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You can never have enough...
Very chilly here but gorgeous with it, possibly explains why I have a crutch by the bed, the bones do not like the cold. Royal protocols still headlining I see, it'll be a while till that stops I guess. Today I have a friend popping in, have to deliver milk to another who is slowly losing her battle with cancer, and want to drop off some discards around the place before the chairs arrive this afternoon. I had a tearing up time yesterday again and have a big bag of paper rubbish for the recycling bin, but funny thing is, I can't see the space it left. Still, it was a good job jobbed.

We have been told heat pumps go in next week and having moved my bed a few days ago I know what that involves, and just how dicey the wooden pegged joints of it are. I am a bit concerned the guys will have to move it again to put the unit on the wall and won't take as much care as I did with the ancient thing. I would hate them to break it and leave me nowhere to sleep.

Such a worry wart I am.
Morning all
Big frost  and going to be a stunning sunny day.

Sensible decisions Popeye gotta look out for yourself cause no one else will. Cyber hugs because it is not easy.

KM hope you back improves 

Roma have a fun day with your GKs  fun but hard work.

Got the quilt top finished even found some wide fabric in my stash for the back so will sandwich it up this afternoon after my morning stint.

K9s are all stretched out in the sun so they having a lazy start to the day

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Mowed the dreaded back lawn this morning, despite the frost & did a tiny bit of weeding & a bit more work on a couple of paintings so am now officially knackered & intend doing not a damned thing for the rest of the day.

There's building due to start on two houses in the neighbourhood so we have lots of trucks coming & going. That's likely to continue for a while as they seem to be digging enormous foundation holes so possibly the soil had to be sorted out; there was quite a bit of liquefaction around here so that's probably it.

I'm currently watching a doco about the Mormons who went in for polygamy, the ones who followed the infamous Warren Jeffs. Those poor people probably didn't stand a chance, born into a sect like that & brainwashed virtually from birth, it would be extremely difficult to find the strength to break away since they were convinced their leader ' the prophet' was their one hope of entering an afterlife. Similar to Gloriavale in some ways.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I picked up the Big Love series which was based on that case. Once I got past the treacle it was a fascinating glimpse into the lifestyle and the stresses it involves.
Thank you everyone.

I am feeling stronger each day.

And I'm really excited to make some big changes, Ill will still be on hold for the biggest change tho. I won't move until he has gone. And the rate he is carrying on that's not going to be years or anything.

Then it may be down to a name in the hat.

My needs and wants are fairly simple. The town has to have public transport that I can use if I dont keep a car. I'd like to have a library. A choice of supermarkets . Being limited without driving is horrible to the budget.
The house with luck won't have stairs or a large back yard, although I need some gras to enjoy mowing it lol.

And that all amounts to my choices of Pukekohe, Papakura up as far as Manukau City, Thames or New Plymouth.

Kiwimade my INR was only 1.9 today so on the low side. Pleased with that. Now I can relax and know that the steroids dont do too much damage to my numbers.
I have felt hungrier but instead of eating I've been drowning it lol.. so my blood sugars have only gone up one point.

Knee is niggly but I've walked a lot today.

How is this for Inflation.. When my friend was up we had a lovely potato top pie in Pukekohe on August 20th. Cost $5. Which I thought was expensive.. Same pie today $6.. But yes I got one cos I knew they were good.. I wouldn't have paid that if I hadn't known they were good.

Night all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(15-09-2022, 03:53 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I picked up the Big Love series which was based on that case. Once I got past the treacle it was a fascinating glimpse into the lifestyle and the stresses it involves.

I think I saw one or two episodes of that, years ago.
We're a strange species, we humans - able to convince ourselves of virtually anything. I sometimes wonder whether planet Earth might not be the insane asylum of the universe! Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin

If & when you make a move Popeye, do be sure to check everything out very carefully - but I'm sure you know that already, so good luck for when the time comes. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well, if you want a council flat when the time comes you have limited choices because so many are being sold or transferred to ppp providers. Auckland certainly has some, check out Haumaru Housing's website for criteria. Applications go through MSD and the waiting list gets longer by the day. But they are building more all the time. Mine is in an older village and the flat is perfect for me, if in need of updating, but I have issues with management - but then, who doesn't!

And yes, the price rises are infuriating. Two tomatoes this week - $4.99. Bring on summer!
Cat approves of the chairs. She spent last night on one and left me in peace which meant I had an excellent night to set me up for the day. Now, if the weather holds up I might even get a library visit and a coffee into my Friday!
morning ladies Smile A tad overcast this morning, where has the sun gone?

