loo. I'm leaving the front door open as often as I can to aid its more permanent escape, but I'm certainly not up to delving in behind there in any rescue attempt...

Might have been a small gheko OHH.. MrP sees them at the home quite often.

I remember when I visited my brother in Perth years ago their family room that was right beside their pool and outdoor area had carpet but it wasn't nailed/taped down. It used to ripple with the Ghekos lol.. It was fun to watch
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  A wet day here again, we're supposed to have rain all day today.  The new grass is taking off which is great.

Roma, I also walk around the garden every morning.  The Furry One insists on it lol.  It's become such a routine that if I don't, he's heading for the door, then back to me, back to the door...  It's my way of keeping tabs on new plants, any disease and so on.  But mainly it's my take-time-to-smell-the-roses time.  The Furry One sniffs and checks for trespassers (possums, cats, rabbits, and rats) and tells me where they have been and I tell my roses to stop frig*** flowering and go to sleep so I can prune them in July.

We went out for lunch yesterday to celebrate all the May birthdays, there are quite a few of us lol.  Was great to be out and about.

I haven't seen geckos for ages.  There was a DoC post on FB about geckos not long ago about a non-native species starting to outstrip our native gecko.  It looks very similar to our native one too.  When we were in Vanuatu  years ago, geckos were up on the ceiling catching moths by the lights.  Great little bug busters!

I've finished my pin cushion, not the tidiest of sewing as I need smaller curved needles.  But it will do the trick and is nice and sturdy for beside the sewing machine.


This morning I'm hoping to beat at least some of the rain and mow the lawn.  I know it's wet but it needs doing.  I may have to do it over the day.  

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

A little bit of drizzle today but now the sun is coming out ... very warm. 

Up at sparrow's f@rt this morning,  my son/partner/dog stayed the night so I can dog sit today .. 8 month old bc, so full of energy,  lucky my old tripod has a huge calming effect  Big Grin Cat not so sure about her!

I like your cute pin cushion KM (and also guard dog in the background). That's a good idea re the empty container underneath. I have to be careful with my current homemade cushion with the pins going right through.

My day will be dog related, so had better get a few things done while all is calm now. 

Have a good day.
Morning everyone

Wet here again too... Not too cold tho.

Love the pin cushion Kiwimade and the Furry one in the background Lording it at the height lol.

Im off to Pukekohe today. Even with gas and with the roll backs its cheaper to shop there for what I need today. You cant beat $4 for butter and $3 for milk at the warehouse.

I made a quick pill cushion years ago. I used the lid off an aerosol can. Stuffed it with fibrefill, glues fabric over it and put a bit of sparkly cord around the edge. Works good and recycling too lol.

Didnt get to talk to MrP long yesterday lol. Bobbie was holding the floor . But his head was sore so he said it didnt bother him. He has his shower days written up, they had sausages for lunch and you could tell at lunchtime everyone was happy with what was dished up.

Need to go do my bloods so Ill get a move on

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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