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You can never have enough...
More tanties in the village. Some dipshit ordered our front doors repainted in dark grey.

You can imagine the response to the first one. So all work has been stopped, once again. And the noisy besom at number twelve still hasn't seen hide nor hair of a tradie, all the other units repaints are well underway. I think I have been blacklisted, lol!

That'll learn me...

Big Grin
Urk - grey! You'd think they might asked for preferences first. Quite rude & inconsiderate not to at least ask first & perhaps give three or four colour choices to choose from.
Although... if they insist on grey, simply paint colourful flowers on card or whatever & hang on door...? Smile

Had an unexpected visitor, a granddaughter who has the day off work & called in She's almost 12 weeks pregnant with their first child but won't tell friends & wider family until the 12 weeks mark; she'd managed to get an absolute bargain with one of those baby carrier/pram thingys at around half the regular price so is well pleased - she's definitely my granddaughter! I may have name wrong but basically its a car bed (for tiny baby) or car seat (for larger baby) which becomes a pram/pushchair when clipped into pram framework.

There's so much you can get now for babies & little ones which must make life so much easier. She's going for reusable nappies as well & that's all organised already.
When I think back to the days of soaking buckets, napi san & wringer washers it all seems so much better these days, & about time, too. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I opted for cloth, it became a kind of zen meditation practice all that soaking and washing and hanging in full sun. And they make the best glass polishing cloths!

Yes, grey, yuk. I was googling hot pink masking tape there for a minute. They better go back to white, it will save them a lot of angst dealing with Her at Number 12!!
morning ladies Smile It's a tad overcast here, hope it fines up as our son is riding his new motorcycle here today Heart

Congratulations on the news of a new grandchild, Lilith Heart Yep, there are lots of new gadgets and stuff out there for new mums. Some of it just makes me wonder but then the new pushchairs and the like I wish we had. It would seem nappies have come full circle and it's fashionable to use washable again. Those old white nappies we used were brilliant cleaning cloths after the kids were toilet trained.

Dark grey, no imagination, OHH. I've always wanted a bright red door but dad (who was a house painter) said red is the one colour you pay the most for and fades the quickest. So, we stuck to our trim colour. It does sound like they are leaving you to last lol. Surely, they wouldn't do all the others and leave yours.

Two of MrK's sisters are coming for lunch today, I suspect they are hoping to have a ride on son's motorcycle lol. Not before his mother does!

No stitching or sewing at the moment. I seem to have come to a standstill, can't quilt until I find the right fabric and can't decide what to embroider. That's OK, there is lots coming up in the garden with autum to keep me busy.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very clear skies here.

First piece of lamb is in the crockpot.. Yumm lol

Im the winner OHH I have a double garage door in dark grey YUCK.. Made to look worse with the few Bird Deposits on it. Which I never think about cleaning unless Im sitting there waiting for it to go up when I get home.

The new battery is working well, Yay. That extra little walk annoys me first thing.

I over did it yesterday and am paying for it this morning. But I have everything out ready to do when I need to.. I have to go up and pick up some pills and they won't arrive till 11am. So that works. I can ring MrP then go up. Ill have to get some more beans and corn too.

Our pak n save finally has the Leonard's sausagemeat. For some reason Hellers s/meat and sausages make me sick. So I'll be making some meat patty meals with today's left over gravy. And do the next bit of lamb and then sausage meals. Then That side of preparation will be done.

MrP would never let me get a red car, for the same reason Kiwimade.. so when I inherited the one that came with the lawnmowing round I was happy.

Years ago a friend took me on his motorbike, a massive great Suzuki1000. I had to wear his sheepskin boots cos I didn't have any closed in shoes, was staying the weekend at another friends place. So there was a couple of inches spare in the boots. Yes my foot slipped off the peg, he lost the front of the boot but my foot was fine.. Never went on it again lol.

I've been thinking about downsizing all my craft stuff. But I know as soon as I do, I will want something. And I've done it a couple of times before. So it can stay.
And I dont have the knee power to do it either.

Yeah its a bit odd not talking to staff, but Im not there to see them anyway. I must remember to ring Bobbie today and tell her Ill be there on Monday.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining here
Just lost whole post so this abridged version

Congrats new GC Lilith Heart

Some silly people started letting off fireworks at midnight cue boy k9s being quivering messes so a short night for me

Started new cardi pattern last night I liked the lacey features on yoke/sleeve.
Off to Wairarapa for lunch with friends today.

