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You can never have enough...
Good afternoon.

Lovely and sunny today, can now break out the summer clothes for sure. Watering needed each day now though. 

Cuppa time while GD does a jigsaw. We had chicken and leek pie last night and I used the left over pastry bits to go with apple. Great minds think alike KM  Smile

DH took the hint and got me the pretty lavendar for a certain birthday this week Smile

Over the big hill to catch up with family tomorrow. I hope the pot holes are mended!

Cuppa and jigsaw finished, better move.

Enjoy the day.
Strangely warm & also cold here - nice if you're in the sun & out of the wind which is freezing. Haven't done much today apart from the exciting washing & a quick dash to shops because somehow, I'd managed to buy coffee beans instead of plunger coffee & got more string while I was there since I'll need it for the garden soon.
My, what an exciting life! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Woke up feeling a bit off, so free New World delivery for my grocery top up this week.

Just as well I slow cooked over the weekend and have a heap of leftovers because the energy levels are really low. Probably a bug. Fingers crossed it isn't THAT bug...
morning ladies Smile A showery day today is forecasted but boy, we could use the rain. If it hadn't rained overnight, I was going to have to use the garden hose.

I hope you are feeling better today, OHH, and it's not that dreaded bug. I love azaleas too and have planted a few more this spring under our big tree. I must look up the swan daisy.

Roma, I think the potholes have been filled. After so many complaints and publicity, they would have been mad to have left them. But we have had heavy rain so it could be slippery coming down our side. You will have to let us know how the fluffy lavender goes. Happy birthday for this week Smile

Once the bin man has been I'll be moving some weed piles and rubble and plant a few plants. I bought some small fuchsias from the Warehouse yesterday, two for pots and one for the garden. And MrK bought his yellow courgette and lebanese cucumber plants. And there was a basil with teeny tiny leaves we thought we'd give a go this summer. Still looking for Thai Basil.

I think I'll unpick the kotare/ kingfisher's wing. I'm just not happy with the look and seeing as the wings are the focus point of the piece, it needs to be right. I might have to use some artistic licence.

Time to get cracking and get those few indoor jobs done before the binman gets here. I could pot up the fuchsias first of course.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Sending get well vibes OHH - hope you are feeling better again today. Heart

Happy Birthday Roma (for whichever day it is   Smile ) 

Just been to say good morning to my baby seedlings and I think I can see a couple of very tiny onion seedlings showing through - I thought that the seeds may have drowned as the trays got rather wet in the rain when I was slow to cover them one day. They are Borettana onions which I’ve never grown before but saw the seeds so thought that I’d give them a go.
Good morning everyone

Happy Birthday Roma, A week long Birthday would be awesome lol.

Hope you are feeling better OHH. And fingers crossed its not the nasty one.

I got my pattern cut out yesterday. Was the right thing to do and take it up there. It was all on one piece of paper.

Then the Dr came in to see MrP. They have him on another antidepressant and dr is increasing it. Then he asked MrP if he gets like he was recently did he want to go to Hospital, or stay home and die, and he of course said he wanted to come home here. That wont happen. Im not having him here to die. And Its also a decision for me to have some say in too. I cant have others here with the way Missy is with stranger either.

No plans for the day that involve standing or walking anyway, Im getting fair hacked off with this stupid pain.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Still blah round here, but I don't think it is serious. Noticed a few brave rainbow carrots have germinated in the tomato pots, and got a flash of bravery and delateraled the biggest plant. Popped them into an empty pot , I can't let them go to waste! The empty pot had a scattering of freckles seed but has shown no signs of life, maybe the disturbance and new residents will spark some activity.

Popped my gloriosa tubers in to another pot for summer. The neighbours call them my avatar flowers because they look so strange. I think they look stunning despite being highly toxic. Thieves beware, lol.

