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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Its cooler here too which is nice.

As I read your plan for the quilt Kiwimade I knew it would be for the guest room, I remember you telling us about the colours lol.

A busy day for me, even tho I can barely walk. Off to do my bloods, then Ill visit MrP early, then the girls and then I have to get my pills and have my B12 later.
I never forget appointments so Im shocked at myself. But I guess it shows how tired I am and having to deal with mrPs hissy's.

Friends who are in Auckland for the concert had a horrific night. She had a panic attack and wandered off her hubby not knowing where she went. Ive told her off. Which is probably not the right thing to do. but I want her to get angry and force herself out of this stuff and allow herself to go to the concert an enjoy it. And not let anything prevent her from doing so. Hubby knew what I was doing cos I have become his sounding board.

Id really just like to sit and do nothing today, but I also dont want my knee to win either. And its starting to affect the rest of the bones cos Im not walking or standing well.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny, with a definite nip in the air earlier. Now bracing ourselves for the cylone which is looking strong with a lot of rain and on a direct path to already badly hit areas. Fingers crossed it loses a bit of oomph as it moves.

Hard to believe the vege garden needed watering last night after over 300mm of rain last month, thanks to sandy soil! A bit more weeding planned later. 

Another chunk of cross stitch achieved yesterday.  The woodland creatures are taking shape. 

Baking planned with visitors coming tomorrow.

The rat story is horrific  ... one rat, dead or alive spooks me!

Time to move,  now my cuppa is finished.  

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Another lovely day and not a breath of wind

OMG your rat story had me going Jan, horrible for all concerned. 

KM your quilt sounds lovely.

OHH glad you got a good result nothing like women of certain  age assertiveness Cool

Popeye I am sorry that you are in pain perhaps you need to become your own squeaky wheel.

Early start for me 6.30 pick up DSIL to drop off to airport  he is off south for a mates wedding. I think we might have visitors over next couple days while DD keeps DGD1 entertained and off her foot as much as possible - pretty impossible really to keep an 18mth old quiet

Food hunting this morning and  finish my dress toille this afternoonI am hoping it will be a wearable toille

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Uuugh the rats situation would have been aweful. Laughed though at calling the AA - I know they are very helpful but not sure if ride-on mowers and rats are on their to do list  Big Grin 
A few years ago my sister managed to get a rental truck stuck in a lucerne field and the AA rescued her although officially they aren’t supposed to do off road jobs but it was near the road and the lovely man took pity on her plight.

Your quilt sounds beautiful KM. 

Despite checking the weather I ended up watering the garden as the promised rain just headed to the hills although we got the rumble of thunder.

Dyed 7 lots of wool yesterday and now keen to see how it knits up. There is enough for a baby/toddlers jersey or vest and even the hanks that look a bit odd when dyed turn out ok once knitted.
I was sorry to hear Skeinz were no longer selling naked wool. I love dying wool too as you can never really be sure what the end result will be.

We (yes, we lol) watched the Great British Sewing Bee last evening. Not sure I liked the upcycled winning garment but it is all about the judge's taste. I did love a lot of those wrap around dresses. MrK had some constructive criticism, for example, yuck, don't like that. What on earth is that? You know, the usual man things lol. I think next time I'll watch it on demand lol.

Housework is done Big Grin and MrK is weeding the vegies before he goes off for his haircut.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That 'women of a certain age' thing would ring so true for our community manager who tried to shut me down by saying 'oh we have one in every village' lol, only to back down furiously when I quoted her in front of her boss. It was a lovely comedic moment in yesterdays rather fraught dramas.

The problem is though, with our situations as we age other younger stronger people seem to think they know best what is good for us, and worse - that we don't. It is extremely disempowering, and eventually each of us is faced with that choice, to submit to those assuming authority over us, or to stand up for ourselves when we know there is a problem. Nine out of ten of us will submit, for the sake of peace and quiet or whatever - but they will submit.

I aint that meek...  Big Grin
Your absolutely right OHH..

There are def 9/10 meek at the rest home. Don't want to cause a fuss or too scared to cause it in case they are kicked out.

I got my bloods done then crashed. I went and parked in the home carpark and the phoned the Charge nurse who came out to the car to grab the bag of stuff for MrP.

Went to the Chemist and parked in the park directly out the front and the Chemist brought my pills out to me after a quick phonecall to see if they were ready first.

