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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous day here today.

aww Jan, what a lovely way to puss to go. The other cat will miss him for a while. When one of our cats died, his sister pined for him to ages. She slept in all of his places which she never had done before.

Your great niece and nephew are a real credit to their family, Venetian. And you are right, we hardly hear any positive news about our young people. Maybe if the media concentrated on them, these youngsters getting into trouble won't have the publicity they seem to crave. Their dog sounds gorgeous, gotta love a big doggy grin Heart

Last evening, around 6.30pm we heard this loud (and I mean loud lol) rumble and a plane came overhead and seemed to be circling the area. We went out to investigate and MrK thought it was a Spitfire. Turned out to be a Harvard but omg what an impressive plane. As it flew over us, we waved so the pilot turned it around and did barrel rolls and loops over the house. He must have done at least six or seven passes over us. it felt like we had our own personal display lol. Was so awesome to see, even traffic was stopping to watch. We learned later it was a local lad piloting the plane Big Grin and he was part of a team from Ohakia visiting our area to do displays for the day. I posted on our local community page and there appears to be lots of people who enjoyed the displays. One grump of course, there has to be one I suppose.

My quail is all stretched and stitched to my frame and ready for stitching. If it gets too hot outside, I'll make a start on it today. But first I might grab the garden hoe and loosen some of the compacted soil. The very very fine mulch I used months ago sets like damed concrete and plants can't grow so are stunted. The only 'plant' not stunted is that bloody convolvulus. That stuff will grow anywhere.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Overcast here. but a nice cooler temp.. I must say Im not suffering so much with the rare hot days now. Best pay off ever.

As I said on your post last night Kiwimade, they had a display up here one year and I totally freaked out. I thought the two planes were going to crash, to the point I was trying to pull MrP away from the window. I haven't seen one since, but we are in a direct flight line for Auckland Airport so I do hear normal ones.

Taking my achy body up to visit MrP today. If it fine's up we will sit with the binoculars and see where the ball goes lol. And hopefully the Tuis will visit. Im taking some bread I had in the freezer to tempt them.

If it's raining Im going to get him to show me how you play this game they played the other day. its called "Shut the Box" I did a little googling, but when I see the gear maybe then I will understand.

MrP never plays games etc so it was a shock to hear that he enjoyed it. And they put a note on his walker to remind him to show me.
I miss playing Games, Mum and I used to play cards, Scrabble ( have loved Scrabble since I was a kid), Monopoly and Rummy-O.
We used to play Guggenheim during the winter school holidays and if at my Paternal grandmothers she would give us a word and a dictionary each and we would find the meaning, find another word meaning the same until we had done a complete circle back to the original word. Nana was a crossword and Scrabble player.
I loved it but of course my twin brother hated it. He hated anything that involved using your brains lol He used to say I had more brains than him... I simply said No I just used what I had, he never did lol.

Must keep my phone out while we are watching the birds etc.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Another beautifulmday here its going to be warm.

Sad for family that puss died but what a nice peaceful end. They live in our hearts forever.
Popeye feeding birds bread is not good practice, Tuis are also nectar feeders so won't be attracted.

Went up the line yesterday to meet up with sewing group we had a great day, the new express ways shave a significant amount of time off the trip Big Grin

Housework today currently having a rest after vacuuming I have no puff at the moment which is very annoying.
Have a meeting this afternoon but still want to get binding on cot quilt so that I have some hand work to do at quilt group tomorrow.

Enjoy you day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Had an excited email from my daughter this morning, she has discovered the online cenotaph Auckland War Memorial Museum has, and found her grandfathers name there. I am sure I told her about it a long time ago, but I guess getting older means she has a better understanding of these things. So I pointed her to a few more of the warriors we have in our family tree so she can make a note for her children when they get old enough to understand whose names they carry forward.

And the Pud bloodied the nose of a neighbourhood cat yesterday when it had the temerity to come up on her deck. She bopped it, and it leapt off the balcony right into the bossy boy's lap as he waited on the path below, so both our lot are walking round with happy cat egos at the moment. Territory secured, lol...
It took me a while to get my ooomph back, mica.  And I share yourfrustration!

Popeye, if you put sugar water out for the tui in the winter, they will come. I only leave water out in the summer and never feed our birds as there are enough bugs around for them.  In the winter, this changes to sugar water and the bird seed mixed with peanut butter, dried fruit and dripping.  Never bread as this can make them sick.  Maybe you could buy or make a small bird feeder for MrP to put the water out for the tui.  Then switch it to the 'winter' diet in the colder months.  Tui also love fruit and the waxeyes will come to this as well.  I split the odd banana length wise and put that out in the winter along with older fruit we haven't eaten.  Pears, kiwifruit, apples, oranges, grapefruit (they love that!) and so on.  Once again, that is for the winter.

