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You can never have enough...
Good afternoon from a very warm HB with a bit of cloud hanging around - I live in a very quiet street except when cruise ships are in - for the last couple of days there has been a seemingly endless procession of tourist buses stopping outside for people to take photos of my Art Deco house - funny really anybody growing up in Napier from about 1940 just take the style for granted - in fact it is just a roughcaste concrete box with a little front porch
Popeye are all your resthome complaints going to the Aged Care Commissioner - that whole new government department has been set up because the DHB is likely to bury the problem especially now when they are so short staffed
I was in my craft room yesterday and thought what a waste all the beautiful stuff I have and haven’t had the inclination for months to craft - I envy you Hunni
My granddaughters are really concerned about the Ukranian kids - they have shut down and want to go back to the Ukraine
We craft artists go through periods of drought sometimes, when inspiration simply will not come. That is when I start collecting images on Pinterest, and where my mohair project began, months ago, with a Scandi cardigan in mad colours...

Summer though is not the best time to be knitting, but it isn't so bad in the evenings with all the doors open to the evening breeze...
Im going to Visit Napier again one day.

I was there years ago with a group of Thai ladies, but I didn't get to see anything other than the road to the house we went to and the motel .

I would love to see the art deco and perhaps be there when they have the anniversary etc.

So sad to hear about the Ukranian kids shutting down... Such a hard time.. And tbh I think some spoilt as horrible children need to learn from these kids about how Tough life can be.

I think it's just all this stuff with MrP and the rest Home has got to me.. It's been 19 months since he went into the home. And it's been hard on the outside too.

But I've recognised when I need a break...

And what keeps me going is knowing that Hopefully the safety for many will be improved. I think it's totally odd that they are more worried about what I or others have said on My facebook, than what they are on what they are Doing and Not doing. but I also stand by everything I say.. and I have no control over what others say.

Yeah I look at everything in my sewing room and what has leached into another spare room, but I think at least it will all be there for when I am ready.

Ive just sorted papers for my financial mess, which can be sorted out once places are open.

Need to get my notes together and email to the MOH.. and hopefully that will get that sorted too.

I took a photo before through the screen door, which is in the front door. Theres a Snail trail of a Heart.. So at least the snails love me lol.. Ill try and add it when I have uploaded it.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a gorgeous sunrise we had this morning Heart

OHH, your kimono sounds lovely. Random is hard to do, well, it is for me, anyway.

Yesterday we bought the glue to glue the board down in the porch so we can tile. It's a start lol. I need to buy the little spacers so we can space the tiles evenly. We thought we had some but couldn't find them. It will be great to have the tiles we bought five years ago out of storage and down. The plan was for them to go in the bathroom, but I changed my mind about them. They are perfect for the porch though.

More concrete edging has gone into the bin over the last few weeks, and I estimate I'm around a third of the way through it. I'm thinking by March/April it will be gone. The bin man laughs when he sees it lol. I'm usually out gardening or mowing when he gets to us and told me he knows it's summer when his customers are out in the garden early.

Still no work on the quail. Just when I think I'll sit and do a bit more, there is something else to do. I think I'm going to have to make time as I want it finished. I want to research and sew sustainable packaging for any of next year's presents next.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast start to the day here

Like the sound of your kimono OHH.
Sad about Ukrainian children Jan.

Got the binding attached to quilt and got 3/4  stitched down last night so should get it finished tonight. Its his birthday today but party this Saturday so it will be done by then.

Went to Spotlight with DD yesterday she need curtains for new office space they have created, looked for Xmas fabric to make bags for next Xmas  none left so not meant to be.

Couple errands to run this morning then I might look at the 2xquilt tops DD wants quilted since my sewing space is currently set up for that.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
My challenge with 'random' is thinking "oh that is an awful combination!" But I have found in my mixed media work that the solution is just to keep adding because all of a sudden it starts to come right...

And if it doesn't, I can just keep the kimono for home, lol.  Big Grin
Lovely cool night after a hot day so sleep is a lot easier - all my guests are still sound asleep. Mind you as they come from Italy they tend to make the most of the evenings so we are not getting to bed very early lol.

