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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Beautiful day here

Volunteer day today so not much  else on my agenda.

DS and his family visited yesterday afternoon so that was a nice catch up.

K9s are watching me but I've told them to go pester DH because he will be walking them.

Friend has given me some leather quite a bit, so am will make her a wallet as a thank you. Got to find where I filed my pattern.

KM definitely will be 3rd time lucky for your embroidery.

I don't have any hand work at the moment so must troll through my patterns for inspiration.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone.

Sunny here at the mo.

You might be right about the pollen OHH. I noticed yesterday the Cabbage trees are already bursting open here. I must think to look at the yakkas and see if they have their flowers on. Pretty but nasty on the face.

Will say I was achy yesterday, but this morning I was thinking why is my throat / neck sore.. Yep then I realized it got a good shake when I hit the bed although I didn't bang my head right back lol.

The Bed went bang on time yesterday to a nice young family who are having Visitors from the Southy island over Christmas. I did tell the Dad about my fall and he laughed with me when I said I was glad no one was there with a camera lol.

Going up to do my blood and get a few things to treat my ladies for tomorrow. I have a strict list lol. Wanted to do a fruit platter cos we were talking about them yesterday but that's just too far out of my budget Im afraid. Maybe do one closer to Christmas. fresh fruit is something they all miss. They get a lot of canned fruit but very little fresh.

Then I will be trying to list some stuff to raise some money for my Sister Day out, the day of my orthopedic appointment. I've invited one of my Sister friends along to have a day out together.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

A lovely day already and it looks like it's here to stay. 

Allergies, something else to blame on climate change. I never used to suffer the effects in my 'younger days' but certainly do now!

I was given some well grown  beefsteak tomatoes the other day,  so will get them in the ground today. Also have some New World seedlings that need to branch out somewhere bigger than the tiny pots!

I know the 'screw thingies' you mention KM. DH spent quite a bit of time attaching them and wires to the fence for our Star Jasmine which is about to flower  Smile

I like the look of the movie 'Mrs Harris Goes to Paris' which was reviewed this morning.  It's been many years since I've been to the movies though!

Cuppa tea finished,  enjoy the day all.
Time for a cuppa, the lawn has been mowed. Was hard yakka where I didn't mow last week.

My hayfever is manageable this year without antihistamines! I suspect it is because the two huge stand of trees have gone Big Grin I must thank our neighbour next time I see him. It has made a huge difference not just to my health but to our wallets too. Antihistamines aren't cheap when you need them everyday and there is no guarantee they will even work.

I like the look of that movie too, roma. It just appeals on every sensory level. And the reviews have been good too.

Kettle's boiled, I'll make that cuppa. MrK is busy preparing the ground for our beefstake tomatos. Lucky you being given some, roma!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I remember buying a copy of Mrs Harris as a Christmas present for my Mum years ago, and she loved it, so I read it after her. It is a treasure of a story, but then everything he wrote was. My all time favourite Gallico though was Jenny, probably because my Dad read us a chapter every night and it was so sad in places (and scary!) it made us all a bit tearful.

Probably why I cannot have a home without a cat in it...

I must read it again, I still have his copy. And my Mum's Mrs Harris too.
*does the happy dance into the thread*  Our neighbour has been with his big (huge!) John Deere tractor and taken away all the big pieces of concrete edging that I couldn't break up. So far, we have had a double axle trailer loaded up, our friend's 40 tonne truck quarter filled, six tractor bucket loads, and endless wheelie bins of concrete gone over the last few years.  Now only the smaller, more manageable pieces to go...
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(20-10-2022, 09:43 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: *does the happy dance into the thread*  Our neighbour has been with his big (huge!) John Deere tractor and taken away all the big pieces of concrete edging that I couldn't break up. So far, we have had a double axle trailer loaded up, our friend's 40 tonne truck quarter filled, six tractor bucket loads, and endless wheelie bins of concrete gone over the last few years.  Now only the smaller, more manageable pieces to go...

That's an amazing amount of concrete that you have "man handled" out of the ground! You won't know yourself with only maintenance to keep up with once it's all gone! Dance
Wow Kiwimade that's a heck of a lot of concrete.... Will feel great knowing it's all gone now.

I saw the Movie review and it does look good. Last time I went to the movies was 2004 and I saw Shrek 2 lol. Went with a friend and her family, then the next day we watched the first one as I hadn't seen it.. And the time before that at the movies was the Adams family lol.. Im not a big movie person and especially not animated ones as I can't read the lips.. But I know they have improved heaps on doing that.

Did my blood and Shopping... By the time I got home I could barely stand.. So I've doped up and am slowly getting things sorted for tomorrow. Well its all done but I had breaks in-between. Talking to MrP etc.

This is how stupid food prices are. Peanut slabs at New World an 3 pack is $3-79.. or buy 3 single ones, without the extra layer of wrapping $1 each... Have a nice little bowl full of them chopped up to make it easier for those with falsies lol.

Im really happy doing this for them. they help me alot and giving when it comes to food is something Ive always enjoyed doing.

Bumped into my sister friend and she said I can go raid her garden for strawberries, raspberries and grapes to do a food platter later.

Time to rest the bones now
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Woohoo just sold a heap of ribbon, locally too... I got it with the intention of selling a couple of years ago. then life got busy.
And I think its down to timing, cos like the bed I have offered it a couple of times and no takers. this is a good week lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I bet you're pleased to see the back of all that concrete, KM - quite an achievement, well done. Smile
And well done Popeye, with the ribbon selling.

