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You can never have enough...
A while back I was due to see the GP for a script renewal, and decided to make it worth the effort by telling her about a funny pain episode I had had a few mornings back. She checked my records, suggested an ECG, which we did and which was clear, and was a bit 'hmmmmm' about it, but suggested a blood test which was due anyway - so off I went, paid the bill, took the script and popped into the lab for the bloods. Then walked down to the local cafe, had coffee, jumped on the bus, came home. No worries.

Till she phoned just after seven pm and told me to get to Emergency, they were expecting me asap, because the bloods indicated a blood clot somewhere and they needed to find it fast in case I stroked...

So yes. We are at the age when bothering the GP about weird health stuff can be life saving. In my case, quite literally. It was another one of those life lessons...

Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous sunrise this morning, we are so lucky Smile

Wow, Lilith, just as well you went to the doctor. I hope you are well soon. Our doctor also uses Google to double check things. MrK takes a list of things with him when he visits our GP Tongue There was a message on our Manage My Health app that scripts were going up $5 and the doctor can e mail them to the chemist. Soon they won't need a receptionist, we'll be doing everything for them online. We won't be using the online chemist bit as every script MrK has asked for over the last six months has been wrong. He likes to check it now before he pays for it.

After I had moved the excess soil yesterday, I split some small plants up where the 'new' soil had been placed and cut back one of the clematis'. It's a lovely, compact clematis with purple flowers shaped like bells and had finished its season. That's one garden pretty much sorted for winter. I poked the air plants into the chicken wire and am happy with the results. Now to find a home for it, probably propped up under a tree.

I've started the stumpwork embroidery, well, if you can call outlining two leaves a start lol. Those pastels sound like fun, Lilith.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Tis chilly here. Was sound asleep when a text come in at 7-10 am for Gulls Discount day 15 cents off. I might splash out and buy $10 fingers crossed lol.

Have to agree, glad that my last couple of Drs look to conform too. And yes our scripts are sent via email too Kiwimade. Its actually cheaper for me to see the Dr and get a script than it is to order my own online, have them check and send it to the chemist.

Wow OHH thank goodness your Dr was onto it too..

Have to go do my bloods and get literally a couple of things at the supermarket.

Yesterday I dived into a book. And finished it last night.. I had the tv on for background noise, but hadn't taken notice of the time until a friend text at 7 pm oops lol It was a good book and Missy curled up on my lap and enjoyed the afternoon lol.

Three years since we first went into Lockdown and started hearing those words like, Lockdown, Covid, Bubble etc etc.. I dont think it will ever be over.

It feels like Im in lockdown not being able to visit MrP. but its his choice, and he has a mouth and can ask them to ring me.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

One of my pet Hates.. Using children to find out things.

Long story short, the kids we "Adopted" as grandkids are being used to find out info.

Sending them around here selling raffle tickets for their school... The school just confirmed they are running one at the moment, but not on the paper the Young lad was using, But this is the only raffle they have run this year.

This is the 3rd time he has been around this year.

The Mother keeps putting my listings on TM on her watchlist, but she is blacklisted so she cannot bid and I cannot, not that I would ever , offer it to her.

I blocked her on FB. So she cannot see anything I put on there..

I have spoken to the school, and asked them for conformation re the raffles but also asked them Not to say anything to the Boy. It's not his fault his mother is being a B*tch.

So Now, I either text her if I can find her number, or I can unblock her and put posts in the local groups so she can see it.

I do have a friend who would gladly pass a message along to her, I might get her advice too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Very lucky, Hunni. Smile

So far today I've had another bash at the dreaded hedge, mowed the awful & still wet back lawn, zipped around to the mall to pick up prescription from the new chemist because its free & I've already coughed up for one the other day, did a trawl round shops while waiting for it, had time to be deeply shocked & outraged at the price of a pair of gumboots ($50 for plain ones, $60 for some with a bit of fancy stuff on them) I very nearly swore out loud in the shop, came home, grabbed lunch, took Madame Le Dog for her walk & only now am I starting to feel to slightly knackered.

I think its safe to assume the steroids have kicked in...Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It's dark outside but we are expecting a nice autum day.

lol Lilith, I think you are right, the steroids have kicked in! Long may it last Smile

I have an early start to today as I'm off to Cambridge. But first I have to make a submission on behalf of us both about Waka Kotahi's plans for SH29. They plan to put barriers down the entire length of the road with five roundabouts. The roundabouts, definitely yes!! But the barriers! OMG. It must be a city person who decided this. SH29 is a rural service road as well as a main highway. We will only have a left turn and if we want to go right, have to go to the nearest roundabout to do so. Milk tankers would only be able to turn one way, go up to a roundabout, go around it and come back to the next farm. It will add another 10 kms to a trip to town. And don't forget there are trucking and farm contracting businesses who live on and use the road. Imagine 20 kilometers of being stuck behind a tractor. You think being stuck behind a tractor for even one kilometer is frustrating... wait until they do this! I'm all for barriers, but it is just not practical on SH29. Most fatal accidents that have happened on SH29 have been at the intersections, so just do the roundabouts. That's my rant for the morning lol.

