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You can never have enough...
Oh no .... potentially another 4 years of demanding (I want it now), yowling (I'm here/home everyone), needy (your knee/body is best, no matter the temperature) years yet  Wondering
I watched Fair Go last night, to see what the problem was about recycling but apparently it was just about those recycling bins they have in towns/cities rather than rubbish truck pickups from private houses. There seem to be problems with them since people aren't sure what goes where, (probably due to bad labelling) & it seems to be virtually all over the country except here; CHCH didn't feature. I'd like to think that's due to our saintliness when it comes to recycling but its more likely that they just left us out.Smile

Madame Le Dog was happy to play with the ball this morning after her smartarse behaviour yesterday; mind you if I was a dog, I wouldn't fancy chasing a ball in the rain either.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good afternoon from a beautiful day in the bay - speaking of cats
This is a photo of Thomas who used to go camping every year with us along with the three dogs and half the kids in the neighbourhood.
Our neighbours over the back moved away so took him up to the bush and dumped him - their kids told us they were going to do it but didn’t believe them - anyway he found his way back a week before we were due to head off to the beach - couldn’t get him into a boarding place everywhere was full so my husband decided he had to come - Thomas thought he was one of the dogs plus the diet of fresh fish including crayfish tickled his fancy - he would wander away rabbiting but would come back yowling his head off - the whole camp adopted him .We shifted to the orchard when he was about 13 - unfortunately he got into one of the pickers car - instead of giving us a call he just chucked him out of his car at Te Awanga -we never saw him again - broke our hearts
At one stage in my life my parents and I bought a house together, so four humans and four cats shared a big space with an interesting garden that needed a lot of work. My Dad loaded up the trailer and off he went to the dump some ten kays away, unaware one of his cats was also on the trailer. He returned home sometime later oblivious to the fact the cat had hitched then abandoned the trailer and we had three weeks of suffering until one evening there was an excited Balinese yowling at the front door matched by a rather quieter version from outside - the cat had come back, skinny, footsore, but home.

Much to everyone's delight. Including his litter brother, who made a hell of a fuss of him, them beat him up resoundingly...

Bloody cats.
For anyone interested, there was a tribute programme to the late Georgina Beyers on Maori TV last night; I've posted a link in the What are you watching forum. Its only around 30 mins but really interesting.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Wow, we have a stunning morning here. Truely autum with no wind and that autum chill.

Thanks for the link, Lilith Smile I'll watch it later today as I'm off to Hamilton shortly.

I had the girls squished at the mobile breast screening truck yesterday, am realllly glad that is over. The nurse/technician was very professional. As soon as I was done, we headed to Waikato Hospital for MrK's eye appointment. He has officially been discharged so we are both very happy. It was late by the time we got home, the 5 o'clock traffic is horrendous and getting out of the hospital car park took nearly half an hour. I am so very glad I no longer work in Hamilton and have to drive in that 'rush' every day.

Today it's supermarket time and when I make it home, I'll mow the lawn. Usually, this time of the year the lawn mowing can be stretched out to once a fortnight but not this year. Still, we have had a lovely green lawn with no broadleaf this summer Big Grin Big Grin so can't complain.

MrK made the comment the evening news is so negative about the cyclone and was asking where are the positive stories? Jan is telling us so many lovely stories, there must be some that make it to the news.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Another sunny day on the way. 

Aren't cats clever the way they can find their way home,  probably using up a lot of their 'lives' in the process!

Need to get my library books back .. late reading last night to get done by today's due date ... and a new one out. Will need a few more groceries while out, with extras in the house over the wkd.  The baking that didn't get done yesterday also on the agenda. 

The one thing I miss KM about rural living,  it was so good to go into town at whatever time I felt like,  rather than always being conscious of peak traffic times for any outings. Have to say the balloons over Hamilton on TV before looked spectacular though!

Cuppa finished,  time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Beautiful here too.

Just saw pictures of the Hot air balloons in Waikato. Truly Beautiful. I wonder if I'm brave enough to go up in one lol. I imagine it would be quiet other than the flame roaring.

MrP is still in a hissy so I won't be going up today.

The towels I washed yesterday are nice and dry. They feel quite thick, they were the cheapie ones I got from Pak n Save. The amount of fluff that came off with a shake was amazing lol.. I'll take them outside and give them another rattle up before I pop them in the cupboard. They have a nice pattern on the pile too.

Im now down to 51 kilos off and my "Skinny" rings are turning on my fingers again. I love my rings but will end up wearing none at the rate I'm going.

