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You can never have enough...
morning all

nippy but blue sky and a little breeze that kept any frost away

Going to make my Xmas fruit mince today so that it can develop flavours

Got friends coming for dinner tonight so will be prepping for that after lunch, get everything done meat casserole in slow cooker so easy entertaining

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good luck with the auction. Popeye hope it goes well.

Feeling knackered; I may have overdone things slightly. Mowed the dreaded back lawn this morning & then ventured out to library at last, but like the idiot I clearly am, decided on a quick trawl around shops in case anything in the way of Xmas ideas suggested itself. The 'quick trawl' turned into a lengthy one, but did manage to get Spiderman PJ's for youngest great grandson & was so pleased, has a look for something for their wee cousin - but everything for girls of 2-3 was either pink or lilac & had frills from xmas to breakfast & quite a unicorn as well so gave up & came home. Msgd Granddaughter & told her about the PJ's, & asked about what books he likes now - those I spy ones apparently they're like Where's wally but for little kids & he loves them. He's also very keen on space, planets etc etc so when I found an I spy in space I was very pleased & got that for him.

So that's a bit more Xmas shopping done & I'm stalking a Wonder Woman T on Ali Express shirt for great granddaughter - much better than pink frills with unicorns!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have a small frost this morning that has almost gone. The sun's out too so the day looks promising.

Lilith, you are a legend buying Christmas pressies already. I usually start around about now to spread the cost but you are well ahead of me. Those eye spy books are great and kids love them.

We have spotted a few bees around the garden. The bumble bees are tricky to see when in the broad bean flowers lol. Once our huge tree flowers they will be buzzing. Literally buzzing. All you can hear in the garden in a hummmmm of bees. The local bee keeper usually brings his hives to the farm next door around this time of the year.

Yesterday's frost a more brutal than we thought. The grapevine took a hammering. Hopefully the new growth will be OK. On the bright side, the hydrangea cuttings, Yesterday Today & Tomorrow and camellia seedlings didn't even care.

I have one very messy corner of the garden where I have dumped excess mulch, the hydrangea prunings have been thrown over the fence and one of the poles I dug in to support dahlias last summer has been knocked over by the fencer. So that's where I will be this morning. While I'm there I will fill in the last two fence posts and spread the excess clay that's in a pile.

MrK received a letter from Waikato Hosp to say he is on the list for cataract surgery but due to Covid and staff shortages, the wait is longer than usual. At least he made it to the list.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Another beautiful day. 

Had a little bird fly into one of my windows yesterday. Don’t know what sort it was but poor little thing obviously knocked itself out so I played nurse maid for a while and scooped it up and put on the verandah  for a while so a cat wouldn’t find it before it had time to recover. Took about an hour before it flew away. Hope it doesn’t have too much of a headache today.
Funny the things that can throw you, and muck up your day. I was looking for the quiz this morning and right alongside was a real estate ad for a friend's much loved home and studio, stripped of all the things she had worked so hard to create, it reminded me of losing her two years ago. If I needed reminding. But the saddest thing was the way the way has been neglected, and it reinforced for me how much work goes into maintaining a much loved garden and just how quickly it falls apart when that effort stops going in to it. Her garden supported her families, all three of them, plus us hangers on, with flowers, fruit and veg all year round, and it has just been cleared out, all the raised beds empty, the fruit trees unpruned, the berry wires bare. But the worst thing? Her studio, described in the ad as a 'hobby room'. Talk about damned with faint praise, that studio produced masterworks that hang in many public buildings to this day...

Ephemeral things, the lives we human beings work so hard on.
Morning everyone

A stunner of a day with a chilly start.

We all enjoyed the music yesterday, was a good old sing along starting with Happy Birthday for 5 residents. One being 100.. And apparently Buckingham Palace is too busy to do telegrams or cards just yet. You would think they would have these sorts of things sorted practically automatically.

I took MrP out of his room early and we stopped for a short chat with my ladies, and they all made him very welcome, and we learned there is a man in there who used to race motorbikes and cars, but who is now Blind. I stopped and Introduce MrP to him. But the nurses came to toilet him. And on the way back he was laying down so Ill take MrP down another day. He has one of his overalls and a couple of Trophy's on his wardrobe so maybe not totally blind.

The auction stayed at the same price, but Im still super happy with what I got.

