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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Wet and cooler here thank goodness.

Thank you for all the hugs.

I dont know what they are giving him apart from the pump of diuretic but last night he sounded more like him again. We talked for nearly 2 hours. He only said once about getting out, but I has probably forgotten he has the pump in. Makes things hard.
But we talked of a few things he has that he wants to go to the right people.. And about where I will sneakily put his ashes. And we decided at Urenui Beach which is north Taranaki. As kids they spent a lot of time there with there Aunt and Uncle. The latter had a knitting machine set up in the basement of their house and would do them all jumpers while they were there.

Ive got to get gas and do my bloods then I will go and see him. I will ask if he wants to see Bobbie, and she is going to be shocked cos the last time I saw her he was fine.

And I admit I dont want him to come home to die, he understands that it would upset Missy, but I can't think of nothing nicer than us sitting at the door of their room looking at the beautiful scene outside.

And yes Morphine is the Euthanasia of our times. Three of my family have gone that way.

I better rattle my daggs, I like my bloods done early and I actually slept in today.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning - rain is on its way back - pleased I am no longer on the orchard - if you are organic your crop is so vulnerable with this constantly changing weather but the other option is constant spraying
Your sister in law is the second house featured incorrectly in that TV program - one of the houses featured in Waipukurau was the home of one of my granddaughters friends - it was sold to somebody else for a lot more than the couple on the program supposedly paid
My rural son is devastated his lambs are sick and dying - the vet has been and diagnosed animal polio- told him he shouldn’t get so attached to them
Have to cook that steak today - it would be sacrilege to not eat it -
Last niggt I did a bit more hydrangea lopping, we have painters, landscapers, and builders arriving next week (all those tradies terms are probably optimistic going on past performance) so I have been endeavouring to protect plantings I do not want massacred by ignorant labour. It seems though we are to get a shelter of some sort over the courtyard which will be interesting to watch progress. It is best not to get hopes up though with our lot. What is proposed is rarely what eventuates.

The rain is here so it will be an indoor day, but with Anniversay Day on Monday, we should get a nice day or two at some stage. And I noticed a blackbird had taken a few pecks out of a peach on the tree, and sure enough when I removed it and bit into it, almost ripe. They know exactly when the feast begins, our feathered friends...
It’s most likely going to rain as I spent quite a bit of time watering the garden last evening.

I’ve had to cover the grapes as the birds are starting to take an interest in them although it will be a wee while yet before I’ll be trying them.

I think that programme is for entertainment rather than house buying advice  Big Grin can’t imagine anyone buying a house after just seeing 3 in one day and then having to decide overnight.
It's bucketing down here too. Housework is done and I'm working on a 'thank you' gift. My sister-in-law has been lending us her books (she has loads lol) so I'm stitching her a bookmark to thank her. It won't take long to do Smile but embroidering with satin thread and no hoop is something I don't plan on doing again anytime soon.

Good you have MrP's final wishes sorted, popeye. Not an easy chat but necessary.

I am not surprised, Jan, that there was another episode of 'Country Houses' not right. I wonder if there were more.

lol OHH, yep, the birds know. I spotted a flock of birds munching on an apple tree across the road and I bet they also got the peacherines too. Our small flock of finches is slowly expanding as the maize is starting to ripen. They know where and when to go for food, that's for sure.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Its wet and windy here. But loving the temp. no humidity to talk about.

I've spent the morning with MrP and I can say he is the most calm I have seen him in a long time. Still did his exercises and walked to the lounge/dining room . They did a Word game and even the activity lady learnt something. She never knew that you had Rungs on a ladder not Runs, she's a Pom in her 50's lol

We had a chat and MrP wants to come home to see Missy. I've always been against him coming home cos I know he wouldn't want to go back. But they are working with him and will make sure he knows he has to go back. And one of them will be with him.
So Im giving him his wish, provided he behaves.

I rang the Previous home and asked if I could take Bobbie to see him. They weren't happy at the start cos we are not family after all, but under the circumstances they have allowed it. I will ring her tonight after the Bulldogs have gone home and tell her the news. They both need one last visit. But I want to warn Bobbie so she has a couple of days to process it before I get her on Monday.

I was considering going out to do some shopping but MrP asked me not to travel as it is very wet and windy, and I didn't notice a slight drop in the floor and stepped wrong and landed very hard on my right foot jarring my bad knee, hip and spine. so Im sitting with some deep heat on and I can feel it helping.

I havent watched the house show, I think I had my fill of all the house shows on sky when we had it. But deceiving people is very wrong to me..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Its good that you've got Mr. Ps wishes sorted out Popeye; one less thing to worry about later on.

I was intending to head into town this morning but it was just too hot & later when I looked at local news, I was glad I hadn't. The Bus exchange is closed due to technical issues, & they're having problems getting enough drivers too. First I'd heard of it, but if it was Welly or Auckland it would have been all over the TV news & we'd all know.
Haven't watched that Country house & reading the comments here, glad I didn't bother.

We could do with some of your rain here, its 28 again so will have to water garden again later dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Just watched the news - hope you didn’t cop the extreme weather Hunni
Oh it is pithing down out there, with occasional lightning. Our drive is a river, tomorrow Watercare will probably be out draining the pond that forms in the low parts of the reserve. The grass is growing taller by the minute and our huge trees love it. Pud not so much. She is resorting to her sheepskin bed in utter disgust, but really, I'm quite enjoying it. Lots of knitting getting done...
Gosh the pictures on the news were bad. And there's no letup even here.

I rang Bobbie and gave her the good news, and she was soo happy. I have told her what is going on with MrP and she's sad for him but was pleased to hear he is in good spirits etc.