Art Deco week is a great time to visit Napier Popeye as the whole town tends to go back to the 20s. Sometimes you go down town in ‘normal’ clothes and you feel the odd one out lol not that anyone minds of course.

OHH your knitting sounds great. Yes keep going and be surprised how it turns out. I like dying wool and some of the colour combinations are sort of odd at times, especially the ones done by children bit once knitted up they always look great although I’m often a bit dubious when I start the garment as to how it will look. Certainly no one else will have a kimono to match.

Your quilts sound like works of love Mica. Do you have photos?
Morning everyone

Another stunner of a day. I actually got quite warm in the end yesterday... Weight loss is certainly much better in the summer lol..

My Snail or slug Heart, maybe it's a message

Im off to see the ladies today. Haven't been out since Saturday.. They will be painting but I've decided to take a colouring book with me and pencils and a sharpener... Not the book I wanted cos do you think it was with the Others,.. Noo lol.. But I have one with a spiral binding which will make it easier to use too.

While searching I found the book of notes on the home so I can sort that out later too.

Im enjoying the Great British Sewing Bee. Two things this morning. I remember my only pair of dungarees, when I was about 12, which had red roses on the Bib. And when we were about 2-3 Mum knitted us matching Sailor collared jumpers in a lovely blue with white stripe. Im guessing the colour was meant to make them easier to keep clean or Hide the dirt lol. Especially with my twin being a messy Boy.

He is struggling at the mo, Jan 7th is the first Anniversary of his wife dying.. But I think they left to go camping yesterday so hopefully he will enjoy that.

My stupid legs wouldn't settle last night. So we ended up on the chair in the lounge.. Thank goodness I manage to sleep in it.. Best $15 I've ever spent .. a fully electric lifter chair. I can curl up in it and kind of trap the legs so they stop jumping about.

Ohh MrP saw a Dr yesterday and she thinks he may have gout in his big toe. Same foot he lost the little toe on.. So no wonder its been sore.. So I suspect there will be tests for Uric acid in the next few days...

Makes a change for him to be getting stuff I have, so he finally learns what it is like.. I get mine in my ankle tho.. Thank goodness for Allopurinol. That certainly takes care of it.. very hereditary in my mothers side. My grandfather used to suffer badly with it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's a hardcase pic, popeye Heart Love it Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Definitely a message! Love it...
Cool photo Popeye
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(28-12-2022, 06:21 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My challenge with 'random' is thinking "oh that is an awful combination!" But I have found in my mixed media work that the solution is just to keep adding because all of a sudden it starts to come right...

And if it doesn't, I can just keep the kimono for home, lol.  Big Grin

The Gerhard Richter method - "if you don't like what you've painted, keep painting until you do."

Warm here but windy which is annoying, too annoying to tackle the weeding which needs doing. Then again, I loathe weeding, so any excuse will do. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It's overcast but very humid here this morning. I'm going to wash the outside of the house, so it doesn't matter if it rains, I'm getting wet regardless.

I love that philosophy, Lilith Smile I'll try to remember it as I embroider lol.

The two dogs are racing round, not too shabby for two very seniors lol. The Fluffy One goes home Saturday.

Yesterday we ended up in Rotorua visiting one of MrK's sisters. Her new home is lovely, and he has a shelf to build and put up for her. Her rescue dog and cat have settled in very well too. There is lots to do building a new garden. She is lucky, there is no garden at all, and she can build her 'perfect' garden. Much easier than picking one apart and starting again like I'm having to do.

Time to put MrK's drops in, his sight is improving all the time. Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Not too bad temp wise here. But the sun is shining. Will no doubt get hot later

I thoroughly enjoyed colouring with the ladies yesterday. Despite the attempt at humour from one of the activities ladies who asked if I was a client now.. I simply replied nope. brought my own gear to join in the chat with the ladies.

There is a lady there who loves painting. She is Dutch I think and I suspect she has some interesting history on her, I just get the feeling she was in the middle of the war. I hope to get to know her better. And maybe she has some stories to tell. She still has a very strong accent.

I have finally written up everything for the MOH.. will type it up, probably on Saturday.. It's going to take a while that's for sure. Only I realised at 3am I had forgotten MrP's oral thrush misdiagnosis by them. So have made a note to fit it in the right place on the calendar line.