IM nipping over to Pukekohe this morning for Bobbie. I dont have to but if I can bring joy to someone I will. Shes run out of the lip balm I gave her for her birthday and body lotion. I have some more lotion but not the lip balms and they are on special this week.

The knee is horrible and I was hoping to be doing more lawn but Ill see how I get on later.

Glad the plants are all winning against the frosts etc.. Crazy isn't it being into the second week of October lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
A wee frost to start the day can live with that because we will have a lovely sunny day.

Had a lovely catch up with the friends that came to dinner last night bonus enough left overs for dinner tonight.

Not sure what I will get up to after a bit of a tidy up feeling the pull to make a quilt of some sort might have to pull some fabric for charity baby quilt.

Not sure what DH will get up to no gardening for hime for another 4 days.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
KM, I have to start early because there are lots of people to get something for so starting early makes sense. There are also several family birthdays both a month or so before & a month or so after Xmas.

Hunni, yes its always hard to see changes of that nature - they not what our memories tell us. But then life is change after all.

The kowhai tree is in full flower now, looks gorgeous out there. Lovely weather so hoping the ground dries out enough that I can get more weeding done, I'll need to plant soon.
Eldest granddaughter wants us to go for a picnic & then a museum visit next week with the two great grandsons while its still school holidays; the idea being to go by bus since her boys have never so far been on one - weather permitting of course.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I've done what I wanted in the garden, even stripped off the warm layers of clothing and down to a t shirt. Now I have four piles of weeds that will need to refill the compost wheelie bin when it is emptied by our lovely bin man. I did sneak a few pieces of concrete into the wheelie bin though Tongue

That's so sad, OHH. Hopefully your friend's home will be loved as much as she loved it by the new residents. As for 'hobby room', phfftt.. what a thing to call it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yeah it is sad when they dont give the credit for a proper artists room..

I've been to Pukekohe and got the lip balm for Bobbie and some body lotion for her.. One would have thought that the little shop trolley they have would contain these sorts of things. There's far more women there than men.

While in the warehouse getting some puree kisses for Madam I had a look at the screwdriver. very impressed and a comfortable weight too, so I will go back on Thursday as the sale money should be in the bank by then.. I never spend ahead, and who knows maybe it will end up on special lol.

Sooo what is everyone watching tonight? The T20 Cricket Us v Pakistan or the women's Rugby Us v Aussie?...I imagine in my Aussie friend's house He will be in the lounge watching the Cricket she, the Aussie will be watching the rugby in the bedroom lol...
I just wish I couldn't set one of the other TVs up in the bedroom and I would watch the cricket keeping warm on the bed lol

For the last couple of weeks there has been some knitted toys for sale at the rest home. but they have gone now so I asked yesterday if I could take my Santas up, so Im going to take them up tomorrow and see how they go. No commission even tho I offered it.

Better find something to eat so I can take a pain pill. Its as bad today as it was when I had the Steroid
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's lovely and calm outside and I'll be out there shortly to finish the weeding - as if weeding is ever finished lol.

OMG what a rugby game! that first 20 minutes was nail biting stuff and our girls made 64 tackles, 64! Once we had our first try and points on the board, I knew we were going to do well. I suspect the Aussies ran out of ooomph towards the end and certainly didn't help themselves with two yellow cards at the same time. It was one of the best rugby games I have watched. The ref was great, I like how she spoke clearly and concisely and made her point to the girls. MrK watched a movie while I watched the game live online. I was yelling so much he was telling me shush lol and he ended up watching the end of the game with me on the telly. Bring on the next game lol.

I'm still waiting for our neighbour to take my concrete away but I did tell him no hurry. So, I have a cunning plan for the rest of it. I'll dig it out, smash up the big pieces with the sledgehammer and leave it on the old garden path being converted back to garden. It will then be out of the way and I can dump a bit at a time straight into the bin each week. I was watching MrK step over the edging yesterday and it's pretty nerve wracking as he shuffles now. Part of that is his cataract and not being able to see properly. The sooner it's all dug out the better.

Time to get moving and make the most of the calm start to the day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very still here too Kiwimade.

The cricket wasn't as exciting lol. But it was still nice to watch. Even tho we were well and truely beaten. One team has to lose.. Another tonight yay.

