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You can never have enough...
Still no beans on my plants so I think I shall pull them to give the blueberries more elbow room. Behind them are the half dozen sweetpea plants I put in which have gone mad, and are covered in baby buds, so that should compensate.

And then, checking my accounts this morning before the payday credit comes in I see Vector have paid our little catch up bonus and Trustpower has passed it on, so the powerbill will be well covered this month. With luck it means I will be in credit for summer, always a good feeling when the budget planning works out right! Now, if Spark would just stop eaking up my broadband costs I would be a happy woman...
Good idea about the beans, OHH. If they can't be productive, make way for something that can be!

I see Spark has taken our wire maintenance fee off our account as 'most people have fiber now'. Well, we aren't 'most people' and can't get fiber so rely on the old copper wires. Not impressed being lumped into 'most people'.

A bit more concrete smashed, not as much as I would have liked but that's OK. MrK is putting old bricks in front of a seat I dug around yesterday and suddenly Tongue became part of the garden. I can't imagine how that possibly happened Tongue

Time to make the lasagna for dinner. It's a fuss to make but a very yummy way to use mince.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(10-10-2022, 10:28 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Good idea about the beans, OHH.  If they can't be productive, make way for something that can be!

I see Spark has taken our wire maintenance fee off our account as 'most people have fiber now'.  Well, we aren't 'most people' and can't get fiber so rely on the old copper wires.  Not impressed being lumped into 'most people'. 

A bit more concrete smashed, not as much as I would have liked but that's OK.  MrK is putting old bricks in front of a seat I dug around yesterday and suddenly Tongue became part of the garden.  I can't imagine how that possibly happened Tongue

Time to make the lasagna for dinner.  It's a fuss to make but a very yummy way to use mince.
I do enjoy lasagna, but you are right, it is such a fuss to make. But worth it, though I confess I usually resort to meatballs! But the fridge holds a freshly roasted chook plus vegies, which will be added to salad over the next few days, so lazy evenings will be enjoyed!
And, thanks to free delivery for the month, I have online shopped with New World, so that's another chore done for the week. 

Oh! And a quick peramble around my tiny garden revealed one rather tatty but very edible cauli alongside another tiny one to come, a lovely unexpected surprise seeing I thought it was a cabbage!

All'n all, it is beginning to be a very positive week!
My beans and bees seem to have got the message and there are plenty of tiny beans on them now. Hopefully they will do their producing fairly quickly as I’ve ear-marked their spot for tomatoes although I have another place also for tomatoes. Just about every day I go around my garden and decide what I will plant in each spot and then something else turns up so,I have to review it again  Big Grin
 Yesterday I was given some fennel seeds which I have planted in a seed tray so will have to think where to put them eventually. I do have 4 fennel doing nicely already.
Had the help of almost 4yr old this am who absolutely loves working outside so a patch of garden is well dug over and weeded now. 
Not so sure of his chef skills though as he made crackers for morning tea, supposedly some jam ones  for big sister and himself and cheese and pickle for us older ones. I turned my back for a couple of minutes and there were ones with jam, cheese and pickle all together on them - he ate them but don’t think they will appear on master chef   Bigsmile
That reminds me. I have 2019 seeds in the fridge I need to test plant. Be interesting to see if they germinate. If they do I'll have to find a quiet safe place for them.
You never know Venetian, he could be another Jamie Oliver in the making! Smile

Managed to get runner beans planted, plus one or two broad beans, having dug over, weeded & then dug in compost to give them a good start. They had better grow if they know what's good for them.
I hope to get the tomatoes in soon despite it being a bit early - & if we look likely to get a frost I can bring out my frost protectors, AKA milk bottles with the base cut away to put over tomato plants which work well as long as the plants are small.
Don't feel in the least bit like cooking or anything else now but no doubt will come up with something - I did suggest that perhaps Madame le Dog might like to cook, but she just gave one of her looks so probably not. You just can't get good help these days. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
A productive day for us all

I went out to do just the narrow bit of lawn down the side of the house.. And ended up being out there for a long time and its all done.

Yes Im sore but it does feel good.

I had a good dose of Vit D...

And I had to do some panel beating, hit a rock that wasn't there last time and it really bent the blade. But I fixed it. Ran out of cord in the weed eater with about 2 meters of fence left. so that can wait. Ill clean the machines and reload the spool tomorrow or Wednesday.

I was fair limping by the time I finished lol

Saw quite a few Bees... So I really need to get my seeds planted too.

Oddest thing was a kids sock hanging in a cobweb on the back wall lol... Took a punt and put it over the back fence they have two at school there.

Used my brains to save my feet as my grandmother used to say and got clean, a drink and food before I sat down. Im going to creak when I stand up lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile An early start for me today as I'm off to Hamilton. MrK has been piling up scrap metal be sold to the scrap metal merchant. We sell any metal he doesn't need as we might as well get the $$$ and have it recycled rather than dump it. And it's surprising what MrK finds in his garage over time. This time there is even a rusty old wok, our old metal letter box and some cast iron cogs.

