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You can never have enough...
Popeye  the largest nests we destroyed would have been about tennis ball size, some maybe bigger ... most of them golf ball size or less. Make sure you have plenty of spray in the can (I made sure it was for wasps not only flies) and literally saturate the soft, paper nest from all sides ... the spray soaked wasps fall out but they are doomed! Saturation is to kill the larvae as well.  Something that gave me satisfaction as their sting is instant and painful if you unwittingly go close to the nest! Payback for their destruction of monarch caterpillars as well.
(19-02-2023, 07:36 AM)Roma Wrote: Popeye  the largest nests we destroyed would have been about tennis ball size, some maybe bigger ... most of them golf ball size or less. Make sure you have plenty of spray in the can (I made sure it was for wasps not only flies) and literally saturate the soft, paper nest from all sides ... the spray soaked wasps fall out but they are doomed! Saturation is to kill the larvae as well.  Something that gave me satisfaction as their sting is instant and painful if you unwittingly go close to the nest! Payback for their destruction of monarch caterpillars as well.

Thanks Roma, I will get a can this week... I have two new swan plants , tiny things I got from the rest home, so will get rid of the wasps before they get planted out.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Spray at night/dusk, popeye as the wasps are pretty much dopey by then.

One large standard carpet rose dug out! That is the last time the bi**h 'bites' me lol. It was rotting at the crown and needed to go. I've also pulled out of the same garden an old garden seat that wasn't safe to use but ok for pots. This is going too. There is now a lovely big space for something else. I have azaleas framing where the old garden meets the new so I'm thinking maybe another couple of azaleas would look great there.

Kettle's boiled, the cuppa this morning is well earned after all that digging.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Unless you can attack from a distance or be equipped with the right ppe, dealing with any kind of wasp nest is best done at dusk so they do not turn on you to defend the nest. The flea powder trick is great for ground based nests where you can identify the entrance during daylight, then at late dusk empty a pack of supermarket flea powder over it in a heap. The wasps dig through it coming and going and transfer the pesticide into the depths of the nest killing it all out without us murdering humans risking life and limb...
Thank you everyone

I think Ill just let them reside where they are so long as they stay away from me.

Ive just done the last of the weed spraying , it is so still out there so perfect.

Met the over the back Neighbour for the first time.. Been here 3.5 years lol... They are going to be cutting down all the trees along the back fence, the ones that were just trimmed lol, and replacing the fence. So Ive let the property manager know. The Neighbour said they dont expect them to help pay, but I think its fair to at least let the owners know so they have the chance to.

It will be massively bright once all the trees are gone. And as much as I like the cute little flower on the manuka, I wont miss the sinus stuff that goes with it. So I carried on spraying along the fence so it will look nice when its all done and replaced.

