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You can never have enough...
The trick is to pick the right side...
Yes you have to take note of the direction of the wind. lol

And these days you have to do it very sneaky cos Maori dont like it.

My Stepfather wanted his ashes set free on the top of Mount Te Aroha but his Sister rang to see if a bus could go up there, for all the family, and they asked what we wanted to do up there and she told them. And was told Firmly No...

So MrP and I got him a plot on the wall at the Te Aroha Cemetery.. And Brought one above for Mum.

The day we put Jimmy in the wall was a stinking hot Feb day, The No nails glue we were going to use to glue the brass plaque on wouldn't set, but thankfully his Big brother had a hammer and nails in th3e boot ( Typical Farmer) So it stayed there in the end lol

I dont visit now that mum is in the wall tho. None of us were there when she was put in. But my Stepfather would understand why I dont visit
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies from a chilly, but going-to-be-fine Waikato Big Grin It's the shortest day today Tongue

lmao Lilith, you were lucky. When we scattered my sister-in-law's ashes last November, a breeze sprang up and yep, we copped some of it. We decided she did it on purpose lol.

Today I have the pile of dishes and bits and bobs to take to the op shop and MrK wants the manual for the camera printed out so he can read it. There's just under 40 pages so I'll have it all bound for him too.

It's our son's birthday today. He was born on the shortest day and our daughter on the longest. He's always joked he's been ripped off for his birthday lol. I'll drop his present (bed sheets, he must be grown up lol) tomorrow when in Hamilton.

We are having the most stunning sun rises and sun sets lately. I heard on the news it was all the volcanic stuff from the Tongan eruption still in the atmosphere. And I think it's coming soon (tonight maybe) where all the planets form a line and we can see it. I must find out when as I love that sort of thing.

Still no embroidery done, have been too busy. But I have a sparkly kitchen to show for it. The dining room and entrance is next on the agenda.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
DH says its freezing out, thank goodness for a warm home.

SnapKM its our DS birthday today too Big Grin

Quilting group today it will be nice to catch up as I have missed the last two.

Started quilting baby quilt yesterday my new table set up is great I am a very happy camper

DH vacated the bathroom so my turn for shower then brekkie I am getting lazy with these lie ins with my book.
Reading the survivors by Jane Harper she wrote the Dry. I quite like her style

Have a good day everyone
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
All my family are at Eden Gardens, but it is just too expensive to do that for him' and me these days. So I will rely on a friend to put us into the sea when the time comes.

Maori don't like human remains anywhere near food gathering places so we'll be safe here in the harbour. The place is a marine desert these days after all the exploitation, there isn't a living thing for miles.

But, today looks very positve weatherwise, so I shall scoot into Devonport and get some groceries and take advantage of the Super Tuesday 5% discount. When it gets a bit warmer. It is very frosty in here this morning, even herself is nose down in the quilts, so we won't be hurrying anywhere.

I had a bit of fun on TM this morning, I have bought myself some Very Pink wallpaper and will put up a drop with double sided sticky tape right opposite my front door, and then have some fun with it. I have a collection of blue and white china hung there at the moment, but have got a little bored with it (and it needs cleaning!). So it seems the perfect opportunity to do something different. I was inspired by a roll of ridiculously fanciful paper that was listed last week, with huge flamingos and green jungle leaves all over it, oh I wanted that paper! But the seller insisted on pick up only, and made it impossible so I left it, only to come across this In Your Face pink lot a few days later. Meant to be.

Can't wait to see visitors faces...
Morning everyone

I think Ill will be getting the heater out later..

Its windy out too so I wont be venturing anywhere. My drs appointment got delayed 24 hours , her kids are sick.

So Ill be staying in.

Today is 48 years since my Dad died. Oops that made my eyes leak... The hard part is there are more with him than there is left here.. His Side of the family was very small to start with.

It was the first time we had ever been picked up from school in a car.. We didn't have one lol People are often shocked when I say that. we didnt have a car until we met my stepfather and that was when we were 13. lol

Shock horror the landlords have finally engaged a plumber to fix the shower in my en-suite.. Been here 3 years and its never been able to be used.

MrP had a flat battery day yesterday, but was much happier last night. So I visited with Bobbie until he woke up. She is like an Old Mother Hen, worrying about MrP . And she keeps asking who is taking care of me. I say myself and she says I need to rest. Nice to have someone who cares.

OHH love the sound of your new wall paper. I have a small wall opposite my front door. There is a diamond painting I want to buy which has 3-4 Goofy looking Ostrich heads on it. Its long and Narrow. And will be perfect for there. I just need to save up for it.

My second caterpillar has migrated up to the top of the bamboo plant so he will be hanging soon. And Ill be able to take away the dead branches and leaves. And Pooh OMG they pooh lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I did a wee google for your diamond painting and if it is the one I think it is, it would be a perfect addition to a space like that. We have to have fun with entrances, even in rentals!
(21-06-2022, 09:52 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I did a wee google for your diamond painting and if it is the one I think it is, it would be a perfect addition to a space like that. We have to have fun with entrances, even in rentals!
They are cool eh OHH
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I can't really put up anything inside the door due to the layout but my front door has a version of Starry night which I painted on it ages ago.