Rang MrP and he actually sounded concerned. Maggie must have told him I was a mess.

I came home took some pills, that I wont take when I need to drive and snoozed with my girl curled up on me.

Still have to go out for the B12 and ill buy some tea on my way home, from whoever has the closest park.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(10-02-2023, 09:03 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: That 'women of a certain age' thing would ring so true for our community manager who tried to shut me down by saying 'oh we have one in every village' lol, only to back down furiously when I quoted her in front of her boss. It was a lovely comedic moment in yesterdays rather fraught dramas.

The problem is though, with our situations as we age other younger stronger people seem to think they know best what is good for us, and worse - that we don't. It is extremely disempowering, and eventually each of us is faced with that choice, to submit to those assuming authority over us, or to stand up for ourselves when we know there is a problem. Nine out of ten of us will submit, for the sake of peace and quiet or whatever - but they will submit.

I aint that meek...  Big Grin

As my eldest granddaughter discovered on my last birthday when her dad gave me a set of knives for my birthday 

which I promptly managed to cut myself on. Bled like a stuck pig & she wanted me to go up tp A & E.
Suffice to say that band aids did the trick & she learned that gran isn't nearly as soft as she'd thought & doesn't take especially well to being told she needs to go to A & E.... Rolleyes

I think the thing is that as we age, we know we have less time & prefer not to waste it on unnecessary stuff. Or as in your situation, idiots. Rolleyes

Rats, yuk! I'd have legged it too, Jan can't stand them.
I somehow managed to do one side of the hedge after the rain they promised days ago finally turned up.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well they wouldn't give it to me. The nurse checked my last test and it was fine.

So she checked with a Dr and have decided to leave it until I see my DR. And Ill do the bloods again before then.

Ended up bawling, cos one of the ladies asked if I was ok.. Sadly that sets me off. Im always the carer and often dont get considered. I have more care from you ladies here than from anywhere.

I got my tea and came home.

Everything is ready for my visitors tomorrow apart from getting the chicken out and doing the veges but they can wait.
My legs are not working now lol

Ill be having a very quiet morning.

Thank goodness there are two shows I want to see tonight.

And that it appears to be fine enough for Ed Sherans Concert. I know 4 people there.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  It looks like we have the calm before the storm, it is so still out there!  We don't have to do as much to hunker down as our gutters were cleared not long ago and there is nothing loose that could fly around.  But we will bottle water and fill a bucket of water for the loo.  MrK had a tap put on the water tank so we can access water in an emergency but having some already inside saves the trek to the tank.

Today I'll potter out in the garden for a while.  The weeds still grow and the bluebells need moving.  I'm around halfway with getting rid of the concrete fill Big Grin Big Grin so once that area has been cleared, I can tackle the garden there.

Yesterday I started on the four butterflies for the quilt corners and as they are small, they won't take long to do.  It's nice to stitch something small for a change. 

I agree with your sentiments about 'women of a certain age', OHH.  For some reason men feel they have to 'mansplain' to me as well and I'm not even in my 70's!  It's condescending and I hate it. 

The other day I used the 'contact us' button on the TVNZ website to ask if the woman reading the midday news would PLEASE stop raising and lowering her voice as it was so hard to hear her.  Even I couldn't hear her and there is nothing wrong with my hearing.  And lo and behold, over the last few days we could hear her.  Someone must have paid attention Big Grin I never thought those 'contact us' buttons worked lol.

Look after yourselves, this cyclone sounds nasty.

Time to get cracking, I don't want to waste the early morning start.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Its calm here too Kiwimade. Quite weird when we think of what is coming.

Got an email from the Property manager yesterday with tips on what to do with the storm coming. I guess they do a bulk email, but I think at my age I pretty much know what to do. Ill lay the wheelie bin down when Im off here. Its nearly full and I dont want that blowing everywhere.

MrP was back to his obnoxious self again last night. two phone calls a day and they are like Jekyll and Hyde. But I've told him Ill ring earlier this morning, before my visitors arrive. he is trying to get me to push them away. He doesn't want me to have friends which is a controlling thing. But as much as sometimes they drive me nuts, I need friends too. He doesn't have friends cos he doesn't know how to be one.

Im all ready other than cleaning the air cooker which Ill do once Ive finished my breakfast. Then I can sit and relax.