Just broke the bank getting rubbish bags.. Soo dammed expensive to get rid of rubbish these days.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning - wow it’s been a rough couple of days — in saying that where I am in the inner city we have had no damage at all - even the creek behind us flowed straight out to sea as the council had recently cleared the weed This is far worse than Bola .My sister and I were FaceTiming with my brother telling him to get out because the sea was so high - she lives semi rural on a vineyard in a beautiful 100 year old cottage - she finished the conversation saying she was going to let her pet sheep into the vineyard as they would get shelter from the vines - ten minutes later she sent a text she was being evacuated and her house had gone under - then silence for 3 days - just yesterday the army managed to get in and rescue them - her daughter and five others and her two monstrous dogs had been rescued by a teenager on a boat and taken to the local Marae which was a bit higher so they were able to get into the second story of a bunk house - when the rain subsided my niece took the boat and went back to their houses - her bottom story was full of silt but everything in the top story was safe - my sisters house car and her beautiful garden - a truly spectacular garden she had lots of plants from Mums garden and my elderly aunties - but yesterday the army took them back to see if they could retrieve anything but they were too late the looters had already been and had taken everything from my nieces top story that was worth taking .The looting has been unbelievable - even the houses in the Esk Valley have been looted - there are simply not enough police here but I hear this morning finally more are coming .There are so many people missing the police are just overwhelmed .The death toll will rise - a young couple we know very well - had a house in the Esk Valley it was built like the houses in Queensland up on stilts because it is a flood plain - they got up in the ceiling and should have been safe but a container slammed into the house - they were swept away he was pulled out of the water by a man with a tractor but unfortunately she hasn’t been seen .Heartbreaking posts on social media people searching for their dogs hoping they have miraculously made it to high ground .The orchards and the cropping ground - orchards that are third generation completely wiped out - one of Robies school friends third generation running the orchard was completely inundated except for his machinery shed - he did helicopter weed spraying so he got his chopper out and headed up the Esk valley rescuing people on the skid - while he was doing that the looters hit his property and cleaned him out .But there were so many people doing incredible things to help people - people went to extraordinary lengths to save people .
Venetian hope you are OK and have your power back on - ours came on 5pm yesterday - my neighbour has been fantastic she realised Robie was swamped at the supermarket so she brought me a lovely cooked meal every night - she is on gas - she was up and down the street with her thermos in the mornings with tea
Oh that is awful. I cannot imagine the shock of coming back to devastation probably anticipated then to discover some lowlife scum had burgled the stuff you had saved.

That is just appalling.
Jan, that sounds horrendous, glad you & yours are OK. It must have been awful for your sister & her family.

I don't think it gets much lower than looting after a disaster & I hope those caught have the book thrown at them.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Sobering reading Jan.

If only the scumbag looters could be rounded up and put on the end of shovels to clean up. A sad fact that natural disasters bring out the lowlives as well as those who are doing so much good to help others in need.
Great to hear from you Jan Smile Those blo*** scumbag looters deserve to be given to the homeowners and let the homeowners loose on them. That's appalling, Jan. How on earth can people be so callous. I don't know how they can live with themselves. I read that more police were being sent from around the country. Hopefully they will catch these scumbags and the courts will make them pay. Name and shame, I say!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My neighbours a couple of doors down lost their daughter - her husband dug for six hours trying to get her out of the mud slide that engulfed her house - they have just brought her home prior to the funeral - makes you count your blessings
My 93 year old Aunt was rescued from her orchard in the bucket of a tractor - she looked out the window and saw the lawn looked to be glistening then realised it was water - by the time she woke her son it was ankle deep jumped in his 4 wheel drive which got swamped and luckily a farmer came along and lifted her into the bucket of his tractor
There is a really good article on Stuff about 3 maori boys in a boat who rescued numerous people in the Esk Valley -the photos are amazing - as is their story - they are three young blokes grew up with my kids who were always the life and soul of the party very talented rugby players but never took life very seriously and work was not very high up on their list of priorities- but never ever did anybody any harm - certainly stepped up
A lot of State houses have been lost - 82 out at Waihiki alone really sad it was a joint iwi govt initiative and had they were all big family houses -the subdivision my relative said should never have been built on was evacuated- 600 families but only 25 have been red stickered - 250 yellow stickered - interesting the red stickered ones are on the highest priced sections
The slash problem is very difficult - most of the forestry is overseas owned and they have been given many privileges to encourage them to keep buying land - three years ago new legislation came in they don’t have to put fire breaks in and Eugene Sage introduced legislation regarding clearance of slash - when they complete logging a skid they are bound to leave some covering to encourage rejuvenation and stop erosion - people come up from the Regional Council before you build another skid to ensure you haven’t left any bare ground behind you - so they really have an out - in saying that it’s obvious too much slash is being left and herein lies the problem - people used to be able to go in on the weekends when the loggers weren’t working and take the slash for firewood but health and safety stopped that - my husband was a manager at Pan PAC and they had never had one single incident but it was stopped .Pan PAC have a pulp mill and chip small logs but they are at full capacity and were stopped building more plant because they take water out of the Esk river use no chemicals but use the water in the chipping process and pump it out to sea where it was going anyway - but they haven’t been able to expand their operation for environmental reasons maybe they will be able to do so now - something has to be done - my brother is a forestry contractor and my son a sawmiller so they both have skin in the game and both say common sense needs to come back into the equation -
Beautiful sunny day here today
Oh Im lost for words, cos the ones I want to say shouldnt be used on here.