Was a bit late getting away to do dreaded shopping today - only about 10-15 mins but that made quite a difference & the supermarket was crowded. And once again it was a game of 'where the devil have they put XYZ this week?'

Asked a hapless assistant where they'd moved the chicken kebabs to & she told me they were further down so went looking; found chicken but no kebabs so went a bit further & there they were - amongst the sausages! Well of course they were - its just no fun if they're among the other chicken stuff, now is it!
And then, just by way of keeping us all on our toes, someone had decided to swap the frozen veg with the frozen chips of various kinds.

But the worst thing is that they've taken out some of the checkouts & replaced them with those wretched self checkout things, (which I won't use because I'm damned if I'll contribute to people losing their jobs) & so because today is their goldcard Tuesday special there were queues of us who either won't or can't use the self checkouts.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I should've gone, but it was too cold.

So I am out of coffee, and it looks like eggs for tea. Again. Just as well I still have bacon!
Bacon butties on the menu here tonight

I wish I liked eggs cos Id probably eat a lot lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Its been cold here too & set to get freezing tonight they say - think it was minus 2 or similar. Damn, if only I didn't have this canine alarm system which insists on waking me up regardless of how cold it is every morning, I might consider hibernating in bed tomorrow.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It will be very cold. Gorgeous clear sky all day, no clouds keeping the warmth in...
morning ladies Smile  a decent frost this morning for us Big Grin  Love a good frost as it will kill off those damed annoying flies we still have.  And it means a gorgeous day will follow.

We had sad news about my sister-in-law's dog.  Sadly she has cancer and the vet said she is in the final stages so it won't be long.  She belonged to my sister-in-law who passed away last August so we suspect she will join her 'real' owner soon.  I'd like to think she might pass on my sister-in-law's first anniversary.  Ever since my sister-in-law passed away, she has been so sad and grieving so in a way this is a blessing and they will be together.

I'm off to Hamilton today to deliver son's birthday present and shop.  I need more embroidery thread and while there will go to pak n save.  I forgot to have the camera manual printed off yesterday so will  get that done as well.  I don't mind using those self check outs as they never open enough checkouts anyway.  I suspect that is to make us use them.  But I only use them if I have a small amount of items.  And the person monitoring them is always helpful.  I do wonder how much more theft happens with them.  People putting in the price for the cheaper variety of pear for example.  Mind you, some of the check out operators don't know their fruit and vege and I'm often asked, what's this?

lol it must be cold.  The Furry One needs to pee, stuck his nose out the doggy door and changed his mind. 

Embroidery this afternoon I hope.  I really need to finish this butterfly.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very cold here. The shower is on delay, Ill leave it an hour or two lol.

I didnt get the heater out.. Its 14 degrees so I will later.. Its such a big area to heat tho.

Had a down day yesterday... I should be over things but for some reason dads death hit me yesterday.

But much brighter today. Off to the Drs, seeing another different one.. I think if I like her I will stick with her.

Sad re your sister in laws dog Kiwimade.. Im sure she will end up with her fur baby again.. Animals know these things.

Safe trip to Hamilton... I only use the self check outs if the others are busy and Im short of time. Cos I also dont want to cause job loss.

To think how the world of grocery shopping has changed over the generations from taking your order, and the grocer actually getting everything, and now we get it and serve ourselves.

They gave everyone on MrPs wing covid tests yesterday. My two were negative. So that's good news. He said they dont have it on their wing at the mo.. They have 2 empty rooms tho which isn't good management. Mind you she has 3 weeks off work.. She's never there. I've never known a boss to not be at work as what she is.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all,
Winter morning here bright overcast and no wind

Sad for your SIL dog KM hope the he/she is comfortable.

Doesn't hurt to have a quiet reflective day ever now and then Popeye.

Enjoyed my day out yesterday was tired last night.
Been invited to join a knit group they meet once month at night so will trot along always nice to meet new people.

Got a power shout today.

Hope to get some quilting done this afternoon the morning will be spent in the office lots emails to deal with

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning on this cold, but sunny winter's day. 

My cat didn't last long outside this morning and is keeping warm beside me. It could be worse,  where my daughter and family live,  it's currently -6 deg!

I need to venture outside for groceries at some stage soon ... I've used the self checkout once,  was a bit slow but I guess practise would make perfect! I tend to try and get to the supermarket before 9am and avoid the masses ... not as busy. 

I am all for scattering ashes at the end of life, a favourite place of the loved one would be perfect. 

I have another old embroidery book to look at ... it includes patterns this time, so I need to find time to "have a go". Something to hang on the wall for the new grandchild might be an idea  Smile 

Enjoy the day all.
(22-06-2022, 08:16 AM)popeye333 Wrote: To think how the world of grocery shopping has changed over the generations from taking your order, and the grocer actually getting everything, and now we get it and serve ourselves.
The central Dunedin New World has just started offering "personal shoppers", picking your order for you to collect or have delivered. Everything old is new again!
I do have other cameras!
Bit slow aren't they? Do they do 5% off for Gold Carders on Super Tuesday yet?
Cold here still, despite the sun finally being out. Had a fruitless visit into Briscoes for a casserole but all theirs were too big so will keep looking.
Have made a bit of progress in the workroom - came across some old pottery stuff from years ago but still no idea what the devil I've done with the few small tools I had. Maybe I gave them away or maybe they'll turn up at some point.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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