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You can never have enough...
My neighbour came home last night. She went to Oz a month or so back to visit family, and it has been wonderful to have an empty unit nextdoor. No mysterious bangs and crashes, no loud voiced phone calls to overhear, no immediate appearances the moment I step outside. She is a perfectly nice woman, but does love to know what's going on in everyone else's units. Funny thing is I thought it was just me being my usual antisocial self until several others expressed the same thought at a wee gathering a few days ago. One of them summed it up by remarking she seems to have that little cloud following her around, the same one that features in the Winnie the Pooh stories. It was a funny thing to say, but summed things up perfectly. Some people just seem to put a dampener on things without trying, just as others seem to lift spirits without effort.

Ah well, it will be good discipline for us to exercise some kindness, albeit with a little inner muttering, lol. The joys of communal life...
Good morning. 

So good to see the sun out here as well. 

Lol KM, at the sparkly feathers ... I'm sure if all else fails, Google will help you  Smile

OHH, it shows how we are mindful of our neighbours  ... good or bad! We have found that out living in close proximity in town! One in particular was not good for my mental health. Mercifully he's gone and has a bunch of lovely doctors (in training) renting his house. Poor sods (and previous tenants) just have to put up with his nitpicking/tightarse ways instead whenever he turns up.

Cleaning my glasses this morning,  they snapped clean in two at the bridge. Damn, that means an enforced appointment which is long overdue and has been put off  Angry Have found an old pair, which will probably give me a headache meantime.

Groom for my dog,  groceries and a few jobs to get done today. 

While I work out a project to tackle I have been churning out crocheted peggy squares from wool scraps. KM what fabric do you embroider on? Do you use a linen type fabric you cut to size, if it's to frame? 

Better get cracking.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

It fair pelted down about 6am... Me not having good ears I seldom hear it unless its very heavy. The sun is Trying its darndest to come out... But its not winning the war as yet.

I woke up with a sore spine, but the knee is still wonderful. And I have a new drive. I need to make a list of what I want to work through.
Starting with the Double spare room. I was given the bed and it will be given away. MrP's bed is the newest so Ill pop that into the double room. And whittle down the furniture. MrP has a , NO I have a set of drawers that are in what Was his room which are light Oak. When we got them for the grand sum of $10 they were covered in pink and white paint. MrP stripped them and varnished them. I asked him to leave the sides of the drawers as they were to show their history of them. They are a beautiful Blonde Oak, Yeah thats what he called them.

Once I have changed them around I will start getting rid of more.

I have things to do and places to go so need to downsize into a small place and start living again.

WHile hunting for something else the other day I came across another bag of eyelash yarn and Im going to try and knit a lovely bright red wrap.. Also have a pink one with Glitter and oddly I have two jackets I made several years ago, one red and one pink with sparkles lol.. Im quite predictable it seems lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all,
bright overcast and a stiff breeze.

Feeling the effects of my gym work out today so took the k9s for a longish walk.

Been to vets to get cat and dog food so another job ticked off.

Bummer re your glasses Roma hopefully you get sorted soon with a funky new pair or two.

laughed about fantail backside sparkles  Big Grin I am sure you will rectify that KM.

Will do more piecing of quilt blocks today - it always takes longer than I think it will

we not up to much staying at home since DH is unwell - I suppose on the bright side it does mean I have more time to sew Cool

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Library this morning, only one other person wearing a mask, so I thanked her and she laughed. Then the supermarket shop and I was so busy checking my list and prices I didn't notice masks until I got to the checkout, and all the staff were wearing them. $138, with a few things still to be crossed off the list. No meat on there, except for a chook which does me for three or four days, but I did get grapes. I do love a wee bunch with my cheese and crackers lunch...

Still, tomorrow there will be markdowns with the leftovers from the Super Tuesday shelf boost, so I will browse those when I go for coffee tomorrow. And then new chairs arrive Thursday, and that is my week done.
Good morning nearly afternoon - beautiful day in the bay except for the blardy wind - never known it so windy -have made a really stupid mistake - propagated several different sorts of cucumbers and tomatoes - did a lot of extras to share with our motel families but forgot to label them - so I now have no idea which are apple or Lebanese or telegraph cucumbers - same with the tomatoes 5 different varieties- really really dumb - oh well could start again but these are looking so good
Some of the supermarket staff have chosen to keep wearing masks but they all will not miss all the abuse they have received over people not wearing them - now if people will stop abusing them about the price of cheese will be even better.
Just had a box of tamarillos given to me - they look so beautiful but really haven’t got a lot of flavour - might make them into chutney -
Wow just chatted over the internet with my Twin Brother.