I think Karma had better deal with these lowlife Oxygen thieves.

So sad
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have power  Smile and wifi  Big Grin 
We only got surface flooding here and the inconvenience of no power for 5.5 days is nothing compared to what others are going through.  We got back limited cellphone coverage on Friday but had to be very careful with using phones as need to preserve the battery as didn’t know how long it might be before we could recharge the power bank. If you haven’t got one already I strongly suggest that you get one I was able to keep my phone charged for the 5 days and only had used about 50% of the power bank. The other thing that was so helpful is my little solar powered radio I could keep up with the main news and recharge it easily the next day.  
A couple of black rubbish bags with a bucket of water in them laid out on the path in the sun allowed hot water for washing dishes etc and bathing. Yesterday the water was almost too hot - was a lovely bucket shower though. 
I used the contents of the little freezer under the fridge but didn’t even peek inside the chest freezer in the garage until Friday pm (4.5days without power) I have 2 legs of lamb in there that I was giving to a big family that have a BBQ  but the meat was still solid and acting as ice packs for the rest of the freezer, I gave them a tray of chicken and said they would have to wait a bit longer lol.  I’ve just  cleaned out the freezer as the ice was lifting and I’ll take the meat, which is still frozen, over to them today as the freezer is now working again. But good to know that if you don’t open it the contents could safely last at least a week and depending what is in it possibly longer. Some of the fruit has defrosted but still cold and useable. 
My sister has been away during all this and she just has a small upright freezer so I emptied that on day 3 and took all the meat as well both hers and mine butter, cheese etc to an evacuation centre. It upset me a bit hearing of people just dumping the contents of their freezers as evacuation centres were more than happy to get it and if they couldn’t use it they passed on to people who could.

There have been numerous helicopters overhead and landing in the park just around the corner. For several days Napier was like an island as no way to leave except by helicopter the hospital is in Hastings so any patients needing hospital car had to be flown there. 

 First time last evening I was able to see some of the photos and it is horrendous in places. Walked along the stop bank near the EIT yesterday the river was just a normal looking river in the distance - although still brown, and it was almost incomprehensible that it had being flowing over the stop bank just a couple of days before. The silt, trees and broken bridge told their own story though. 

Something like this really brings out the best and the absolute worst in people. My nephews, 2 who live out Eskdale way and one who has come up from Masterton and their young sons have worked long hours each day removing silt, rescuing animals etc. they have had people in tears that someone would just show up and clear their driveway for them, and there are a lot of people helping like this wherever they can. 
I’m just so impressed with all the different services that have really worked tirelessly for days on end. So many people complain about what “they” should be doing forgetting that “they” are also people who usually live in the same region and therefore going through the same stresses whilst putting themselves in danger helping others. 

Then there are the opposite non-humans (I can’t imagine anyone with even an iota of humanity carrying on like these are) going into areas where people have lost everything and looting. My niece had to move out as she didn’t feel safe in her own home when a group turned up threatening people and taking whatever  supplies they wanted such as gas bottles, barbecues, generators etc.
A trailer load of generators arrived and the mob turned up and said we’ll take them and helped themselves to the lot of them. They are going around at night listening for generators and taking them.  A group from the mob drove into a petrol station, said this is ours now and filled up all their cars and just drove off.

