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An ode for Baron Luxon

Big Grin Big Grin
[b]"Bard Billot on Baron Luxon and his philosophical lodestar[/b]
Baron Luxon steps into the bright lights
of the media conference.
Two reporters and an intern from the Johnsonville Telegraph
wait in rapt anticipation.
The Baron clears his throat while a large crowd
of shadowy figures file in and assemble behind him.
Today is a big day,” he announces.
“Today is when I put my big idea out there,
the game changer, the philosophical lodestar
of the next National Government.”
Relaunch of boot camps?” whispers one press hack to another.
“Consultants” proclaims the Baron.
There are too many consultants entrenched in Government.
“Too much money is going to highly paid, unaccountable pen pushers focused on their

own ambitions, rather than the common good,” continues the Baron,
hitting his stride.
We will trim, reduce, slash, hack, dismember,
vaporise, boil down, eject and cut to the bone!
The press run out eagerly to file their reports.
Phew,” says the Baron.
Did I get that right?” he asks, turning to consult his thirty seven media handlers, eighteen spin doctors, nine meme generators, two senior TikTok contractors, eight polling staff, twelve focus group impresarios, one disembodied astral projection of El Hosk, three storytellers, one buffalo horned shaman of modern conservatism, two personal economic wizards, eight big data analysts and a squad of Dirty Politics operatives clad in sheer black PVC bodysuits."

[b]Victor Billot has previously felt moved to compose Odes for such luminaries as [/b][b]Bishop Brian, Clarke Gayford[/b][b], [/b][b]Mike Hosking, [/b][b]and [/b][b]Garrick Tremain[/b][b].[/b]
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Dear Jacinda:
You may have run away
From your five years in the sun
But I will not forgive you
For the damage you have done
Our beautiful New Zealand
Can it ever be the same?
Now ravaged by division
And you alone to blame
You've left us with so much to fix
You've made things so much worse
Your reckless overspending
Has drained the public purse
Children still in poverty
Criminals running rife
Race based legislation
Set to ruin Kiwi life.
You grasped your socialist dagger
And you plunged it in our heart
Creating vile apartheid
Which will tear us all apart.
So I'm glad you're gone, Jacinda,
But does Hipkins wear your smile?
I fear the face of innocence
Just masks the crocodile............
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(12-03-2023, 06:09 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: Dear Jacinda:
You may have run away
From your five years in the sun
But I will not forgive you
For the damage you have done
Our beautiful New Zealand
Can it ever be the same?
Now ravaged by division
And you alone to blame
You've left us with so much to fix
You've made things so much worse
Your reckless overspending
Has drained the public purse
Children still in poverty
Criminals running rife
Race based legislation
Set to ruin Kiwi life.
You grasped your socialist dagger
And you plunged it in our heart
Creating vile apartheid
Which will tear us all apart.
So I'm glad you're gone, Jacinda,
But does Hipkins wear your smile?
I fear the face of innocence
Just masks the crocodile............

Presumably not from the source - which is who?
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
A doggerel equivalent of a Tremain cartoon.
Dont know the source but it was on my facebook page , if your allowed to trash Luxon Im allowed to trash Ardern/Hipkins
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
seems to me one is a standard satire piece and the other is just whingeing
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(12-03-2023, 08:53 PM)king1 Wrote: seems to me one is a standard satire piece and the other is just whingeing

Not just whinging - lies as well. What you would expect, really, from nat supporters.
I do have other cameras!
(13-03-2023, 07:46 AM)Praktica Wrote:
(12-03-2023, 08:53 PM)king1 Wrote: seems to me one is a standard satire piece and the other is just whingeing

Not just whinging - lies as well. What you would expect, really, from nat supporters.

Bloody bullshit, god help us if this lot get in again you will be one of the first to cry, do some research about this Labour government to see what its all about, Im not saying National are squeaky clean but this lot have changed the NZ I grew up in and have changed for the worse.

(12-03-2023, 08:53 PM)king1 Wrote: seems to me one is a standard satire piece and the other is just whingeing

Thanks King, yes these Labour supporters are definitely whinging arnt they?
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(13-03-2023, 09:48 AM)Oldfellah Wrote:
(12-03-2023, 08:53 PM)king1 Wrote: seems to me one is a standard satire piece and the other is just whingeing

Thanks King, yes these Labour supporters are definitely whinging arnt they?
 a classic example of how words are twisted to fit a narrative...

But I also ask why do you expect others to "do some research about this Labour government" - surely the burden of proof is on the one making claims
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Let's analyse this then... 

(12-03-2023, 06:09 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: Dear Jacinda:
You may have run away
From your five years in the sun
But I will not forgive you
For the damage you have done
    cry me a river...

Our beautiful New Zealand
Can it ever be the same?   
    No because change is a constant, covid happened, multiple failings by multiple governments over multiple years/generations occur...

