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You can never have enough...
OHH love the sound of it...

I too had an idea last night.. If I can find my stencils Im going to see what smallish bits of timber we have in the garage and I want to paint it and put a picture on it. Add some Cup hooks and drill a hole in it. To make a key rack for my friend in Taranaki. She is forever losing her keys, so I thought I'd make it for her house warming gift. She is moving in about 6-8 weeks.

MrP was a bit moody. But was sitting in his chair today. And ate the fruit he got for his dessert. God knows what the meat was in the main but I actually ate the two roast potatoes and they were cooked perfectly. But had far to much pepper on for MrP.

Took a couple of photos of George, who was manning the front desk when I got there. And was then sleeping stretched out on the couch in reception. ill put them up later.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I was so pleased to see the lurcher find the right humans, poor dog had had a hard life & needed those people.

That screen idea sounds interesting, Hunni.

Had a mad rush of energy this morning so after an early walk, mowed the front lawn & then finished weeding the small garden I'd been working on, then cut back some of the honeysuckle from around the whatever it is - possibly Jacob's ladder apparently.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile  More rain!  It persisted down last night.

Doilies on the screen is a great idea, OHH Smile  Very clever!  What colour are you going to paint it?  Black like your chairs?

Handmade gifts are the best, popeye.  Good to hear MrP is eating again too Smile

Today if the weather clears, I am hoping to finish the weeding along our little road.  There are a couple of small piles to be binned.  The other day I went to put a pile of weeds into the bin to find it gone - the rabbits had eaten it.  Better that than the garden.  We were going to hire a skip bin for the rest of the concrete fill but at $400+ for a week, we decided to pass on that idea.  Back to plan A lol, break it up and put it in the skip bin over time.  Slower, but cheaper.  And better for my abs Tongue

The kotare/kingfisher has a head now and I'm working the creamy bit across his neck and under his beak.  So far, so good, I think.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Still rather damp here - think it rained all night.  

At least being good inside weather I can knit and read without feeling I should be elsewhere.  My stash of wool seems to have secretly increased somehow. I don’t really like having a lot of wool just sitting around so I’m hoping to reduce it before buying more.
I love the idea of the bunnies cleaning up the weed salad. I was never much good at shooting rabbits, no matter how much careful instruction I was given in the art I always managed to put the sights between their ears rather than in their heads. I used to get growled at eventually, lol. Other beasts, not a problem, but bunnies...

Not sure about colour for the screen just yet, it is magnolia at the moment, last paint job from the 90s, but black would definitely be a possible. Or white like the bookcases. A decision for another day. But I did score enough tatted doilies yesterday to apply to the panels, and only have a couple of blocks left to tidy up and secure with string stitching. I am quite pleased with it so far, it looks much tidier.
Morning everyone

Wet here too.

It got quite cold yesterday. Unless its cos my Bones are even closer to the outside. I am Now Officially in Double figures. The first time since I was 20ish. I am loving it. And feeling very proud of myself. One more kilo and I will have lost 1/3rd of myself.

Have woken with a sinus headache. Have had a runny nose for a while but its definitely sinus and nothing else. Springtime, you gotta love it lol.

Have a day off today so not sure what I will get up to lol.

I used to love going hunting. And often outdid the males.

Oh that reminds me on my way home from town the other day a very Cocky Pheasant strutted his way across 3 lanes of traffic, in front of the car in front of me. He made no effort to hurry. He was Stunning.. The red Collar was beautiful. Since he was in no rush I got a very good long look at him.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Calm outside but no sun. A ton of rain over the last couple of days ... nearly 100mm. Not surprising it's waterlogged outside! It's nice it's quite warm but I see the temperatures are going to drop!

Definitely no hunting vibes in me, I left that to others, in particular my cat and the JR before him  Big Grin  Lol KM, now you know how to keep the bunnies off your prized garden! 

Good to read of the clever creations underway here. The most I've been creating are seedlings starting from seed but keen to get back to handwork once the holidays are over. Family will be coming and going even more, so not so much leisure time to be had.

It might be wise to not venture over the hill for a while more to see family in the Waikato either, with cars being sidelined on the road by the dozen having struck the massive potholes and wrecking tyres and wheels. Sobering footage of lines of cars, spare wheels and pouring rain on the side of the road  Sad  

Righto, had better have my morning coffee and venture out with doggie while the sky is clear.

Enjoy the day.

Cock pheasants are gorgeous creatures Popeye ... always enjoy catching sight of them.
the roadside is weeded up to our gate Smile so feeling a tad smug that is done. lol roma, yep, if only the bunnies would eat only the piles of weeds. MrK has made me some cages from wire netting I can pop over any new growth (lilies!) until they are big enough to cope on their own.

Omg roma, the Kaimai Ranges are a blimmen mess with potholes. We saw all those cars sidelined online and again on the news. We went over the Kaimais in August and it was bucketing down. We counted seven cars having tyres changed in the pouring rain, one car being put onto a trailer with a broken wheel and three accidents. We've also decided not to go over the ranges unless we absolutely have too, or at least until summer when the road has dried out.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Rain last night so still too wet for weeding, did a bit more on current painting. Two granddaughters called in earlier, so good to see them. 20's & 30's are a busy time of life for most so its always good to catch up with them. I may be going to the museum with eldest & her two boys later in the week (since the school holidays are here again) so that'll make a change, haven't been there for ages.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Halfway through my first jigsaw puzzle of the year. Bit slow really, must've been a busy year, lol. But today just called for coffees, chocky bikkies, and puzzle pieces...
morning ladies Smile Another wet day today but I am hoping to have the lawn mowed by the end of the day. That may be wishful thinking.