So our Wild Venison sausage sizzle that we had planned will do 3 of us. I was given a solid lump of sausages , way too many for me and MrP loves venison too so we will have lunch together.

Neither of the bulldogs will be at work on Monday at the old home so no one should be chasing us up time wise.

It's really odd but her accent always seems soo much stronger over the phone than in Person.

I told her the MrP didnt know yet and she giggled like we had a secret. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Wow, what a lot of rain we are having. We couldn't believe how quickly West Auckland flooded. I felt so sorry for the young couple on the news who had bought their home last year.

What a lovely idea, popeye, for Bobby and MrP to get together. Wild venison sausages are much better than farmed venison, I think. They have a bit more flavour.

I saw your bus exchange was having problems on the TV3 news the other night, Lilith. It didn't sound good at all.

It's going to be an indoor day today, and like OHH, I don't really mind. There are a few things I need to catch up on now the sewing machine has been set up and I can get them done. It must be awful to be stuck inside with not much to do.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It’s our turn for the rain - been quite heavy overnight but nowhere near as bad as Auckland. 
Been looking at some of the photos and what a mess. The departure area of Auckland airport was above ankle deep and flowing inside so outside was worse. No doubt the full extent of the damage all over Auckland will show now it’s daylight. 
Feel so sorry everyone who has been affected. Hope you managed to keep dry OHH.

Was thinking of doing outside things today but certainly not venturing out for a while yet. Plenty I can do inside too might even stretch to a bit of housework.
Good morning. 

Wow what a 24 hour weather bomb! Over 100mm for us. But way worse in Auckland of course. I've seen plenty of disastrous footage online including from a niece in North Auckland with water pouring through her home  Sad  Lots more rain expected yet.

Family is converging here today, with 1 lot going home earlier than planned afterwards. 

Good to hear you have a few plans falling into place Popeye.

My cross stitch is underway at last, will get back to it later today. 

Stay safe and dry all.
Morning everyone

Definitely a lot calmer here today. Haven't looked at pictures yet but did see most of the news last night. TV was off and on all night.

Mother Nature must have Covid I think, cos its certainly been weird weather.

Im going to go do some shopping, wouldn't have if it had still been windy.. Most of the things I need are the cheapest in PnS and the warehouse so the trip even with the gas is necessary.

My knee was the worst it has ever been overnight. When I stumbled on the slight drop in the doorway I landed on my right foot.. I will use the walker in town , they make a lot of difference to feeling secure.. Will put a bag over the seat to keep it dry.

My games will be done later and then some colouring, perfect indoor activities.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye, I was just reading some Pak'n'Save and other supermarkets may be closed or have reduced hours due to the flooding. Might pay to check before you leave. Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Raining, but normal expecting have heavy rain later tonight storm must be heading south. Its going to be breezy too

After babysitting DGK we ran lots of wee errands so our day was quickly filled up.

Scored 600gm 50/50 beef and pork mince for $5 when shopping this week so we had a delicious meat loaf last night it was lean as no fat it is on tonights menu as well.

Have whipped up batch biscuits this morning too so having a nice cuppa and biscuit break..

Hope everyone is keeping dry

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Sun is out but it is still very windy. Lots of flooding around us but not here fortunately. Worst effect for our lot is the need to reduce the load on waste water treatment stations so no washing machines for 24 hours. The daily laundry addicts will be pissed off.

Our community manager popped in to check on us oldies, and tells me two villages had to be partially evacked last night because of creek bank breaches. Tg for our hill. It is a pain when bins have to go out, but great at times like these..a
Yep I checked on FB, and there were trees down on the other road but not where I go through.... BUTT

There was a tree down at the top of the one two lane area we have and then the water was to the sides of the road along what we call the Puni straight.

I wasn't the only person pulling into the fruit shop, turning around and going home. It was hosing down, as in top speed windscreen wipers. So I wasn't going to risk getting stuck on Pukekohe side of town.

I doubt you would have been able to get through within an hour.

Just read about the D*ckhead Mayor leaving it till 11pm last night before declaring a state of Emergency. He was "waiting" to see if the rain would Stop.

So Im home safe and well and dry now. If not one thing, broke cos NWs specials weren't as good as Pac n Saves lol.. But we wont starve lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good afternoon - drizzly old day here feeling sorry for the people on the cruise ships in port - the buses are taking them twice around our street which is a horse shoe - down one side then up the other - must be to eat up some of the time before they go back to the ship
That was an enormous amount of rain last night - I just hope people realise that it is going to take a real effort to get those supermarkets restocked with the supply chain being so broken already it’s going to be horrendous .Last week the Napier Taupo Road was closed overnight when a huge tree smashed a bridge - Robie got a real pasting on Facebook because he had no Vogel Brad the next morning at 9am - the manager tried to tell the customer the road was closed but she chose to vent her spleen on Facebook - turned into a real free for all - he has no control over the supply chain or the availability of apricots !
When ever we moved my old boy set up what he used to call his disaster station - leads for how ever many dogs we had at the time and cages for the cats -was very appreciative when we got caught up in the bushfires in Oz -
One thing don’t feel guilty sitting crafting on a day like this - perfect
Anybody else do Wordle - today I passed my 200 consecutive days correct mark but I read somewhere it’s good for your elderly brain so is out of the time wasting category
Jan it seems that as a supermarket owner, dealing with the public sounds way worse than actually keeping the shelves stocked! I often feel sorry for the checkout operators as the first port of call complaint! 

I do Wordle in competition with my SIL .... today we both got it in 3  Smile

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