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Roe vs Wade overturned
By those evil controlling bastards in the USA. Despite it being expected to happen, it has still come as a shock that such blatantly anti women, controlling measures can take place in the 21st century.

I wonder when we can expect similar laws governing men's fertility?? Oh right - never. Despite men being able to start many times more pregnancies than any woman can.

You really have to wonder about the levels of both intelligence & sanity in those who are responsible for this idiocy; they clearly either have little idea or simply do not care, about the consequences from this piece of hatred.
Dodgy Angry

"[b]Millions of women in the US will lose the constitutional right to abortion, after the Supreme Court overturned its 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision.[/b]
The judgement paves the way for individual states to ban the procedure.
Half are expected to introduce new restrictions or bans. Thirteen have already passed so-called trigger laws to automatically outlaw abortion.
President Joe Biden described it as "a tragic error" and urged states to enact laws to allow the procedure.
After the Supreme Court ruling, abortion access is expected to be cut off for about 36 million women of reproductive age, according to research from Planned Parenthood, a healthcare organisation that provides abortions."

So that's potentially 36 million more people, if each potential mother has just one child. Have the fools who did this considered how America, a country which is now struggling to provide for all its people to a reasonable level, can possibly cope with that many more people??

But that isn't what this is about; this is about controlling women - nothing more or less than that. Had it been genuine concern then provision for exceptions in cases of rape, mother's life in danger, foetus no longer viable etc. etc. would have been made.

Some states have 'trigger laws' ready to go into effect - just in case any woman has control over her body once this piece of infamy happens.

"Going forward, abortion rights will be determined by states, unless Congress acts.  Already, nearly half of the states have or will pass laws that ban abortion while others have enacted strict measures regulating the procedure.  

The vote was 5-4 in favor of overturning Roe. In a joint dissenting opinion, Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan heavily criticized the majority, closing: "With sorrow -- for this Court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection -- we dissent."

At least 21 states have laws or constitutional amendments already in place that would make them certain to attempt to ban abortion as quickly as possible, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which favors abortion rights. And an additional four states are likely to ban abortions as soon as possible without federal protections."

"However, anti-abortion laws are not national. The US will have a patchwork of laws, including restrictions and protections, because some Democratic-led states such as California and New York expanded reproductive rights in the run-up to the decision.

Even so, new abortion bans will make the US one of just four nations to roll back abortion rights since 1994, and by far the wealthiest and most influential nation to do so. 

More than half (58%) of all US women of reproductive age – or 40 million people – live in states hostile to abortion.

A final group of states intends to ban abortion very early in pregnancy, often before women know they are pregnant. One such state is Georgia, where abortion will be banned at six weeks. Several states, such as Texas, have multiple bans in place.

 A majority of members of the House of Representatives support an abortion rights statute, as does the White House.
However, Republicans are almost certain to block abortion rights laws in the Senate, which is evenly split with Democrats. One Democratic senator, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, has repeatedly crossed party lines to vote against abortion rights. That leaves just 49 Democrats, far short of the support needed to pass such a measure.
To overcome the evenly split Senate, Democrats would need to win landslide victories in the upcoming midterm elections. However, despite the fact that popular opinion favors abortion rights, it is unclear how the midterms could be swayed by the issue.

And, regardless of the outcome of the next election, Dobbs will forever change life in the US. The lives of individuals will be irrevocably altered as people are denied reproductive healthcare, face long journeys or are forced to give birth."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
They call for the protection of the unborn child, but refuse to contemplate laws that might save children from guns.

It is total hypocrisy, and absolutely all about power and control.

Lysistra had the right idea...
(25-06-2022, 11:20 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They call for the protection of the unborn child, but refuse to contemplate laws that might save children from guns.

It is total hypocrisy, and absolutely all about power and control.

Lysistra had the right idea...

Yeah, might be a move in the right direction, although given that its America it could be putting their lives in danger.

I'd like to see some of their politicians get together & propose a new law governing men's fertility; along the lines of:

Masturbation being made illegal for men since it wastes the potential for life.
All males on reaching puberty must have a reversible vasectomy, lest they begin a new life accidentally

And see how that goes down; if this is not about power & control over women & genuinely about not ending a possible life then they surely will see those as  sensible laws  & behave accordingly.
My money would however, be on men protesting long & loud should any tiny move be made in that direction. And they'd be right to do so.

I'm so thankful my ancestors came here & didn't go to America.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Sometimes women that want to abort cant (leave it too late or are just busy maybe) and choose to give the baby away at birth. Those little shits are lucky I guess. They get a chance at life still.
Some adoptions work. Most do not. They traumatise many more people than an appropriate abortion might. Either way, there is grief involved, real, devastating grief. No one I know wants to be in the position where they must terminate a pregnancy, but sometimes it is the best option for all involved.

And now for many women in the US there will be a whole lot more, of that trauma, grief, and powerlessness.
Adoptions can also have enormous problems. I think the earlier generation where women who became pregnant & had no other option than to give the child up for adoption, has made that very clear.
Abortion is sometimes the best course for many, & needs to be legal so that option is always there for those who need it.