He has finally said the one thing Ive wanted him to say since his Eldest Daughter has grown up.

He said he felt like he was sitting looking at his Daughter with her sounding the same but without the Aussie accent.

Ive been saying we were alike for a very long time but today he confirmed it. And I love that
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Strange to do groceries this morning with almost no one wearing a mask - I'll get used to it, but I'm almost sad to see them go - mine certainly improved my looks. Smile But annoying to wear for long, I found. I may still do so on public transport though.

I've been very fortunate to have always had lovely neighbours except for once years ago when the owners of a neighbouring house had to go south for work, & let their house for that time. The woman of the house turned out to be one of those people who had conniptions over the smallest things, & screeched loudly about it.
I think the entire suburb heaved a gigantic sigh of relief when they went.

One of my granddaughters has a friend who's one of those people who lift your spirits without even trying; I met him back when they were both in early teens & hadn't seen him for years till I went into a shop he happened to be working & he recognised me, which made my day. Smile

The talk of neighbours reminded me of this ancient Sufi parable.

A stranger enters a village & immediately looks for the Sufi master to ask advice. He says, “I’m thinking of moving to live in this village. What can you tell me about the people who live here?”
And the Sufi master replies “What can you tell me about the people who live where you came from?”
“Ah,” says the visitor angrily “they are terrible people. They are robbers, cheats & liars. They stab each other in the back.”
“Well now” says the Sufi master “Isn’t that a coincidence? That’s exactly what they’re like here.”

So the man departs the village & is never seen again.
Soon, another stranger enters the village & he too seeks out the Sufi master for advice. He says “I’m thinking about moving to live in this village. What can you tell me about the people who live here?”
And the Sufi master replies “What can you tell me about the people who live where you come from?”
“Ah” says the visitor in fond remembrance, “they are wonderful people. They’re kind, gentle & compassionate. They look after each other.”
“Well now” says the Sufi master. “Isn’t that a coincidence? That’s exactly what they’re like here.”
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Overcast and cold here this morning but we are promised some fine weather soon.

I love that parable, Lilith Smile Some people are just grumpy and find fault with everything. It must be hard to live like that.

lol jan, mystery cucumbers! This should be fun lol. Tamarillos... omg so yummmm. MrK likes them in jelly. I steam them a bit until the skins split, peel and slice into jelly before it sets. And of course, he has to have lots of cream with it. You can tell he's off a farm lol.

I didn't get to Spotlight yesterday as a friend called and suggested we go out for lunch. A much better idea lol. I do need some more plain cotton fabric (I use the quilting fabrics) for embroidery. It's cheaper to buy that while I'm playing around with designs and threads. The Belfast linen though is gorgeous to stitch on. As yet the sparklers haven't been unpicked. For now, they provide too much laughter lol. But it will get done over the next day or two. I'm about halfway through the tail.

I was in the chemist yesterday picking up MrK's medication and some of the staff there were maskless. I thought pharmacies were on the 'list' of where to keep wearing your mask. The supermarket was a mixed bag as usual.

Well I'll be blowed, the suns out.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Cold stormy day brr... high of 10 degrees expected

Did a bit more piecing yesterday might have the blocks done today. Had a nice night chatting at knitting group always fun to see what people are working on.

Off to gym now  

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Quiet day today, the bones are still talking to me. I had an email from my daughter yesterday. Seems the pneumonia she caught following covid has cleared but the scans she had to check progress reveal more ms lesions on her thoracic nerves so the disease is progressing despite her ongoing treatment. She joked about how she had inherited a degenerative condition from her Mum, so I responded by pointing out a long list of other things she had also inherited and we had great fun with that conversation.

I wish we parents got magic wands along with our babies...
Morning everyone

I too like the Parable.. We knew some people who moved around a lot cos they always had Bad Neighbours. We thought to ourselves that's cos you are the Bad Neighbour.
We eventually sold them the section we had brought to live in our Mobile home on, as they had just got their mobile home. They are still there. And have wonderful Neighbours, But that is cos there aren't any Neighbours lol.. Just a fertilizer company and farmland lol.

