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You can never have enough...
Seems like it’s rained everywhere overnight - was pretty constant here and wind building up.

Lovely to have a new little one in the family Roma. 

Yes being able to pick fresh veg straight from your own garden is one of the joys of life I think. Am trying to decide what to put into a bit of a bare patch left after removing the broad beans. My garden isn’t over big but enough for us and a bit to share. It did grow a bit at the weekend as I found a self sown passion fruit in the strawberries so had to make a bit more garden for it. 

Was supposed to go to Wellington this week but covid has stepped in and things were cancelled so am at a bit of a loose end with 3 “extra” days.   Have visitors coming on Friday so think I’ll do a bit of extra baking for the freezer. Must be the weather tempting us to bake  Tongue

Happy day all  Heart
I am into housework today, and maybe a bit of potted tomatoes rescue work, as one has been blown over in the gales. The constant rain has turned patches of our pathways green so I got out the bleach yesterday and today I should be able to tell if it has worked or not, still windy, but looks like we might get a bit of drying out weather if we're lucky. No Wednesday coffee date today, I have a bit of a sniffle so will be playing safe. Might do a bit of decluttering of the wardrobe though, it needs a bit of space created, though pulling the last of the winter gear would do that - we'll see how enthusiastic I get...
(23-11-2022, 08:15 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am into housework today, and maybe a bit of potted tomatoes rescue work, as one has been blown over in the gales. The constant rain has turned patches of our pathways green so I got out the bleach yesterday and today I should be able to tell if it has worked or not, still windy, but looks like we might get a bit of drying out weather if we're lucky. No Wednesday coffee date today, I have a bit of a sniffle so will be playing safe. Might do a bit of decluttering of the wardrobe though, it needs a bit of space created, though pulling the last of the winter gear would do that - we'll see how enthusiastic I get...

I have to decide what Im doing with 2 dresses I brought in August that for one I dont like now. And the other its too big. Both still have their tags on. The latter I will look and see if I can adjust it. 

Otherwise I might sell them and get a smaller version of the latter if I can.

My wardrobe is like a shop lol.. Quite a few clothes with their tags on and that's where my stash of vitamins, body washes, deodorants potions and lotions are. And up the top are the new towels and a couple of throws. 

Biggest problem is I inherited my mother's towels so have heaps to use before I get to the new ones lol.

I did hang the curtains in the sewing room yesterday. Can't really call them curtains, they are simply panels covering the gaps where the vertical blinds are missing
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(23-11-2022, 08:39 AM)popeye333 Wrote:
(23-11-2022, 08:15 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am into housework today, and maybe a bit of potted tomatoes rescue work, as one has been blown over in the gales. The constant rain has turned patches of our pathways green so I got out the bleach yesterday and today I should be able to tell if it has worked or not, still windy, but looks like we might get a bit of drying out weather if we're lucky. No Wednesday coffee date today, I have a bit of a sniffle so will be playing safe. Might do a bit of decluttering of the wardrobe though, it needs a bit of space created, though pulling the last of the winter gear would do that - we'll see how enthusiastic I get...

I have to decide what Im doing with 2 dresses I brought in August that for one I dont like now. And the other its too big. Both still have their tags on. The latter I will look and see if I can adjust it. 

Otherwise I might sell them and get a smaller version of the latter if I can.

My wardrobe is like a shop lol.. Quite a few clothes with their tags on and that's where my stash of vitamins, body washes, deodorants potions and lotions are. And up the top are the new towels and a couple of throws. 

Biggest problem is I inherited my mother's towels so have heaps to use before I get to the new ones lol.

I did hang the curtains in the sewing room yesterday. Can't really call them curtains, they are simply panels covering the gaps where the vertical blinds are missing

My wardrobe is an original part of the flat, built in the early sixties. Back then it was thought old folks only needed room for a winter coat, two day dresses, a house coat or two, and a good outfit for funerals. For this second hand designer collecting Rose it is way too small, lol, so every few months I do a sort out and chuck the stuff I haven't worn into piles for rehoming...
Cabbage tree leaves make excellent firelighters. I either cut them up a bit or double a bunch over & tie them with another one. But definitely a pain in the bum to pick up.