Im also going to ring the dentist to ask about my teeth. I never dreamed you could lose weight from your Gums, so they are moving around so much Im getting ulcers. I don't know what "re-lining" does or if it is the best solution so I'll have a chat with them and see what the best thing is to do.

I agree Kiwimade, thankfully Jan is telling us some of the positive things happening in the wake of the Cyclone, I too think its time they showed some of the Good stories from it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Beautiful day here not a breath of wind and no clouds to be seen Cool

In my experience news media don't like good news stories they like doom and gloom eve  if the evidence is contra to their view Thank goodness for the stories shared here.

Our carpet is currently being cleaned so I am holed up in my sewing cave, the feline is very happy to have company.

My road trip with friend  while we had a good natter the fabric shop was unexpectedly closed,  took an hours drive so we stopped off at a popular local cafe and as we were leaving bumped into some sewing friends we saved them a trip to the shop. We will re-schedule for another time as we both have fabric that we want t to match.

Not sure what I am going to play with today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Warm here today, glad I got the front lawn done earlier & a bit of pruning back the jasmine again. Made a bit of progress on paintings for the new wee ones & picked up some windfall apples, some of which can be used.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Beautiful day here - I agree about the news coming out of the Bay - not saying the disaster isn’t overpowering but there have been so many good things that have come out of it - the volunteers from all over that have kept on coming to help people clear the silt out of the houses - insurance doesn’t cover that and you have to get it out to the roadside for the council to pick it up - there are people like my brother who is normally constructing forestry roads who has had his drivers and machinery working for free for a month now because none of the govt money has started flowing yet - there are contractors from all over the place volunteering living in centres being fed by good sorts - like this Asian lady who posted on Facebook one day she had 40 meals for volunteers if somebody could come and pick them up -
she now has a group of helpers they are doing 350 meals a day - she is one of many.A group of young guys are using a restaurant kitchen before it opens making 500 meals - why don’t the TV reporters interview them - there are drivers going out in all directions delivering food made by volunteers using donated stuff from companies all over the country .There is so much stuff they have had to ask people to stop sending stuff - no questions asked anybody who turns up at the centres all over the place from gumboots to toothpaste and every food or drink you could wish for - it’s simply brilliant - a couple of photos for you plus a message I received from Robie - even though there is so much goodwill in the city some people are despicable

I think I might have messed up the photos
(15-03-2023, 05:51 PM)JanW Wrote: Beautiful day here - I agree about the news coming out of the Bay - not saying the disaster isn’t overpowering but there have been so many good things that have come out of it - the volunteers from all over that have kept on coming to help people clear the silt out of the houses - insurance doesn’t cover that and you have to get it out to the roadside for the council to pick it up - there are people like my brother who is normally constructing forestry roads who has had his drivers and machinery working for free for a month now because none of the govt money has started flowing yet - there are contractors from all over the place volunteering living in centres being fed by good sorts - like this Asian lady who posted on Facebook one day she had 40 meals for volunteers if somebody could come and pick them up -
she now has a group of helpers they are doing 350 meals a day - she is one of many.A group of young guys are using a restaurant kitchen before it opens making 500 meals - why don’t the TV reporters interview them - there are drivers going out in all directions delivering food made by volunteers using donated stuff from companies all over the country .There is so much stuff they have had to ask people to stop sending stuff - no questions asked anybody who turns up at the centres all over the place from gumboots to toothpaste and every food or drink you could wish for - it’s simply brilliant - a couple of photos for you  plus a message I received from Robie - even though there is so much goodwill in the city some people are despicable

I think I might have messed up the photos

Not to worry, the final one got the message across. Smile

There are good people everywhere doing what they can to help where its needed. Its the same spirit which saw the Student Army started here after the quakes, & I think I heard that the local one's helping up that way too.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

There's a very pink start to the day here, the sun is just coming over the fence.

Awesome photos Jan. So Lovely to hear some of the good things.. Wow 350 meals that's awesome. Makes my 40 odd look pathetic but also makes me understand the level of work they are doing too.

Up early to be at the Drs for my first counselling there. Still talking to one at Family support, and she rang on Tuesday. Asked if I wanted to go on their books, so I said Ill meet the one at the med center today and if we dont click, Ill carry on with the family support one.

MrP is really down and angry at the mo. Doesn't want me there, so that's fine. It fees me up and my pain is certainly improved without that part of the walking. I will ring and talk to the Charge nurse, I seriously think the changes they made to his head medication is not working, and they need to go back to his older meds. They are all going to affect his organs, but at least he could be happier.
I also told him to be thankful that he can get up and walk, and take himself to the toilet. Ken and Ralph can't.