I'm stitching the background to my stumpwork. It's only a small piece but there's a lot of work in it. It's a picture of toadstools and blackberries.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Tad chilly here.

OMG Kiwimade that is so stupid.. It probably adds more danger cos there will be a lot more frustrated drivers. And any "City Slickers" just wouldn't have the patience to deal with it. Good on you for putting in the submissions. Alot of people dont cos they dont think it will help.

We badly need a few speed bumps on at least three of our longer roads here in town. They have just done a huge roundabout on a particularly nasty corner, sort of pre-empting a new housing section that will increase the traffic on the corner.

Im popping up for some gas this morning, but that is it, although I am tempted to see what the oppy has. But Im trying to be good.

I've decided to have a cull of my crafting stuff.. Not all of it like in previous times, but just a really good thin out. I went through my buttons last night.. And bagged up a lot, but I still have plenty to work with if I need them. It got late, I didn't count how many bags there were, and after doing goodness knows how many photos I was thinking maybe I should just do some bulk listings instead.

Spoke to the Family support counselor yesterday, she is lovely. I told her about my session with the one at the med center and she was shocked.
She also made a very good suggestion, I have so much stuff I want to tell MrP, when he is ready to speak, she suggested writing it down, which will get it out of my mind. Don't know why I didn't think of it myself, cos that's why I make lists. So my brain doesn't have to hold it all in.. So that is what Ill be doing later.

Long time since I had steroids, they are the ones that make you hungry too aren't they? I only had them once but I didn't notice any difference in my food consumption. Hope they help Lilith.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Autumn is here another nippy start and dark when the k9s get up.

So glad that tounare making a submission KM not enough people do.

Quietish day yesterday did my morning stint at warehouse sorting donations, finished  merino onesie for DGD2 its not perfect but I don't think she will complain.

Food hunting this morning after I walk the k9s, not sure what I will do this afternoon

Enjoy you day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I did my Auckland City submission this week about the proposed cuts and spending, so that's my civic duty done and dusted till election time. On top of the census I have well and truly earned my brownie points this month.

And last evening I went downstairs under my deck and put all the garden stuff back into order after the painters carastrophised it all into a jumbled heap. Why they needed to swipe paint all over my bean netting I have no idea but it'll still do the job so no worries. Any day now I will be able to get started on the winter pot plantings, though I see the lachenalias have already popped up, so they'll have to make do with liquid feed this year, too late to disturb them now. The late cosmos punnet I put in have now got buds, but as they are now over my head in height I will have to view them from above. I may have overdone the sheep pellets just a tad... That garden is looking rather lovely just now desperate being pushed and shoved by non gardeners, and the scent from the mirablis is just divine, makes working there in the evening a real joy.

But sweetpea planting is calling me, I had to rip down all the near to flowering plants back in February when we were told the decks had to be cleared so I am determined to get a couple of plants in to make up for the lack. In pots this time, so they can be moved if required. Just in case, lol...
KM, that barrier idea sounds like an accident waiting to happen - far too many will lead to people becoming frustrated & angry which could lead to more accidents. Its just ridiculous that anyone could believe it could work - obviously, they don't bother taking a drive out to see for themselves, which really should be the first move imo.

Popeye that counsellor sounds far more practical & useful than the other; writing things down is always useful.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I agree Lilith, oddly its something I tell other people.. re writing things down.

Seems I was right when I say Im not good at listening or taking my own advice lol.

OHH it sucks that they get away with damaging your stuff etc.. You would think they would want to keep their tenants happy.

Ive spent the morning taking photos. Im having a cull. Ribbons, a couple of punches, heaps of buttons, acrylic yarn dirt cheap. Glitter and some laces etc. Im packing it into boxes and what doesn't sell online Ill have a crafters garage sale. Im not getting rid of everything tho, Ive done that before and Ive got even more now lol.

My back is complaining which tells me I havent had any pain meds since breakfast, so Im going to partake in a couple and give todays games a look
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
One of the tricks I teach in my journaling class is the way you can dislodge negative or painful thoughts by writing them down in your journal, and then covering them up with paint or collage or other words, so that while you know the words are there, they remain yours and no one can read them.
(24-03-2023, 03:15 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: One of the tricks I teach in my journaling class is the way you can dislodge negative or painful thoughts by writing them down in your journal, and then covering them up with paint or collage or other words, so that while you know the words are there, they remain yours and no one can read them.

I like the sounds of that...   I normally write things down so I remember them. As in when I used to swat for exams, once I've written something down, I remember it without looking at the notes again. 

At the mo its the stuff that has been happening to me and in our world that I want to tell MrP.. Like the fence going up etc.. 

