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You can never have enough...
Good morning. 

It's not currently raining but still blowing a bit after last night's storm The swaying trees silhoetted against the sky on the neighbouring boundary (a lot of them palms) were a sight during the night! All still standing today!

Grandchildren to mind today while mum and dad work, so there won't be much me-time. I hope there is at least one break in the weather for outside time!

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Has rained through the night but its very still out there.

Ive always said these Horrible people who do the scamming, in all ways, banks, with trying to woo people then clean them out, and dope growers etc, They obviously have brains enough how to do these things, why dont they use their brains in a legal way.

Yesterday was another mess , with our money etc etc. Turns out MrP was officially "discharged" on Dec 21st. The residential care people found that out for me. But he should have been getting his pension, me my piggy back.. and not the emergency benefit I was put on.. so its an absolute mess.

I found out the meeting is at 2pm. But have set plans in motion to avoid that. Mainly cos there are going to be 3 of them VS me. So it will be delayed. So I can have a support person with me. And they really wont want to mess with her. She has worked in the same field but in homes for 15-20 years. And I need to fully bring her up to speed on everything. Plus I have told the area manager that when MrP arrives back Ill be leaving anyway.. And that will "Happen" no matter what time he gets back.

I will spend some time with Bobbie and the girls cos I suspect I won't be allowed to for much longer.. And that upsets me. Bobbie especially has No one.. And the last time I looked there weren't any bars on the windows and doors.

And to top things off MrP still thinks he should be coming home. Ive told him Im not going through this again. yet I know I always back down.And Im annoyed at myself for that. But I did tell him Im not having another heart attack looking after him.

Glad the Furry one had a good day Kiwimade.. They are our babies and we worry when they are not well or happy.

So wish me Luck.. Its going to be a horrible day. And I feel like I should be saying goodbye to Bobbie.

Have a good day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
This is why I absolutely believe 'no good deed goes unpunished' popeye...

I hope the stress ends soon.
I hope it all goes better than you expect it to, Popeye. Surely they can't prevent you visiting Bobbie since she's a friend - I hope your support person gives them what for if needed.

Good luck with the embroidery KM.

Still slogging away with illustrations & have one more done. The weather here is overcast & threatening to rain; I put a bit of washing out earlier because there's rain forecast for tomorrow, so it would be just my luck for it to damn well rain today instead.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Afternoon all
Overcast and a breeze here

Good luck Popeye.

I went to bed early last night as I was terminally tired, not much better this morning, C test negative . I have slept all morning accompanied by all 3 dogs litte sweeties Heart

So I am not getting up to much today.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Had an email from my daughter to let me know her father had died. He and I have had no contact since she was born, his choice, but seems one of his other many children tracked her down to let her know. The internet is a giant family sometimes.

Funny though, despite my feelings about the man I felt quite sad. For about ten minutes.

He did make gorgeous kids though, whatever his other qualities, lol.
I am sorry about your daughter's father, OHH.

I hope everything is sorted for you, popeye. Sounds like a real mess financially.

The Furry One has had a seizure and now we are wondering if all this stress related shaking was partially seizures. Anyhoo, we have a vet appointment later this afternoon. Our vet is on holiday, but we trust the vets at our clinic so all's good.

Almost done with this embroidery Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It seems we have the rain and wind now..

I got to the first home and was with Bobbie when the call came in that he had landed back, far earlier than anyone thought it would happen.

They are having a meeting tomorrow for the residents.. But as I said to my ladies how many will tell them anything, cos they are mostly all scared to say anything.

I have got one of the ladies and her daughters numbers so I will be keeping up and plan to revisit on Friday Hopefully.

When I walked in the door of the new home I felt so totally different. Although the building is 100 years old if still in top shape.
I met with the manager while they did MrPs Obs etc. Ended up bawling and she suggested I get some support. She gave me some info about getting Bobbie an Advocate that can help her even more than I can. Cos I have no legal connection to her.

I went back to the room MrP was in, in time for his lunch, which he ate all of, and they didn't come back less than 10 minutes later wanting the plates. Then one of the men who had been there a while opted to go to a single room so MrP got a Room Upgrade, directly beside the window that looks out over the golf club. The staff are wonderful and she asked me to go straight to her with anything...

Im going up tomorrow to meet the Dr's cos we have never met either of the ones that do their patients.

Met the resident Cat.. "Johnny Cash" he's a big, I'd say 7-8 kilo black and white boy.

OHH MrP was quite shocked at how sad he felt when his first wife died.. after the divorce etc. Its natural cos somewhere along the line you loved them.

Ohh not good your Unwell Mica, I hope you stay Negative and get well soon.

Im hoping for an early night. Im spent pretty much.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Glad things went well, Popeye; perhaps an advocate for Bobbie would help & ease a bit of stress for you, once you know she has someone. The home sounds much better for mr P.

Hunni, its always a shock to lose someone we were once close to even if that's no longer the case.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile A wet, humid morning here so far.

This morning we are taking the Furry One back to the vet for a blood test to elimate Addisons Disease and thyroid issues. It was too late in the afternoon to send a blood test off when we went yesterday afternoon. Addisons could be caused as a side effect of medication, no one knows for sure. But we do know the Furry One has been on epilepsy meds for over seven years now. Our vet told us at his annual check up in October he is the oldest dog on this medication she has known and has been on it the longest. It's a fatal condition unless treated and this will pretty much double our monthly vet bill. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Blood test first and once the results come in, we can make some proper decisions. We have everything crossed it's not. MrK and I are devastated thinking about it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Dull and wet again.

Oh Kiwimade We have been in the same position, and it's not easy.. Our furry friends hold huge parts of our hearts. I hope they can sort The Furry one out..

