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You can never have enough...
Gorgeous quilts, mica Heart I love the colour choices too.

I agree, OHH. We've had some serious health scares with MrK and it really does make you appreciate what you have. I remember mum always saying there is always someone worse off than you!

What a lovely morning I've had in the garden. It was so cool I was able to plant the new plants and move the geranium with the dahlia sprouting through it. I also planted a geranium out in the garden that had outgrown its pot. And I've dug over part of the garden where the mulch has set hard for some reason. I think it was just too fine for mulch and should have gone through the compost bin. A quick trip to the transfer station with old (30 plus years) garden furniture I couldn't sell or give away, petrol in the car and home again. I was expecting a big bill at the transfer station but was charged the princely sum of $5. It's been years since we have had to dump stuff like that.

Time to do the breakfast dishes and maybe do some work on the quail.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The Quilt is beautiful Mica.

I too even tho I have a lot of patience couldn't ever imagine doing a quilt. And I can't sew straight.. well I can but after working in Sewing factories where speed was wanted more than perfection taught me too many bad habits.

Yes we do need to appreciate what we have.. all it takes for me is to see the Ukraine People and what they are living through. I cannot imagine having to go through that.

Ouchies for the K9 and the bank account.. and rotten timing too.. Those collars are great but yes they show the shame too.

Glad MIss Pud is having lots of love. Missy has been too despite the fact that she landed on my arm again late yesterday. The previous scratch just over an inch away has taken soo long to heal so I guess this one will too. Got some Blardy expensive wound pads at the chemist that are meant to stick on for a week, so fingers crossed they help.

Better ring MrP and then Ill throw some more of his tools on Fb to get rid off and recoup a few dollars.

the bread smells devine.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Love the colours in the quilt, Mica. Poor doggles, hope he's on the mend.

Exactly Hunni - every so often, some little thing pulls us up short & we're reminded of how beautiful our word is & how valued our lives should be.

I think I mucked up because the only pain meds which work well for me is Ibuprofen - Panadol does nothing & Panadeine just makes me sick - & I've only ever needed to take two Ibuprofen for it to be effective, so assumed it would be the same for arthritis. Well, another lesson learned!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(31-12-2022, 10:06 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Love the colours in the quilt, Mica. Poor doggles, hope he's on the mend.

Exactly Hunni - every so often, some little thing pulls us up short & we're reminded of how beautiful our word is & how valued our lives should be.

I think I mucked up because the only pain meds which work well for me is Ibuprofen - Panadol does nothing & Panadeine just makes me sick - & I've only ever needed to take two Ibuprofen for it to be effective, so assumed it would be the same for arthritis. Well, another lesson learned!

I find ibuprofen works great for achy joints but tend to use 1 ibuprofen and 1 paracetamol- the number of times per day varies depending on activities etc. but try to keep them to the minimum. 
I buy both of them at the supermarket as exactly the same stuff but decidedly cheaper than from a chemist and not paying extra for a green box and trade name (ie Panadol) 

Apparently there is supposedly a world shortage of paracetamol so I pop a couple of packets in the trolley regularly but looked at my supply recently and think I might have contributed to the shortage Ive obviously haven’t used as many as I had anticipated lol
After years of the blasted thing I have learnt to stay ahead of the pain, so I take two panadol before I do the potential damage, before a bending exercise or before walking, standing, that sort of thing. And short bursts, rest, straighten up, more movement, more rest, more straightening/ stretching. That way I find I can do most of what I need to do to keep myself independent, without two much swearing, or walking like a 90 year old. A bent one that is...

Panadol takes twenty odd minutes to kick in and usually covers me for a couple of hours, on top of the  celebrex which, on the other hand keeps me covered for a few days before the effect wears off and I am reduced to tears just to move. Miracle drugs, I am very grateful we have both. Long may they work for me.
The thing I hate about medications is the interactions.

With being on Warfarin it severally limits you to what you can taker pain med wise.. Mind you it also depends on what your Dr thinks too.

No antiinflammes... no ibuprofen or anything containing it. Not really meant to use anything like voltaren gel etc.

I remember when I ended up back in hospital with pain my cardiologist came to see me. And promptly gently told me off for not seeking stronger pain meds. hence being given the Oxycodone or Oxynorm so freely.

If I had known when I needed my valve replaced that they were in the process of being able to do valve replacement via the groin I would have hung on and offered to be a guinea pig. Like MrP was for his metal and Beef valve replacement.
Thus avoiding the warfarin and the limits when it comes to pain med. Especially with arthritis and not having enough cartilage in my spine.