One of our Sister in laws used to always be soo negative it made us the same. We were so wound up with nastiness and temper that one day I put old jars into several plastic bags And told MrP to come with me. We threw them at the brick wall that bordered the section. The sound gave instant relief and we moved away. Shes not quite as bad these days

45 Kilos.. Yayay it had slowed a little but 45 kilos... woohoo.

I am going to visit MrP this morning. He better behave or I will leave. I'll be stopping at the supermarket and I think I'll take my mask with me. I'll have to ease myself into it. But if its busy I will probably wear it.. and have to at the home of course.

IM Knitting lol... one strand of 8ply acrylic and one of eyelash yarn on massive 15mm needles. Making a wrap for next winter... The needles are hollow plastic so nice and light for my hands. And so far so good. Missy isn't sure tho it's been a while. And even if I only do a few rows a day it will still grow fast. and it is soft and squishy.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Should progress nice and fast too popeye, that is the beauty of fat yarn on fat needles...
(14-09-2022, 08:22 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Should progress nice and fast too popeye, that is the beauty of fat yarn on fat needles...

Exactly OHH.. and it will just drape nicely I think.   Probably get my fingers caught in it. But it won't show too much lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Thats it. Im done.

Im not going up there to be b*tched at for trying to feed him too fast. And told to F off.

Im not going up to watch him play with a snotty hankie either.

They can keep me up to date.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Beautifully sunny here today, but step outside & the wind's so freezing cold it damn near cuts your hair for you!
I'd intended to get more weeding done but it tipped down last night so its too wet & far too cold to venture out there. Had to muffle up when we went for the mandatory walk earlier - its a good thing I no longer give a toss about how I look. Smile

Oh bugger Popeye, not fun.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It was sooo nice seeing smiles in the supermarket today.

I admit it felt odd to not be wearing one. But there wasnt many people in there when I went in..

Will probably wear mine at peak hours tho
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a beautiful start to the day we have.

Buggar, popeye. But now you have made the decision, it should become easier.

Today I'll be taking our friend for his monthly Waikato Hospital appointment. We heard about the fatal accident yesterday and know that stretch of road very well. There are some parts of SH1 where we always slow down.

There are some bananas in the fruit bowl going soft so this morning I'll be baking a banana cake. We have tons of lemons so I'll ice it with lemon icing rather than the traditional chocolate. And when I'm home from Hamilton, I'll finish mowing the lawn. Only have the berm to do so it won't take long.

I still haven't phoned our nieghbour about the concrete fill, my back has been out of sorts and I want to help load it into the tractor bucket. Panadol and antiflamme seem to help along with yoga stretches.

Coffee cup is empty -when did that happen? lol

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cool but nice and sunny. 

Grandies today,  so school run (walk) followed by 3 yo and I entertaining each other for the day! The weeks are flying by,  not long for the new gd arrival and Christmas!

Not much mask wearing in my patch. I guess I feel 'safer' having had Covid but glad to be going into summer and more open air.

Hang in there Popeye and plan away.

Time to get going.  

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

A stunning day here so far.

I have to admit although tears threatened they didnt fall. And Now I feel calm. I guess Ive let myself off the mess. I didnt call him last night and wont bother unless he asks for it.
I need to see Bobbie tho, she needs to let go a little for her own sake.

Im going to town this morning. I want to have a wander around and not rush cos of the pain. Im taking several rings in to see what they are worth, if viable to sell as they are just way too big and Im scared I will lose them. I imagine the value will be vastly different to the prices that rings are selling on TM. Its not a spure of the moment thing its been coming as the rings are slowly vanishing from my fingers.

Better do my bloods too , will be interesting to see if the steroids have done anything to my INR. My bsl has only gone up one point and Im not pig out eating like others do while having them on board.

Yes that part of the road has always been a dangerous spot. I think I saw last night that the second person had died. all of our local roads are only 80kms. until you get to the motorway here, either at Drury / Papakura or the Bombays. Trying to prevent accidents. I know alot of people hate it. Cant say I have seen if the results have lowered the accident rate tho.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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