Right Ill get a few things done then off to have my bloods and a chat

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We also had a lovely pink start to the day. It's cooler in the mornings now and I've noticed the house is being closed up earlier in the day as well.

I read the Stuff article from the link you posted a day or two back, OHH Smile It certainly made me laugh. The comparisons were very clever. I still need to find the Georgina Byer video clip.

Great photos, Jan. The police must be busy if they couldn't get to that thief. We haven't had a chance to talk to our niece about her 'tour' on the coast. I think the media need to be told we need happy stories, that the good being done needs to be highlighted. I must admit, I'm glad Nash has gone. For some reason I just couldn't like him.

This morning I'll finish the lawn before it rains. I started yesterday afternoon, but it was so hot, I flagged it. There's only a bit to do so won't take long.

Good luck with the counselling, popeye.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Nice and sunny,  making the most of it. 

I agree, it's always nice to hear the happy stories even though we know there is a lot of hard work and suffering going on as a result of the cyclone.

Busy weekend ahead, better keep moving now my cuppa finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Overcast here

Great photos JanW thanks for sharing

Carpets cleaned just got to put furniture back this morning before I go out.

Cut out a clutch purse for quilting friend yesterday using blue vinyl with quilting cotton paua print for the inside pockets etc

She gave me some leather in exchange for me making her a clutch purse but unfortunatle the navy leather she gave mehad deteriorated   so this is the sub.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Another lovely day in the bay. Will need to water my baby plants later, surprised at how fast the baby lettuces are growing but the caterpillars like them too - have squashed a few fat ones. 

Fortunately the good stories out way the not so good ones although people outside of the bay probably don’t think so. 
Apart from those who are doing all the real heavy mahi digging etc there are so many people just quietly baking, giving away produce,  delivering things etc etc and just giving their support the best they can.
It’s going to be maintaining people’s awareness long term which will be the hard part as other stories become headline.  

Just finished this week’s baking so can get outside for a while. Have to remove some asparagus fern and an old dead fuchsia bush so that will take a bit of digging I think  Big Grin
The yukka plant is going! FINALLY MrK has agreed it has to go Big Grin Big Grin This compromise business can be tricky at times lol. Under the bedroom windows is a useless garden with stones in it and not a lot else except for a yukka MrK planted. I'm sure they are called yukkas as they are yuck (in my opinion lol). The little concrete nib edging is collapsing and will need removing. MrK dug a piece out easily so it's not going to be a hard job to do but I will need to get the sledgehammer out to make the pieces fit in the bin. I'll remove the weedmatting as the soil underneath is going sour and just put the little river stones on top without it. Weeding won't be hard as it's a narrow garden. Then I'll put pots with succulents as the sun just beats down there and not a lot else will grow due to the heat. This will be my 'autum' garden plan on top of the usual prunning that needs to be done. It's bugged me for a long time that this 'garden' has been neglected but with so much other stuff to work on, it has had to wait and take it's turn. Once this has been done, we can work along the side of the house, starting with a new gate MrK is planning to build to hide his timber and stuff from view. Love it when a plan comes together Smile Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
This is a great read about community sewing and the tapestries that tell history, not just from centuries ago but from today as well.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I can't say I "Gelled" with the counselor, I did make another appointment, but I'd rather just stay with the one from Family support..
Not cos she didn't her job well, she just thinks I should Move cos I want to move, but doesn't think I should wait till MrP has gone. That I should be putting myself first... I explained that I wouldn't be able to visit him if Im in another town but she didn't care about that.

Did my Blood then went to the supermarket.. Another frustrating visit , they didn't even have any Pepsi max. So I rang the super value here to check their price, too expensive, so I went to Pukekohe.. Went to the warehouse and got cheap milk and bread too.

Came home to no back fence.. I've pegged the curtain to the screen door in the ranch slider, cos I felt like I was sitting in a goldfish bowl. There's two of them working and they are fast. So depending if they are using sections or not I'd say it will only take 2-3 days.

TOTALLY agree re the Yukkas Kiwimade.. They should be banned... They seem to grow overnight.. Im going to have to attack the ones that the pruners missed.

Spoke to the charge nurse, MrP got lippy yesterday, but was quickly spoken to and sorted out. And he has agreed to talk to Conrad the mental health Dr, that surprised me. He will give in again in a few days, when his munchies run out. And it will be tough this week as I didn't buy anything for him this week. Im trying to stock up on Missy stuff for when Im in hospital and mending.

After having two really good pain wise days, I stepped into the lift this morning and jarred my knee dammit. but I have nothing important that needs doing so it will improve again.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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