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You can never have enough...
(07-09-2022, 12:21 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: black chairs sound divine, and those vibrant colours would look amazing with them with a bright throw casually thrown over a chair.

(03-11-2022, 06:54 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Overcast with drizzle here.

Im going to see MrP this morning and will see if I can coax Bobbie out of her room.  Have to stop on my way to get him some drinks. I need milk and bananas , but won't be popping back in. I'll use one of my LongLife milks and stop at the fruit shop on the corner.
Any other groceries I'll get tomorrow when we are out. I can't wait. I just hope to be able to have fun even if I hurt lol.

I've noticed that the yard work is working on my arms. I've always had what I called my grandmothers Spare's. The big fat arms. But now they are slim on top but really baggy  underneath. No amount of work can change that sadly. If anyone remembers Craftylady from TM days she put a mortgage on her house and had her arms shaped privately.. As much as I would love to do that my arms are my Samson's heal. Even a poke from a finger hurts. So I dont even think I could cope with the pain of the surgery.  Thank fully I dont see the back of my arms so I try not to let it bother me.

I found out last week that the library here is teaching Maori. So I plan on going along in the new year.. When I was at primary school we did one class before we moved and then none of the next two school taught it. I love singing in Māori and would like to learn some more. Id also love to learn how to weave flax, its always fascinated me. and I think now is the time to start doing the things I have always wanted to do.

Another thing is I want to volunteer at the oppy. It will have to be something out the back that I can do sitting. So I will find out about that in the new year too. Most of the ladies there are well in their 70s-80s.

Wow thats a nasty fire they have down in CHCH.. wonder if it was started by fireworks... I only heard one go off last night.

Have a fab day everyone

Hi Popeye,
All you have to do to volunteer is go online to Volunteer NZ, and fill out an application you can pick the area you wish to volunteer in and they have the vacancies and the locations of them on the site.

I have just started taking the dog to rest homes as pet therapy, only do two, as I think it could become a little depressing. I have my name down for volunteering the dog as a reading companion for children that struggle with reading. Hopefully I will hear back, about that. Good luck
The police think that fire likely started by fireworks. After only one day of sale and 200 ha burned ...............  

GJW a couple of dogs visit the Rest Home where my mum is. Something positive for the residents to look forward to and interact with.
(02-11-2022, 07:22 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(02-11-2022, 06:17 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Poor soul.. DIL whose birthday is today has Aries asc, the other (on 20th Nov) has Sagittarius asc. No Scorpio grandkids but two have it prominently, & two grandkids have the good sense to have Scorpio partners. I live in hope of Scorpio  great grandkids. Rolleyes

Possibly the day after I fall off the perch  with my stunning luck. Big Grin

But I have grandparents, greats, and great greats who were also Scorpios.

There really was no hope for me, lol...

I did however manage to make a Leo. So the cycle is broken!

One set of my greats were both Scorpios so it was always going to surface in the family. How odd though - one of mine is a Leo too. The others are Pisces & Cancer.

DIL is very keen to be a Gran as is sweetie darling no 2, & I know she'd love a baby Scorpio but whatever their first grandchild is I'm dying to see them those two as grandparents because I know damn well that 10 seconds after that child is born, they'll both be wrapped around its little finger! Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
As most people know I live in a pensioner village, not one of those swanky upmarket ones, but a much less swanky council variety. Management is predominantly under 50 but are full of good ideas for us ancients and decrepits, they have a van for outings and arrange get togethers on occasion. And are constantly asking why these efforts are so spurned by us ingrates...

Because they never ask us before they have these bright ideas. They just think they know best.

One of their efforts involves using volunteers to come play guitars and do singalong type music. Accompanied by another couple of women of a certain age with rather moth eaten terrier kind of dogs they call therapy animals. They provide coffee and biscuits. These gatherings are funded by grant money from various sources and are always gleefully attended by our more demented residents, all three of them. The rest of us, forewarned by gaily coloured printed notices in our letterboxes, go out for the day.