I take my hats off to vets. Their patients can't tell them what's wrong. So to us we believe they are far more smarter than a Dr who can ask you what's happening.

I'll be heading back up to Mr'P this morning. Once again last night he got testy. He shouldn't be there, they told him he could go out, and he's not diabetic now cos he's not having insulin.. So I have to ask them not to tell him he can go out.. Thats my decision and if I ever decide he can go he is going to have to sit in the back seat, otherwise he will grab the steering wheel.

Im soo over it all. He just cant see anything from my side. Im sick of crying and trying and worrying.

I might ring them, Im not ready to meet anyone new and go through it all again..

Have a good day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Overcast and threatening rain .... again.

Managed to keep the grandies entertained for the day .... only a couple of two's company, three's a crowd situations to deal with and managed a couple of brisk walks, one to the park to clear the cobwebs!

Fingers crossed for your boy KM, I hope all can be brought under control. What a worry these pets can be .... and expensive. It's nearly 2 years since our girl lost her leg to cancer, so we never know what is around the corner now she's turned 12.

Glad Mr P installed in new abode, that would make me happy to have a feline in residence as well. Good if Bobbi can have someone in the know advocating for her as well.

Hoping you are feeling better today Mica and OHH.

Not much planned for me today ... I have DIL2B, baby and niece visiting this afternoon so will bake something shortly.

Enjoy the day all.

Popeye, stay home and ring them if you have to. Have a few days to yourself. I feel for you the way Mr P uses emotional 'blackmail' to get at you, I would most definitely keep my distance for my mental health if it was me.
Morning all
Stormy overnight still raging 

Hope fury ones test results give you a diagnosis  KM   addison k9s usually respond well to treatment.

Good on you for looking out for your well being Popeye no one else will so be kind to yourself Mr P is being cared for.

Still below par today so it will be a quiet day here for me.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Shit day yesterday here too, J died in the early afternoon, and I spent the rest of the day phoning her friends and account holders.

Never rains but it pours...

It occurred to me popeye, that if the new place has a van they might take residents out under their supervision. I know Lady Allum did that a few times with my Mum, until she got a bit challenging. I certainly wouldn't be volunteering yourself for that role, you cannot be safe driving and looking after him...
Do hope you are feeling 100% again quickly Mica.

What a worry for you KM re the furry one - hopefully the vets are on to it and he will be happily chasing the rabbits very soon  Shy

Off to Hamilton for a couple of days soon - hope the worst of the weather has does it’s dash for now  Big Grin
It got sunny and rather warm here yesterday pm but has cooled down to the usual drizzle overnight. At least the gardens won’t need watering while I’m away even if things don’t want to ripen in this weather.
(12-01-2023, 08:59 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Shit day yesterday here too, J died in the early afternoon, and I spent the rest of the day phoning her friends and account holders.

Never rains but it pours...

It occurred to me popeye, that if the new place has a van they might take residents out under their supervision. I know Lady Allum did that a few times with my Mum, until she got a bit challenging. I certainly wouldn't be volunteering yourself for that role, you cannot be safe driving and looking after him...

sorry about your friend OHH cyber hug
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Sorry to hear that Hunni; its always a mix of being sad because we'll miss them & pleased that the person isn't suffering any more in circumstances like that.
Popeye, I'd agree - you may need to take a break for a day or so, it must be stressful.

It became a very interesting day here yesterday. Set off to take Madame Le Dog for our slightly longer walk, down the cul de sac & into the park that way. Just into the cul de sac there were about 15-20 people standing around, leaning on their cars, having a beer & talking. Oh. bugger. Yep, the mongrel mob.
The dog needed a walk so I just kept going; one or two said hello so I said hello back, threaded our way through the bikes & cars & into the park. I was slightly concerned about a neighbour who lives there, haven't seen her for a while, & I'd assumed she was connected to them but when I came home there was a news item about MM farewelling a former member or something who'd died so not my neighbour.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
OHH, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Sorry to hear about your Neighbour OHH, notifying people can really get to you so take care.

I rang the home and the Manager told me to stay home , he was fine.

Missy must have heard her cos she climbed up onto my knee and didn't get off until about 30 minutes ago.

I've filled in the forms and will drop them off. I'll call him when I've had some lunch but I won't go up for a few days, I need a break and he has all he needs.

I called and he was happy, and seemed to like the Dr.

So Ill go up for a quick shop, not much since I was given a massive Food parcel on Tuesday. So much that I took stuff to Pat next door, stuff that I dont eat.

Oh has anyone ever frozen onions? I know you can buy them frozen.. I thought about trying. Then I can use them for MrP's and the ladies soup
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hunny - it’s hard when somebody dies who has suffered - you know you will miss them forever but the pain and indignity is over and that’s a good thing
Hope vet has another drug Kiwimade to assist the Furry ones existing one -
Popeye - there is no doubt to assist with Mr Ps mental health he needs to get out on a regular basis even for a regular walk along the street in a wheel chair - but it doesn’t mean you have to do it - the Ukrainian Grandad joined the local Mens Shed here and they were out and about doing lots of different things for the old folks home - contact the Ministry for the Aged - they have their own website and ask for suggestions - is Mr P a returned serviceman or even Aged concern might have links to a men’s group who could take him out - you will find he won’t play up like he does for you - the home may have a bus a lot round here do and they regularly come sight seeing down our street - just having something to look forward to except those 4 walls will lift him and take a huge weight off your shoulders - one thing is for sure he needs to behave himself or he is going to run out of options so many places have cut their bed numbers - that’s just my tuppence worth - I nursed my husband with a lot of help and even if we only went to the end of the drive and back clutching his oxygen tank he just loved feeling the fresh air

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