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(21-09-2022, 08:39 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Ahh, I wondered about a uti. The fever does seem to go to our heads with those. Fingers crossed a decent dose of antibiotics does the trick. I may be quite wrong but I reckon insufficent changing of pads has a role to play in these repeat infections. Certainly did with my mum, and I have a neighbour who also gets the same issue. And I think she is a bit slack on the routine too...

But who knows. Maybe it is just mama nature doing her best to bump us off at three score and ten...

yeah he has had them before.  Ill put the photo I took up on Saturday, I dont think it was just a pill that he hadnt swallowed. I reckon its thrush. and to the extreme.

PLEASe DONT open it if you have a weak stomach

DO NOT OPEN if you have a weak stomach. but I reckon this is thrush not a pill that he didnt swallow
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
*does the happy dance* the fence is all fixed and the Furry One didn't even need to be tied up (except we had to open the gates to let the guys in and then out when they had finished). We are both so relieved to have it done. No more flopping in the breeze and once the concrete has hardened, I can get back into the garden.

Good to hear they have figured out what's wrong with MrP, popeye. I agree with OHH, not changing pads regularly doesn't help with UTIs. And nope, not looking at your pic as it's lunchtime lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Glad the fencing went well, KM, that'll make a difference for you.

Hope Mr. P is on the mend now Popeye.

Ventured out early in search of notebooks & the chicken they didn't have yesterday, got chicken but notebooks almost gone. Just one left so will leave it for now but keep an eye out in case more turn up.
Came home & did a bit in the garden so making a bit of progress out there slowly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Oh Im so pleased the fence is done Kiwimade.. it will feel safer for the furry one and his visitors too.

spoke to a nurse this morning and told them about his mouth so they were going to look into it.

Showed the photo to a few people and the first word, including one of the nurses at the home, said was Thrush...

Have been trying to call MrP but hes not picking up. Will leave it till later incase he is sleeping
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A grey start to the day but that works for me with more heavy work to do in the garden. I'll take some panadol for my back and give it time to kick in first.

It is so good to have the fence fixed. The two guys did it so quickly. MrK said he could do it and I don't doubt that for a minute but, as I said to him, sometimes you just need young bones with right tools to do the job. We certainly feel safer and happier knowing it's not going to fall over. MrK jokingly said now a car or truck will go through it. That would be just our luck lol.

I've almost finished stitching the post the kotare/kingfisher is sitting on. I was only going to outline the post but found thread the exact grey/green of lichen and had to use it.

Washing machine is finished, heaven knows if anything will dry on the line today but it's worth a go. We've had our heat pump off for two days and nights now so the weather is warming up. And yes, popeye, the winter energy payment finishes on the 1st October. I must read our power meter and send in the numbers as it's guesstimate month and I hate their guesses. We don't have a smart meter as one won't fit where our power board is.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Drizzling but warm, mightn't be easy to get in a shower-free dog walk today.

Busy yesterday which included accompanying DIL2B for baby scan, something I never experienced. The technology is so fascinating with all the info given.

No car today and rain means looking for things to do inside. My vege garden has a new lease on life with the added compost and will enjoy the wet weather. Getting seeds started one option to keep the veg going.

I hope MrP is sorted in hospital Popeye.

Time to move.

Enjoy the day.
Morning all a bit of a breeze here.

I have a cold and I am a bit miserable and frustrated as have things to do and appointments  that I will now have to cancel you know the ones that have 2 month wait Rolleyes

Careful of the back KM and I hope hospital sorts out MrP Popeye
Nothing like a good feed to get plants going Roma

A day knitting and reading here nothing too energetic

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I remember my first scan, I had to drink vast amounts so the old tech could show a clear image. Never been so close to wetting my pants in my life lol, and that holds even today. I'll bet the modern version is much easier, I never see pregnant mums these days with that look of terror as the techs show them their babies on screen! Progress!

Had a funny day yesterday, the cat was very sick and between bouts of the unpleasant kind slept away the day, then had a small meal at 9pm which stayed down, and spent the rest of the night curled up on any bit of me she could reach. For a while I was wondering about that planned final trip to the vet, but this morning she is as bright as a button again. Weird animal. I do wonder though if flea treating her on Tuesday might have been the cause. Maybe she has become sensitive to the poisons. I must google and see...

Was nice to be so needed though, by the bossiest cat I have ever shared living space with!
Morning everyone

A little grey but the sun is trying to come out. A tad chilly, although that might be me lol

I managed to get through to the hospital quite well yesterday and spoke to MrP too. Ive told that many people about his mouth hopefully they will check it. Hes not eating, so they will be doing something about that too I guess.

