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You can never have enough...
We back away from family drama too, which is why we are the 'last man standing' in this latest family fracas.  It certainly makes for a quieter life, that's for sure.
The chicken bones are slowly coming to a simmer for the stock and the diced veg has been pan fried to soften.  Almost there with the pie.

I found the spade did the trick with aggies, OHH and they didn't care.  It's easier and quicker Tongue

It's raining Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin which means I'll have an indoor sort of day today.  Might even get some sewing done.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
We are having the same dinner tonight, I will add mushrooms to my roast chook leftovers and ladle the lovely lot over pasta for tonight and tomorrow. Shopping day tomorrow to top up the fruit and vegies, and do a quick squizz at the seedling punnets for winter veg plants. Spinach I think, and maybe a few broadbeans for fun...
blustery fine day 

puddling about today out and about running a few errands. Hope to get to the sewing cave later.

I enjoy hearing about everyone's gardening exploits. I love a nice garden but I am not a gardener good thing DH is Cool

Spent a bit of time searching on Ravelry last night for 4 ply cardi patterns,  Also pulled down my old patterns and found some old Kaiapoi and Fontana classics. Most of my patterns in current circulation only go up to 18 months and I also like a change. Found 4ply cardi which is similar to the LisaF designs 8ply pattern. Clicky finger and its now resting in my Google drive  Big Grin 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Oh that's lovely!

I got a few grins last Wednesday when I wore my higgeldy piggeldy mohair cardie out to the village. It was one of those days that started off quite cool and windy so it was the perfect weight over shirt and jeans. But it is an 'interesting' garment lol. Just as well I both enjoyed the making and the wearing!!
Geeze its enough to make me Run.. Fast like Forrest

Rang MrP after he spoke to the mental health Man.

He "Conrad" says.. He cant see any reason why MrP cant come home...

I rand but the head nurse is MIA at the mo and then has a meeting.

I have previously told "Conrad" that MrP cannot come home. The Home know why he cant come home..

Why the heck isnt anyone listening to me.

If I have to, I guess it will be a divorce, once I have said .... i pay the rent here I decide who lives here.

Ba**ets... I cant take much more
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Maybe you need a word with the mental health man...

I just finished watching The Last Bus, with Timothy Spall in the lead role. It's a stunning movie, but made me cry, lol. I like old people films, I can empathise!  Big Grin
Bugger. Its been a bit of a day; had an appointment at hospital eye dept to check on this large cell artery thingy which I'd thought would be about an hour or so but didn't get finished until after 5. I'd though the biopsy would be today but this was just checks & letting me know what the situation is & will have an appointment for biopsy either next week or the one after. And will be back on steroids tomorrow too, until probably after the biopsy.

On the plus side though, I got to have a good catch up with lovely DIL which was lovely & on the way home had a call from granddaughter who'd just been for latest scan with partner who got rears in his eyes at the heartbeat - it was a good end to a stressful afternoon. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-03-2023, 02:28 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Maybe you need a word with the mental health man...

I just finished watching The Last Bus, with Timothy Spall in the lead role. It's a stunning movie, but made me cry, lol. I like old people films, I can empathise!  Big Grin
Sadly He already knows.. I told him when MrP was in the Other Home.

Im going up tomorrow to hash it out with the charge nurse and MrP and if it gets nasty I wont care if they ask me to leave.

I like a good cry at tv etc too lol.. even books lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Maybe consider a separation agreement through the Family Court? If things get stressful.
(27-03-2023, 06:11 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Maybe consider a separation agreement through the Family Court? If things get stressful.

I dont wish to get divorced.. Im his wife, he is my husband.. I just want him to think of me for a change
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(27-03-2023, 05:50 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(27-03-2023, 02:28 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Maybe you need a word with the mental health man...

I just finished watching The Last Bus, with Timothy Spall in the lead role. It's a stunning movie, but made me cry, lol. I like old people films, I can empathise!  Big Grin
Sadly He already knows.. I told him when MrP was in the Other Home.