What would get us attending would be a once a year late afternoon barbecue with byo drinks, no guitars, no dogs,  (unless of course they were golden retrievers), with volunteer cooks doing the cooking and salad making...

Probably be cheaper than all the other 'social investment' things put together.

Big Grin
Warm here & strong winds - the fire to the north of Woodend is not good news in this weather. I believe its just north of that new village, Pegasus which was built a while back. I hope it wasn't fireworks but if so, then perhaps we may get a ban apart from public displays - which I (& Madame Le Dog, & no doubt many other animals) would be happy to see happen.

Good for you Popeye - my DIL (the one whose birthday was yesterday) & her daughter (my favourite third eldest granddaughter) have been learning Maori for a while now, after granddaughter's husband decided to learn more about his culture & language, & she's really enjoying it.
And have a go at weaving too, (I was taught a very very basic weaving when was a kid but wouldn't be able to do even that these days) there are some really beautiful things being made now.

Be careful with your Jasmine, Roma, some varieties can spread like crazy - I found that out the hard way, but its still a beautiful plant & such gorgeous perfume.

Hunni, that seems a fitting transition for your expensive coat. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thanks GJW.

I know the manager of the biggest opp shop she have here. And it happens to be NZ top oppy for this year. I'll have a chat with her next year, actually I probably should think about talking to her now. That way with the school holidays coming it might free up some of the grand parents for the school holidays.

It's funny Missy Cat doesn't like me singing in Māori.. Im not sure why, but she will get up and ask me to stop. My Māori brother in law had to go to night classes to learn to speak Maori. I am glad it's widely taught now. I dont mind hearing it spoken. But there's one lady that no matter how hard I try to understand her I simply can't and it's the woman that does the weather sometimes on tv one. I think its the speed that she speaks at.

Love what you are going to do with your coat OHH. I have a couple of MrPs shirts that very quickly got too small for him, that I plan on making cushions out of one day.

Speaking of which I went up and was there when the DR saw him about his legs. More Antibiotics. Just treatment, no investigation now. When i said I was leaving, he said I dont know why you bother to come up.. I didnt bite back.

TBH I get a little bored with the regular singing at the home. Its the same songs all the time. And I think the singers are probably a bit bored too. But I do like hearing everyone join in and I do like to sing myself.

I think it's time public sales of fireworks should be stopped.... Last night on FB I saw a church advertising their fireworks for sale. And they certainly didn't like being told that they shouldn't be encouraging anyone into buying them.

Years ago when I had my heart done I was having a chest x-ray and waiting for an x-ray was a bout of 16. Both hands wrapped. He built a larger firework bomb type thing and yes it got both his hands.. I said has it put you off fireworks now, he said yes but I think of him every year and wonder how much use of his hands he has and if he has touched them since.

Of the Scorpian's that I know, I have three that were the most selfish up themselves people. But thankfully I know many more that arent.

Got a nice sunhat with a cord that fits over my ponytail so Im happy
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(03-11-2022, 10:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: As most people know I live in a pensioner village, not one of those swanky upmarket ones, but a much less swanky council variety. Management is predominantly under 50 but are full of good ideas for us ancients and decrepits, they have a van for outings and arrange get togethers on occasion. And are constantly asking why these efforts are so spurned by us ingrates...

Because they never ask us before they have these bright ideas. They just think they know best.

One of their efforts involves using volunteers to come play guitars and do singalong type music. Accompanied by another couple of women of a certain age with rather moth eaten terrier kind of dogs they call therapy animals. They provide coffee and biscuits. These gatherings are funded by grant money from various sources and are always gleefully attended by our more demented residents, all three of them. The rest of us, forewarned by gaily coloured printed notices in our letterboxes, go out for the day.

What would get us attending would be a once a year late afternoon barbecue with byo drinks, no guitars, no dogs,  (unless of course they were golden retrievers), with volunteer cooks doing the cooking and salad making...

Probably be cheaper than all the other 'social investment' things put together.