Im off to see the July ones this morning.. And it will be a mission, MrP asked for some potato chips so that means I have to go into New world. But thankfully the chips on special are right by the door so I dont have to walk to far.

Im back on the walker and heavy meds again. grrr. But I also use it as a trolley to carry the bag full in too so it has its perks lol.

But I want to be home to watch the 1% game show at 1-30 on Eden. I like the types of puzzles they do on it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Nice day here too.

Just having a sit down after doing the kitchen tidy up k9s are all watch ing and following me definitely a big hint they want a walk Big Grin

DD, DSIL&DGD popped in yesterday afternoon so that curtailed my sewing time.
Made batch of biscuits yesterday possibly not a good idea as I will eat them Cool

Had a lovely catch up with my sewing buddy and good neighbour yesterday morning so a social day.

Plan to finish the top I started sewing yesterday. I modified my tried and true tshirt pattern from scoop neck to boat neckline and add some swing to it so I am looking forward to seeing how it looks when I get it finished this afternoon

My DD excitedly showing me fabric online which she has ordered all for me to make up for  DGD  no pressure!

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The bees must read this thread as they have been visiting my beans - the warmer weather probably has influenced them more than reading lol. I actually have some tiny beans so not long before enjoying them
Ooooh! I must check my plants. I looked after you posted and had the same disappointment - offset by noticing lots of teeny blueberries on my three bushes next to them, but if the beans don't come right, they are coming OUT!
lol MrK had a stern word with his beans too.  We've been disappointed with them over the last couple of summers.

Well, that was more than I planned to do in the garden!  My plan was to trim the edges ready for the lawn to be mown and finish weeding.  The edges are done and one garden to go for weeding.  BUT I have dug out more concrete, broken it in to smaller pieces with the sledgehammer and have dug up more lawn so the curves where the concrete was is looking smoother.  MrK has cottoned onto my cunning plan of reclaiming some extra lawn for the garden lol.  But he has had to admit it looks much better.  This body knows it has done some real physical stuff this morning but it's a really good feeling.  And the sledgehammer doesn't seem that heavy any more Big Grin Big Grin

I'm starving, it must be lunchtime.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It must be spring; I seem to have overdone things as well. I dug over & weeded again the two small strips by the fence where the beans & tomatoes will go & then dug some compost into them. Had to dig out & transplant (I hope) a raspberry which was in the way. With luck will get the beans in this week but tomatoes will have to wait since I don't trust the weather yet.
Freezing yesterday & today is 20 so still unsettled, & still masses of garden needs doing.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It looks like the rain clouds are passing through, so I'll make the most of that and do a bit more concrete smashing this morning. That should work some of the stiffness from yesterday out of this body.

Your raspberry should be fine, Lilith. They are tough! There are a few people chatting in our local FB gardening page saying how many plants they have lost thanks to the frost we had the other morning. Because it was so late in the season, a lot more than usual was frosted. Am so glad our tomatoes and cucumbers weren't in. MrK has changed his mind again about when to plant the tomatoes as he is also unsure about the weather.

Better get cracking if I want to get outside. I have in my head how much I want to get done this morning, but I might just be pushing it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Dull out there,  but it's not cold. I see we are in for 'patchy showers'.

Busy weekend here, with all the whanau about.  I have 3 grandies for the day,  while their parents work,  with the others visiting. Won't be much me time!

We've heard a lot of kiwifruit orchards suffered with the frosts ... you can't argue with the weather, unfortunately for those whose lives revolve around it!
KM you will be well toned with your concrete smashing  Wink

Good result with your auction Popeye, I'm waiting to hear back from a buyer (2 emails sent), after a $20 sale last week.  Not sure how much longer I wait  Dodgy

Better finish my cuppa and get washing onto a rack under the eaves.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Dull and overcast here too.

I was hoping to get some lawn done today but I dont think ill risk it.. And my knee is horrible anyway.

I did get into two fabric drawers last night and I have a couple of pieces I think there might be enough. Ill cut a pattern off the pants I love to wear.

I think I mentioned here about talking to my twin and he reckoned it was like talking to His daughter but an older version. Yesterday I put the photo up that I had taken at the rest home and my Niece Holly commented and she was blown away .lol.. I said Ive always called her my Mini Me but she had never seen me before lol... It was soo funny , but also cool lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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