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You can never have enough...
Did back lawn then ventured out & got some ink cartridges; hell of a price these days, still need one more but it can wait a bit.
Madame Le Dog found a small bone on our way home from walk & carried it home looking extremely pleased with herself, & later spent a happy hour or so communing with it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Busy morning then wasted the afternoon away reading the latest John Sandford. Someone should clone that guy, he cannot write fast enough for me.
Morning everyone

Another chilly start.

I sooo enjoyed my creamed rice last night, that Im having it for breakfast too lol. Not often I have a warm breakfast.

No Kiwimade? Hope all is ok in her neck of the woods.

Off to see MrP this morning, then my weekend is all mine. Taking him a Bacon buttie.... They are going to send him off for some x-rays, he's still in a lot of pain from the fall 7 days ago. He has chalky bones, like his Mother did. Just pays to check sometimes

A sister friend is coming around for a catch up. And I hope to get some of the lawn done before the rain arrives.. fingers crossed. It's getting quite long but my trusty mower ploughs through it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  Another lovely day on the cards for us.

Yesterday was super busy with a trip to Hamilton.  I think we had saved up all our to-do stuff for the day lol.  But I did manage to buy a new water bottle for the Karcher window vac.  It's great to know parts can be replaced rather than having to buy a whole new vac.  It was mid afternoon before we were home.

Housework today, it shouldn't take long to do then another stint weeding, I think.  I'm about a third of the way through the weeding and there isn't much there so that won't take long either. 

Tomorrow I'll attack the windows now I have the Karcher working properly again and work a bit more on our daughter's quilt.  It's not fancy, just squares, but I wanted a way to use the vintage lace without losing too much to cutting.

Reading is never wasted time, OHH Tongue  Especially on a lovely autum afternoon.  Perfect!

Better get cracking.  Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Crisp start, not a cloud in sight

Had lovely evening with our friends over for dinner tried out couple new to me recipes.

Will be busy today  as we will have DGD1 unexpected but there is conjunctivitis at her day care and DD doesn't want to risk it. DSIL is defending his PhD today.
I am tired before I start this morning lol

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Frost still on the ground but the sun is shining. Enjoying having a fire going again.

Some exploring of the local neighbourhood yesterday, more planned for today. DD has paid for us to have dinner out tonight. Yay for a night off cooking.

I must see if there is a Karcher parts supplier in the BOP ... my water bottle is ducktaped up ... unsuccessfully!

Lol Mica, recovery time usually called for after the gc go home! 14 yo gs has been a breeze, so far ... just needs a few reminders, typical teen!

Coffee finished, time to make the most of the sun for some clothes drying and venture out.  

Enjoy the day all.
Okay, that does it.

I will do windows today.

Big Grin
lol OHH, and you will feel ohhhhhhh so saintly when they are done Tongue

Roma, I bought the Karcha bottle direct from the Karcher shop on Te Rapa Straight. They should have a website you can buy from. My bottle was duck taped as well lol. It cost $25.88 inc GST. Better than buying a new window vac.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I do indeed km. I would reward myself with something yummy but I'm too lazy to put down the knitting and go buy chocolate...

I need to move some furniture though so I can do the inside of one small bank of windows. Next week maybe...
Feeling ever so virtuous - mowed front lawn & then did another stint on the hedge, or that bloody hedge as I tend to call it since its taking so long to get sorted. Really annoying but I'll get there eventually, & the steroids help so may as well use the energy.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Windows can wait lol.

Been with MrP for 2 hours... They have booked the X-Ray van.. yep a mobile X-ray lol.. didn't arrive while I was there.

Im having lunch and will go hit some of the lawn. Its surprisingly long, so Ill only get the large bit done, walking slow.

Ohh the "loud" roommates name is Arthur. He reminds me of a younger version of Steptoe, not the son. I was standing in MrPs wardrobe and Arthur dropped his metal train, I got a fright and that upset him to think he had upset me. They calmed him down with some chocolate, and managed to shave him while feeding him little bits of choccie. Badly Mentally disabled. But we were all cheering him on, having a shave to look good for when Mum visits.

Right need to eat and then put my virtuous hat on too lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
DGD1 just been collected by her dad so now the k9s and I are sitting soaking up the sun.

20mth old dynamo to keep up with  Big Grin

Really good you can get replacement parts for Karch window cleaners. I had one and like alot of things it has been loaned apparently permanently. 