Just remembered to make a sign for the bathroom. The tap in the handbasin is almost possessed lol.. You have to turn it on Very slowly or you will wear it. Its the only one like it, the rest are slow lol

Have a fab day everyone

(11-02-2023, 06:10 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  It looks like we have the calm before the storm, it is so still out there!  We don't have to do as much to hunker down as our gutters were cleared not long ago and there is nothing loose that could fly around.  But we will bottle water and fill a bucket of water for the loo.  MrK had a tap put on the water tank so we can access water in an emergency but having some already inside saves the trek to the tank.

Today I'll potter out in the garden for a while.  The weeds still grow and the bluebells need moving.  I'm around halfway with getting rid of the concrete fill Big Grin Big Grin so once that area has been cleared, I can tackle the garden there.

Yesterday I started on the four butterflies for the quilt corners and as they are small, they won't take long to do.  It's nice to stitch something small for a change. 

I agree with your sentiments about 'women of a certain age', OHH.  For some reason men feel they have to 'mansplain' to me as well and I'm not even in my 70's!  It's condescending and I hate it. 

The other day I used the 'contact us' button on the TVNZ website to ask if the woman reading the midday news would PLEASE stop raising and lowering her voice as it was so hard to hear her.  Even I couldn't hear her and there is nothing wrong with my hearing.  And lo and behold, over the last few days we could hear her.  Someone must have paid attention Big Grin I never thought those 'contact us' buttons worked lol.

Look after yourselves, this cyclone sounds nasty.

Time to get cracking, I don't want to waste the early morning start.

Happy crafting Smile

I must try it. I find that Blonde chick doing the Weather in Maori and English soo hard to understand, in both languages.. I wish she would stick to one or the other cos nothing she says makes sense.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Washing out and it had better not rain until it’s dry  Big Grin 

I’m getting a bit over all the “sob” stories coming out from the storms. Yes I know it has been extremely hard for some but it’s time people started taking some responsibility for themselves and realise that emergency services, council etc are real people who also live in the affected areas with families and property which probably are going through exactly the same as everyone else.

Having been through several tropical cyclones and a size 8 earthquake overseas I’ve seen how the local people looked after each other and themselves first and how appreciative of any help, however small, they get. 
Makes me realise just how self-centred and entitled New Zealanders have become. 

Housework’s not going to do itself so better get going before I get sidetracked onto something more interesting  Big Grin  Big Grin
I must admit that doing my B12 by liquid when I feel I need it is a whole lot less stressful - and cheaper in the long run than phootling around at the surgery for the jab. And so far my levels are stable after doing it that way now for over fifteen years...

And I too have a vent about tv presenters. Not their voices, but, and it might be my age, some of the dresses they wear are just so badly selected, two sizes too small and all the wrong colours...

Definitely my age, lol! Big Grin

Did a wee clean up in my slaughtered garden this morning. It is underfoot for the painter, but I did think he would use a platform. I think my patch of blue primroses, the saffron bulbs and the just established pink double japanese anenome are gonners. No doubt they will deal to the cyclamen hiding under the summer plants at the other end when they finally restart the work. Because of the noise I made they have been called off, we don't even know if they'll be coming back or a new lot hired in, but at least now I have removed the crushed growth and the stakes there is less chance they will impale themselves if and when.

Once they are gone I will remake the garden, if the bones are up to it... Something to look forward to!
Well it pays to be nice! The other day on our local community board a woman asked if anyone had some rosemary as she needs 'heaps of it'. We have plenty so offered her ours (the rosemary needed a good prune so good timing!). She came this morning with her partner and yes, it was for their pagan wedding Heart and what are you doing with all that concrete fill? Binning a bit each week says me. Oh, we'll take it away for you as a swap for the rosemary! OMG *does the happy dance* I think I got the better end of the deal as the concrete fill is GONE!! Except for the bit under the bux hedge I need to dig out but that's not much and won't take long. I can't stop smiling lol. I didn't realise how much of a PITA that concrete was. Such a lovely couple and I hope their pagan wedding goes well Heart

As for the women on the news and their clothing, some of it is appalling. A lot of it is dowdy and fussy (TV1) or too tight fitting I wonder if they can breathe (TV3). It makes me wonder who chooses what they wear.

Ohhhh the hedge cutter is next door so the huge hedge we have to pull out in front of to see oncoming traffic is being cut Big Grin Big Grin Phew, much safer when it has been trimmed.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Hunnni, could you put a small sign out there - This is a garden, please don't trample' or similar?