All'n all the potted garden is really warming up, lots of growth going on, if you don't count the freckles...
I looked up the swan daisy and realised, yep, I have it planted in the garden. I hack it back every so often and it just keeps on going and going. So now I know the name of it Big Grin Big Grin Thanks OHH! I moved some plants I had in pots into the garden this morning, planted the newbies and moved the little polyanthus that were struggling to a better spot. I thought I had lost my gorgeous double apricot begonia because of all the rain and was tipping out the pot only to see new growth... ooops!! So fresh compost was put in the pot and the begonia was quickly replanted and put in a rabbit proof warm spot. MrK commented that the flowers in the garden have an interesting life being moved around constantly lol. I told him they all need a change of scenery every now and then lol. Those damed rabbits have nipped the tops off the beans. The beans have now been rabbit proofed. Weeds and some rubble are in the bins with some space left for household rubbish and lawn clippings that won't go in the compost. I have pretty much emptied one of the compost bins of excellent compost to use in my plantings. It certainly pays to have a good compost system in place.

Popeye, I would point out to the doctor that home for MrP is the resthome. And yes, you should have some say.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Ended up back in bed.

Had a warfarin coldie. Shivering cold.

Now its humid. lol. Had one shower and that's it the sun is back out.

I have a taker for the queen bed. So I thought I'd pull it down... Well the Mattress ended up on top of me, I fell backwards onto the frame but didn't hit my head. Sat there pinned but laughing and wondering how I was getting out of That mess lol.
But I managed it. And used my new screwdriver to undo the frame.. ohh such an easy job. Worth every cent.

Im sore but have decided to just get on with things. And stay doped up.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
LOL Popeye glad you are having fun with your new tool Cool  good you managed to extricate cate yourself.

Spent today up the line at my quilt group meeting it is always nice to see what others have made and the jaw gets a bit of a workout too Big Grin

Early meeting in the cbd tomorrow might have a wee look at the shops while I there
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Do be careful Popeye, but isn't it brilliant when we give ourselves something to laugh at without meaning to!

Did a bit more in the garden today & have almost got another garden dug over properly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(18-10-2022, 03:17 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Ended up back in bed.

Had a warfarin coldie. Shivering cold.

Now its humid. lol. Had one shower and that's it the sun is back out.

I have a taker for the queen bed. So I thought I'd pull it down... Well the Mattress ended up on top of me, I fell backwards onto the frame but didn't hit my head. Sat there pinned but laughing and wondering how I was getting out of That mess lol.
But I managed it. And used my new screwdriver to undo the frame.. ohh such an easy job. Worth every cent.

Im sore but have decided to just get on with things. And stay doped up.

Having moved my double recently I empathise completely. But boy, if you aren't rather sore tomorrow I'll be very surprised!

We're mad women, that streak of independence will do us in one day, lol!
morning ladies Smile Another 'might have showers' type of day.

Blimmen heck, popeye, lol. OHH is right, we are quite mad to do what we do at times. But then again, it's great that we can do it! I bet you're sore today, that's for sure.

I sold a garden ornament last night on the FB market page. Why do people decide to message at 11.30pm? It's not the first time that's happened to me. Still, it's sold now and hopefully the new owner will love it.

The plan for today was to mow the lawn, especially the bit I didn't mow last week. But my sister is coming for the day while she waits for her car's WoF so that can wait until tomorrow.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Nice day here but looking at the weather forecast it is nippy out nice and cosy indoors though Big Grin

Just finishing my breakfast before I drive into city. Hope to do some Xmas present t shopping before my meeting. I know I will be too tired after to shop.

Hope you aren't too sore today Popeye.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

We sure had some rain last night. It's got to be heavy for me to hear it.

Im creaky lol. The back is a bit narly. But yeah it could have been worse... I was thinking as I sat there trying to figure out how to get out, that A Im glad no one else was there to take a photo and B I need someone else to help lift the dam thing off me.
Then my independent streak kicked in and I thought, you got Yourself into this mess you gotta get out lol They are coming to get the bed tonight, I'll move the frame down to the garage door when Im home later , but they can get the mattress. Im not touching that sucker again lol.