I've mowed the dreaded back lawn & had another go at the ivy - if I'd realised that its far worse at this end I'd have started there but too late now. The dog was keen to 'help' but luckily she got distracted when the yapper over the road started up.
I'd asked sweetie darling for any brilliant ideas I could get the two grandsons for Xmas (apart from the joke present I've got for them, heh heh!) & he sent me the link to a Kiwi site which does T shirts, hats, socks etc. etc. so might check that later, had a brief look & it looks interesting.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile  Another wet and fine day today by the looks of it.  No doubt there will be a stream of traffic going by today as well for the long weekend.

Good luck with the ivy, Lilith.  It's certainly tenacious and does a lot of damage to property once it has a hold.  Roundup could help but you would still have to pull it off the fence.

Yesterday I worked a bit more on the kotare/kingfisher and am much happier with it.  By shortening my stitches, I was able to make the wings curves look softer.  Hopefully I can do more today.

I'm still buzzing that the biggest concrete pieces have gone.  It really feels like the finish line for the garden is in sight.  There is one more garden that has the edging but is small and will be simple to do next summer.  The worst is over Big Grin

Housework today, last week was a lick and a promise so I had better do it properly this time round.  The carpet needs a good shampooing but that will have to wait until summer really kicks in and we'll hire a rug doctor.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone
Fine here at present.

The scones and pikelets are made. Dip made, cream whipped.. So now its just the rolls to do. And the electric knife will whizz those crusts off super fast.

Seems I didnt look everywhere for bruises. I stood and looked at my back in the mirrors, and as I use a scrunchie on a handle I hadnt noticed the whopper bruise I have on my leg. oops. Its a wee bit smaller than my whole hand, fingers included and is very dark. Hopefully MrP wont see it or ask how it happened lol.. Mind you he moaned when I told him how sore my knee was last night. Seems he can complain about his pain but Im not lol.

My INR is low so thats probably a good thing or it could have been worse lol.

Im looking forward to today and if he grumps Ill just stay in the dining room lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Nice and sunny, looking out the window, the cool wind may still be lurking though!

Popeye those treats are going to go down well ... lucky people.

DIL 2B is right into Halloween, so I've dug out a book to knit a few figurines. It will be something different on my needles!

More garden watering needed today and I should also tackle the housework that tends to get put on the backburner! Will be avoiding the roads as much as possible,  expect mayhem in my neck of the woods over this weekend!

Enjoy the day all.
Dull and cool at the moment. Very quiet outside with it being a holiday.

What a relief to be rid of the concrete KM.  Yes ivy can be a real terror to get rid of, had it on a fence for many years apart from hacking back to keep tidy I left it. Got new neighbours last year who wanted a high fence all around their place so they removed the fence and the ivy.

Not keen on the colours of the shawl I’ve been knitting so think I will change the starting colour and alter the pattern a bit so it is not as dominant.
 I’ll have to wait until Tuesday to get the new wool though as shop shut for the long weekend, apart from Supermarkets and the big box stores not much else is open today and Monday.
Slightly more progress made on the ivy - its all just pulling it off as I've never used anything much in the way of weedkiller, apart from a garlic & vinegar one I make, which isn't bad if its used several times. Hopefully I may even get to weeding later - oh joy.

Madame Le Dog has outdone herself. Over the last few days I've decided to teach her to shut the door after she comes in; she already knows how to open the back door from both inside & outside so I thought it might be useful if she can shut it once she comes in, or later on we'll have all the flies in creation coming in.
It would probably work better if I could remember to do it every day, but did remember this morning when she'd just come in & she did very well & managed to shut it twice. So thought I'd leave it at that for now & headed back to what I'd been doing.

Not so fast, human! As I walked away I heard smartarse the dog open the door again - & then shut the damn thing!
Had to give her another little treat, but locked the door so she can't do it again. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good job I got new glasses recently or I would not be able to read this forum now. Is this just a hiccup or permanent I wonder   Dodgy

Thankfully I’ve been able to change it back to the default settings so can read things a lot more easily again   Big Grin
Yeah its different eh Venetian...

Not sure I like it either lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Easy to fix, scroll down and click on Default...
arggghhh change! lol morning ladies Smile from a stunningly fine Waikato.

I might just leave these settings and see how I adjust to them. It can always be changed back.

lmao Lilith! Your clever little madam lol. They know how to get those treats don't they. Very clever shutting the door! And fair call, you open it, you shut it.

I hope your goodies went down well with the ladies and MrP, popeye. I hate asparagus much to MrK's delight as he can eat the lot. When the kids were small, there was an asparagus farm up the road where you would buy it fresh by the kilo. I would buy it, MrK would cook it and MrK and the kids would eat the lot. It was one vegie there was no argument over with the kids.

I have a busy morning this morning as Waikato Hospital appointments do not stop even for a Saturdays and especially for a Saturday on a long weekend. I'll be taking our friend to his appointment shortly, which meant a slightly earlier start than usual for me. Then he's back for another appointment on Tuesday. I wish these appointments could be streamlined together but oh well, it is what it is.

Yesterday I worked a bit more on the Kotare/kingfisher and am very happy with the results. It was worth unpicking and to stop trying to fix it. Time and the world slips away when I'm stitching. MrK said he walked straight passed me and I didn't even see him lol.

Time to get moving. I need to dry my hair and hang washing out before I leave for Hamiton. At least the road looks quieter than yesterday.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
A very crisp start it will be a lovely day

Come to new format and the post I made yesterday gone.

Quiet day yesterday  put baby quilt together and started quilting  I am using it for practice which I need lots of Big Grin

Got friends coming for dinner tonight so will be prepping for that this afternoon

Cast on to knit a swirl pattern hat last night  I can't not have something to do at night. 

Glad your Kotare is coming along KM

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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