Well done, Pud!  You little toughie, you!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That must have been special, KM - your own aerial display.
One of my cats years ago also died in her sleep during the night, curled on the end of my bed. Perhaps the best way to go.
Well done, the Pud! Problem sorted. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well done Pud for defending your territory.

I had forgotten Tui were nectar eaters.. So thank you for that... And to top it off I sat and watched two pop around the various flax bushes outside MrPs room. Beautiful.

He is ensconced with his Binoculars with a terrific Long view now.

The Dr came and hopefully finally gave us a Legit reson why MrP gets yellow filled Blisters on his legs.. Its simply cos his body holds soo much fluid that it has to come out somehow... he has had countless tests, biopsy's and No one had said the most likely reason. So he is going to try another BP med that also helps get rid of fluid... depending that is on his potassium level after Bloods this week.

A quiet afternoon for me now
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A cool, overcast start to the day so I'll make the most of it and get a bit more weeding done. There aren't many weeds but the convolvulus grows pretty quickly and needs to be kept on top of. I swear that stuff will grow through concrete given a chance. A rose I untangled and weeded (and the roots went for miles) was back being smothered within a few days. I suspect I will need to poke a stick in the ground, encourage the convolvulus to grow up the stick then spray it with weed killer. I saw this method being used on a British gardening programme and it works.

Yesterday I saw the teeniest bumble bee you have ever seen working the dahlias. It couldn't have been more than half a centimeter in size. The cutest bug in the garden Heart

MrK is busy working on the shelf for his sister's new home so we will have a day in Rotorua soon while he fits it. I have had an idea for my embroidery stand and I'm hoping MrK can wrangle it at some stage. He has a looooong list of things he wants to build. Love it as it keeps him active and his mind busy. At least with him being crafting with his own stuff, he 'gets' why I 'need' that thread or sewing tool.

Venetian, I saw you visited the Hamilton Gardens Smile They are fabulous, that's for sure. The new Egyptian room is awesome and will be even better once the plantings are established.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Library,  admin paperwork hunt, coffee with the ladies, and groceries on the agenda today, and another couple of TM sales so just proves it pays to relist stuff. Did a fair bit of vege pot garden tidying up yesterday, so I might get a couple of punnets, might go for flowers seeing it is a bit early for brassicas. Looks like a good day in the supercity, weatherwise, fingers crossed...
Morning all
Scattered cloud with a breeze

Meeting yesterday afternoon and then surprise invite to BBQ tea with DS family, alway enjoy someone else cooking and playing with DGK

Off up the line to quilting group today, then grocery shop might do that after dinner.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

It was a cooler start, yet its meant to get very hot today. Missy didn't want to get up this morning lol. Shes a very good thermometer lol.

Im on a mission. MrP would like one of those sugar pouring jars, the ones you used to see in cafes etc.. I say used to cos I have no idea if they have them now or sachets. I found some on trade me, but even being sent from Auckland they want more for postage than the item.
I looked at all the shops I could online and no one had them. not even Alliexpress.
So I may have an oppy day and see if I can find one. Of course he is Mr Impatient and wants it yesterday.

I got growled at yesterday. oops. I couldn't find the visitors toilet, and asked the lady I found in the kitchen she took me down the hall and I kid you not... outside. The toilet is outside. So I naturally came back the way I was shown out.. And met the charge nurse who asked me why I was there. I told her the lady showed me to the toilet and I didn't notice that it was Staff only.. OOPS.. I hope she didn't get in trouble.
I couldn't believe it.. And I can tell you no Older person would be able to use it.. But Im not going to say anything. Mr.P reckons there was one further up the hall, so I will investigate, but why the lady didn't tell me that I dont know lol.

Im rather achy today so waiting for pain meds to kick in then Ill see what I get up to next.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Weird thing...

I was going through the very long list of companion animals by name, who I have had in my life since whenever, and discovered there is one single little cat whose name I cannot recall. It was a traumatic time, and he was a small tragedy on four legs, but much loved all the same. But strangely, for the life of me I cannot bring back his name, even looking at a photo of him, it has just been eliminated from my memory.

It seems such a little sadness, that blank spot in the list of beloveds.
Good morning.

The day is looking to be a good one, will make the most of it while it lasts.

Keeping busy with family the last few days, my sister has given me a large bag of woollen yarn which will be welcome for winter knitting. She has a lovely collection of dahlias growing of which I brought home a bunch of flowers to add to my vase full. I can see they could be an addictive addition to the garden with such a huge range of shape, size and colour  Smile

Lol, OHH I tested my memory and am able to say I can recall my cats and dogs names .... but we've only had 4 of each over 45 years! Never been without a cat and dog and they all lived to at least 14 with the exception of one cat who died of liver cancer at 10. It's good to read that Pud has well and truly established her patch. I hope the toileting issues are sorted.

Time to move before it gets too hot.

