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You can never have enough...
Good morning. 

Overcast but I still intend to hand out the washing. 

Happy birthday for yesterday OHH ... sounds like you had a perfect day. I hope chookie leaves you a bonus egg, if she is going to continue her AWOL  Smile

Grandie day today,  GD and I might do some baking this morning and use up some ripe bananas. The rest of the day will just "happen".

Enjoy the day all.
Warehouse has a vegiepod type set up too popeye, and it has the cover available as well. Good for brassicas in the winter, keeping all those white flutterbyes out. Can't recall the price but I remember thinking it was doable.
That's one side of the garden weeded. The mulch has composted in this part and the weeds are growing back. When the next trailer load of mulch arrives, it will be this garden's 'turn'. In the meantime, I'll weed. It doesn't help that I have disturbed the soil with digging out the azaleas and violas.

I saw that vegiepod at the warehouse too but can't remember the price. I'll be back in there at some stage so will look out for it.

Dishes are done, MrK is in his happy place working in his workshop and the Furry One has chased the mating sparrows and the rabbit, so all is right in this part of the world.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Thanks everyone, Ill check out the gardening dept online too.

Probably crazy just for me but I do miss being able to pop out and pick fresh lettuce and chives. I dont do brassicas but I might grow some in the winters.
The reason being is we were talking about homemade soup at lunchtime with my ladies and they miss homemade soup. I said Wonderful cos I Love making it but dont eat it myself lol.. So I can get my fix and they can get theirs lol.

MrP was in a good mood today and even complimented me for a dress I was wearing. The pills must be kicking in cos he seems alot happier. And I invited Bobbie in and he didnt moan so thats a good sign too.

The weather is od here, one minute its dark and looks like rain the next its like summer. lol

Thank you everyone

I dont know why I didn't look at The Warehouse last night.

They have 3 different possibilities and prices.. Need to get selling and can get my finger's dirty again lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I had a wander after taking the bin up, and pulled a few weeds from gardens around the village as I went. Being able to potter a bit with the plants and the dirt is really good for us, even in the smallest ways. A fresh flower or two for inside, a few foraged herbs for dinner - they are real blessings to have.
Warmer today so ventured out & managed to get a jigsaw puzzle for youngest great grandson; they're the very easy ones for little ones.
He & his big brother brought their mum over yesterday for a shortish visit & the eldest wanted to know how my step stool folded up. Well - I showed him once, & he picked it up straight away so he spend a few minutes folding it away & then putting it up again. That kid is so quick to pick things up.
They had fun drawing on the path with the chalk I got for visiting kids so its quite colourful for now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another warm day today, I should think.

It doesn't take much for kids to work things out, does it, Lilith Smile Little clever clogs Heart Concrete chalk! What a good idea! I had forgotten all about that. Our kids also had it when they were younger. I might buy a tub for Christmas for the grandies. You are never too old to draw on the concrete lol.

I've been wondering if I could squeeze another rose along our back fence as I found a lovely mauve climber online that would mix things up quite nicely. When I was teaching five year olds, I had a student describe mauve as 'nana purple' as she couldn't remember the word mauve. I knew exactly what she meant lol. Still makes me smile whenever I see that colour.

Our haberdashery shop has finally closed but another has kind of taken its place. It's now a furniture paint shop but she has kept the haberdashery. Thank goodness for that.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Few clouds this morning

That rose sounds pretty KM

Got friends coming for lunch today so will be prepping for that once I finish breakfast

Finished piecing trial quilt will make a nice cot quilt so will finish that tomorrow
Not sure I will use the pattern for DGS quilt we will see.

Enjoy Your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Slightly overcast here and Im not very warm lol..

It's going to be a very quiet day here, my back has decided to remind me it exists. I was just thinking a couple of weeks ago it has been good. And No I haven't done anything to annoy it lol..

Your right OHH, I tend to sneak out the door of MrP's room and pull the odd weed out. There is a plant there that has huge leaves I must take a photo. There's a stem flower coming on it. Almost like a Lupin maybe. Ill do some investigation but will follow it with my camera too. The leaves are a rich darker green.