Im going up tomorrow to hash it out with the charge nurse and MrP and if it gets nasty I wont care if they ask me to leave.

I like a good cry at tv etc too lol.. even books lol

Then why is the mental health man behaving like an ignorant  pillock, fgs. Surely he understands the effect it might have on your mental health. Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-03-2023, 06:19 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(27-03-2023, 06:11 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Maybe consider a separation agreement through the Family Court? If things get stressful.

I dont wish to get divorced.. Im his wife, he is my husband.. I just want him to think of me for a change

I get that. It might offer a formal barrier though to the system forcing him to come home against your wishes if it ever gets to that stage. I don't think healthwise you are up to being his full time carer...
(27-03-2023, 06:37 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(27-03-2023, 06:19 PM)popeye333 Wrote: I dont wish to get divorced.. Im his wife, he is my husband.. I just want him to think of me for a change

I get that. It might offer a formal barrier though to the system forcing him to come home against your wishes if it ever gets to that stage. I don't think healthwise you are up to being his full time carer...

Im definitely not up to looking after him. We had carers two years ago. But they only showered him, nothing else. I ws doing everything else. Which is why my hamstrings were so sore. it was all the bending over to pull up his pants, put his socks etc on.

Its going to be interesting, and for me if he has no tears then he is putting it on
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye - when my husband was receiving palliative care the mental health people came to visit him connected to the hospice - they used to talk to him about all sorts - I would leave them alone but could hear them - often they would talk about things he would like to do - one day I heard him tell the bloke that he wanted to go fishing with my son and grandson - just wanted to throw his line in - the bloke talked about maybe the 3 of them could just go to the beach and park up - he knew he couldn’t he was on 24/7 oxygen - another day I heard him talking about going to the dog park - I think it was just to keep him remembering the good times - one day one turned up he had purple spiked hair winkle picker shoes striped stove pipe trousers and a floral shirt - the look on my old boys face was hilarious but enjoyed talking to him - he went to leave but hadn’t got out the door and my husband called out at the top of his voice “What did you think of that wanxxx- the bloke said to me that he wished I could see the look on my face - actually he returned several times and even after Philip passed he came .Dont take it to heart Popeye he was probably just humouring Mr P - one thing I would say even though my husband was terminally ill he died very suddenly and I am glad on the last night he was lucid we had a fantastic 3 hours with a Robie - so many times he drove us nuts but I would have found it hard to live with was the last thing we said to one another was me complaining - would give anything to have him here complaining about the cup of tea having too much sugar or not enough sugar
Don’t give yourself a hard time Popeye they won’t let him come home just humour him - you have been best mates for so many years - that’s just my tuppence worth look after yourself - Missy will love the grass especially cat mint
(27-03-2023, 11:02 PM)JanW Wrote: Popeye - when my husband was receiving palliative care the mental health people came to visit him connected to the hospice - they used to talk to him about all sorts - I would leave them alone but could hear them - often they would talk about things he would like to do - one day I heard him tell the bloke that he wanted to go fishing with my son and grandson - just wanted to throw his line in - the bloke talked about maybe the 3 of them could  just go to the beach and park up - he knew he couldn’t he was on 24/7 oxygen - another day I heard him talking about going to the dog park - I think it was just to keep him remembering the good times - one day one turned up he had purple spiked hair winkle picker shoes striped stove pipe trousers and a floral shirt - the look on my old boys face was hilarious but enjoyed talking to him  - he went to leave but hadn’t got  out the door and my husband called out at the top of his voice “What did you think of that wanxxx- the bloke said to me that he wished I could see the look on my face - actually he returned several times and even after Philip passed he came .Dont take it to heart Popeye he was probably  just humouring Mr P - one thing I would say even though my husband was terminally ill he died very suddenly and I am glad on the last night he was lucid we had a fantastic 3 hours with a Robie - so many times he drove us nuts but I would have found it hard to live with was the last thing we said to  one another was me complaining - would give anything to have him here complaining about the cup of tea having too much sugar or not enough sugar
Don’t give yourself a hard time Popeye they won’t let him come home just humour him - you have been best mates for so many years - that’s just my tuppence worth look after yourself - Missy will love the grass especially cat mint
Thoroughly agree with you JanW. 
 Popeye What you have been told could have been taken out of context and there’s  no way they would send MrP home without all in agreement. The more you make a drama of  it only adds to your stress - just humour him and change the topic. 

