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You can never have enough...
Poor Paddy? Selfish Paddy, poor family?

I have often wondered how many suicides would be avoided if we only had the chance to tell those people, or show them, the lifelong pain that they inflict on those who loved them.

I know having that pointed out to me made me change my mind.
(13-03-2023, 07:51 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Poor Paddy? Selfish Paddy, poor family?

I have often wondered how many suicides would be avoided if we only had the chance to tell those people, or show them, the lifelong pain that they inflict on those who loved them.

I know having that pointed out to me made me change my mind.

Poor all of them OHH.

Although I will feel sorry for Marlon cos he finds him.. And yep I know what happens in advance.

Having had a friend who finally after several attempts finally got her wish, a lot of us were pleased for her when she finally finished her struggle. She felt like a failure for not being able to get it right each time she tried. So for those of us left behind were pleased she was finally at peace. Its an odd time and it affects soo many in so many different ways.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Cloudy and very windy heavy rain expected later this morning.

Having a cuppa while I reco er from gym session I am sure my trainer plots and schemes. Cant really complain and workouts are not boring or repetitive.

Cut out some hot pink brushed sweat shirting yesterday  track pants and sweat top for DGD1 will start to sew that later today

Quiet day  today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Another lovely day - long may it last.

Off to do the bit of housecleaning for an elderly friend then home to bake again.
 Have 2 large batches waiting to go. Baking isn’t my most popular task but we are continuing with it whilst there is a real need. 
This lot will go out to a friend who is head teacher at a rural school. They are still no power etc and have 5 minutes road access twice a day for light 4WWD  vehicles as long as there has been no rain and their makeshift culvert bridge lasts so it is rather unpredictable. She manages to get home at the weekend to pick up more supplies etc. but sometimes has to rush back before the “bridge” collapses again!

My tomatoes are at last ripening and now inundated with them so making plenty of soup, sauces etc as well as giving a lot away - feast or a famine it seems  Big Grin
Good morning.  

Overcast,  might get rain this evening according to the forecast. 

Grandie day so will be occupied, will look forward to cross stitch at the end of the day.  On the downhill run now,  3/4 way finished and can then get into winter knitting.

I have never visited any of the Islands, so can't advise there Lilith.

Time for morning coffee. 

Enjoy the day all.
I'll be extremely annoyed if its the case that all rubbish including recycling goes straight to landfill; if that's true for the entire country then the question has to be WHY??! Why isn't it recycled, why were we led to believe that recycling was recycling & why have people been penalised for sometimes putting the wrong items in a bin if its is not in fact recycled?
Not to mention why the hell aren't we doing better.

Have posted that I've asked in here, for the poster wanting info on Rarotonga.

The head teacher's lucky to have you Venetian; it must be really difficult for them now.

Its tipping down here, & if ever I've had cause to doubt the intelligence of Madame Le Dog, I take it all back. Went out this morning to do the poo patrol in the yard, after which we generally throw the ball around for a while, she loves chasing & retrieving it.
So there I was in a large rain jacket & gumboots, hood up in the rain, & I chucked the wretched ball down the back as far as I could. She duly raced down, grabbed the ball, sped back & trotted straight past me & giving me a look, stepped daintily up onto the porch & put the ball away.
Bloody dog. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(13-03-2023, 07:57 AM)popeye333 Wrote:
(13-03-2023, 07:51 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Poor Paddy? Selfish Paddy, poor family?

I have often wondered how many suicides would be avoided if we only had the chance to tell those people, or show them, the lifelong pain that they inflict on those who loved them.

I know having that pointed out to me made me change my mind.

Poor all of them OHH.

Although I will feel sorry for Marlon cos he finds him.. And yep I know what happens in advance.

  Having had a friend who finally after several attempts finally got her wish, a lot of us were pleased for her when she finally finished her struggle. She felt like a failure for not being able to get it right each time she tried. So for those of us left behind were pleased she was finally at peace.  Its an odd time and it affects soo many in so many different ways.

Oh well, I have to say...

Thank goodness for that then. Even though it is only a soap.

Big Grin
(13-03-2023, 11:42 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(13-03-2023, 07:57 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Poor all of them OHH.

Although I will feel sorry for Marlon cos he finds him.. And yep I know what happens in advance.

  Having had a friend who finally after several attempts finally got her wish, a lot of us were pleased for her when she finally finished her struggle. She felt like a failure for not being able to get it right each time she tried. So for those of us left behind were pleased she was finally at peace.  Its an odd time and it affects soo many in so many different ways.

Oh well, I have to say...

Thank goodness for that then. Even though it is only a soap.

Big Grin

They are doing an episode  where there are only men in it. Having a  lock down in the pub. To be able to talk it out. I love Paddy and Marlon, they are a team both on and off the screen really.

Bit odd but the guy who plays Cain is Married to the chick who plays Rona , in real life lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Mr Hipkins is being generous.

Pensioners will get an extra $100 a fortnight, singles $66 I think it was.