It has certainly put into perspective for me how we can get hung up on trivial everyday things .
A real positive for you Popeye - Countdown is opposite Robie - he opened using generators Countdown didn’t - so 12 Countdown staff arrived at PaknSave wanting to help - they didn’t want to be out in the shop in case any of their bosses saw them - so they manned the cash room - Robie had two self checkouts running off the generator to be used as cash machines so you could get cash out but he didn’t have enough power for you to use your card at the checkout - so these ladies worked 12 hours a day regurgitating the cash so the cash kept going back from the till to the self checkout .He started off giving away the chilled food but soon realised people with generators were filling their trolleys so he just charged nothing for it when it went over the checkout so everybody got a chance - he had so many people volunteer like school teachers etc who realised beneficiaries didn’t get paid in time to stock up before the weather hit
Fortunately JanW the positive stories out way the horrible ones or we would all be so depressed. A Fijian church group in Auckland heard about here and they brought a generator which AirNZ freighted for free to Palm North - was too heavy for our regular planes. Then another freight company (sorry don’t know which one) brought it to Napier at no cost. This allowed people to charge their phones and have a hot meal which was the first for some since Monday. 
Power is now on so the generator has gone to Esk to be used for recharging tools, phones etc.

I think we could fill several books about these random acts of kindness.  It’s so often the little things which just say “we have thought of you” .
Venetian pleased to hear you dodged the worst of it as well - having no power certainly was a challenge - what a brilliant idea about the rubbish bags to heat water
They have had to set up community road blocks everywhere there is still no electricity - they evidently drive along during the day and listen for generators and come back at night and steal them
Black Power told Robie they will soon own his supermarket so they didn’t have to queue or stick to any limits - mongrel mob then turned up at the fuel station which they claim is going to be theirs and there was a huge altercation in the carpark - it moved to Barker Road and shots were fired - no arrests .Can only presume they have been listening to the government saying they are going to make operators turn their stores over to iwi and the gangs are jumping the gun.More police have supposedly arrived today - there are so many people still missing and there is so much lawlessness they just can’t cope
The beautiful Eskdale church has had two metres of water through it - was christened and married there
We were talking about these stories in the courtyard today, and one of my neighbours said - 'Gangs'...

I think she was speaking from experience.

Thing is, acts like this are only going to come back to bite them.
I know the Eskdale Church Sad It was just beautiful.

TV3 News reported tonight about the gangs and reported it to Nash, the Police Minister who didn't know about it. I believe more police have been sent to crack down on looting and this kind of behaviour. You are right OHH, this will come back to bite the gangs.

We had some lovely news this evening. Our nieghbour pays someone to mow their lawn and the contractor has offered to mow all along our side of the road (pretty much the whole length) and include the price into what our neighbour is already paying. He said it would only take 10 minutes more to do on the rideon Big Grin Big Grin It's a lovely generous offer which we were happy to accept. There are some good people out there.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The gangs could have magnified their mana by being the helping hands, not the abusing ones. It is a choice. 

They have made the wrong one.
morning ladies Smile  Another fine day today Smile

Those blo**dy gangs.  They could increase their mana by helping out, surely they have family in the Hawkes Bay?  How would they feel if it was their family been robbed this way. 

I read a great story of 'three Maori boys' hopping into a jet boat to look for their cousin only to rescue lots of people.  There are so many doing so much good and often without thought of themselves.  I'm sure many many more stories like this will trickle out.

Venetian, that bucket in the bag trick to heat water is just brilliant!  Very clever Big Grin  We will remember that one for when we have no power.  We have two of those power banks for charging phones.  One was a 'mystery Santa' gift and no one wanted it as no one knew what to do with it lol.  I've used it several times when we have power cuts.  And I use the other when I work with the light box when tracing my designs.  They are a bit slow at charging the phone but it does the trick.

Another butterfly almost done, they are small but there is lots of embroidery on them.  I'm thinking now they could go on the back of the quilt... oh who knows lol, I keep changing my ideas.  All part of the process Heart

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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