Big Grin

More interesting music might also help - our generation did after all, benefit from having the best music rather than singalong. That word always reminds of the ghastly 'Mitch Miller & the singalong gang' music from when I was kid which was played on the radio.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
More interesting music - indeed. I was invited to join a local singing group that entertains the inmates of various retirement villages and hospitals. The repertoire was essentially taken from WW1 plus a bit of Vera Lynn and a few excerpts from The Sound of Music. It's as if the fifties and sixties didn't happen.
We listen to The Sound on the radio and it's 'our' kind of music. Pretty much every day one of us is singing along to at least one of the songs. Pity they don't sing that kind of music, OHH. You are right, the 70's plus generation 'were' the music of the 50' and 60's so why aren't they singing it? Your coat will have a beautiful second life. And I get what you are saying about the waistcoat lol. Viva la romance!

The Furry One has decided the straps are an adequate treat for now but one just won't do. Oh no. If the treat has changed then so have the rules and I'll have two please and thank you.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well, this Scorpio can be very selfish and up herself. If she chooses, lol... I rather enjoy the selfishness thing these days, after a lifetime of responsibilities it is nice to put me first and get away with it. Not all the time though. I can be a very nice person when I try...
morning ladies and it looks like the day is beginning to brighten and the fog leaving us.

I've been thinking about your comments about the sing-a-longs and has anyone said anything to the co-ordinaters of these events? Mind you, if there is low attendance, they surely must be asking why.

Yesterday I heard a very funny advert on the radio about health and safety and a forklift falling on a reindeer and the elf asking Santa if he liked venison. It really tickled my black sense of humour and I had to pull the car off the road I was laughing so much. I only heard it the once and wondered if some delicate thing had complained about it.

Housework today and then I'll start the design for the quail. I'll need more fabric so have plenty of time to draw it. I've started on the cutwork and can remember now why I threw it into a corner lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have been thinking about that lonely quail. Perhaps a visit to a pet shop is in order to fetch home a companion or two...
Morning all
Nice day here all be it a bit windy.

Was able to be very restrained at wool yarn sale. Bought couple merino possum panels in turquoise so soft  it will make a lovely soft sweater. 1kg cone of black merino possum, and 1kg aqua merino silk. Will crochet  blankets. So no need for a trailer as most of the colours weren't for me.

Off up the line today to visit a fabric shop want to get material to make DD and DIL a top each for Xmas, might make something matchy for DGDs. It will be nice to have a day out and a nice lunch somewhere.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

OHH Nothing wrong with looking after ourselves but these three were really something else. Ive never know anyone else like them. one being my mother.
The day she told me, when we were sitting at our dining table after we took her in, that if She had known back then what she knew now, she wouldnt have had kids.. was pretty much the only time Ive been so dumbfounded and not able to come up with a reply.

I also think that those of us on our own need to spoil ourselves, cos no one else is going to lol.

Wow Kiwimade, Bit of a shocker of an advert lol.. I cant hear the radio. It sounds weird but if I listen to a cd I learn the words and can hear it fine, but songs I dont know and others speaking when I cant read their lips and Im lost.

I see Noel Leemings has started the Christmas Adverts on TV. Ballentines will probably be next.

Well done on the restraint Mica...

Today is the day. Im picking Erin up in about an hour and off we go.

My Aussie friend said the other day to "Lay it on Thick" when I see the Dr.. I thought there is no reason to make it look any worse than it already is.. That annoyed me for some reason.

Have an awesome day everyone... Ill see you on the Pain side, body will be screaming but I will have laughed my head off and had fun all day too
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny and warm, a great day looming. 

Lol Lilith, it's the passionfruit running rampant as it constantly grabs my clothesline and neighbours' hibiscus, both of which would provide great support if allowed!

Not sure of today's plan with DH home.  He can provide an extra pair of arms for pet transport to the vet for their annual check/vacc this afternoon though. The feline will need an extra check over after a humdinger of a fight in our garden shed with the neighbour's cat yesterday! Fur everywhere.  Both nearly 15 ... the silly old fools  Undecided 

Cuppa finished,  time to move. 