Be interesting to see what happens to ours. Ours is a mess, Im considered as a couple when it comes to the winter energy payment. Which is good but otherwise its all odd lol..

So Ill guess MrP will get extra, and Mine is wait and see lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I think you need to look into that couple thing. Mr P won't qualify for the Winter Energy as he is in care, so you should get the single rate, and living alone boost as well...

Life is so flaming complicated when WINZ gets involved.
I confess - in this safe space - to a mild obsession with yelling at the tv when MAFS is on. I just love it. They make me feel like a sane adult human being. A rare thing these days. And I rather like Hilary too, having lived in her neighbourhood for some years a while back, I claim her as a dear and close friend though of course we only spoke twice, passing in the street.

So I really enjoyed this little article on Stuff today...
(13-03-2023, 04:04 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I confess - in this safe space - to a mild obsession with yelling at the tv when MAFS is on. I just love it. They make me feel like a sane adult human being. A rare thing these days. And I rather like Hilary too, having lived in her neighbourhood for some years a while back, I claim her as a dear and close friend though of course we only spoke twice, passing in the street.

So I really enjoyed this little article on Stuff today...

I yell at the TV whenever ads for it come on & refer to it as Married at first sight of a television camera -  having never watched it & being extremely unlikely to Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It's like watching fake disasters happening in slow motion. I just can't look away. 

Makes me glad I am old, if that is what being young and beautiful is all about...
I yell at the TV too lol. I've never watched MAFS or those types of reality shows. At the moment MrK is watching 'Outlaws' on Amazon Prime. I've seen it and loved it and now there is a second series, I thought MrK would enjoy it too before we started on the Series 2. He's chuckling away lol so I guess this series is a winner Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Very very nippy this morning, early start 

Must look out some of these TV shows. The last reality we watched was Hunted both Aussie and brit series 

Off up the line later this morning with sewing mate to check out fabric in person rather than on line. OK its an excuse for a girls morning out and about Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's nippy here too this morning. The Furry One was buried under the blankets this morning so he's already feeling it as well.

A day out with the girls sounds fun, mica Smile

I have my mammogram today so no deodorant and smellies. I missed out last time as a hacker hacked Waikato Hospital phone lines and I couldn't book my appointment. Watching a friend living her final days with breast cancer is a pretty good incentive to have the girls squished.

Thanks Chippie, for the pay rise. My sister-in-law said the other day people who work can strike or take other action to get a pay rise. What about beneficiaries? And then Chippie made the announcement yesterday. He must have heard her lol.

The bin man has been, he's back to being nice and early. The Furry One greeted him with the usual your-stealing-our-stuff bark. Funny how he barks at this guy but not the guy who has emptied the bin over the last week or so while our regular chap was away.

Still no embroidery on the go, I must get motivated and find something to inspire me.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Chilly here too lol..

I haven't watched MAFS, and admit that I dont watch many reality shows at all. I hate people being conniving and calculated to get people voted off just for money. And the Marriage one makes a total mockery of marriage.

I yell my loudest at Lingo,, its like are they even seeing the screen? lol. Missy doesn't like it either, cos of me lol.

Actually OHH I do get the married energy payment, cos MrP still need heating if he comes for a visit.. yeah I was surprised at that too.
Im on an emergency benefit, and Im not totally sure how things work. Anything extra will be welcomed that's for sure.

Missy is 9 today, and being an egg. Doesn't want cuddles this morning.. Possibly cos I promised I would be home all day but some silly mare forgot to pick up her pills yesterday. But that will be a quick dash.

I got up and put bread on at 5-15, well I was up anyway, so it went on earlier than planned. Its cooked and smells divine.

I could use a Girlee day out.. Would be fun for a change.

And Yep Kiwimade most important to get the girls Squished. A friends sister had her mammogram in October, they found a lump but it had already spread and she died last week. Her funeral is tomorrow. Sadly she didn't help herself, smoked from a teenager, and even tho her partner died 18 months ish ago of cancer, she didn't give up.. Mind you I suppose it was probably already too late.

Not a breathe of wind out there. I miss seeing the birds in the morning, they have changed their visiting time.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Lovely sunny day after a cool start, this time of the year is the best.

Groceries done now the day is mine, mainly getting organised for family staying over the weekend which will include baking and bedmaking. Hoping for a fine Waikato day for my mum's garden Memorial on Saturday.

Reality shows are designed to hook you in, lol. I try to avoid them, not always successful!

My old feline boy also has a birthday today Popeye ... 15 yo and still going strong, weighing over 6kg, just a bit creaky when he gets up ... who isn't!

My coffee is finished, had better keep moving.

Enjoy the day all.
Happy Birthday to your Birthday Boy Roma... We used to have two 8 kilo heftie's lol. Missy I dont think will ever get chunky. I haven't weighed her for a while but she's never been much over 3 -3.5 kilos

Spose I better see if MrP is out of his feel sorry for me mood he was in last night

Nope he wasnt
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
One of my loveliest cats got to 19 and some months so your boy has room for fun yet. He is doing well though, most seem to leave us far too soon.

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