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You can never have enough...
That icord is a handy thing to know how to knit. I've used it on blanket edgings and even though it gets pretty darned monotonous, it has a nice finish.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(06-08-2022, 09:19 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: That i cord thing is not as easy as the name might suggest when it is on my needles. Despite my beloved bff showing me how several times, I still need the youtube video every time! Some of us are just born idiots I guess.

Been three days now since the jab and only a faint twinge left, so hang in there, it will fade.

YouTube is my friend when learning new techniques- or the ones I’ve forgotten how to do, which is quite often!  I like that you can stop and start and take it at my own (usually slow) pace.
Good afternoon. 

Stunning day here ... enough to make one glad to be alive  Smile  Have been for a park walk with the dog, made soup, 3 loads of washing on the line and maybe even get into that garden later! It will be great to be able to get out into the world again tomorrow ... nearly 2 weeks "on the inside" has finally come to an end  Big Grin

I had to Google what the icord technique was. Looks to be an interesting finish. I should try it once I get back to the baby blanket.

Enjoy the rest of the day all.
Well the lawnmower has earnt a nick Name "Pootin".

We cannot start it at all.

Have text but will email and work with Trade me to get my money back And the lawn will have to wait till I can save some more

Not happy
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh poop popeye! What a disappointment. I hope you get it sorted.

I made scones. Date scones. And, when time came to add liquid to the mix I swapped out milk for yoghurt and the last of my lemon curd. Oh em gee, you have to try this - they are divine. So good I popped half of the six into the freezer really quickly because I have no won't power at all, lol. One left for lunch tomorrow...

That is one experiment worth repeating!
Oh how disappointing Popeye. Perhaps a battery powered mower might be easier an less hassle to use

Oh OH your s cones sound scrumpy yummy.

Early start tomorrow driving DD DSIL & DGD to airport, they off to Raro for a week.

Cut out a wee wallet cross body purse this afternoon, using some silver textured vinyl scraps left over from my tote a nd wallet I made last year. Its good shopping in the stash.

Left overs for dinner tonight
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
OMG Ohh they sound Devine

He has actually made contact.. Probably cos he is "In trade" on TM and they have already said he is in danger of losing that.
He's getting the courier to pick it up and check it. But Ill only give him a couple of days and then tell him I want a refund. They are cheaper in Mitre10 and Bunnings but the delivery is the killer.

An electric one is no good on kikuyu grass unfortunately.

Ohh I Sooo want to be nasty... The following is a post from Said Manager of the rest home MrP and Bobbie are in.. In one of our local groups on Fb.. Not often posts come up on my feed from this group but maybe karma worked for me...But TBH karma is whats Id like to reply to her post with... That or "Tou chet", or "Chit Happens", or "You would know all about that "

her post

"When u try to shop local but poor customer service in Waiuku thwarts that plan every time !!
It shouldn’t be so hard to accomplish basic tasks.. oh well back to Pukekohe or further a field."

Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Stupid woman. Slagging off the locals won't improve things for her...
(06-08-2022, 06:02 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Stupid woman. Slagging off the locals won't improve things for her...

Lol exactly OHH... MrPs old carer was going to have a look. I liked a couple of the replies but need to be careful. But Erin wont care and she will say something that will be from both of us lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sorry to hear about the mower, Popeye - maybe try talking sweetly to it, that sometimes works, or failing that giving it a swift kick.

"When u try to shop local but poor customer service in Waiuku thwarts that plan every time !!
It shouldn’t be so hard to accomplish basic tasks.. oh well back to Pukekohe or further a field."

So she's also bad at grammar & spelling too, then - locally & afield!

Have been out this afternoon with third eldest granddaughter, who decided it was time we went to the art gallery again. Neither of us had been since our last visit before covid so plenty to see, & they have a gift shop which was very tempting but we both resisted.
There was a gorgeous big Robyn Kahukiwa painting which I loved

Afterwards she took to her favourite ice cream place, which was interesting as they have some novel flavours. I tried a mandarin & ginger & a dark chocolate salted one & both were yummy though I think I slightly prefer the ginger & mandarin. She's vegan so the ice creams were coconut based.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies from a wet Waikato.

Damm popeye, that mower is being a real PITA. Good he has been in touch though.

yummmmm those date scones sound sooo good, mica. Another use I found for lemon curd is to mix it gently into unsweetened whipped cream and have it with fruit, tinned or fresh. Even MrK loved it. Those ice cream flavours sound yummy too, Lilith. Always nice to try something different.

Today I'm back in the bathroom cleaning the ceiling and scotia board above the bath. There is a little bit of mold that needs removing so I've got good old janola to do the trick. Can't wait to renovate in there. There's also a pile of ironing that needs doing and some baking. Plenty to do on a wet morning.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

No rain here yet but it's overcast and mild. 