Now ravaged by division
    Division is constantly present, (since Mr Cook graced us with his presence a few centuries back) however Governments are required to govern for the majority, not the minority.

And you alone to blame
     yes let's blame everything on the female ex PM, ignoring all the historical and external events that have lead to this moment.  Pure misogyny imho...

You've left us with so much to fix - No more than usual 
You've made things so much worse - I think the majority would disagree with this
Your reckless overspending
Has drained the public purse
Most NZers would agree the extra spending was required, very few would call it Reckless. 

Children still in poverty
Criminals running rife
     yes let's blame everything on the female ex PM, ignoring all the historical and external events that have lead to this moment.  

Race based legislation
   If I am not mistaken we are fulfilling our internationally required obligations to indigenous peoples.  NOT to do so would be to perpetuate the racism that got us to this point in the first place... 

Set to ruin Kiwi life. 
   maybe the stragglers can change and accept the new norm in society, but change can take generations - for those that refuse, I guess there is the departure lounge...

You grasped your socialist dagger
And you plunged it in our heart
   Emotive but cry me a river...

Creating vile apartheid
Which will tear us all apart.
   Apartheid is so much worse, it's kind of of disgusting and disrespectful to the millions who have suffered from true Apartheid to be even suggesting this

So I'm glad you're gone, Jacinda,
But does Hipkins wear your smile?
I fear the face of innocence
Just masks the crocodile............
    It is to be expected that the author of this diatribe might be fearful of more of the same - I suspect the majority will embrace it, albeit tweaked.

In summary:   It will appeal to a few, the majority of New Zealanders will probably find it laughable... We could probably start a poll to gauge that, or hold an election perhaps... 
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(12-03-2023, 07:47 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: Dont know the source but it was on my facebook page , if your allowed to trash Luxon Im allowed to trash Ardern/Hipkins

Then clearly the 'author' lacks the courage to put his/her name to their deeply dubious piece.
 There's a clear difference between the two pieces, with one being actual satire & the other being political spite which ignores the uncomfortable fact that the poverty & related problems we have here now are not in fact solely the fault of Labour, but both National & Labour over the last 3 decades, so to attempt to lay the blame at the feet of the present govt shows political bias, & is both unfair & inaccurate.

And the writer of the Luxon piece regularly does odes on people from all political parties.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It is important to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and perspectives, as a community, it is essential to prioritize respectful communication and open-mindedness, even when discussing topics that may elicit strong emotions. It is natural for people to have different views, it is important to approach these conversations with an open mind, listen to others' points of view, and respond respectfully. It is possible to have an exchange of ideas even if there are differences in opinion. Not by putting others opinions down.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(13-03-2023, 01:32 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: It is important to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and perspectives, as a community, it is essential to prioritize respectful communication and open-mindedness, even when discussing topics that may elicit strong emotions. It is natural for people to have different views, it is important to approach these conversations with an open mind, listen to others' points of view, and respond respectfully. It is possible to have an exchange of ideas even if there are differences in opinion. Not by putting others opinions down.
You blatantly stated that "Im allowed to trash Ardern/Hipkins" but then run crying to your Mum when somebody takes you to task over your unsubstantiated abuse. Pot, Kettle, Black?
(13-03-2023, 01:32 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: It is important to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and perspectives, as a community, it is essential to prioritize respectful communication and open-mindedness, even when discussing topics that may elicit strong emotions. It is natural for people to have different views, it is important to approach these conversations with an open mind, listen to others' points of view, and respond respectfully. It is possible to have an exchange of ideas even if there are differences in opinion. Not by putting others opinions down.

So where was this moral high ground back at post #5 ?
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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My apologies, trying to converse with a bunch of lefties is impossible, if Labour get in again its not what they say as election promises that they will do, its what they will do after they get in they wont tell anyone about.
Im Out! only out of the thread!
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(13-03-2023, 02:09 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: My apologies, trying to converse with a bunch of lefties is impossible, if Labour get in again its not what they say as election promises that they will do, its what they will do after they get in they wont tell anyone about.
Im Out! only out of the thread!

Surely you'd recall years ago when, having had more than enough of Labour imposing Neo Liberalism here, they were voted out & replaced by a National govt. Who proceeded to do more of the same, having given no indication whatsoever that that was their intention, exactly as Labour (with Roger Douglas on board)  had done before them.

Jim Bolger at least had the conscience & integrity to apologise for National's part in continuing to impose neo Liberalism here, even if it was years later & that must have taken some guts on his part, & good for him.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(13-03-2023, 01:32 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: It is important to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and perspectives, as a community, it is essential to prioritize respectful communication and open-mindedness, even when discussing topics that may elicit strong emotions. It is natural for people to have different views, it is important to approach these conversations with an open mind, listen to others' points of view, and respond respectfully. It is possible to have an exchange of ideas even if there are differences in opinion. Not by putting others opinions down.

What was respectful about the pile of tosh you quoted?
I do have other cameras!

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