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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile That south easterly is nippy!

The scone thing sounds very yum, OHH Smile Another here who prefers butter.

It's the last push to tame the triffids. I've dug out my Loving Memory rose Sad as it was rotting at the crown. When I bought it second hand (yes, that's a thing lol) from a lady, she said she planted it in 1974 Big Grin That would make it 49 years old and I've had it for almost 10 of those years. I think I paid $10 for it Tongue I'm also going to replace the two sickly Graeme Thomas roses our friend with breast cancer had me dig out. I'll buy a new, healthier version in her memory for when she falls of her perch. All of the old lavenders have been dug out and are ready for mulching. I'm hoping I can convince MrK to dig out the chainsaw as there are a couple of small things that need the extra muscle of the saw. There are still dahlias flowering and the lavatera is going nuts. We could use some rain though, the ground is very dry. In a couple of weeks I'll be pruning back again but at least the worst of it will have been done.

We enjoyed some cranberry hot cross buns last evening. The cranberries added a nice tart taste to the buns. Couplands make the best hot cross buns Tongue

Fingers crossed I can work on my embroidery later today.

Washing machine has finished so time to hang out the washing. With this wind it won't take long to dry.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Ahhh, there's a memory you have sparked for me! Road trips south always involved a stop at Couplands, their bread was the best ever...
Morning all
Overcast and nippy today
Got to have lashings of butter. I make my hotcross buns with craisins too. I made a batch of 20 none left when kids left they divided up the left overs and claimed them as their spoils Big Grin

Not much done yesterday traced off new drop crotch pant pattern not sure it will be the right size we will see. Not sure about the style either but I like to try different things if they don't suit someone in my sewing group will snaffle them.

Been invited out for afternoon tea today so that should be fun.

I see that The Book Depository is closing  Sad sad as it is a good source books at good price

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The fingers are cold this morning lol.

Im sitting here thinking, can it wait or will I try this morning. My arm has flared up from the Covid booster again. But its only emergency triage at the med center this morning. I do feel blah with it. I dont think it opens till 9am so Ill eat my breakfast, even tho I dont want it and then maybe ring them.

Apparently everyone at the rest home "made" something for their partners, but MrP doesn't know when they are being presented, and I admit I dont do spur of the moment well, I like plans. And that's another reason why Im trying to decide if I should go up this morning. But Im not ruining plans, if I dont know what the plans are in the first place I guess.

ahhh Im just mumbling... Ill go hide in a corner for a while.

Have a fab day everyoen
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It's dangerous driving passed the Couplands out at Te Rapa, Hamilton, OHH lol.  Especially when they are baking the hot cross buns.  The smells just lure you in and who can resist their bread lol.  They make an awesome Christmas cake too.

I saw Book Depository was closing as well, mica Sad  I'll miss it as I buy the grandkids their 'Christmas' books from there.

MrK's chainsaw needs a service, another thing to do next week.  I've managed to pull most of the dead climbing hydrangea off the fence and the very old climbing iceberg fell apart in my hands when I moved a cane.  I've been battling it for years trying to dig it out to make way for healthier roses. I didn't even have to put the spade in the ground this time.  I guess it decided it was time to go.  Once the hydrangea is out, we can put the new wire up for the new roses I plan to buy this season.  It will be good to let the ground where the iceberg rose was rest for a bit before planting another rose there too.

We have some left over roast chook, MrK has asked me to turn it into a pie for dinner.  I think that's a dam good idea Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I'm extremely annoyed that the Book depository is closing; apparently the business people cannot allow anything not actually making mega profits, miserable bastards.
Greed is a deeply unattractive thing.

Been out in search of vegan sausages, no joy but found some spinach & pumpkin burger patties so will try them out tonight. Freezing out there today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(08-04-2023, 12:03 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: I'm extremely annoyed that the Book depository is closing; apparently the business people cannot allow anything not actually making mega profits, miserable bastards.
Greed is a deeply unattractive thing.

Been out in search of vegan sausages, no joy but found some spinach & pumpkin burger patties so will try them out tonight. Freezing out there today.

So I shouldn't tell you Auckland has clear blue skies, a warm breeze, and the musical sound of some bastard mowing their tiny lawn fills my ears...

Big Grin
(08-04-2023, 02:48 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(08-04-2023, 12:03 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: I'm extremely annoyed that the Book depository is closing; apparently the business people cannot allow anything not actually making mega profits, miserable bastards.
Greed is a deeply unattractive thing.

Been out in search of vegan sausages, no joy but found some spinach & pumpkin burger patties so will try them out tonight. Freezing out there today.

So I shouldn't tell you Auckland has clear blue skies, a warm breeze, and the musical sound of some bastard mowing their tiny lawn fills my ears...

Big Grin

Oh do bugger off! Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Drs were flat out so Im leaving it till Tuesday.

Done nothing lol..

Sun is shining in and Im back in a short sleeve top. Missy has kept me company most of the day.

Think I might do breakfast for tea, cos at least its something in the tummy.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Butterflied chook slow roasting over vegies, smells wonderful... Picard on screen as I wait. Impatiently.  Big Grin
(08-04-2023, 05:21 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Butterflied chook slow roasting over vegies, smells wonderful... Picard on screen as I wait. Impatiently.  Big Grin

Sounds yummy... I had breakfast. always enjoy it.