Am going over to see MrP this afternoon. Get this lol I was going to see if I could visit this morning and he said Oohh but I have my exercises at 10-30... so Ill go over at the right time lol.. I do hope he keeps them up.. and certainly dont want to be the reason he stops.

Apparently they have referred Bobbie to the orthopedics sector so fingers crossed it wont take too long. They are putting those nice soft squishy dressings on her bunions and corns to help ease the pain. I promised her when MrP gets back to town I will take her to see him.

Have to shock the ironing board before I go and iron one of his shirts, not sure what the fabric is but its a shocker for creasing lol. Might do my green dress while its out lol.

Glad MrK's eyes are improving Kiwimade... I always remember mum saying its not until you have the cataracts done that you realise how little you were actually seeing.

I just find it hard to understand why it costs soo much here if you have to go privately compared to the $25 in the islands.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
another sunny day here

quietish day yesterday intermingled with visits. DD out on family k9 walk called in - great k9 frolicking ensued.

DS and his family called in after 5pm for short visit .

I finished hand sewing the binding last night and started quilting one of DDs tops - concentric circles so a fair bit of stopping and starting for each circle - why do I make it hard for myself  Wink

I have taken down the xmas tree this morning DH is off walking 2 off the k9s DD's dog that lives with us played silly buggers again and wouldnt come when called so he is now a very sad little dog sitting at the gate. 

So more quilting for me later today. At least there is a bit of a breeze so should get some air movement in the house, yesterday very hot and no air movement despite every door and window being open.

Tried to upload photos of quilt but files to big will resize later and try to post then

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Finally caught up on a couple of sleepless nights and boy it makes a difference. I am very pleased though with the mad knitting, last night as I put it down I realised it had reached the stage where it is starting to come right, just as predicted.

Maybe that and the catching up of sleep aren't totally unrelated lol...
The outside of the house has been washed down and it looks so much better. Didn't matter that I got wet and spiders ended up in my hair lol. I usually do it twice a year as the westerlies blow a lot of soil from the spud and onion paddocks onto the house. The worst of the roses have been dead headed, I need an hour or so of fine weather to let the cuts heal over so those thunder clouds can just buggar off for a bit. It's my first real season of Buff Beauty flowering and she has the sweetest scent. A bonus as I bought her because I liked her flowers. Dead heading the roses around the Christmas lilies has me sneezing so I'm inside to try and get my hay fever back under control. Time for a cuppa me thinks Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(29-12-2022, 08:57 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: The outside of the house has been washed down and it looks so much better.  Didn't matter that I got wet and spiders ended up in my hair lol.  I usually do it twice a year as the westerlies blow a lot of soil from the spud and onion paddocks onto the house.  The worst of the roses have been dead headed, I need an hour or so of fine weather to let the cuts heal over so those thunder clouds can just buggar off for a bit.  It's my first real season of Buff Beauty flowering and she has the sweetest scent.  A bonus as I bought her because I liked her flowers.  Dead heading the roses around the Christmas lilies has me sneezing so I'm inside to try and get my hay fever back under control.  Time for a cuppa me thinks Big Grin

My flat has the parking area right outside which means all the glass and white woodwork gets a black sticky film all over it, so every couple of months I am out there with a bucket of hot soapy water, a soft broom, and the hose. It is a very satisfying job, seeing the sparkle and shine come back. It does however make it really obvious who bothers to do it and who doesn't! 

Which is why we get contractors arriving once each year to do the same job with pressure sprayers that make a hell of a lot more noise and mess... I prefer my method.  Big Grin
Its good that Mr. P seems happy enough where he is Popeye.

Really hot here today so mowed the lawn first thing, hoping to get it done before it got really hot. Needed along drink of cold water once I'd finished & Madame Le Dog's lawn inspection was rather rushed since she's not keen on too much heat either. So took her for a short early walk & now I'm not doing another thing all day, apart from another bit on paintings if I feel like it; this heat's really tiring & its 28 just now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Just 24 here, as I sit in the shade between two open doors enjoying the cool breeze from the trees. I do like this time of year, when it isn't raining, or blowing like a hurricane...

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