That's good news about your INR, popeye Smile Once your knee settles with the steroid tablets, maybe you could use a steroid cream? It would be up to your doctor though but could be worth asking about. It sounds like you are making plans, well done Smile MrK and I are also planning for when he falls off his perch. I suspect that is why he is starting to do those things we discussed over the years but he had dug his toes in about. You'll find the perfect space for you and Missy and move through the bumps and curve balls life throws your way.

Good call on the chairs then, OHH Big Grin Big Grin If the cat's happy then life is much easier lol.

I finished *gasp!!!* the fantail Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin and am sooo happy with it. Today I'll wash and iron it and lace it onto a board. There will be a frame in the cupboard that will fit it, I'm sure. Once it has been laced, I'll take a pic and post it here. It's certainly a learning curve stitching the birds. I'm thinking a kingfisher could be next as we have a pair of them hanging around.

Time to get cracking, housework today then I can get back to finding a frame.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Lovely sunny day,  be good to get outside later. 

All is well in your world OHH, the cat is happy  Smile

Look forward to seeing the finished fantail KM, a gorgeous photograph of a kingfisher appeared on my FB page recently and I thought of you and your work.  Those blues would be brilliant reproduced in embroidery.

Keep up the momentum in planning ahead Popeye and things will work out for the best. 

A bit of catch up today with a day away visiting family in the Waikato tomorrow.

Enjoy the day all.
Housework waited lol, I found the perfect frame. And there are two more the same for the next (and last, I think) two birds.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

OHH that is great news re the Cat versus chairs.. Makes our lives easier if they are happy eh.

We have 2 areas of council flats here, Bobbie was in one lot where another lady I know is. The latter let me have a nosy in hers and the thing I liked is was that the kitchen Was just that. A kitchen you could turn around in it. I find myself shaking my heads when looking at rentals online when the kitchen is just against one wall. I simply can't imagine not being able to turn around to grab something or put it out of the way lol

Oh can't wait to see your bird Kiwimade, a kingfisher would be lovely.

My plans today is to go through MrPs clothes, simply cos he has soo many huge sized ones that he could never wear again anyway. I'll sell what is still new and then rest can wait till I have to go back up to the superclinic cos our closest clothing bin is over 10 minutes away.

I am a little creaky today so will be gentle with myself I think.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Laced onto the board and then framed Smile Heart


Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The fantail is lovely KM; looks very good with that frame, too.

Lucky the chairs got the cat seal of approval, Hunni.

Freezing cold wind here today so didn't do much apart from mowing front lawn & a wee bit of weeding. Did a quick zip to library just to make sure I have unread books waiting once I finish re reading the ones I'm on now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Oh Kiwimade thats Lovely... Awesome Job.

Its clouded over here now.

MrP is still ignoring his phone.. But Ive spoken to the head nurse. She said he is eating about 1/4 of what is being offered. The silly man. The only one he is hurting is himself
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That is so lovely, but I cannot look at fantails now without thinking of sparkly farts lol! Maybe that is why they fly that way?

Went to the village and picked up a few necessities for the weekend. Boy it was chilly down there on the seafront with the southerly coming in. It will be a quiet one up here if that keeps up...
The goof had dropped his phone. lol

Bobbie asked them to ring me cos she is worried about him.

I spoke to him and told him I would visit but if he swears at me I will leave.

I will explain to Bobbie why I dont play his games
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That is absolutely gorgeous Kiwimaid - piwakawaka are one of my favourite birds.
(16-09-2022, 02:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: That is so lovely, but I cannot look at fantails now without thinking of sparkly farts lol! Maybe that is why they fly that way?

Went to the village and picked up a few necessities for the weekend. Boy it was chilly down there on the seafront with the southerly coming in. It will be a quiet one up here if that keeps up...
Farting fantails... love the alliteration - & the mental image! Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

Been a busy day today, into city for errands, food hunting and did manage to set up to start quilting some time soon.

KM love the fantails they are just beautiful real works of art and I should think they will be treasured family heirlooms

Bsuy weekend girls day out tomorrow with DD and sewing group on Sunday up the line

OH glad the chairs passed their cat scan

Knitting prem cardi  met with women who makes up kits prem clothes and they have no cardigans so said I will knit 2-4  to completed the packs.

Really tired tonight so I think it will be an early night for me

Have a good weekend
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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