Yesterday I had a call from a lovely woman from Winz, time to redo forms. And she was awesome. Quite friendly and made sure I am getting everything I should be.. so many people complain and b*tch about how winz treat them, but there are some good ones.

I might empty 3 drawers out this morning and see if I can get the decorative strips off the fronts. Some are damaged so I think Ill take them all off. And start the sanding. It will be a long slow job but no one else will see them.

Ohh A blood moon eclipse tonight, must have a nosey.

Love the Nana Purple.. It totally works and you know what its describing doesnt it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Nana purple must be a bit older then than menopause pink, which is what my friend Ali always called fuchsia. Especially when we both turned up wearing it...  Big Grin

I hit Buy Now on a brand spanking new (as in not second hand as usual) Air Hawk this morning. It will clear a worry from my mind about the tyre pressure on the scoot, it is always a challenge finding somewhere locally to pump up the tyres to the right level. Now I can do it myself...

Oh the power!
Good morning.

Sunny with a bit of wind.

I've also added concrete chalk to my Xmas list .... something I see regularly on neighbourhood driveways and house surrounds  Smile

I wish we had a handy haberdashery, one of those charming sort of shops that haven't stood the test of time, sadly.

Food shopping today and then some more watering .... that wind won't be helping the garden! I have a few more seedlings to get into the vege garden and some beetroot to pull out and pickle.

Time for a quick dog walk.

Enjoy the day all.
The two families with kids on our shared driveway often decorate the driveways.

Always fun seeing what they come up with.

Lol love menopause pink lol...

My friend used to have a red streak in her hair. I've never been bold or brave enough to do so
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(08-11-2022, 09:13 AM)popeye333 Wrote: The two families with kids on our shared driveway often decorate the driveways.

Always fun seeing what they come up with.

Lol love menopause pink lol...

My friend used to have a red streak in her hair. I've never been bold or brave enough to do so

I think you and me need to get us some hair chalks...
(08-11-2022, 09:30 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(08-11-2022, 09:13 AM)popeye333 Wrote: The two families with kids on our shared driveway often decorate the driveways.

Always fun seeing what they come up with.

Lol love menopause pink lol...

My friend used to have a red streak in her hair. I've never been bold or brave enough to do so

I think you and me need to get us some hair chalks...

The fun we could have lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oooh hair chalk! That could be fun. I had purple streaks a decade or so ago & in earlier days have been blonde & red for a while, but the colours they have now are so much better; if I was about 50 years younger, I might try some out.

Have done the dreaded groceries & still no schmackos as yet, but I live in hope & Madame Le Dog quite likes the mutt butter treats so she'll survive till we can get them again.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
hair chalk! What a cool idea Big Grin I've had red, brown, blonde and burgundy over the years. Our daughter has blue but she's blond so it's easy for her to have different colours. Being brunette, I have to have my original colour stripped before they can use those awesome colours. And age has nothing to do with it. Lilith lol. Colour away!

Groceries done and well over budget. No schmackos here, either. But I did find cauli for $3 at pak n save. Bought two, one for eating and one for the freezer.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well its been an interesting morning.

I admit to having a hissy at my bank. Won't let me change our address for David so I told them I considering leaving them. but to be honest the hassles won't be worth it lol.

And then Winz rang and they owe me quite an amount of money. Messed up in paying for the St Johns alarm. Normally I am onto these sorts of things but I totally missed it. Which I put down to the nearly 18 months of rest home h*ll lol.

So I will be getting a small vege pod for my Christmas present to myself. And a shirt if I can find one for MrP with an Indian head on. And that will be the spoils then food I think. lol.

I would have liked to have gone and met up with my friends from TGA but they all now have covid so Im not doing that lol

I am excited lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I am a fan of buying ourselves presents. We know exactly the right thing...
(08-11-2022, 12:59 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am a fan of buying ourselves presents. We know exactly the right thing...

Exactly lol..

But on the other hand I can vouch that goodness knows how many times I have brought something I would like to have, for someone else lol

ooohhhh Mitre10 are cheaper and local. !!!
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Someone gave me Lindauer Pinot Gris for my birthday. Fizzy stuff. I could get used to it, but I prefer my wine not fighting back...

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