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You can never have enough...
(15-04-2023, 02:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Sometimes karma works in mysterious ways. I have a landline and an ancient cell that I never use but keep charged Just In Case. So this afternoon that Thing rang, and as usual I ignored it (long story, but friends know to txt me). Then the text came through, a question, was my landline working? Connected through the modem... Requiring electricity. Which was cut off on Thursday so the scaffolders and painters could do their thing no matter about tenant's inconvenience...

And no, my landline wasn't. So now Chorus will have to come out to fix mine and another neighbours connection issue, and the LLs will have to cover the cost.

Pays to have a sense of humour about these things, lol...

Some days you just have to love Karma.... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin

(15-04-2023, 11:52 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: lol Lilith, Ive seen that look from dogs Tongue  They still love us though Heart

Lucky for us - also lucky they can't actually roll their eyes! Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
At times I miss my landline, cos no matter what type of mobile I have I cannot hold the dam things under my chin and carry on working with both hands.

Well maybe if we went back to the bricks I could. That was our first Mobile phone when we lived in the bus. Used to pushbike around town on our old bikes with the phone in the basket lol.....Then we had a flip one. That felt flash lol.

Missy was being an Idiot before, trying to "help" me with my knee exercises, both on the skateboard and the floor when I raised my foot. I dont think it will be much longer and she will be sitting on the skateboard, adding 3 kilos to the job lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A storm is brewing, we can see the rain clouds and it's cold.

It just goes from bad to worse, OHH. Your landlord must be becoming frustrated too lol. I'm guessing these contractors won't be getting any good recommendations Big Grin Big Grin

No landline here, we got rid of it a while back and the scammers are gone too. It was a persistent scammer that finally decided for us. When I want to use both hands while on the phone, I put the speaker on. Especially useful when on hold for ages.

hahaha popeye, I have a similar issue when vacuuming. The Furry One likes to 'protect' me and hangs onto the end of the vacuum with his tongue being sucked up the pipe (I know... sigh... he's nuts) so there's an extra 7.5 kilos attached to it.

Yesterday we received a letter from Waka Kotahi outlining their plans for SH29. And yep, the plan is to put three roundabouts in (yayyyyyy!!!) and the barriers with pull over areas for contractors, police and so on. No mention of the SH1/SH29 roundabout though which is also badly needed. The letter didn't say when all this was happening but did say there will be a community meeting as they want to 'meet us all to discuss this as it will affect our properties'. That is one meeting we plan to attend and have our say. I suspect though this is a done deal and consulting the community is just part of ticking the boxes.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone,

Chilly here too, dull and grey.

I suspect your right re the meetings Kiwimade. Just a common courtesy. But good you will be attending.

Lol at your 7.5 kilo add on. I didn't think Missy would like the Sandpaper feel of the skateboard, but thinking about it she tries to grab my emery board so no wonder it doesn't bother her.

I should learn how to use the speaker part of my phone, but being hard of hearing Im scared Ill miss something. Oddly when I talk to MrP I have a echo of everything I say and when I laugh. Don't know what is causing that.

Friends and I were joking on Friday about how poor we all were this week. One friend, single has $2 to her name till Thursday, I had $6-30, and another but a couple had $21, we deemed them millionaires.. But I've sold a dress and a piece of Tupperware so I guess Im the Elon Musk of us now lol. Once it comes in that is lol. Mind you I will say Im the one that would last the longest if I couldn't buy food that's for sure. I appreciate tight weeks cos it makes the rest feel easier lol.

Had a totally lazy day yesterday and it will probably be the same today. Have to do the rubbish tho, and thats already mostly done. Just the frozen food waste to go in.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day sun makes everything seem better.

Another horrible night  +ve test this morning after negatives for past 3 days . Have no idea where I picked it up possibly at vax centre who knows . Of course I have appointments this week that I have waited weeks for Angry

Thank goodness for the library and ebooks.

I put my phone on speaker too.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(16-04-2023, 09:29 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all
Fine day sun makes everything seem better.

Another horrible night  +ve test this morning after negatives for past 3 days . Have no idea where I picked it up possibly at vax centre who knows . Of course I have appointments this week that I have waited weeks for Angry

Thank goodness for the library and ebooks.