Does anyone have restless legs here? Im assuming thats what I have . Its bloody annoying, with them jumping about , waking me up all the time. I ended up sleeping in my chair till 5 am this morning...

I have a list to take to the Drs with me this afternoon. He will earn his money today lol.

Discount day at Gull today, which is also Car free day lol But its on till Noon Friday. I weill get some today tho since I have to go out.

Have a fab day everyone

(22-09-2022, 09:06 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I remember my first scan, I had to drink vast amounts so the old tech could show a clear image. Never been so close to wetting my pants in my life lol, and that holds even today. I'll bet the modern version is much easier, I never see pregnant mums these days with that look of terror as the techs show them their babies on screen! Progress!

Had a funny day yesterday, the cat was very sick and between bouts of the unpleasant kind slept away the day, then had a small meal at 9pm which stayed down, and spent the rest of the night curled up on any bit of me she could reach. For a while I was wondering about that planned final trip to the vet, but this morning she is as bright as a button again. Weird animal. I do wonder though if flea treating her on Tuesday might have been the cause. Maybe she has become sensitive to the poisons. I must google and see...

Was nice to be so needed though, by the bossiest cat I have ever shared living space with!

One of our girl cats always had a few off days after having flea treatment OHH. A friend had her girl to the vet yesterday she has a allergy from fleas, and the vet said fleas are really bad this year.. Ive never seen one of MIssy. Which is wonderful. Shes on my knee between me and the lappy
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I've been rained off again but I did get done what I wanted so all good.  I'll be able to plant the hydrangea cuttings you gave me, Roma, soon.  Am looking forward to having them along the front of the fence.

I remember having a scan with our son.  The scans were too busy with kidney patients for our daughter so didn't have one with her.  It's pretty amazing the technology Big Grin  I remember seeing the four chambers of MrK's heart before he had his first heart op.  Just incredible.  Pity he had his back to the screen and never saw it.

Cats lick a lot so maybe puss has licked some of the flea treatment, OHH and it's upset her tummy.

MrK is cleaning his home brew barrel, so I'll make a cuppa when he's done.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
She'd've had a long tongue to get to the top of her head! But maybe it triggered her other issues. Who knows, cats bodies are as weird as ours at times.

As for restless legs, I get them a lot and have found resting my feet on a heat source, like a wheat bag or hot water bottle works wonders. I think it draws the blood down into the fine vessels in the muscles and stops that awful signalling about the need to move - which after all would do the same thing. I found one of those long thin hot water bottles across the bottom of the bed just right for those nights, it doesn't overheat the bed but my twitchiness stops if I can just rest my feet against it. See if it works for you...
(22-09-2022, 09:55 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: She'd've had a long tongue to get to the top of her head! But maybe it triggered her other issues. Who knows, cats bodies are as weird as ours at times.

As for restless legs, I get them a lot and have found resting my feet on a heat source, like a wheat bag or hot water bottle works wonders. I think it draws the blood down into the fine vessels in the muscles and stops that awful signalling about the need to move - which after all would do the same thing. I found one of those long thin hot water bottles across the bottom of the bed just right for those nights, it doesn't overheat the bed but my twitchiness stops if I can just rest my feet against it. See if it works for you...

Thank you OHH... I have been wearing socks thinking it might help. Will try the long hottie tonight.. Id even started taking a whole sleeping pill to try and sleep but even that didnt help last night
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
lol OHH, but cats lick their paws then rub their bodies with their paws. Either way, I think you are right, it's more than likely the flea treatment.

So frustrating not being able to do what I want outside at the moment. But we are grateful to the rain, the ground is so dry.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I mowed the dreaded back lawn earlier & then did more digging & weeding so not up for anything else today. I told the dog she can cook tonight but I bet she'll skive off.

I'm out tomorrow, weather permitting in search of a few veg plants. Thought I'd have a bash at growing cauli since they're apparently worth their weight in gold now - $6 for half a cauli at local supermarket! I can't really remember if I've grown them before or not - if I did then it was a good many years ago. I think that it wouldn't be a bad idea for those who can to put in or expand an existing veg garden.

If I ever get restless legs, I'll know what to do now. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well yes indeed.. Thrush,, never even thought about it when I kissed MrP on Sunday.

Spent 30 minutes with the Dr. it was empty there lol.

Hes stunned at my weight loss. And gave me a good check over. And I have a page of bloods for tomorrow. Halved my bp med yay.
He said low iron can cause the restless legs too, along with magnesium but I told him I take that in massive doses anyway.

