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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Another foggy start to the day Smile The temperatures must be dropping; I can hear a rat *shudder* in the ceiling. We have some bait and will put some up there. We haven't had any sign of pests for a very long time but have been expecting them since the maize went into neighbouring paddocks.

When Dad lived with us, he had a tall stool and used it in the kitchen when helping with the dishes and when he did the ironing. He loved ironing and I hate it so that worked out well lol. MrK has one in his workshop for working at his workbench in the winter. In the summer he likes to sit in the workshop entrance and work.

I timed the dahlia bed's weeding and trimming the edges perfectly - the lawn mower man arrived not long after. I will admit to a bit of smugness lol. Yesterday MrK pulled apart an old outdoor bench seat I was using in the garden to put pots on as it was too dangerous to sit on. He's decided to repair it and the metal sides will be painted along with another similar seat we have when he also repairs that. I had pulled it out of the garden when digging out the standard carpet rose the other day. Thank goodness for sack barrows, they really save a lot of work.

This morning I'll mow the lawn again as I won't have time over the weekend. We have family visiting Heart Some succulents in pots need repotting and the primulas need dividing, there's always something to do.

Still thinking about what to stitch next Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Bright and sunny with another summer's day ahead. 

It's great that you can now plan for your knee op Popeye, DH had microscopic repair surgery a few years back,  but knee replacement is more than likely on the cards in the future. Living with pain is no fun, with constant reliance on meds.

Hope to get outside soon.  Need to tackle the overgrown grasses taking over the footpath on each side. Plenty of weeds showing themselves in the garden as well. 

Exciting finish to CTI ... one of those series I started watching part way through and had to see out to see who would win! 

Cuppa finished,  time for dog walk while coolish.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

The sun is out, meant to get warm I think. Mum always said March can often have a sting in its tail.

Wow just had an email from the 3rd up manager from the first home. She wants to ring with the results from yesterday's meeting with my ladies. Will be interesting. But I've somewhat decided if they ban me to only visit with Bobbie I will either stop going all together or go to the media.. It's not good for me mentally and I dont think its fair that they can prevent me from seeing other people, for them and me.

Took me ages to get comfortable to sleep last night, but woke up without pain, until I moved. But I do love my Smoochy cuddles from Madam in the mornings.

Bloods and visiting MrP this morning. Then Ill bag up yesterday's meals and rewash the containers for the next round on Saturday, all being well. That will be roast lamb. Then Ill do our good sausages as well. I have to say Im enjoying cooking so much. Cooking for one was always going to be hard, not enjoyable so Ill make the most of it when I do. I dont eat things like stews casseroles, soups or meatloaves so I dont get to do that sort of thing now MrP isn't here.

Speaking of the soup I didn't ask about it yesterday and wont today when I see him. I delivered it, what happened to it afterwards I dont care.

Missy is funny she smooches around my legs as Im doing my exercises, she's either encouraging me or wondering what on earth Im doing, probably the latter lol.. Shes getting used to me doing my arm weights and I think it is helping I do feel stronger. Making the sternum ache a bit tho.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Off to Takapuna today to check the estate stuff with IRD. Then I can split the funds between creditors and it will be done and dusted. I hope. Never again, lol... I can do without being hassled by rather thick resthome office ladies.

I am enjoying the cool too, but would have preferred to have had a real summer. We certainly missed out this year...
Beautiful day - not too hot, no wind and a cloudless sky.

A raised seat is a real bonus, I have one I use all the time at the table. Being a bit vertically challenged it gives me that extra bit of height so don’t bump my elbows when doing things like knitting while reading at the table. As it also swivels visiting youngsters love it too. ?

Finished last 2 containers of baking to go with the other 8 for this week’s baking. Have a recipe that makes a lot of biscuits so made 4 batches of it as it’s going to different places it doesn’t matter that there’s limited variety, have made some slices as well.

Planted lettuce, spring onion and carrot seeds yesterday hopefully they’ll be ready when the ones already in finish. As it’s such a nice day I’m going to walk to Mitre10 and see what seedlings they have. Haven’t been for a good long walk for quite about a week as the weather has been so aweful.
We could do with a week or two or even more Venetian of days like this - the army of volunteer silt shifters will be appreciating it - are you close to either of the PaknSaves - they have the Awapuni seedlings from Palmerston North - they are bare rooted bundled in paper - I put a bundle of spinach in last week it’s going well - they dont seem to get the transplant shock and much cheaper
My wifi keeps going off for a minute then comes back on - everytime it does it my phone switches to data and it costs me if I go over my limit - I tried to explain to a support person with very limited English - that was a waste of 30 minutes - I think I need a hearing aide .Will go on the online help line when I get my second wind
Just been for a walk in the reserve there are very few birds in the trees - the doves have gone - very few sparrows - wonder if they perished in the cyclone
I’m near Tamatea PnS Jan, haven’t seen those seedlings there but haven’t really had a good look for them, so must next time I go in,  but I have brought them in town a couple of times. 