I haven't done a jig saw puzzle in years, OHH. Our daughter used to be a fan and we had one of those puzzle mats we could roll up.

My sister and her granddaughter called in yesterday. Was lovely to see them but omg when do they grow? Her granddaughter is six and already up to my shoulder.

No embroidery done yesterday, maybe, thanks to the weather, some more will be done today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I quite enjoy doing the on line jigsaws, you can set the number of pieces and difficulty so can decide just how much time you want to spend on them.

I’m ploughing through a rather long band on a cardigan for a niece over 300 stitches and it is about 10cms wide of 1 x 1 rib. I’ve done this pattern several times but this time I’m finding it quite tedious. Looking forward to knitting some small quick things.
Morning everyone

Wet and chilly here again.

I have flowers on two geraniums and buds on the third. The Mystery one is a bright scarlet colour, which is perfect as I was hoping for 3 different colours. It's a simple single flower too.

Off to see MrP and Bobbie this morning. I have his toilet bag nearly done. Just need to add another toothbrush and paste on shopping day. And I've made a sign to put on the wardrobe as well. Hopefully it will mean he won't be landing back in hospital with nothing.

I watched the 1% quizz show yesterday on Eden for the first time. I enjoyed it. My type of games. And I would have won lol. I think it may have been on Saturday night cos it said a repeat. But it's my new fave watch now.

Have two bids on my TM listing and there are 20 watchers so Im hoping it will go crazy. I usually put buy now's on things but didn't this time. the price suggestion that came up when I listed it was lower than what I started it for. So hopefully it will be a fun ending.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

The sun is trying to come out though rain forecast, very warm. 

I finished a wasgij a few months ago ... took ages to complete, in fits and starts! Good to have in a space where you can go back and forth to have a session at it. 

Quite a lot done in the garden yesterday,  hoping the row of grasses  given a severe haircut recover ... was sick of them spilling over the path!

As of yesterday my 13 yo GS now level pegging with me ... he'll have to compete with his GF now! They do grow so fast!

Hanging out with family today and will deal with anything else that crops up. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Dull damp cold day here so sick of no sun.

Did some tidy up in sewing cave yesterday

Have a few errands to run this morning then will prowl the cave looking for inspiration.

I have a jigsaw app on my tablet that I play with occasionally

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Lots of sirens out there this morning, someone is not having a good day. Mine though is definitely improving. The gallstones made themselves known in the dark hours and this time I tried the oxycontin and an antinausea tablet the doc suggested a while back. Those and a hot water bottle across my back and I slept through most of it, so I shall be using those when the next one hits. Not madly keen on the slight thick head I have this morning, but it beats the hell out of the usual griping nonsense.

This old age business is not for sissies...
The Kaimai Ranges, once again, had a slip today holding traffic up for ages. That road is trecherous!

I have had a very happy hour or so (ok, probably closer to two) of stitching and have finished the cream/white strip around the neck of the kotare/kingfisher.  I'm about to start down folded wings on his back so finally get to use the gorgeous greens and blues. 

Popeye, that pheasant you saw the other days sounds gorgeous.  We don't get to see them very often now, sadly.  He would have been in his prime too Heart

OHH, I read to MrK your comment about growing old not being for sissies... he said 'too damed right!' lol
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The gallstones do not sound much fun, Hunni; I have a friend who had them & according to her extremely painful.

A very successful hunt this morning; granddaughter said yesterday that the eldest great grandson has discovered Harry Potter. I've been waiting for that, had bought the set of HP books when I spotted them for a good price & put them aside, so he'll get those for Xmas this year. I also have another set for great granddaughter, (his cousin) when she's old enough to appreciate Harry Potter.
Did a swift trip to Farmers today after I'd googled (however did we manage without it?!) & found they have some HP stuff on special, & managed to get him a pair of Harry Potter Pj's - really lucky, as most were far bigger sizes. So that's most of his xmas done, just a small toy or something & that's him sorted.

We're apparently due some very cold weather including the possibility of snow here so am hoping it holds off till after I've done the dreaded groceries tomorrow.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Totally agree with the Getting old comment.. The other option can't be that great either tho.

I have a couple of friends who have had babies and gall stones and said they would rather give birth than have gall stones. I was glad to see the back of mine that's for sure.

Yeah the Pheasant was beautiful. I'm just really glad that taking his time is probably what saved him. we both had time to slow down and let him cross.. I've never seen one that close before.

The grumpy one was grumpy today. And sadly for him the Dr came in and actually spoke to me about my weight etc. MrP hates it if the focus isn't totally on him. The Dr told him he has to get up and walk. MrP said he wants to drive. Dr said you need to be able to walk first.. But I know he won't make any effort. And it's all my fault lol.

He said my hair was a mess, I said go outside and yours will look the same lol.. he didnt like that lol

I spent longer in the dining room with the group of ladies that I've come to know. lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
While I remember, for anyone interested - tomorrow night at 8.40 on One, there's a doco Kids Wired differently, which is about people with ADHD, Autism etc. etc.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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