Have a good day all.
MrP just called,

The picture of Missy fell off the windowsill and smashed. He is soo upset. But I said so long as no one was cut is all that matters. And I have the frame for my picture so Ill replace it and have it back by the end of the week. We will sit it up on the high shelf. Not as easy for him to see it but it will be safer up there. Not sure how it dropped to the floor by itself.

Calmed him down so he wont fret. Hes a sentimental soul.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Command hooks? I regularly get those failing, despite obeying the instructions very carefully...

(17-01-2023, 08:33 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning.

The day is looking to be a good one, will make the most of it while it lasts.

Keeping busy with family the last few days, my sister has given me a large bag of woollen yarn which will be welcome for winter knitting. She has a lovely collection of dahlias growing of which I brought home a bunch of flowers to add to my vase full. I can see they could be an addictive addition to the garden with such a huge range of shape, size and colour  Smile

Lol, OHH I tested my memory and am able to say I can recall my cats and dogs names .... but we've only had 4 of each over 45 years! Never been without a cat and dog and they all lived to at least 14 with the exception of one cat who died of liver cancer at 10. It's good to read that Pud has well and truly established her patch. I hope the toileting issues are sorted.

Time to move before it gets too hot.

Have a good day all.

I moved the litter box into the corner of the shower, so she has a wall on two sides, it seems to have solved the problem

As for the missing cat name, I haven't forgotten him, just his name. I think my mind is censoring my memory because it was such a hard time. There were lots of periods around then that I just lost time and recall, still have blank spaces. Grief like that can be a kind of insanity I think.
I can't recall the name of every cat, probably due to having had so many over the years - there were 5 at one point. Accidental really, as one decided to adopt us when we already had 4 cats.

Attacked the hedge & then had a go at the jasmine earlier, after previously doing the groceries so feeling knackered now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(17-01-2023, 05:25 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Command hooks? I regularly get those failing, despite obeying the instructions very carefully...

(17-01-2023, 08:33 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning.

The day is looking to be a good one, will make the most of it while it lasts.

Keeping busy with family the last few days, my sister has given me a large bag of woollen yarn which will be welcome for winter knitting. She has a lovely collection of dahlias growing of which I brought home a bunch of flowers to add to my vase full. I can see they could be an addictive addition to the garden with such a huge range of shape, size and colour  Smile

Lol, OHH I tested my memory and am able to say I can recall my cats and dogs names .... but we've only had 4 of each over 45 years! Never been without a cat and dog and they all lived to at least 14 with the exception of one cat who died of liver cancer at 10. It's good to read that Pud has well and truly established her patch. I hope the toileting issues are sorted.

Time to move before it gets too hot.

Have a good day all.

I moved the litter box into the corner of the shower, so she has a wall on two sides, it seems to have solved the problem

As for the missing cat name, I haven't forgotten him, just his name. I think my mind is censoring my memory because it was such a hard time. There were lots of periods around then that I just lost time and recall, still have blank spaces. Grief like that can be a kind of insanity I think.

Yeah I got two of the command hooks but they wouldnt let me put one on the window. even tho it was still going to be sitting on the windowsill.  So it will go above the shelf and it can still sit on the shelf too. BUT Ill get them to put it up cos I only just reach the shelf as it is.

And your right about the grief blocking things. I have many things from my childhood that I dont remember or have blanks in, from before my father died when I was 9.  
I do find now that Mum, my Sister and eldest brother has gone that there's only 3 of us left and all of us have blanks.

Glad Pudd has her toileting sorted.. Missys tray is in one of the showers here. Soo Much easier for cleaning thats for sure
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone

Slightly overcast this morning. A nice even temp.

Had an email what Ill loosely call a discussion with the manager at the previous home. Honestly I dont know how she calls herself that.
Says that MrP was the one who said he didn't want to go back, and that was 9 days after the Hospital told me that the home had told them they didn't want him back.
Then she says Ill have to talk to the finance people as she doesn't have anything to do with the money.. DOOOH I contacted the right section at the start lol.

So I contacted the finance section again.. I dont care if they put it in our bank or send it to the new home but it has to be refunded.
They must get away with a lot of this kind of thing when people dont want to fight anymore.

If it wasnt for the fact that I care alot about the people in there, I probably would have given up the fight. But I have to do what I can for not only the ones Im close to, but all of them.. Well apart from the two Narks lol.

Im off to see everyone today.. the Ladies this morning taking in the art class and Lunch. Then off to MrP to sit and world watch .. He wants to show me something they did in the lounge too..I think it was a different game.. I had previously told the manager about him barely being able to write and no reading as such so I think she is helping even tho he wont realise it.... Never too Old to learn.

Its 60's week on the Sewing Bee and Im loving the patchy dresses.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Definitely never too old, and hard learning actually makes brain cells, so it is good for us! Like most difficult things.

Weather is looking good this morning so I shan't be lazy for too long, might even get a load through the laundry before I head off to buy a few plants...  Big Grin
Morning all
Nice day

Back to gym this morning it was hot.

Getting sorted for our weekend away so the day will pass quickly

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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