I put my phone on speaker too.

Enjoy your day

Bugger, that is a pain in the bum Mica.

I am hoping to continue to avoid the beast long enough to get the hip done, but I might be pushing my luck considering how far it has got into the community. Those of us who have never had it are fewer by the day.

On a lighter note, I am not missing the landline being out of action. I am thinking perhaps I should give it away, and buy myself a really simple basic cell that does calls and text only with a screen big enough to see minus contact lenses. I think they still make them, lol...
They do make them, OHH Smile  MrK has one.  His is an Alcatel that you can text or make calls with big buttons for his fingers.  It's a retro flip phone Big Grin and cost around $70 from memory.  We bought it through Vodafone, now OneNZ.  We certainly don't miss the landline or the extra expense of having one.  We were using our mobiles more and more so it made sense to get rid of the landline.  Took a scammer's fourth call in one day to convince MrK though lol.  We have a naked (ooohhhh la la Tongue ) line now for internet.

Dammmm mica, I hope you recover quickly.

So now we know about the roundabout at the end of SH29/SH1.  It's definitely going ahead and has been marked urgent.  They had to buy land etc so a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff happening before this announcement.  It will take 18 months to build.  We have been wanting this roundabout for years.  That will make four roundabouts on SH29 Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh Mica. Not good. Hope you mend soon.

I thought I would miss the landline more than I did. I dont miss the expense tho.

Spoke toa school friend this morning. She is going to be my wheels for to and frow the hospital. Although I may need to get the hospital to get me home, depending on if she can change her dialysis days.

But its a load off my mind, I dont have anyone else that drives here that could do it... Phew...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sorry to hear you have the dreaded virus Mica hope you recover quickly. 
Yes it certainly is out in the community and I’m sure there are quite a few people who don’t test either because they don’t recognise that they could have it or just can’t be bothered.

Am more than happy to have ditched the landline. Like you KM it seemed to be used mainly by scammers family and friends tented to text or ring on mobile. A good saving each month and don’t miss the scam calls which so often seemed to ring at inconvenient times although it was fun occasionally to try and wind them up  Big Grin 

I use my mobile on speaker most of the time so don’t have to hold it against my head and yes can also use my hands while talking if I want to.
That's not fun Mica, I hope it passes quickly & you recover well.

I still have & use my landline - mainly due to being a technoklutz & having various problems with a cell phone, although I do use it for calculator, photos & since I can't wear a watch, knowing what the time is if I go anywhere.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I think I'm going to buy a Nokia 2660. A red one. I loved my 2005 flip phone... I just have to work out how to get my number transferred to a different kind of sim card. Might venture off to a Spark shop and let some young genius sort it for me...
I've got a red phone. It's lovely. I've always found the Spark shop staff pleasant and capable, not condescending at all.
Me too Olive. I'd buy the phone from them, but they don't have red ones, lol.
morning ladies Smile There's a nip in the air this morning but once we get moving we'll be fine.

I love the different colours techno gadgets come in today. Also our 'whiteware' is no longer 'whiteware'. We're looking at replacing our oven and I want a different colour to white Tongue MrK is conservative so this is going to take a while.

Today I'll see if the two big piles of weeds will fit in the bins for tomorrow's emptying. If not, it will have to wait for a bit. The salvias have finished and need cutting back. Yes, I know I should wait for the stalks to die off but I never do and they survive and look fabulous each summer. The daffs are up and the dutch iris' are going nuts preparing for spring. We have one lonely monarch caterpillar, fingers crossed the praying mantis' don't spot it.

It would seem Waka Kotahi sent the letters out to ratepayers and missed those renting along our road. We are busy spreading the word. Yesterday there was a nasty accident just up from us, a head on involving an overtaking car. Three helicopters, three fire engines and lots of police. First on the scene was a firefighter with his family on holiday. MrK said this will reinforce the argument for the barrier and it more than likely will. But how does that happen on a fine day, on a straight road with the sun behind the overtaking car. Where does personal responsibility when driving come in. Most of the accidents on SH29 are at the intersections. We haven't had an accident on the straights for a long time.