It's becoming very obvious that he honestly doesn't give a hoot about me. Usually if he doesn't hear from me within a few days he gets them to ring.. But not this time
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Men, often older men can behave like children for reasons tied to the "male ego", when they are exhibiting this behaviour it is best to treat them as you would a misbehaving child, a mixture of ignoring and chiding responses, you have the upper hand and he is trying to fool himself that you are subordinate and depend on his approval, let him stew for a while and then offer some sort of offering to placate him. ie food that he really likes, books, some form of game, not sure, it depends on the individual.

Remember you were the one always in charge he just needs to feel that he is top dog even though he isn't. Part of the "battle of the sexes".

Also remember as he gets older and is losing his physical prowess and possibly feeling sore from physical decay reasons, he may be finding it hard to see the good things in life and is feeling grumpy. Needs to be nurtured but not spoiled. In other words continuous pain causes some people to fall away from their grown-up personality into a lesser role, their normal personality is distorted by continuous low-level pain.

Giving away deep male secrets here, lol.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(24-03-2023, 06:00 PM)zqwerty Wrote: Men, often older men can behave like children for reasons tied to the "male ego", when they are exhibiting this behaviour it is best to treat them as you would a misbehaving child, a mixture of ignoring and chiding responses, you have the upper hand and he is trying to fool himself that you are subordinate and depend on his approval, let him stew for a while and then offer some sort of offering to placate him. ie food that he really likes, books, some form of game, not sure, it depends on the individual.

Remember you were the one always in charge he just needs to feel that he is top dog even though he isn't.  Part of the "battle of the sexes".

Also remember as he gets older and is losing his physical prowess and possibly feeling sore from physical decay reasons, he may be finding it hard to see the good things in life and is feeling grumpy.  Needs to be nurtured but not spoiled.  In other words continuous pain causes some people to fall away from their grown-up personality into a lesser role, their normal personality is distorted by continuous low-level pain.

Giving away deep male secrets here, lol.

That is totally him. He has been a spoilt Toad since he lost his Youngest child Title.  Hes been jealous of his baby brother all their lives.

And being a Nassicist and Matar as well.. he does the standard , Ill hurt myself on purpose but look to make sure you are watching me do it 

Yep He knows I dont play games, He also knows I dont profess to read Minds, although his so easy to do so. And he knows I dont reward bad behavior.

And as I told him last time we spoke, a part of his trouble now is that he taught me to be independent. 

And I also pointed out that he is indeed Lucky. And he only has to look at his two roommates to see that. He can still get up and walk to the toilet, or lounge neither of them can. 

So I will let him stew a bit longer, at least till Tuesday so IF I do ring I can mention the two weeks that he obviously forgot I exist or even wonder if Im ok.

My bitch hat is out lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Those are really good points, Zqwerty & I'm sure no one will tell on you for giving those deep secrets away. Smile

I've always found that writing stuff down helps me remember them which was useful when doing study; these days too, except when I jot something down & promptly forget where I put the bit of paper, & have to search the house.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Not just male either. I find if I have one of those nights where everything hurts and it just goes on and on I can be very antisocial the next day. So I hibernate. After all, spreading the misery doesn't help.

Good drugs though - they help! And alcohol. And a really good space opera to distract me from focusing on the bones...
(24-03-2023, 06:15 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Not just male either. I find if I have one of those nights where everything hurts and it just goes on and on I can be very antisocial the next day. So I hibernate. After all, spreading the misery doesn't help.

Good drugs though - they help! And alcohol. And a really good space opera to distract me from focusing on the bones...

I often hide when Im having a bad pain day.  I have two friends that notice lol.

Sometimes I would love a beer or glass of wine, but it messes with my warfarin so its better to not have it.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(24-03-2023, 06:48 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(24-03-2023, 06:15 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Not just male either. I find if I have one of those nights where everything hurts and it just goes on and on I can be very antisocial the next day. So I hibernate. After all, spreading the misery doesn't help.

Good drugs though - they help! And alcohol. And a really good space opera to distract me from focusing on the bones...

I often hide when Im having a bad pain day.  I have two friends that notice lol.

Sometimes I would love a beer or glass of wine, but it messes with my warfarin so its better to not have it.

And that is one of the benefits of heparin, lol...
morning ladies Smile A foggy start to the day but the sun is battling through it.

men, eh. MrK is slowing down and I've noticed I seem to be doing more and more of the things he used to do. To be fair, he will be 80 in May Smile

My back hasn't ached for ages until this morning. I'm thinking it was the way I was jammed in against the Furry One in bed. Nothing a few stretches won't fix, I hope. It must be colder now at night if the Furry One is diving under the blankets.

This morning I need to clean the heatpump filters and the ceiling fan. The ceiling fan is easy, an old damp pillow case over the blades wipes them clean and the dust falls into the pillow case and not the furniture. Saves vacuming Tongue I'm also thinking the house needs a good going over but I'll wait until the maize has been harvested and the dust settles.

Washing machine has finished and so is my coffee. No excuses not to move now lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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