Enjoy the day.
(04-11-2022, 06:57 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning. 

Sunny and warm, a great day looming. 

Lol Lilith, it's the passionfruit running rampant as it constantly grabs my clothesline and neighbours' hibiscus, both of which would provide great support if allowed!

Not sure of today's plan with DH home.  He can provide an extra pair of arms for pet transport to the vet for their annual check/vacc this afternoon though. The feline will need an extra check over after a humdinger of a fight in our garden shed with the neighbour's cat yesterday! Fur everywhere.  Both nearly 15 ... the silly old fools  Undecided 

Cuppa finished,  time to move. 

Enjoy the day.

Hope the feline will be ok Roma... Sorry but I can almost imagine  said senior cats thinking to itself this morning, "What the heck was I thinking, Im too Old for this Sh*t" lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Washing is out but who knows if it will dry today.  MrK is cooking asparagus,  he eats it, so he cooks it lol.

Have fun today, popeye Smile

I think selfishness in older age also runs in our pets lol.  Stubborn things, not giving an inch.  I hope no abscesses are found, roma and your boy is ok.

mmmmm possum and merino mix Heart  A sumptuous combination of softness and warmth.  Alpaca is also lovely to wear but a bug**r to knit if you have to unpick.

lol OHH, I was thinking along the same way, maybe buy some females to keep him company.  MrK reckons a small flock will be around somewhere, I hope so.  It was quite sad seeing him on his own and knowing they are flock birds.

I heard the fire in Christchurch was fireworks after all.  Very scary for the residents living nearby and a loss of habitat for our birds and native fauna.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Lol, this silly, old boy is sunning himself at the moment (banned from outdoors today) ... he has a gash in one ear ... that I know of! He has next to no teeth, including fangs and I keep his claws trimmed! His size may be an advantage and when he came out of the shed I hardly recognised him, he was that fluffed up to twice his size. This has reinforced my 'no more cats' stance forever  Nod

Enjoy your day out Popeye  Smile
Hi all

We have had an awesome Day.

Got there with plenty of time for the x-ray. But they decided it wouldn't show anything.. I was thinking That I know... lol.. So he is going to get me in for an MRI. He did warn me that it would take months.. So I didn't really mind, cos we were already having fun.

We then went to Kmart and I came home with a new skirt and top and a pair of shoes.. my friend who also got clothes got some Christmas lights for her Hubby... It was so funny looking at clothes. We would both like something but they were either too small but more likely of being too big lol. But we both managed to find something lol. Got a Christmas toy for my CHCH friend cos I couldn't find the spatula sets they had which were Christmassy.

Went to the warehouse and I got some more of a Christmas present, found a different set of spatula's and nearly twice the price. Nearly got a chocolate orange then though you silly tart it will be melting by the time we got home.

Went to KFC for lunch. Erin had a vege burger which she was very fresh and it looked lovely. I got a boneless pack and have left overs for tea. lol.

Got fruit and veges then a few groceries and home. But someone is in trouble, we heard the police helicopter then saw the cops. and they boxed in a car on the Famous Takanini Straight, right in front of us. Im in one of the Papakura FB groups so will see if anyone knows what happened.

Glad the Old fellas wounds are more Roma. But yeah I think they think they are indestructable. It could have been alot worse..

Lol Kiwimade. I dont eat asparargus, but used to cook it for MrP. But I drew the line at cooking, trype and rotten corn. years ago there was a cafe in Tokoroa that used to cook trype on a Thursday morning. You had to be there early to get some, so MrP used to have his fix then lol.

Time to put my feet up and relax. but its been such a fun day.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hope the furry fighter is recovering Roma.

Its hot here but I'm expecting a cold snap - I unclipped one of the duvet inners this morning & the weather usually turns whenever I remove or add one.
The t shirt arrive from the Kiwi t shirt place, & is everything it should be so ordered three more for xmas gifts; that'll be three more almost sorted.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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