Venetian, I love your grandson's crackers lol. But very glad I didn't have to eat them lol. Mind you, I remember a friend from school who loved jam and cheese sandwiches. And I dunk hot chips into thick shakes or ice cream. Something about the sweet and salty.

Popeye, it could be a bird who stole the sock. It's amazing what they try and use for their nests. Good on you for getting that lawn done.

My hair cut appointment last week was cancelled as my hairdresser's family ended up with a nasty tummy bug. Turns out it was Covid. She's negative now so all go for Friday morning. Can't wait.

And good news on MrK's cataracts. We had a phone call from Waikato Hospital and he has his first appointment so they can order his lens early next month. We weren't expecting anything for months going by the letter they sent out. He's a very happy chappy Big Grin Big Grin It will certainly make life easier for him.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Raining and windy here

Glad MrK is getting his cataract surgery soon. I had mine done way back 2008 got accommodating lens implants so don't need glasses. It was so good to see bright colours and to be able to drive at night again Big Grin

Cheese and jam(apricot best) eater here, you lot might like to try crunchy peanut butter, tomato and mung bean sprouts. Cool
Filling in where I volunteer this morning , not sure what I will do this afternoon, made a fabric book yesterday for baby DGD.
Nothing on my needles got to find something as it is my knit night will have to rummage for inspiration

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(11-10-2022, 07:39 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all
Raining and windy here

Glad MrK is getting his cataract surgery soon. I had mine done way back 2008 got accommodating lens implants so don't need glasses. It was so good to see bright colours and to be able to drive at night again Big Grin

Cheese and jam(apricot best) eater here, you lot might like to try crunchy peanut butter, tomato and mung bean sprouts. Cool
Filling in where I volunteer this morning , not sure what I will do this afternoon, made a fabric book yesterday for baby DGD.
Nothing on my needles got to find something as it is my knit night will have to rummage for inspiration

Enjoy your day
Has to be dark plum with my cheese, though I do like a bit of homemade apricot. Haven't had any for years, I might make some this year...
Morning everyone

Another nice day on the cards

MrP loves any jam on cheese but more often than not its homemade Apricot lol. I like vegemite and luncheon sandwich's,, Well I used to until they started messing around with the luncheon recipes. I dont like any of them now.

He was in a right royal mood last night. The Dr asked him why he was so Negative.. So last night he was telling me he wasn't his Dr. I said he is the homes Dr you are an inmate and that is it. I finally told him about his license , and asked why he just stopped and that he won't be killing me taking care of him.. I can finally say I told him a few home truths. it felt good. I didn't get upset or angry... So I feel a bit proud of myself.

He doesn't want me going up there today. But as I told him, the more he pushes away the deeper my feet go. I will go up and take his tissues etc he has asked for. I enjoy seeing Bobbie and the other ladies too so if he pushes it will fall on deaf ears.

Ohh awesome re the Cataracts Kiwimade.. I remember when Mum had hers done. She couldn't believe the difference. My friend's father had one done and I told her dont let him play the sympathy card. it doesn't hurt , the drops may sting a little but not to let him pull the wool.

Im walking a bit better this morning lol.. The left leg was just super tired and has recovered well lol.. But it just feels soo good and it looks good. I havent been able to find the scraper we used on previous mowers so Ill be poking around in the garage to find something I can adapt. I dont like the idea of spraying it with the hose. Im not cutting it super short cos I hate Shorn lawns..

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Might have overdone things slightly; having done the dreaded groceries & had a coffee I decided to tackle the hedge which had lots of spring growth. It took a while but managed to get it done so thought that while I had everything ready I might as well have a bash at those annoying elderberries in the backyard which had decided to mount a takeover bid along the fence. Turns there were more than I'd thought but just kept going & get them done, but while I was at it I noticed some sneaky ivy had attached itself to the fence & got a few bits off but the rest will have to wait for another day, dammit.

I'm doing nowt for the rest of the day. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It's overcast but warm here this morning so I might be able to get more concrete dug out.

omg Lilith, you were busy yesterday. But I know what you mean, you start one thing, and it leads to another lol. Good to have those jobs done though. My sister-in-law often says it doesn't matter what you do in the garden, it all needs doing at some stage!

This will be MrK's second cataract, he had his right eye done a few years ago. But this time it's his left and it's worse than his right. The cataract has come from behind so has blinded him a lot quicker. We both can't wait to have it done.

I saw our son yesterday and his shoulder is mending slowly. At least another two weeks in a sling and once the bones have fused, he's looking at around three months of physio. So not a short term thing by any means.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast but warm,  maybe some showers later.