As you have seen over the past couple of weeks you can choose how much contact you want and he is still looked after so really the ball is in your court and you can decide how much you can put up with and
Take it at your own pace.  Heart
morning ladies Smile We're in for rain today, yesterday there were some very heavy showers.

I hope you have changed your rental agreement into just your name, popeye. At least then, if they do decide he comes home, you can trespass him. I think though, that Jan is right. The mental health chap is humoring him, trying to have him talk and remember.

The other day I went for a walk across the Arapuni Suspension Bridge again. It's a fun walk and the Furry One loves it. I had walked over the bridge and were making our way down to the lower bridge where MrK was waiting for us, when the Furry One picked up the scent of a possum. Omg, thank goodness he was on the lead lol. He was literally vertical up a bank to get to it.

Yesterday I embroidered a bit more on the stumpwork. The stalks to both toadstools are done and the cap to the smallest toadstool is almost done. I must admit, I love this style of embroidery and have some ideas how to expand it into something more freestanding. There is a lot of work under the actual embroidery as it is built up in layers. I need to make slips of the blackberries, some leaves and the top layer for the big toadstools cap. I'm glad I've started out with a basic design which covers pretty much most of what I need to learn.

Tomorrow I'm taking our friend to Waikato Hospital as he had the call for his cataract surgery. Gosh they are quick to get you off the waiting list for cataracts.

Today though, it's supermarket day. Not that there is much on the list this week but if I don't buy the Furry One's biscuits there will be trouble lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Thank you , what you say is making sense. And I do understand that MrP will twist what "Conrad" has said. Unfortunately he only hears what he wants to hear and makes it suit him.

I feel Im walking into the lion's den this morning. Their priority is him. I only have me on my side. But Ill go.

I can't get him off the rental agreement without his signature.. And cos of that I can't even trespass him. I wonder if I suggest that I need to move to a smaller place, less lawn, he would sign the paper.. Might try that. It means I have to plant the "seed" and let it grow in his head, then it will be his idea and I can get it done. I've had to do things that way for a long time.

He will probably have a hissy when we talk once again about him not coming home.. but I can get up and leave. And I fully intend to if he won't at least listen. He is so dammed Pig headed.

And sadly I have pandered to his wills.

He has been like this all his life. I take it right back to when he was the "Baby" of the family and then all of a sudden his little Brother arrived. And he has been jealous ever since.

Waikato certainly is whizzing through the cataracts surgery Kiwimade. So pleased tho. When Mum had hers done it was life changing.

I suspect I wont get too much else done later. I dont like to drive with big drugs on board so I will be sore.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It is fine but there are grey clouds about. It may be like yesterday and just threaten rain with a few spits here and there. 

You must have a right Popeye to question the mental health person and put your take on how the situation regarding the current living arrangements will be remaining in place. With a bit of luck he is just humouring Mr Popeye as Jan says.

I have groceries to get and I think a vet visit is in store with my old feline coughing a lot lately. 

Yes, the family member trying to assert themselves but will be hopefully put into place with a police visit ... threatening behaviour not okay.

The dahlias are still providing wonderful colour, will be thinking of a better support system though. The use of what looked like reinforcing mesh (I saw on TV) looked a good plan. 

I hope I can find time to be in my happy place later with handcraft.

Enjoy the day all.
(28-03-2023, 06:53 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We're in for rain today, yesterday there were some very heavy showers.

