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"Action Zealandia" ill disciplined
So possibly not too much to concern us from Adolf's little friends, then. Although - if they should happen to read the article (unlikely as apparently the 'master race' don't appear to read much from the sound of things) they might feel some need to try to disprove the impressions the writer gained from knowing them.
Slightly concerning that a few are in or have been in the military though.

"A researcher who infiltrated New Zealand’s largest neo-Nazi group, Action Zealandia, says its members are unfit, ill-disciplined and wary of committing violence after attracting public attention.
The inside glimpse into the secretive fascist organisation, whose members have previously been arrested after making violent threats and for espionage, has revealed six members have military experience, of which two are currently serving.
Despite this, Action Zealandia has been described as “ill-disciplined”, with members failing to live up to their “far more extreme” online personas, in a research paper based on an 18-month-long infiltration published in Political Science.
The researchers suggest that such “deflating” participation in a group could divert possibly violent extremists away from dangerous behaviour, such as committing terror attacks like the Christchurch mosque attacks in 2019."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Stuff shouldn't be giving them free press, I hadn't even heard of them before!
Increasing their awareness through the media is not really beneficial, its a bit of a 2 edged sword i guess, on one hand it alerts the public, but at the same time gives them free exposure which we dont want.
(07-09-2022, 12:44 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Stuff shouldn't be giving them free press, I hadn't even heard of them before!
Increasing their awareness through the media is not really beneficial, its a bit of a 2 edged sword i guess, on one hand it alerts the public, but at the same time gives them free exposure which we dont want.
Yes, its impossible to do one without the other through the media, but then forewarned is forearmed.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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