Before I went back to bed to thaw out yesterday I rang the home and left a message and asked if they would tell MrP I would ring later. He reckons he didn't get told and was in a right tizz when I did ring. Asked me if I didn't have a clock here... Then he said Bobbie had pinched his walking stick. He was angry and I said did you see her, he said yes I watched her do it.. I said well you should have asked her where she was taking it lol... Her Kleptomania is bad now. I rang the home and they were going to get it. I said to him well you're not using it so it's not urgent... They are so alike lol.

The rain is hitting the ranch slider so it's going to be a wet trip..

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Beautiful day so washing drying quite quickly.

Kiwimade you getting a message at 11.30pm made me smile as this morning I woke to find a message that arrived at 3.00am, fortunately it didn’t wake me. Obviously 6year old still hasn’t quite worked out the time difference between Italy and NZ.  Wink

Brought a couple of cucumber and a melon plant yesterday but not sure where I will put the melon but couldn’t resist getting one as it’s a nice healthy looking plant. I keep telling myself that I must not make more garden as I’ve really got enough to look after now but so tempting when see something else to try to grow  Rolleyes

The potatoes are showing through so hopefully will have new potatoes for Christmas.
Glad you weren't too sore today Popeye.

Went hunting first thing, down to Sydenham because it had a Trade Aid shop & the area still has a bit of character rather than having been gentrified too much as the central city seems to be now.
Found one or two bits & pieces, & then decided to continue on from picking up library books when I got back, while I still had some energy & found some really nice men's shower gel so they'll go towards xmas gifts.

Going to do not-a-damned-thing for the rest of the day, it rained last night so ground too wet anyway.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good afternoon.

Sunny but a cool breeze today which will dry things out and in need of continuous watering. 

Good day over in the Waikato yesterday.  We were pleased that the potholes had been dealt to,  though the road is now bumpy in places! One person was seen changing a wheel which kept us on the alert!

It sounds like there's a lot of vege growing happening in here. So rewarding especially with the current prices out there. 

Better get a few things done seeing as I was out and about this morning. 

Enjoy the rest of the day.
morning ladies Smile It looks like we are in for a fine morning at least.

Yesterday was nice with my sister staying until her car had been seen for the WoF. Saves a lot of waiting around town. She will be back next week as her camper van needs a WoF.

MrK had a phone call from Waikato Hosp changing the date of his eye appointment. No biggie, but nice they phoned before the letter was sent out. Our friend who I take to hospital appointments has one on Saturday. I think they want to make the most of the hospital equipment, but I wonder if they had forgotten it was a long weekend and he may have been going away.

Yesterday while in town I bought some screw thingies for MrK (like what we use for the end of net cutaining wire but bigger) so he can string up some wire across the back fence for the roses. After all these years I feel the hard work has broken the back of the garden and now it's all about the joy of gardening.

Before I picked my sister up from the garage, I unpicked the back of the kotare/kingfisher and started again. Third time lucky lol. It's supposed to rain again today so I can do a bit more then.

I think my sore back was just being unfit for purpose when I was digging and moving concrete. It certainly was feeling better by the end of the digging. I hope you are both on the mend again today OHH and popeye.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I'm starting to think my blah is actually hayfever. I have never had it before but a friend who has says the symptoms match and this year it is really prevalent with high pollen counts or something. Builders are working on a house very close to my unit, they have stripped it out completely all except the roof, replacing everything so maybe it is the ancient dust getting to me. Either way I am very pleased it hasn't turned into something a lot worse. I have a friend with one of the new variants, and she is taking the antivirals which are turning her guts to liquid. Not a fate I wish to endure, lol. Talk about the cure being as bad as the disease...

Looks like another okay day out there, so I might set up another vege pot, for my onions and one for radishes. I have some daikon seed from the Little Garden series so want to put that in too. I grew it accidently in my big Blenheim vegie garden one year, first time I had tasted it and it was lovely in a Summer salad, so definitely not wasting that seed.

The turnips though - they can go...

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