Had a lovely morning, bus into town & ventured into Scorpio Books clutching my birthday book voucher; emerged some time later clutching THREE new books! Its a good thing they don't also sell tea & coffee in there, or they might have people living in their shop - & I might be one of them. Smile

Lots of other things lined up to do today & as its allegedly going to rain later, will need to get moving.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
That was an easy run to Hamilton with traffic behaving. I think the new stretch of 80kph at Karapiro surprises a few lol. Two gifts left to buy and a bit more to add to daughters so I'm on a roll. When in K Mart, I heard a lady say to a little one who was babbling and 'chatting' to his mum, you are a lovely, child, aren't you. Clear as a bell, this little one says, yes, I am! All of us started laughing and he certainly made a lot of shoppers' day, that's for sure.

The Furry One knew I was refilling the container with his biscuits, so I put a couple on the floor for him. Nope... I eat from my bowl, not the floor, mum lol. The look he gave me was priceless.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Certainly getting blustery here after very heavy rain last night I hope the trees along the creek behind me don’t fall over like some did the last storm we had
Some good news regarding the little Jack Russell lost over a week ago now from the dog park - she has definitely been seen on a camera outside an orchard a long way from the park running along heading in the direction of her home but a long long way to go - no doubt you will agree Kiwimade they are very resilient little dogs
My new across the road neighbour invited me over for coffee this morning - she is a kiwi who has been a corporate lawyer in NY for 40 years - never been home once - bought the house online even though she has never been to Napier in her life - it was on the market for 1.5mill - she not only bought it sight unseen but had the entire place redone online - she is an artist and is going to paint full time in her retirement - wanted a quiet house with views with an upstairs room with windows on three sides etc etc so this big two storied Art Deco house was exactly what she wanted she has views from Cape Kidnappers to the Kawekas on the other side -I expected with those requirements her paintings would be scenic watercolours but they are stridently abstract - I thought I hid my surprise but she laughed said she surprises everybody - she is very private which suits me some of the other neighbours had to be educated politely when I first shifted in
I planted 3 different bok choy - the purple one is now my favourite - sort of peppery in my salad - hate spraying but the beans growing outside my veggiepod have something sucking on them
The Baker has arrived in Sydney - my granddaughters who are over there at Uni picked him up so he is having a few weeks in a student flat - that will be a culture shock after being in Ukraine .I see some of the refugees from Nauru we are taking to save the Ozzie govt have arrived here - wonder if any of them could run a program for troubled kids and care for the stray cats in the park and feed the homeless and still produce beautiful food to sell - sorry rant over
Jan W if the things sucking in your beans are aphids perhaps you could try planting a bit of garlic near them. I had a lot of problem with aphids on my brassicas a wee while ago and saw that hint on-line so planted some beside my broccoli and so far not a sign of aphids.
You neighbour sounds interesting, JanW. I love some abstracts, in particular Cristina Popovici, Mark Rothko & Gerhard Richter, but they're surprisingly hard to do.
Did a quick zip to local shops & have managed to get a puzzle for great granddaughter, so that's her Xmas presents done. Slowly getting there, not many more to get.

There's a lot of building going on lately so needing to dodge large trucks & tradie vans when i venture out on the bike, but most of them are pretty good.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The weather has cleared here, but still very windy.

I managed to get gas and visit MrP and my ladies without getting wet.

I think MrP is having a flare up on the infection, his breath was horrible and he's weak standing and dropping his head again.

I spent as much time with him as I did a New Mother. Lol Colleen is one of the few who has retained all her marbles. And we talked in her room for nearly 2 hours. I fit in between her two youngest children. She says I have a wise head on my shoulders, which was nice.

When we were talking she asked me if I would stay in town once MrP had gone.. I said I will stay until I found the perfect next place but that it would be a town with public transport and more choice supermarket and shop wise. She said I need "My time" which I totally agreed with. But I will stay to see them all off if Winz will let me lol.

I do feel lucky that I have a family of Ladies both in our group here and at the rest home. I love reading what we are all up to in here.

So Thank you everyone...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Me too popeye. We need our communities, online and off...
(23-11-2022, 02:59 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Me too popeye. We need our communities, online and off...

I have often said over the years that the TM thread and the one here are my way of talking to an adult. lol.. mrP can be such a child at times.. you ladies keep me sane lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I wouldn't go that far, I rather pride myself on my lack of sanity.
(23-11-2022, 05:06 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I wouldn't go that far, I rather pride myself on my lack of sanity.