I hope you have changed your rental agreement into just your name, popeye.  At least then, if they do decide he comes home, you can trespass him.  I think though, that Jan is right.  The mental health chap is humoring him, trying to have him talk and remember. 

The other day I went for a walk across the Arapuni Suspension Bridge again.  It's a fun walk and the Furry One loves it.  I had walked over the bridge and were making our way down to the lower bridge where MrK was waiting for us, when the Furry One picked up the scent of a possum.  Omg, thank goodness he was on the lead lol.  He was literally vertical up a bank to get to it.

Yesterday I embroidered a bit more on the stumpwork.  The stalks to both toadstools are done and the cap to the smallest toadstool is almost done.  I must admit, I love this style of embroidery and have some ideas how to expand it into something more freestanding.  There is a lot of work under the actual embroidery as it is built up in layers. I need to make slips of the blackberries, some leaves and the top layer for the big toadstools cap.  I'm glad I've started out with a basic design which covers pretty much most of what I need to learn. 

Tomorrow I'm taking our friend to Waikato Hospital as he had the call for his cataract surgery.  Gosh they are quick to get you off the waiting list for cataracts. 

Today though, it's supermarket day.  Not that there is much on the list this week but if I don't buy the Furry One's biscuits there will be trouble lol. 

Happy crafting Smile
Many Many moons ago MrP and his adopted brother drove a Mini over the Arapuni Swing bridge Kiwimade.. Both were dare devils at heart.. the fools lol.

I dont like swing bridges. they freak me out totally. I like my feet firmly planted on the ground lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I remember the paperwork I had to deal with when changing things from joint names to mine, it made the whole grief process worse. And every single one required different forms, different copies, some JP certified, some bank verified, it was a pain in the neck and that was before the internet! I have a friend going through that now after losing her husband suddenly in December. Worse for her in that he was a bit of a secret squirrel and the car, insurance and bills were all in his name, not joint - and then there is the thing with passwords in today's internet world.

Made me realise, security be damned. We do need to keep a record of these things so that someone - a trusted someone - can access them quickly and safely if and when the time comes.

And we know it will...

(28-03-2023, 07:38 AM)popeye333 Wrote:
(28-03-2023, 06:53 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We're in for rain today, yesterday there were some very heavy showers.

I hope you have changed your rental agreement into just your name, popeye.  At least then, if they do decide he comes home, you can trespass him.  I think though, that Jan is right.  The mental health chap is humoring him, trying to have him talk and remember. 

The other day I went for a walk across the Arapuni Suspension Bridge again.  It's a fun walk and the Furry One loves it.  I had walked over the bridge and were making our way down to the lower bridge where MrK was waiting for us, when the Furry One picked up the scent of a possum.  Omg, thank goodness he was on the lead lol.  He was literally vertical up a bank to get to it.

Yesterday I embroidered a bit more on the stumpwork.  The stalks to both toadstools are done and the cap to the smallest toadstool is almost done.  I must admit, I love this style of embroidery and have some ideas how to expand it into something more freestanding.  There is a lot of work under the actual embroidery as it is built up in layers. I need to make slips of the blackberries, some leaves and the top layer for the big toadstools cap.  I'm glad I've started out with a basic design which covers pretty much most of what I need to learn. 

Tomorrow I'm taking our friend to Waikato Hospital as he had the call for his cataract surgery.  Gosh they are quick to get you off the waiting list for cataracts. 

Today though, it's supermarket day.  Not that there is much on the list this week but if I don't buy the Furry One's biscuits there will be trouble lol. 

Happy crafting Smile
Many Many moons ago MrP and his adopted brother drove a Mini over the Arapuni Swing bridge Kiwimade.. Both were dare devils at heart.. the fools lol.

I dont like swing bridges. they freak me out totally. I like my feet firmly planted on the ground lol

I'm with you on that one. There used to be a little swing bridge over one of the rivers at Taupo, and my darling delighted in making it move when I was halfway across. Seasick making...

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