But the only way for it to be Undone is to have another open heart surgery to have it removed.. And that's not something I want to go through again lol it took 3 times to get it right the first time lol

But I am here, and have to accept my lot.. And juggle things... Im just thankful I'm not a man cos Im sure the pain has to be worse lol hahahaha
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have to say that with a different dosage, I've definitely noticed a difference & there's been a good bit less swearing too for which no doubt Madame Le Dog is thankful!
I even managed a bit more weeding without feeling really sore & stiff later so I'd best stick to the dosage.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
There were plans round the courtyard table to celebrate New Years with a barbecue and drinkies - I volunteered to do desert. So today I put together a shortcake with aplles, plums and blueberries, which turned out really well.

Except no one else remembered we were barbecueing, so it was a bit of a fizzer. I have had a piece of the shortcake, and it is very yum. I shall have to organise coffee tomorrow afternoon to get rid of the rest of it, lol, too nice to waste, too big for just me...

Quiet night in though, I rather like that prospect!

Happy New Year! Smile
Happy New Year.

A nice sunny day,  not too hot yet, hopefully like yesterday. 

I "heard" 2023 in with a big Fireworks Display at a reserve a street back.  More random fireworks throughout the night until 3am, here's hoping some of those have diminished somewhat! Quite high winds took quite a few of the local parties indoors and a Bouncy Castle was apparently uplifted throwing a few people out! 

No plans for the day.  Might go for a walk or a bike ride somewhere. See some of the family later. 

I hope everyone enjoys the first day of the year and has good things to look forward to in 2023.
Happy New Year everyone

Tis a tad cooler too. the cardy is back on lol.

Oh dear OHH that would have been disappointing. but at least you get to revisit the shortcake. it sounds yummy.

I dont usually see the new year in. There was some music coming from somewhere but it wasn't super loud or anything, just enough for my dumb ears to hear.

I have a pick up this morning, phew which is good Im nearly out of marge and I didn't want to juggle money around twice when I really detest doing that. Big lesson I learnt just before I met MrP. I skipped a bill payment then it took forever to catch up again. And I hated it.

MrP is getting very bored, and simply wasn't listening last night. He asked me to take a Tv over. Which Im happy to do. But I said to him Ill come in with the leads, and if the leads work Ill... and he jumped and said dont bother bring it then. Told him to shut up and let me finish. I said there's no sense carrying it in, if the leads dont work... he settled down eventually. I said if you dont let me finish what Im saying you end up misunderstanding and angry for no reason.

I did more colouring in last night. Loving it.

Two games of Cricket today Yay....

Have a Fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Happy New Year ladies Smile Neither of us saw the year in, too knackered lol.

I've spent a very happy three hours out in the garden this morning. It was lovely and cool and very quiet with no traffic. The birds went nuts when they saw the hose coming out for the garden lol. They love it and we often see them bathing on the branches where the sprinkler is oscillating. I've cleaned the bird bath and refilled it too. The gardening stuff has been put away and what can be composted put in the compost bins and the rest in the wheelie bin. The poppies have finished so they have been pulled out. There's plenty of seedlings around though. A few other spring annuals have finished also so they have been binned and the big cane teepee moved to another spot. One of my roses is being smothered by salvias, the big blue ones, so something has to give there eventually.

A police car has gone screaming by so fingers and everything crossed, it's not a fatality. We've had enough of them, that's for sure.

Good to read your meds are under control Lilith. A good way to start a new year Smile

Buggar about the BBQ, OHH, but you do get to eat that yummy shortcake lol.

How's the doggy, mica? I bet he's feeling a tad sorry for himself this morning.

I hope this year sees us all doing what we love, with who we love.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast and nippy this morning

Happy New year lots of fireworks locally poor male k9s were not happy.

OHH like the sound of that shortcake yum.

DGS wanted to eat his birthday lunch outside yesterday, the sun was out but boy there was a bite in the southerly wind we decamped for cake indoors.
Friends invited us to dinner last night so we hadquite a social day.

DH is doing the clean up ie getting rid of all the dust generated from his sanding our bedroom window sills then he is off to church, quite funny how we rub along the believer and the aetheist.

Started quilting DD 2nd quilt top yesterday hopefully it won't take too many hours to finish.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Just did an annual top up of free reading material on amazon.

Thankfully alot of what I like to read often has sooo many free books. So I got 101 freebies to start the year off.

For the most Non religious person I know, I actually enjoy reading Amish books, historical romances, and normal set in war times and of course Jack the ripper type ones. And there was a couple of new ones I have read in the latter.. so I cant wait to read those ones. Ill force myself to wait tho then I will really enjoy them.