Enjoy your ride KM

Have a fun day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I have a little mad idea, and need your thoughts. This food colouring dye thing has my cogs turning in the background, and I am playing with the idea of doing some recolouring on some heavy woven wool fabric, but it is too big a piece to microwave. Do you think using a heat gun or a blowdrier - judiciously spaced away from the surface - would heat set the dye colour? I'm thinking blues and greens...
(04-03-2023, 11:08 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I have a little mad idea, and need your thoughts. This food colouring dye thing has my cogs turning in the background, and I am playing with the idea of doing some recolouring on some heavy woven wool fabric, but it is too big a piece to microwave. Do you think using a heat gun or a blowdrier - judiciously spaced away from the surface - would heat set the dye colour? I'm thinking blues and greens...

It could be tricky to get even coverage OHH but google setting dye in oven, or similar request, there are quite a few posts there. I’ve never done it but it seems possible especially if you soak the material in a vinegar solution first.
Mica we had 12 very loud fireworks go off near here at 11.59 - sounded so like gun shots .The Police helicopter was already in the air the gangs had raided Bay View again - stole a tradies Ute and all the keys out of all the small earth moving machines - made the owners very nervous - they are unable to get locks changed .I can not fathom why somebody would feel the need to add to the nervousness in the community letting off fireworks .The Bay View streets are closed to residents only but the gangs are a law unto themselves .
Very warm here hope the forecasted thunder storms go somewhere else - amazing the bits and pieces appearing out of the mud intact - saw a photo yesterday of a crystal stemmed cake plate - amazing it survived intact
Just a little bit of info on slash - it would cost the overseas forestry owner $80 dollars per square metre to bring the slash out of the forest - then they would have to pay to get it carted to a processor who would pay them $45 a metre - but even though they are loosing money it’s still way less than the cost of all the infrastructure we are all having to pay to replace - those figures are from my son the saw miller so they are accurate .
Yes, and that cost is exactly why overseas corporates nay sayed the idea when it was put to them decades ago after Bola. But these days it seems the local councils are the ones blocking progress in these areas, maybe we will see a change as the clearance bills come in.

Mind you, I still do not understand why the stuff cannot be windrowed into barrows, covered with silt and waste topsoil, and planted into. It provides long term soil nutrients to the plantings and breaks down over the years to enrich the earth while sequestering carbon.

Be a lot of jobs in projects like that.
Or failing all else, it may be able to be used to provide kindling or even sawdust which people could make use of.

Good luck with dyeing Hunni.

Btw ladies - its great grandchild. Which incidentally was the deeply sneaky way in which Sweetie darling no. 2 & granddaughter let me know about the pregnancy. They were over one weekend a few weeks ago & granddaughter asked when her cousins baby is due so I told her whereupon she said 'So that'll be 5 great grandkids then' 'No' I said, 'four'.
'No' she said 'five', at which point the penny dropped.
And unbeknown to me, her dad had filmed the whole thing - which I only discovered later that day after I sent congratulations to the dad to be & he told me he knew I was pleased because he'd seen the film! Those damned phones are a pain in the neck!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(04-03-2023, 02:26 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Or failing all else, it may be able to be used to provide kindling or even sawdust which people could make use of.

Good luck with dyeing Hunni.

Btw ladies - its great grandchild. Which incidentally was the deeply sneaky way in which Sweetie darling no. 2 & granddaughter let me know about the pregnancy. They were over one weekend a few weeks ago & granddaughter asked when her cousins baby is due so I told her whereupon she said 'So that'll be 5 great grandkids then' 'No' I said, 'four'.
'No' she said 'five', at which point the penny dropped.
And unbeknown to me, her dad had filmed the whole thing - which I only discovered later that day after I sent congratulations to the dad to be & he told me he knew I was pleased because he'd seen the film! Those damned phones are a pain in the neck!

Sheesh, I got a shock at becoming a gran. I think I will be well past my use by date by the time either of those two get clucky.

But congrats, you child bride you...
(04-03-2023, 02:33 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(04-03-2023, 02:26 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Or failing all else, it may be able to be used to provide kindling or even sawdust which people could make use of.

Good luck with dyeing Hunni.

Btw ladies - its great grandchild. Which incidentally was the deeply sneaky way in which Sweetie darling no. 2 & granddaughter let me know about the pregnancy. They were over one weekend a few weeks ago & granddaughter asked when her cousins baby is due so I told her whereupon she said 'So that'll be 5 great grandkids then' 'No' I said, 'four'.
'No' she said 'five', at which point the penny dropped.
And unbeknown to me, her dad had filmed the whole thing - which I only discovered later that day after I sent congratulations to the dad to be & he told me he knew I was pleased because he'd seen the film! Those damned phones are a pain in the neck!

Sheesh, I got a shock at becoming a gran. I think I will be well past my use by date by the time either of those two get clucky.

But congrats, you child bride you...