That was a great bit of luck for you both KM, brilliant all round.

I'm not sure but I think TV presenters don't get any/much choice in what they wear - some of its just hideous.
Its TV/radio ads with me - there's one at the moment with a child earnestly giving all & sundry a 'grey reminder'; you'd think that if they're going to use kids they'd at least teach them to speak clearly & say 'great reminder' dammit.
I catch myself muttering about it to Madame le Dog now & then & then decide that I must be getting old. She doesn't exactly roll her eyes, but its close.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I dont know who chooses Hilary Barry's clothes either.

And As for those two, I simply dont like the smuttiness and is there really any reason we need to see him in those god awful crochet shorts or undies. How is that even close to current affairs?

And its time Scotty Morrison got a bigger suit too.. And even tho I dont understand Māori he rattles the weather off soo fast Im surprised Anyone understands it.

Id be putting a sign up too OHH.. Ignorant people dont give a hoot about other people's property.

And yes Venetian..Was just saying to Dianne the daughter of one of my ladies, The War in the desert Isn't against the kids.. They just happen to be there. They have been sending money for close to 50 years and still the kids are starving, stop having them when you can't feed them.

Kevin Milne dropped in my opinion of him with the Share Your Pension Charity. That's aimed directly at the ones who are most likely to Need it themselves, but will give anyway.

And the Classic Older single women who are giving to the kids.. Aimed at their heart strings too...

BUT in having my vent, we all do what we want regardless.

Friends are going to pop in for a visit but not stay. They need to be back to Tauranga before the cyclone hits. And doing the Kaimai's on that is simply asking for trouble.

Awesome news re the concrete Kiwimade... Your paying it forward was well and truely appreciated
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

I agree the calm before the storm. Lots of family groups walking along the beach earlier,  some swimming (not exactly swimming conditions I would have thought). Many lawns being mowed including ours shortly, the gutters have been checked. Heres hoping for the best   Wondering

Good idea having a sign OHH, "Please respect my precious garden"!

Great trade KM ... karma at its best.  Did you ask for photos of the wedding,  lol?

Yes, I think the presenters have "TV wardrobes" ... hideous as some of the outfits are!

Better make the most of the day, visitors later and gc to mind for an hour while mum and dad out.

Enjoy the day all.
One of my neighbours - the other keen gardener, put a very big sign on his garden, and as it is on a public walkway it has attracted a load of attention from passers by, lol. The bosses are not impressed though!

Our new gardening team have just arrived to scope areas that need work, and for once they know a plant from a weed. They have been told to consult with me'n him over what should and shouldn't be touched which is hugely comforting. We are hoping we get to keep these people on a regular maintenance cycle. With their help we could make this place a showpiece.

But we will see...
afternoon all
another lovely day

good trade KM Cool

hope that the expected weather isnt too bad  fingers crossed.

travelled north this morning and met up with some friends at a beach market, a bit of a stroll and a nice coffee and chat to finish with. Bought some lovely Kapti Olive oil and some sheep gouda. the cheese place was also selling deer gouda will try that next time. I do like sheep cheeses.

Plan on finishing sewing the dress toile this afternoon.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Venetian maybe it’s just Napier going to the dogs - but over the last few months some people have become so needy and rude and entitled - the supermarket has been crazy - Robie is away - has taken his boy down to CHCH to start uni having no idea the cyclone might hit - his manager sent out an SOS so my sawmiller/farmer son has arrived to help out as Robie couldn’t get back - there is no need to panic buy- there is no need to be rude to the staff - there is no need to be rude to other customers - supermarket owners are not out to rip people off because a disaster might hit us - that false statement that the supermarkets are making a million dollars a day has done so much damage - consumer withdrew the claim as it was wrong but unfortunately it is still being thrown around - but there is no need to continually berate the staff .I took the supplies around to the motel stand - one senior lady who you would enjoy having a cuppa with Hunni has taken over the distribution - she makes sure the kids not the gang residents get the fruit - she is so wise .My friend who works at the hospice shop gave her 4 crock pots she does chicken drumsticks and veggies for the kids - stew isn’t popular but she is onto a winner with chicken - but that’s in short supply
Rant over ! But he has owned the supermarket for 15 years and it’s never been an ugly environment before -shoplifting and stealing yes but not constant abuse

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