Damn the mower Popeye. Most of the lawns round here are kikuyu and quite a few use electric mowers. DH tells me they are fine for small lawns, makes more sense to have petrol for a large lawn though.

I've had my 'free to leave isolation' text so can venture out again, yay.

Interesting ice-cream flavours Lilith, good to be able to taste test and not be landed with a whole icecream that you change your mind about!

Planning to bake and anything else that takes my fancy today,  with rain forecast. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Sun yay Cool

Got the kids to the airport and drove their Kia Niro hybrid home its a nice ride even if it did want to go faster than it should Tongue

Got bolar roast that I picked up half price in the slow cooker so dinner is sorted
Always somethi g to do around home.
We have our 4yr old GS staying over night as mumscheduled for caesar tomorrow 35 weeks so a bit worrying DIL has been in hospital over 2 weeks being monitored. Excited to welcome new family member to the pack.

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I had a small rolled roast of pork in the oven last night, hideously expensive even with a fiver off, but enough left for two if not three main meals. So maybe not so bad... But oh the crackling, lol. I had quite forgotten that glorious rich salty crunch and the meat was delightfully tender and not dried out at all.

I really should have shared it, but sometimes living alone has real advantages for the greedy and the selfish!
Morning everyone

Wet here too.

Yeah its a big lawn here unfortunately, not many obstacles tho so it has its benefits. The seller is having it picked up tomorrow. Im to the point I just want him to refund me and have it over and done with.

Oh those ice creams sound very good. Ive never been a big eater of ice cream. Sometimes buy a packet of Trumpets. now its just me lol.. MrP could eat nearly two tubs a week on his own.

Hope all goes well for the birth Jan.

I checked the mailbox yesterday to discover a parcel from my norty sister friend. Its a coffee mug with that photo of MrP and Bobbie on it.. Ill do a pic later. Its lovely. Last night sister friend and her Hubby went out for dinner and took photos, one of both of them is super lovely so Ill get that put on two mugs for them. They have their problems but you can see the love in their faces.

And speaking of MrP , he will be feeling very sorry for himself. He had a fall around Midnight, getting up to go to the toilet he did a face plant on the floor. He called out to Bobbie and she rang the bell. They checked his BP and Bsl and all was well so just a tumble. He's got a bruised nose. Sadly Id already had an oxy about 30 minutes before they rang me, I was still in bed and they woke me. So Ill see how I go and might pop up this afternoon, since I cant go tomorrow. but I dont like driving when I've had an oxy and MrP understands that.

Bit of a giggle, when I went to ask Rowan to check the mower his little girl asked why i was using the walker, her mum said not to ask like that but I said to her its cos my knee doesn't work well now and that Im going to get a new one.. Her eyes went big and said can you get new bits for your body. lol I said yep but you have to get a special dr to put them in lol.. She's soo cute. And I've always thought give them the most simple of answers and they are happy.

Madam Manager has had a lot of comments on her post. I have resisted temptation but everyone has said what I wanted to say.. The best being.. The Karen's are out.. lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I hope all goes well with the new baby, Jan

Oh, I LOVE the sound of those comments Popeye! She may have been well & truly told with luck.

Today is sweetie darling no 2's birthday so he & third eldest granddaughter called in to pick up his loot & also to look through my old photo albums, so its been a trip down memory lane this morning. I hadn't realised I had so many photo albums, (had to search to find one as it wasn't with the others) & sweetie darling had fun taking photos of them so he can share them later.
He did comment though that the later ones were almost all of the grandkids, so told him that's what photo albums are for.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Ive been looking at electric lawn mowers.

And taken on board your comments.

Was thinking, well I wont be able to mow all the lawn in one hit anyway. Soo it would probably work just as well.

A bonus is they are ultra cheap, to good brand still being cheaper that what I spent on the heap of junk I have at the mo. And I already have the leads. One even comes with a weed eater too in the pack.

So once the junk has arrived back with him Ill be asking him for my money back.

And who knows, I might even be able to buy a pair of gummies to mow in. Cos I realised I haven't had any of those for years either lol

I have "liked" a lot of the comments on that post. So she will know if she looked . And will no doubt try and avoid me lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I loved my electric hover mower. I learned early to keep the lead over my shoulder to avoid accidents, but these days you can get battery ones which look incredibly useful...
Morning all
Raging southerly storm here very cold outside 

Off to gym soon, then it will be keeping DGS amused for rest of the day.

Going to start putting my granny squares together later today all new stuff for me

Have a good day everyone
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Some rain last night,  think the day will be ok. Back to grandie minding with GD here with me after walking the other two to school. 

All the best with your new grandchild arriving today Mica. Fun times with GS  Heart

Good luck with the lawn mower saga Popeye, hope you are all sorted with a working mower real soon!

Have a good day all.

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