A lot of people are losing their tomatoes due to the rain. I have been tidying up the tomato plants by removing the old leaves except for one area which I didn’t get around to and that area has got rain damage and the ‘tidy’ plants haven’t so I’ve learnt something new unintentionally   Big Grin
My tomatoes in the veggie pod are fine - the little Roma ones have been prolific far better than the sweet 100 - they are firmer don’t split - grow in bunches like grapes - my weird cucumber which I have since found out is a heritage Indian cucumber has produced 69 cucumbers and still has small ones growing - I definitely will grow that again - it’s very crisp and lower acid but you have to peel it .Everything out in the garden is finished for sure - there were a lot of tomatoes still to ripen - was going to make pasta sauce but the sauce I had made and frozen had to go to the dump .My nephew had given me some whitebait which I stupidly froze and had forgotten went to the dump -
Was sad to see all those tomatoes destined for Watties destroyed and the corn .The man who has supplied Robie with corn for 16 years was wiped out at Tangoio - he works so hard it’s soul destroying
My odd cucumber
28 here & set to go to around 30 apparently, very glad I got things done early before it was this hot. Back lawn done & dog walked, the last not so easy with all the tradie vans coming & going.
Loads of tomatoes ripening out there; gave some to sweetie darling no. 3 & DIL last week but plenty left so may have to start doing pasts sauce soon.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Missed the actual cucumber that looks very unattractive

My ugly cucumber
Would you believe IRD has no chairs in their waiting area suitable for elderly ladies with mobility issues? And expect people to stand at glass windows while staff do whatever they do...

Well, that's going to change! After 45 minutes of waiting they finally sorted out what they needed from me and I escaped, and was very happy to do so. They have a brand new system apparently and no one can find anything on it. Sounds familiar, lol. So I asked if that meant I could stop donating my student loan repayments to IRD seeing they couldn't find me in the system, but unfortunately all I got for that suggestion was a wide grin.

Staff wonderful. System dreadful Lack of seating utterly appalling. But hey, government department - say no more!
Morning everyone

Wow OHH, Its so long since I have been in an IRD office I wouldn't know what they are like. But I agree with you, the designers obviously didn't have their brain on when they did the new designs.

I realized last night that my forms are due for Winz today, which is also going to be an interesting trip. They have pulled the driveway up at the bottom of the ramp and I certainly cannot do the two sets of stairs at the front. So Im hoping they can let me in through the gates for the ramp or that the security team will take my forms in for me.

Bloods first, forms second then Im off to chase mt lamb down and get some very expensive veges.

Wow Jan Definitely an odd looking cucumber, do they smell and taste the same?

Need to wish a birthday on FB before I go. The identical twins that we went to school with. Oddly they are the 3rd of the 3rd, and we are the 5th of the 5th. Neither of them are on FB tho but I can pass it through one of the wives lol.

Have a fab day all

Oops Forgot. I heard from the first rest home. I am allowed to visit my ladies, in the lounge. But pretty much can't go into others rooms unless invited and if people want to tell me their complaints Im to point them to management. And Im to not talk to the staff.. Im happy enough with that. I just want to be able to see my ladies. so ill ring Bobbie later and tell her Ill see them on Monday Yay..!!!
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  Another foggy start to the day but only a light fog this time.  It took until after 10.00am to clear yesterday.

That's a weird looking cucumber, Jan!

We have no IRD office to visit if we need to, so do everything with them either online or on the phone.  When we were in business I dealt with the IRD in Christchurch for some reason.  But yes, they don't want you too comfy in government departments!

My lower back was having spasms in the wee hours, it must have been a pinched nerve or something similar.  It's still a tad sore but nothing a few yoga stretches can't fix. 

Housework today and that won't take long to do.  A few spiders have moved in so they will have to pack up and move. 

Did anyone watch the Great British Sewing Bee last evening?  They made a quilted jacket and had to quilt their patchwork first.  I've used that technique to make bags and it does take a bit of time.  And the maxi dresses out of duvet covers was interesting.  There is loads of fabric in a duvet cover! 

I can see the bottom of my coffee cup so that's my cue to get moving. 

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(03-03-2023, 06:27 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  Another foggy start to the day but only a light fog this time.  It took until after 10.00am to clear yesterday.

That's a weird looking cucumber, Jan!

We have no IRD office to visit if we need to, so do everything with them either online or on the phone.  When we were in business I dealt with the IRD in Christchurch for some reason.  But yes, they don't want you too comfy in government departments!

My lower back was having spasms in the wee hours, it must have been a pinched nerve or something similar.  It's still a tad sore but nothing a few yoga stretches can't fix. 