American conservatives obviously don't mind how many women die as a result of this, which makes a mockery of their claimed 'right to life 'bollocks.

Trying the shoe on the other foot.

"WASHINGTON, DC (By J. McConkey)—A group of leading female legislators have enacted a new bill that forbids American men from disposing of “unused” sperm, requiring them to bring any recreational semen to a nearby fertility clinic.

According to noted alternative facts specialist, Stephanie Yorke, sperm is intended for “procreation only” and not to be “wasted” on pleasure:
“Any sperm not being used for the purpose of procreation must be immediately donated to a sperm bank,” Yorke warned. “Failure to do so will lead to hefty fines and ultimately, incarceration, under the new ‘Level Playing Field Bill’.”

In response, leading male medical academics have raised concerns that refraining from masturbation would be hazardous to men’s testicular health, increasing their chances of prostate cancer.

Dr. David Ambrose hit out at the bill, claiming it put American men in the very difficult position of having to father and immediately surrender a child, everytime they ejaculate. He claims this will have very negative effects on men’s long-term mental health.

“Basically, men have been put in a position of having to choose between their health and enjoyment and having to give away their child if they’re not having sex for procreation,” Dr. Ambrose said.

“It’s deeply disturbing and quite invasive to the most personal part of a man’s life,” he added. “Not only that, but if they don’t have a safe or legal way to dispose of the semen, they may resort to more harmful and unhygienic ways of getting rid of it.”

One 15 year old boy in Ohio, with severe pelvic and testicular congestion which if untreated could prove fatal, has begged doctors to allow him to ejaculate and dispose of his secretions without having to donate his sperm. His physician, Dr. Sheila Burton, has repeatedly explained to the boy that his unconceived child is more important than his own life, and he must either endure the pain or face giving away his unborn child.

When asked why women in government had the right to make this decision on behalf of men or why the government should be regulating men’s reproductive rights at all, the female officials replied, “sorry, it came from above”.

“Men exist to produce babies. If they want to experience pleasure, they’ll just have to endure the consequences. We wish there was another way, we truly do, but our hands are tied. God wants what she wants.”

in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Jesus suffering
(25-06-2022, 06:08 PM)undercoverhippycop Wrote: Jesus suffering
With all due respect - bugger Jesus & all those other male 'gods'.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
What is next though on their ToDo list? Contraception? Gay rights? BLM?

And why is it only the unborn have a right to life, but not those on Death Row?

(25-06-2022, 06:08 PM)undercoverhippycop Wrote: Jesus suffering

The point being part of being female is to come to understand how different the rules are when applied to us. Perhaps even He would find it hard to understand how that feels.
Gloria Steinem.

George Carlin

The comments from Gloria Steinem mentioned the point that, when Adolf Hitler gained power, one of his first acts was to immediately prohibit access to contraception. The point being that, having removed the right to abortion what will come next?

Will those evil bastards now remove access to all contraception & make it illegal?
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I see the National party are having some problems with their response to the decision.
I do have other cameras!
(26-06-2022, 03:17 PM)Praktica Wrote: I see the National party are having some problems with their response to the decision.
As expected with their leader being a declared 'pro-lifer' and evangelistic christian who is struggling to foster credibility with his flip-flopping on most contentious issues. There will be many voters in NZ who are re-evaluating their choice of politicians in light of the SCOTUS ruling.
(26-06-2022, 11:12 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Gloria Steinem.

George Carlin

The comments from Gloria Steinem mentioned the point that, when Adolf Hitler gained power, one of his first acts was to immediately prohibit access to contraception. The point being that, having removed the right to abortion what will come next?

Will those evil bastards now remove access to all contraception & make it illegal?
They will certainly try to turn back all the gay rights wins, and I suspect quite a few of the BLM wins. Access to education might be first in line.
After all, what control freak wants educated revolutionaries in their communities?
(26-06-2022, 04:34 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(26-06-2022, 11:12 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Gloria Steinem.

George Carlin

The comments from Gloria Steinem mentioned the point that, when Adolf Hitler gained power, one of his first acts was to immediately prohibit access to contraception. The point being that, having removed the right to abortion what will come next?

Will those evil bastards now remove access to all contraception & make it illegal?
They will certainly try to turn back all the gay rights wins, and I suspect quite a few of the BLM wins. Access to education might be first in line.
After all, what control freak wants educated revolutionaries in their communities?

Why yes - they might become so very educated as to use their intelligence to show the idiocy of misogyny & racism, which would be a tiny bit inconvenient.... Rolleyes Big Grin

They did have to remove one comment from Simon O' Connor who had posted that it 'was a good day' which was in appalling taste - apparently, as long as every foetus manages to be born it doesn't bother him & the other dinosaurs how many women die.

And its difficult to believe that Christopher Luxon 'empathises with women' due to the changes in USA law.

National Party MP Simon O'Connor has taken down a Facebook post after leader Christopher Luxon said it was "causing distress" following a controversial US Supreme Court ruling on abortion.

The post by O'Connor, the MP for Tāmaki, said: "Today is a good day." It was made after the US Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v Wade decision that recognised a woman's constitutional right to an abortion and legalised it nationwide.