Not so much - I'm really, really old!  Big Grin Big Grin

Not really but thinking of another two birthdays to add to the present list ages me swiftly - its a good thing I start xmas gifts shopping very, very early. That lot are going to cost me a fortune!
It was really my youngest who started early; they had their first (eldest grandchild) in their late teens early 20's & both their daughters now have children- but both had the sense to wait till they turned 25 first. 
Which may possibly have had something to do with gran drumming it into them 'Don't have kids until at least 25 & only have two - one for each hand!' Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Congrats Lilith..

I found out this morning that one of MrPs Great nieces is having another baby too. Shes hoping for a boy and they will stop..

In today's world I think two is plenty...

I got 6 meals from the lamb, they weren't huge pieces, and at $4-33 for the meat I think its ok and continued to do the sausage meat meals too so now I have 25 in the freezer. I am sore tho.

But as I said to MrP this morning, I have to do it now cos I dont know how I'll be in 4-6 months, let alone after the opp. I certainly dont walk anything like I used to.

And My grandmothers wisest advice, "Use your Head to Save your Feet" is in my mind constantly.

Im extremely thankful the lawn has slowed down a little, I plan on being able to attack the back later in the week. No email leading to an inspection yet, and Its due in a few days.

Spoke to Bobbie today and told her I would be there on Monday. She wants to go see MrP again, I said we have to prove we can behave first before asking that lol

Osh is a part of the forestry trouble too I think. When we lived in the forest you could go an help yourself to the slash, and that way it was tidy. We had an open fire and coal range or chip heater in every house we had, and other than a little gas for getting it, it only cost the muscle power to get it. You didnt even need a chainsaw. But Id guess now that OSH wouldnt allow that..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another thick fog this morning but the sun is trying to break through. It was well after 10.30am yesterday when the fog left us.

Our son is here so not much will be happening. It's nice to just chill and catch up with him. Two of MrK's sisters came for lunch yesterday and we had lots of laughs. One of my sisters-in-law brought some brand new towels (tags still on) with her as she had decided she didn't like the colour and thought we might like them. This morning I'll wash them in idodised salt water to fix the colour and they can go in the linen cupboard. We're not fussy on colour lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Clear here and the over the corner Neighbour's have the lawn mower out already.

I plan on not doing too much today. washing folded and away. Sheets in now. And Ill bag up the meals, do the dishes and put the rubbish out.

And that will be it. And that's what I have to keep reminding myself through the day lol.

I have towels I need to wash and colour stop too, had intentions of doing it over summer... Still time tho. lol

Im becoming impatient, which really isn't me, but I just want this all over and done with so I can get back to normal well better than normal.. I can't wait lol..

Hope the latest rains didnt mess things up too much. will peruse the news and see whats been going on..

Have a fab day..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine at the moment

We had a lovely day yesterday came home tired.

Lazy before busynafternoon evening we are babysitting DGD1 while her parents go to a wedding today.

Sheldon sales person told me to soak new towels in cold water for an hour before washing them  said it helped keeping them soft.

Washing beeping 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(05-03-2023, 08:21 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all
Fine at the moment

We had a lovely day yesterday came home tired.

Lazy before busynafternoon evening we are babysitting DGD1 while her parents go to a wedding today.

Sheldon sales person told me to soak new towels in cold water for an hour before washing them  said it helped keeping them soft.

Washing beeping 

Enjoy your day
I met a very lovely woman years ago at a market stall selling towels she  imported from India at very good prices. While admiring them she told me all new towels should be soaked in salt water then laundered before using because they are all palletised for shipping to reduce space which crushes the fibres. The salt soak puffs them up and increases their absorbancy in a process that also softens, but if the towels are not 100 percent natural fibre it doesn't work as well. Experience has taught me how right she was.
I didn't know about the fluffiness when soaking in cold water but mum always soaked and washed her towels in iodised salt water to make sure the dye didn't run. And then washed separately for a few washes just for good measure. I really hope my sister-in-law bought this set of towels at the Briscoes sale. The price tag was still on and the towel was $75! And that didn't include the bathmat, face cloth and two hand towels.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(05-03-2023, 09:57 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I didn't know about the fluffiness when soaking in cold water but mum always soaked and washed her towels in iodised salt water to make sure the dye didn't run.  And then washed separately for a few washes just for good measure.  I really hope my sister-in-law bought this set of towels at the Briscoes sale.  The price tag was still on and the towel was $75!  And that didn't include the bathmat, face cloth and two hand towels.

If dyes are not fast, adding salt or vinegar certainly stops it moving, or at least slows it down. Salting the water though also promotes osmosis which could account for the way the fibres can puff up after being flattened. It wouldn't work though if the fibres were already full and stable.

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