But yours sounds way nicer
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
We have had more rain but it has eased off in time for Rod Stewart to sing at the Mission - my brother went up to take a photo of the road into the property my sister fought us all for
As you can see she is going to need not only a wheelbarrow she will now need a boat
It must have rained really hard up in the hills again - we have had enough
I too am really sorry to hear the Book Depositary is closing - I often bought books for Xmas presents
Have had a bit of a panic this week - my grandson won an essay competition and won a month at Yale - he went to the GP two weeks ago and had what he thought was his meningitis booster but the powers that be had sent his GP the wrong vaccine - it was labelled correctly but had not been stored properly -he had to fly tonight to make it - got the medical clearance this morning - that would have been really disappointing if he hadn’t made it
Hopefully we might get a break in the weather tomorrow my tomatoes need to make way for my cauliflower
morning ladies Smile What a beautiful start to Easter morning.

lol Jan, your sister sure is keen on that piece of land. Good luck to her. Congratulations to your grandson, what an awesome prize! I saw on the news the other day a young lad from West Auckland is going to one of those elite schools in the States. There are so many of our kids doing us proud, they outnumber the idiots doing the ram raids etc. I think we need to hear more about them.

I've done as much as I can in the garden for now and will wait for the salvias and dahlias to finish before pruning. There's a new spot for Graeme Thomas when I buy him and the back fenceline is almost prepared for the new climbing roses. After such a long time, it's so good to finally have the garden come together. When we moved here, I had this picture in my head of how it could be and it's finally starting to come together. Very ssatisfying.

No embroidery, making the most of the fine weather.

Happy Easter Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Beautiful cloud,ess sky very nippy
Km you work hard in your garden I am pleased that your vision is coming to fruition  Big Grin

JanW bet you are relieved not to be responsible for that bit of water soaked land lol.

Had a lovely afternoon with friend she had gone to alot of trouble and put on a lovely spread. 

Not sure what I will get up to today.

Need to walsh white quilted duvet cover not a practical colour when one has 3 dogs who like to hunker down after breakfast Wink

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A tad chilly this morning, but its stunning out there.

Im feeling a little better today thank goodness.

Wow Jan, in your shoes id probably want to report your sister for having an unfenced pool.. I hope she intends on living 100 years until hopefully people will forget what happened and she can make a dollar on the land. lol.

Awesome news re your Grandson.. as Kiwimade said, this is the stuff we should be hearing about.. Positive stuff that might encourage others to try and better themselves.. I hope he does well. Bit scary nearly missing it tho.

Your work will repay you many times over Kiwimade. I like a garden but not the work lol.

Bobbie rang late yesterday, they are missing me and she has something she wants to tell me without ears flapping. So I've said I will go in on Wednesday. It was good to hear her Scottish Accent which always seems more pronounced over the phone.

MrP is starting to be grouchy and snappy. And sounds quite low. Im going in today (Stupidity I guess). But Ill ask them to watch cos he may have an infection starting up again. It probably wont be a good visit. But I havent been since Thursday.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Thank you for the kind comments about the garden. It was very overgrown with concrete fill buried in places and used as the edging and the start of a pond. It pretty much all had to go. I dread to think how many tonnes of concrete I have moved. There is one original rose left and some shrubbery and trees. Comfrey grew from one side of the property to the other and calla lillies were everywhere. The lillies have a place in other gardens but not here where they can spread so quickly. The original owners back in the day had planted so many trees no light could get through and the house was dark. The next owner had the drive changed (hence the concrete) and the trees removed. When she died the house was a rental for a few years. We are the next owners and have done the rest. Occasionally we have a tomo where the tree roots from the old trees taken out have finally rotted and give way. But that seems to be less and less now. I like to think we have built on the efforts of others.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
And the best of luck to your sister Jan! Perhaps good fishing....? Smile
Well done with your garden KM, the work all paying off in the long term.

Despite being a heathen I do approve of easter; its surprising how many times today its been chocolate o clock. And yesterday & probably tomorrow as well. With any sort of luck. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I am waiting on my next shop for a chocolate binge...

Maybe Tuesday.  Big Grin
(09-04-2023, 04:18 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am waiting on my next shop for a chocolate binge...

Maybe Tuesday.  Big Grin

I only buy Whittakers & then only when on special but decided easter needed several extra chocolate acknowledgements this year....

There's this dog which sometimes goes past with his humans when I'm mowing the front lawn & its one of those which always looks as though its smiling so obviously I have to stop & give it a pat & say hello. It occurred to me today that I haven't the least idea what the dog's humans look like & if I saw them up the street I wouldn't know them because I'm not looking at them, just at the lovely friendly dog. Big Grin

I've probably been written off as that mad old bat who likes dogs. Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
I can live with that...Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Weather looks wet and windy till the end of the week so I have done an online order. Including a wee pack of Lindt mini eggs because I deserve them. Last nights roast chook on vegies has reincarnated as a creamy chicken and mushroom saucy thing over rice, with my first homegrown bok choy uprooted to add green and crunch. Gosh it was yum. And enough for tomorrow night too. Not bad for a bargain $9.95 chook. 

My spinach should be ready to start cutting in a week or so too. Growing a couple of big pots of greens is a very worthwhile exercise for those days when you just need a little extra for dinner...

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