National Party leader Christopher Luxon said the Roe v Wade decision was "distressing for many women" and he empathised with them.
"Simon O’Connor's post was taken down because it was causing distress and does not represent the position of the National Party," Luxon said in a statement."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Seen on FB this morning.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Police in Arizona have used tear gas against protesters & in South Carolina, a policeman drew a taser, but it wasn't used.

"A video uploaded to social media shows police inside Arizona's state capitol building shooting at a crowd of outside.

The incident occurred in Phoenix, one day after a US Supreme Court ruling removed US women's constitutional right to abortion."

"Chaotic scenes between protesters and police in Greenville, South Carolina have been captured on video.

Both pro-choice and anti-abortion activists took to the streets after the Supreme Court ruled to remove the constitutional right to an abortion.

During the heated protest, a Taser was drawn by an officer although police say it didn't touch anyone.

Six people, out of the hundreds that attended, were arrested for charges including disorderly conduct and resisting arrest."

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, holding that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion, protesters and supporters of the ruling gathered at the high court's building in Washington, DC, and in other cities nationwide.

Similar demonstrations are planned across the country over the weekend, according to CNN's research. Organizations like Planned Parenthood, Bans Off Our Bodies and Women's March are among the groups organizing the events.

Protests took place outside the Supreme Court
In the nation's capital, one person led protesters in front of the Supreme Court in a chant of "Hands off! Hands off!" and a call-and-response of "My body! My choice!"
One woman told CNN affiliate WJLA that the decision was an outrage.
"It's illegitimate. Abortion bans are illegitimate," the woman said. "Forced motherhood is illegitimate."
Protesters asked those in attendance to donate to abortion advocates and purchase abortion pills to distribute to others."

They haven't seemed to understand the absolute anger & outrage that this will cause, & protesters are not going to shut the hell up about it because this is far too important for anyone to just let it slide.
Those opposed are happy that women will now be forced to give birth regardless of their circumstances, but their country isn't likely to provide adequate education, housing or healthcare for the resulting babies born because they're only interested on the foetus/embryo, & obliging to continue an unwanted pregnancy, not the actual children.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Unbelievable - this aspiring politician's comments are well out of order.

New Conservative candidate says a Handmaid's Tale reference he made after the controversial US Supreme Court ruling on abortion was to mock a "female fantasy".Dieuwe de Boer, the party's 2020 Botany candidate, tweeted the word "soon" along with a screenshot from the Handmaid's Tale - a dystopian television series based on Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel, in which a totalitarian society named Gilead subjects fertile women to child-bearing slavery.

De Boer made the post after the US Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v Wade decision that recognised a woman's constitutional right to an abortion and legalised it nationwide.
Newshub asked De Boer if he made the reference because he wanted to see a Gilead-style regime in New Zealand.

"I was very seriously mocking the feminist fantasy that not being able to kill babies in the womb will turn the world into some kind of dystopia that isn't remotely based in Christianity," he said in an email."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-06-2022, 07:10 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Unbelievable - this  aspiring politician's comments are well out of order.

New Conservative candidate says a Handmaid's Tale reference he made after the controversial US Supreme Court ruling on abortion was to mock a "female fantasy".Dieuwe de Boer, the party's 2020 Botany candidate, tweeted the word "soon" along with a screenshot from the Handmaid's Tale - a dystopian television series based on Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel, in which a totalitarian society named Gilead subjects fertile women to child-bearing slavery.

De Boer made the post after the US Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v Wade decision that recognised a woman's constitutional right to an abortion and legalised it nationwide.
Newshub asked De Boer if he made the reference because he wanted to see a Gilead-style regime in New Zealand.

"I was very seriously mocking the feminist fantasy that not being able to kill babies in the womb will turn the world into some kind of dystopia that isn't remotely based in Christianity," he said in an email."
I guess if there is any good to be gleaned out of this whole situation, it is that social media makes it absolutely obvious who the complete and utter dickheads are in the world
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(27-06-2022, 07:32 PM)king1 Wrote:
(27-06-2022, 07:10 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Unbelievable - this  aspiring politician's comments are well out of order.

New Conservative candidate says a Handmaid's Tale reference he made after the controversial US Supreme Court ruling on abortion was to mock a "female fantasy".Dieuwe de Boer, the party's 2020 Botany candidate, tweeted the word "soon" along with a screenshot from the Handmaid's Tale - a dystopian television series based on Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel, in which a totalitarian society named Gilead subjects fertile women to child-bearing slavery.

De Boer made the post after the US Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v Wade decision that recognised a woman's constitutional right to an abortion and legalised it nationwide.
Newshub asked De Boer if he made the reference because he wanted to see a Gilead-style regime in New Zealand.

"I was very seriously mocking the feminist fantasy that not being able to kill babies in the womb will turn the world into some kind of dystopia that isn't remotely based in Christianity," he said in an email."
I guess if there is any good to be gleaned out of this whole situation, it is that social media makes it absolutely obvious who the complete and utter dickheads are in the world

Yes & this immature idiot is the perfect example of exactly that. Dodgy
Its difficult to comprehend such ignorance in the 21st century.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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