Housework today and that won't take long to do.  A few spiders have moved in so they will have to pack up and move. 

Did anyone watch the Great British Sewing Bee last evening?  They made a quilted jacket and had to quilt their patchwork first.  I've used that technique to make bags and it does take a bit of time.  And the maxi dresses out of duvet covers was interesting.  There is loads of fabric in a duvet cover! 

I can see the bottom of my coffee cup so that's my cue to get moving. 

Happy crafting Smile

Yes I saw it. It was awesome. 

I love brogan and Gills clothes, It is Gill who only has one hand isnt it?  

Loved the patchwork jackets, pretty and a good use of the remnants. It was funny how they commented about the 90 odd squares. My red and white crochet blanket was 361 squares, so I understand their amazement lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I hate to think how many postage stamp sized pieces my Amish sunshine and shadow has, all hand stitched. Makes 90 odd seem almost easy, lol. Big Grin
Good morning.

Nice and sunny. The cicadas are loud already, it must be warm.

Yes I watch and enjoy the Sewing Show though last night I should have stuck to knitting rather than cross stitch while watching. A few rows to unpick/redo! I have a couple of cotton duvet covers that have sat in the cupboard for quite a while ... perhaps I could upcycle them!

More work in the garden planned and baking for the freezer needs replenishing but first a walk with the dog ... I heard today the latest research says we only need 11 minutes walking a day to increase our lifespan ... phew  Big Grin  

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Mild overcast day here expecting cloud to burn off later.

Interesting cucumber what does it taste like?
I have found my dealings with IRD on the phone in the past to be helpful.

Busy day yesterday volunteer morning and  babysitting in the afternoon = tired  Big Grin

Recovering from a flurry of activity, vacuum and clean leather sofas - amazing how grubby they get.

Hope to get my scrap merino top finished later today we will see.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(03-03-2023, 06:17 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Wow OHH, Its so long since I have been in an IRD office I wouldn't know what they are like. But I agree with you, the designers obviously didn't have their brain on when they did the new designs.

I realized last night that my forms are due for Winz today, which is also going to be an interesting trip. They have pulled the driveway up at the bottom of the ramp and I certainly cannot do the two sets of stairs at the front. So Im hoping they can let me in through the gates for the ramp or that the security team will take my forms in for me.

Bloods first, forms second then Im off to chase mt lamb down and get some very expensive veges.

Wow Jan Definitely an odd looking cucumber, do they smell and taste the same?

Need to wish a birthday on FB before I go. The identical twins that we went to school with. Oddly they are the 3rd of the 3rd, and we are the 5th of the 5th.  Neither of them are on FB tho but I can pass it through one of the wives lol.

Have a fab day all

Oops Forgot. I heard from the first rest home. I am allowed to visit my ladies, in the lounge. But pretty much can't go into others rooms unless invited and if people want to tell me their complaints Im to point them to management. And Im to not talk to the staff.. Im happy enough with that. I just want to be able to see my ladies. so ill ring Bobbie later and tell her Ill see them on Monday Yay..!!!
Popeye they are really crunchy and low acid - you can eat all the white - I would definitely grow them again - all my other cucumbers got powdery mildew - my odd one didn’t .It is weird doesn’t sprawl all over the garden the cucumbers grow in bunches
(03-03-2023, 08:21 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning.

Nice and sunny. The cicadas are loud already, it must be warm.

Yes I watch and enjoy the Sewing Show though last night I should have stuck to knitting rather than cross stitch while watching. A few rows to unpick/redo! I have a couple of cotton duvet covers that have sat in the cupboard for quite a while ... perhaps I could upcycle them!

More work in the garden planned and baking for the freezer needs replenishing but first a walk with the dog ... I heard today the latest research says we only need 11 minutes walking a day to increase our lifespan ... phew  Big Grin  

Enjoy the day all.

If only it increased it in the middle instead of at the end I'd be out there...  Big Grin
That's appalling, Hunni - they really ought to do far better & understand that older people do need to be able to sit. Perhaps a visit from several older folk, each with a lightweight, easy to carry, folding chair might get the message across - a sort of sit in protest....

Not to talk to staff seems a bit odd, Popeye.

As if the constant coming & going of tradies vans wasn't enough, today we have - roadworks! Just fabulous, & all day apparently according to the information leaflet left in the letterbox. Yay.

Have made another smallish foray into the workroom & sorted some stuff out slightly. It does look very slightly tidier now, & I think once I've established just where everything is I might make more headway. Although I did chuck out several pieces of newspaper!
I had an idea while I was at it; the stuff I don't want to biff up the gully I might just pass on to the grandkids since there's so much more of it than I realised. Just have to work out who gets what.

And I did also have another bash at the hedge & got a bit done so feeling quie virtuous.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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