And I, apparently, am weird - at least according to my nearest & dearest.... Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another wet day but it's colder this morning.

lol OHH, nothing wrong with a bit of weirdness! If we were all the same, life would be pretty boring! I'm not the most social person, that farewell doo we went to last week was hard work for me. Family, a few close friends and the online community do me fine Smile

You have a very interesting neighbour, Jan Smile Her art sounds lovely. And she's living her dream of being by the beach and painting. I suppose when you are living overseas, you have to do things like buying a home online. And with Skype and Zoom you can keep track of who is doing what with contractors and they can show you what's happening. So much easier now. And lovely to move here straight into a renovated home.

The Furry One and I are heading outside to weed for a bit. And I'm going to take the plunge and move the Marlborough Daisy. I'm not sure if it will survive but it is a pretty tough plant, so I'll give it a go. When it was given to me years ago it was in a pot and struggling. I didn't have a place for it so heeled it in a corner of the garden. We keep missing the daisies and by the time we realise it was flowering, it's all over. It doesn't need a lot of care and will grow pretty much anywhere so fingers crossed.

Later this morning its back to Hamilton for our friend's second monthly appointment Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Tis raining here, so Im up early and will leave early. Id rather have a wait up there than be held up by an accident etc.

Oh I so know what you mean OHH.. I was disgusted to be told by the shrink in Middlemore Hospital that I was Normal.... Geeze Ive been trying to be different all my life lol.

Im ok in groups, well I was until covid. Now I just avoid them as much as I can. But in saying that I do love being with older people and always have.
After my father died my mother joined a group A.W.I, Aged Widowed and invalid... I would get home from school and whizz down to be with them. Ive just always liked older people.
Being "adopted" yesterday and being told I had a wise head on my shoulders was rather good for me.

MrP was good, but when I rang last night he got sh*tty cos he couldnt write down the channels he wanted to see. This could hve been fixed many many years ago if he had let me teach him how to read and write.

Take care on the roads Kiwimade, and I will too.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's pouring down here which will make in/out of the car jobs to do in town which includes library, Xmas gifts and supermarket a pain!

Another one who is happy with their own company (peace and quiet) but enjoys family, friends and outings when they occur  Smile  We have a wedding to go to this weekend, always a happy time to catch up with extended family. 

It's looking like nothing will be done outside today.  I'm looking forward to a cross stitch for a baby's bedroom arriving  ...  half price at Ribbon Rose   Heart

Had better get a few things done and hope the even heavier rain eases off in the next hour or so. 

Enjoy the day all.
(24-11-2022, 07:28 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning. 

It's pouring down here which will make in/out of the car jobs to do in town which includes library, Xmas gifts and supermarket a pain!

Another one who is happy with their own company (peace and quiet) but enjoys family, friends and outings when they occur  Smile  We have a wedding to go to this weekend, always a happy time to catch up with extended family. 

It's looking like nothing will be done outside today.  I'm looking forward to a cross stitch for a baby's bedroom arriving  ...  half price at Ribbon Rose   Heart

Had better get a few things done and hope the even heavier rain eases off in the next hour or so. 

Enjoy the day all.

I got a call from Ribbon Rose, telling me they were out of the denim gold Gutermann that I had ordered so they were refunding me, their service really is excellent.

Except I really wanted that thread so I could top stitch my denim skirt when I shorten it from full length to ankle length suitable for a short arse round person...

Oh well, they'll have it back in stock next year.  Big Grin
Been a day of Lots of weather

Have had very heavy full speed wipes to nothing but sun.

Found the place for the MRI easily.. To discover that the orthopedic specialist I saw for my back years ago, when he told me my back is 20 years older than it should be at my age, has a clinic there. I never thought to ask how long till the report is given to the other clinic but I have to ring and make an appointment now.

Went to Davids Emporium, got what I needed and very quickly got out of there... Sooo many pretty Christmas ornaments and decorations. So many I have never seen but I only glanced as I walked to the counter lol. And cheaper than spotlight.

Managed Not to get wet which was pretty good
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Have well & truly overdone it today - mowed both back & front lawns, took dog for walk & then did a bit of weeding around cauli & spinach. All because they said its going to start raining this afternoon & continue for the next 2-3 days. I'll probably pay for it tomorrow, dammit.
So obviously, so far not as much as one drop has fallen, & just to add insult to injury, the sun's blazing away out there.

If I had the energy I'd be out weeding around tomatoes & beans, which sorely need it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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