He agreed 80-85 kilos would be a good weight to get to. And is thinking about how to stop and maintain when I get there lol He said Ill have a lot of lose skin by then, I showed him one of my arms and he said you have a lot now lol... oh well Ill have to get used to that.. I guess the landlords wouldnt like it if I took a mortgage on the house to get skin surgery lol

Saw one of my old DRs at the supermarket with his wife who was a nurse, they are doing great. He has retired from Dring and helping a friend in a gardening business.. Total Change lol.

Time for Missy and Mummy time
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another wet day today. I believe we had an earthquake last evening, didn't feel a thing.

We just looked at the dash cam video of the idiot driver overtaking a truck on the Kaimai Ranges. It gave us the willies that's for sure. So many crazies take chances on that stretch of road and so many lives lost.

MrK grows cauli, Lilith. He has been a tad frustrated over the last couple of seasons with his brassicas thanks to the white butterfly.

I see Consumer are asking people to report specials that aren't really specials. I've always peeked under the specials tag to see what the original price was so I can compare. Sometimes other brands of the same thing are cheaper than the specials.

There are late spring daffs flowering in the garden. It's silly but they always take me by surprise lol. Today I am hoping to move some old bricks we used to sit the garden seat on at the end of the path. I've raked the stones on the path up into piles and they need to be rehomed. Then I can move the old fence posts I used to frame the side of the path and dig the path over so it can join the two gardens together. I am gaining so much more garden with a little bit here and a little bit there.

I started stitching the kotare/kingfisher's beak yesterday. So far, so good with good colour matches.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Wow it was wet overnight - looked out expecting the street to be flooded but the drains must be working well.  Put in the washing thinking I’d put it in the garage (am getting low on clean underwear  Smile) but now there is sun so I’ll wait a bit and see if it is going to stay.

I’m getting a bit annoyed with my brassicas as I seem to be getting an invasion of grey aphids. I sprayed my Brussel sprouts with dishwasher/oil mixture, picked off the worse leaves, hit them with hose, someone said try a vinegar mix which I did until I just about had pickled the plant and the aphids just smiled at me and kept multiplying  Big Grin and that’s before the white butterflies even decided to wake up from winter.
I’m going to try brassicas again but grow garlic among it - apparently that keeps the aphids away - are aphids related to vampires?  Sad  And put anti butterfly nets over them.
Morning everyone

A friend used to drape banana skins over his roses for aphids, so get your Potassium fix ladies lol

Overcast here, not too chilly, well at least I didnt have to warm my finger on the hottie to do my sugar test today lol.

Off to do all my bloods this morning.. then I think I'll come home and stay home...

Im annoyed cos my knee is back to square one... Just when I was feeling wonderful and not needing any assistance or sticks or wheels. I was hoping to have a day out tomorrow, trying out this spontaneous thing again.

I really want to go to the Museum, I dont think MrP has ever been there, and of course couldn't now...Kiwimade did they still have the Curiosity Street row of shops when you were there? I have a feeling I read somewhere that they took it out. It was always my favourite part. Did you ever go to the Doll Museum in Tirau Kiwimade? I enjoyed that but made me feel old cos they had the full Womble set.

Had a lovely experience yesterday. Saw a lady in the oppy that I know enough to say hello to. She didn't say hello.. But when I was paying for my stuff she tapped me on the shoulder when I spoke.. She didn't recognize me, I said yep lost heaps of weight and half of my hair lol. It made me feel so good lol.

Right better drink some more and get up the road. Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Rained all night and there will be more today.

Definately felt the earthquake last night a good long shake.

Lots of soggy tissues here, trying not to feel sorry for myself. Missing out meeting friends for shared lunch today DH still attending.

No plans for today most likely some  ore reading or knitting and listening to audio book.
K9s being good not even asking for a walk.

I have been buying frozen broccoli and cauli much more cost effective than buying fresh at the mo

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Warm and cloudy after lots of rain overnight. Not sure if it will clear up enough to hang out my washing  Undecided

Sympathies Mica, I was where you are a month ago .... with a bit of luck you will be up and running in no time as was my DH.

I have only grown brassicas during the winter to do away with the caterpillar battle. Though now I live in a warmer climate, the white butterfly seems to be around here in the winter as well. My 5 blueberry shrubs are covered in flowers ... very pretty, bring on the blueberries.

Need to go out to do a few jobs plus get a few groceries. Family plus dog coming to stay tonight so full house.

My cat is sitting at the window growling at the neighbour's cat sitting up on their garage roof. Better go and shut the cat flap, so he doesn't feel the need to investigate further! Silly old boy.

Enjoy the day.

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