While gossiping with the neighbours about the barriers (and ok, the accident), we met a neighbour we haven't met before, and I met the little French Bulldog from across the road. OMG the pup was cuteness overload and so funny bouncing around. It literally bounces lol.

If the weather turns this afternoon, I'll be back at the sewing machine. I'm about halfway through the top of this quilt. If I don't feel like that, I'll work on the stumpwork and hopefully try and finish it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I think a lot of accidents are down to automatic drivers, that state we slip into when we are not paying attention and end up losing great chunks of conscious time. It's not being tired, it is more a kind of automaton  functioning.

And it was a disastrous weekend for lots of families, sadly.
Morning everyone

Looks lovely out there at the mo.

One of my friends is a very lazy driver. Her car had to go in for a service and to fix something in the computer, and I asked had she missed anything in her car, meaning the junk she has in it.. but her reply was Yes, she had to use a key to start the loner car, move the seat for herself and use a handbrake. And she listens for the instructions that come from the computers too. MrP taught her how to drive, but certainly now like she does now. And yes she has had Many crashes and written off several cars. Shes in Taranaki..

MrP was in a mood again last night. Also told me he doesn't have control of his bladder. But once again hadn't told them. So I did. And Bev was on last night and she can be very firm. I have to go get my pills so Ill call and see if he wants to see me or not. Its now 2 years 6 days since he lived at home and still fighting against it. Stubborn man.

Im feeling very loaded down so it's time to try and get rid of more stuff. I have a huge job ahead of me but it needs to be done. I certainly couldn't move all the stuff we have again. Last time was hard enough.

Have a fab day all.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Nippy overcast start to the day.

Still in  bed having a wee lie in.. slept better last night so hopeful for a better day today.

OHH you can get lots great coloured casing for your phone have fun exploring.

No plans for today  have cancelled appts and apologised for meeting this week.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Nice and sunny with quite a 'breeze'.

The 'Piarere turn off', as we call it is SO overdue for upgrading ... a nightmare leading on to SH1. I hope the Totman/29 intersection is also one proposed for a roundabout ... a nasty intersection. I know someone nearly killed there in 1 accident  ... her wee JR died ... the guy in the other car also died.

Mica I hope you are on the road to recovery. The 'scratchy' throat a fairly telling sign of Covid. We have had no ill effects from the vaccines, thank goodness ... apart from sore arms the first 24 hours.

KM we have a French Bulldog in front of us ... such a character of a dog. When he runs we are reminded of a little pig, lol. To move him along ... as I needed to through his gate once ... is like pushing a dead weight, talk about solid!

I have 3 gc from 11am while Mum working, expect the 3 visiting gc to join in at some stage. Son and partner have bought a house but not able to move in until end of June. Yay, for them ... and getting our house back, lol.

Better move on while I have time. 

Enjoy the day all.
lol@ 'little pig' roma, that's exactly what he reminded us of!  The roundabouts on SH29 will be Toatoaroa/Totman Rds & SH29 Big Grin, Hopkins Rd and SH29 (Matamata main turnoff) and SH27 and SH29 (Where gas alley is, Tirau intersection).  They are also doing the SH1/Sh29 intersection and this has been marked urgent.  We'll see how long 'urgent' is but this intersection will take 18 months to build.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(17-04-2023, 09:00 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: lol@ 'little pig' roma, that's exactly what he reminded us of!  The roundabouts on SH29 will be Toatoaroa/Totman Rds & SH29 Big Grin, Hopkins Rd and SH29 (Matamata main turnoff) and SH27 and SH29 (Where gas alley is, Tirau intersection).  They are also doing the SH1/Sh29 intersection and this has been marked urgent.  We'll see how long 'urgent' is but this intersection will take 18 months to build.

What a difference those roundabouts will be. I was rear ended TWICE at the Gas Alley/29 intersection while stopped (compulsory). 2nd time, the guy got an earful from meek and mild me  Angry  Such a  PITA being without the car ... luckily both insured ... and admitted fault! I suspect mobile phone distraction involved  Dodgy

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