Right better get to the kitchen and load the dishwasher since it wont do it, itself lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Happy new year and may 2023 be a great year for you all.
(01-01-2023, 09:11 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Just did an annual top up of free reading material on amazon.

Thankfully alot of what I like to read often has sooo many free books.  So I got 101 freebies to start the year off.

For the most Non religious person I know, I actually enjoy reading Amish books, historical romances, and normal set in war times and of course Jack the ripper type ones. And there was a couple of new ones I have read in the latter.. so I cant wait to read those ones. Ill force myself to wait tho then I will really enjoy them.

Right better get to the kitchen and load the dishwasher since it wont do it, itself lol

I like Amish stories too, always was intrigued by the lifestyle, and even more so having been to Pennsylvania and met some Amish families. My favourite character - Chief of Police - wears the same fictional name as the woman who made my two quilts, so that is a lovely coincidence I rather enjoy.
(01-01-2023, 09:36 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(01-01-2023, 09:11 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Just did an annual top up of free reading material on amazon.

Thankfully alot of what I like to read often has sooo many free books.  So I got 101 freebies to start the year off.

For the most Non religious person I know, I actually enjoy reading Amish books, historical romances, and normal set in war times and of course Jack the ripper type ones. And there was a couple of new ones I have read in the latter.. so I cant wait to read those ones. Ill force myself to wait tho then I will really enjoy them.

Right better get to the kitchen and load the dishwasher since it wont do it, itself lol

I like Amish stories too, always was intrigued by the lifestyle, and even more so having been to Pennsylvania and met some Amish families. My favourite character - Chief of Police - wears the same fictional name as the woman who made my two quilts, so that is a lovely coincidence I rather enjoy.

Would have been wonderful to visit Pennsylvania OHH..   As much as I am an independent type of gal, I love the idea of leaving all the money stuff to the man of the house.

And to not have to think about technology.. If only the world could go back to the relaxed way it used to be... but then Id have to either buy or visit the library more often lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Bloody fireworks dammit! Several idiots thought it was a brilliant idea to let these off at various times both before & after midnight. I hadn't planned on spending New Years eve calming down a terrified dog which included a TV at full volume for quite a while.
Surely its time to ban the wretched things apart from public displays - there were several fires around the country because of them.

That shortcake sounds yummy Hunni - what a bugger you live way up there! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(01-01-2023, 01:22 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Bloody fireworks dammit! Several idiots thought it was a brilliant idea to let these off at various times both before & after midnight. I hadn't planned on spending New Years eve calming down a terrified dog which included a TV at full volume for quite a while.
Surely its time to ban the wretched things apart from public displays - there were several fires around the country because of them.

That shortcake sounds yummy Hunni - what a bugger you live way up there! Smile

Thoroughly agree re fireworks needing to be banned. We have someone in the neighbourhood who must stock pile  quite a lot that they let off randomly at unsociable hours - was 4.45am last week. They seem to let off just enough to get all the dogs barking madly.
morning ladies Smile It's overcast, perfect for watering the garden pots.

Lilith, I'm with you all the way with banning fireworks. Our boy is terrified of them and takes forever to settle. He shakes like mad and just wants to be on our laps. Even someone letting off a rifle has the same effect.

This morning I'll work on the weeding for a bit again and trim the edges. There isn't much weeding to do as with all this heat, the garden is slowing down. But the convolvulus is persistent with strangling plants and needs to be kept on top of.

We have been watching Foleys War on Acorn over the last few evenings and really enjoying it. Anthony Horowitz is such a talented writer. MrK has been admiring the spitfires (OK, so have I lol) so we are thinking of visiting the Auckland Museum to see the one there. I saw it when I went to Auckland with the grandkids and daughter to see the dinosaur, but MrK didn't come with us.

Still no stitching, by the looks of it I need a rainy day to do some.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast and a lot cooler this morning. 

Will get groceries shortly,  can't wait any longer! Would like to get to the library as well.  Reading a magazine I was given not the same as a book at night!

It was great to jump on our bikes for a ride in the nice breeze yesterday and see somewhere different.  Plenty of us "oldies" on their wheels as well  Smile

Another who would love to see fireworks banned for the general public.  So unnecessary all those fire fighter call outs on NY's eve. Not to mention the blaze started by the QT billionnaire and that all his neighbours strongly opposed. My dog would also appreciate a ban. 

Not much craft happening here either. 

Better get moving before it gets busy.

Enjoy the day all.

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