Yesterday was spent with SI grandies,  some seedling transfers into the garden and watering,  might need to do more of that if we don't get much rain.  The knitting can wait a bit longer. 

Grocery shop needs to happen today and also return a library book. Hopefully also get my sewing machine out for some clothes altering.

Sometimes a very good way to get things done Lilith, start with one job, notice the next thing that needs doing and on you go, lol ........

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Nice day here

Recovering from my gym session the bike sprints are a killer.

Made DGS a tshirt yesterday will give it to him next week.

Found some orphan balls of DK merino wool in the stash so I have a hat on my needles,  the wool seems so thick after my usual 4 ply.

No plans plans for today will be a surprise  Cool

Enjoy hearing about everyone's gardening exploits Big Grin

Have a fun day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Great that Mr K has at least got a foot in the door for his cataract op. It seems that the hardest part is to actually get onto a list but once there things start to get done even if slower than some would like  Smile

I fully know how one job leads to another I seem quite good at starting one thing then getting sidetracked onto something else and then another thing etc - and sometimes find that after finishing several odd jobs the original one still waiting to be finished. 

Busy day yesterday with morning at playground then out for dinner in evening. Not sure what today will bring it’s overcast but not raining - well yet anyway!
Morning everyone

It was warm late yesterday I actually put my fan on cos there wasn't a breath of wind.

Yep we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to learning where to stop lol.. My left leg has recovered lol.. I will need to see my Dr again for more pain meds I think for the bad one. Hate it.

The nurse rang before I went up to MrP yesterday. Turns out the hospital had stopped his depression med. It sucks that I had to explain that yes while they help with pain they also help with depression, to a nurse. So she emailed the Dr while I was talking to her, hopefully they will start it very quickly.

He was ok but tired. Didn't snap and even offered me his cupcake. Spent about an hour with the ladies too.. Then was standing out the front watching two very fat male Tuis having a jolly good feed in the Kowhai trees. They would turn and show me their beautiful blue green backs.

Yes Kiwimade your son is going to have a long journey. Its18 years since I dislocated my right shoulder and it still gives me Gip if I do something for too long.

A Missy and me day today. Then I will pop over to Pukekohe tomorrow and get my screwdriver... Then you watch, I won't need to tighten anything for ages lol..

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(12-10-2022, 07:57 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

It was warm late yesterday I actually put my fan on cos there wasn't a breath of wind.

Yep we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to learning where to stop lol.. My left leg has recovered lol.. I will need to see my Dr again for more pain meds I think for the bad one. Hate it.

The nurse rang before I went up to MrP yesterday. Turns out the hospital had stopped his depression med. It sucks that I had to explain that yes while they help with pain they also help with depression, to a nurse. So she emailed the Dr while I was talking to her, hopefully they will start it very quickly.

He was ok but tired. Didn't snap and even offered me his cupcake. Spent about an hour with the ladies too.. Then was standing out the front watching two very fat male Tuis having a jolly good feed in the Kowhai trees. They would turn and show me their beautiful blue green backs.

Yes Kiwimade your son is going to have a long journey. Its18 years since I dislocated my right shoulder and it still gives me Gip if I do something for too long.

A Missy and me day today. Then I will pop over to Pukekohe tomorrow and get my screwdriver... Then you watch, I won't need to tighten anything for ages lol..

Have a fab day all
Orthopedic docs are always so positive about recovery, I think it is part of their job description. Thing is, once you bust a bone, or ligaments, or both recovery does not mean getting everything back the way it was. It actually means learning to live with the changes...
So true OHH. Our son must have a thing about his right arm lol. Broke and bent the bones when he was four and needed surgery (after I had a row with the doctor about it) to pick the bones apart and put plates in to keep them apart. Dislocated his thumb when disc skimming at the beach and now his shoulder. I suspect when he is older that arm is going to give him trouble.

More concrete dug out and broken up Big Grin and MrK has finished around the garden seat. There will need to be a good tidy up when all the digging is done as the piles of grass turf and weeds are growing in numbers. I'm thinking another good go at it starting early tomorrow should see it done. And then it's a matter of turfing out the concrete bits each week. The garden path I dismantled is a good spot for the rubble and will have to wait for summer 2023/2024 to be turned back into garden properly. In the meantime, there is an edging easily mowed and a tad more garden to play in. A win-win in my book.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
What a productive day I have had so far! Scored cheap beef at the supermarket, and a nice round plastic bowl pot at the recycling bin outside Hammer Hardware (I like them for hanging baskets!), then picked up the bundle of aluminium struts carefully saved for me by a friend who was updating her tv aerial - they make brilliant garden stakes - along with cutting of a great geranium, pineapple sage, and a double pink Japanese anenome (sp?). And had great fun doing driving test runs though the avenues of cones and ramps our local roadworks teams have set up just for me on Lake Road...

All this on top of coffee and carrot cake with my lovely ladies at my favourite cafe.

I do have some excellent days!

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