Still no word about by steam generator iron will call them next week to see whats up. Cause they had received the replacement electronic board, perhaps that didn't fix it. Confused

I will be enjoying a wee glass of wine soon.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I'm getting slower and slower, But I persist.. Dammed determined to keep going as long as I can.

Not determined.. Stubborn, Down right Taurean Stubborn lol.

Gave the mower a very good scrape down this time too, it didnt get done last time. I could hear my Stepfather telling me not to forget to do it.

He used to mow lawns for a job too.

Has any of your lovely ladies ever had your rings joined? as a way of stopping them from turning around and possibly losing them?

I took them off before I went out this afternoon or Id have lost them for sure.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It looks like the rain will be beating me to the garden today. Just a bit more weeding to do but I will be grateful for any rain today, the ground is dry as a bone.

lol mica, your karcha sounds like my sewing machine. Leant it to our daughter and gave up expecting it to come home and ended up buying another. My old machine is certainly better than this newer one though.

I've never had my rings altered, popeye, so not sure how having them joined would work. Mum had a 'bridge' put in hers once but I'm not sure how that worked out for her either.

I started pinning the quilt together yesterday but the table I bought is too low and my back gets really sore with the bending. MrK is making me some blocks to raise the height of the table Big Grin Big Grin He used the table the other day and decided this is what was needed Heart

MrK has just shown me the begonia leaves I shoved into a glass of water when they fell off the plant as I planted it, and they have all struck. I had better find some pots for them lol. Or I might just plant them directly into the garden and see how they do. Our local garden center has done this with the left over season's begonias and planted them under the carpark tree.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Dull gray day but good to be home again. No matter how nice it is to go away I like getting back to my own bed.

Don’t mind the dull day as have a lot to do inside - still baking for cyclone relief each week and I’m pushing it this week so hope to get quite a bit done today so can put a bit in the freezer again.

Learnt a long time ago not to lend anything unless willing to give it away in case it’s not returned.
Lent something to a friend which wasn’t returned and this led to some ill feelings on my part until I decided that I’d call it a “gift” and keep the friendship rather than let some item come between us but now I only lend what I’m prepared to replace if need be.
Morning all
Another lovely day.

Great philosophy  Venetian1 Big Grin

KM your back will thank you for the blocks for your table.

Bit of house stuff to do this morning not sure what I will get up to this afternoon possibly another sweatshirt for DGS.

Having a lazy start to the day but will have to move soon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning Ladies,

The sun is out here so far.

Have booked the weekend off for me and my girl. I do have lawn to finish but Im sore this morning so Ill see how I get one when the meds kick in.

Yeah Ill have a word with a jeweler and see what they say re my rings. I just like them too much to stop wearing them. I had them made bigger so I could wear them, now they are too big lol

Have to ring Kiwi bank this morning. They have sent me a new eftpos card but its got a chip in it. I dont like using them. My other bank if my card gets near the machine it will payWave when I dont want it to. And several shops have a surcharge. And it took 6 days for the money to leave my account at Pak n save. So they can send me a normal one. I dont like this delayed transaction stuff or being charged for using a card I didn't ask for in the first place.

A Sister friend is coming around at some stage over the weekend so we can have a good catch up.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It is probably that stretching out over the table that is doing your back in, I get the same problem with my little garden and have to be careful to straighten up frequently if I don't want to pay the price. Hence me slowly converting it to permanent plantings and using pots for the seasonal stuff like herbs and vegies. Once the triffid cosmos are finished I will put in another low perennial, another gaura maybe, and then it will only need an annual haircut and the occasional feed but look good most of the year.

We are waiting on the atmospheric river thing to hit us, I could hear the shipping horns this morning so I suspect the container crews were busy with departures getting gone while the going was good. No doubt we'll have more flooding to underline the point about clinate change that the council (and the other politicos) seem intent on ignoring. Tg for my bit of paradise on a hill with no chance of slipping.

Meantime I have a stack of books and my knitting. Well prepared for the apocalypse, lol...
You can turn the paywave off using the banks app, popeye. I did that for Dad as he didn't like having the paywave. Just go into the app and look under 'cards' and it will all be there.

The quilt is all pinned Big Grin I'm going to have a go at hand quilt it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good luck with that! Seven stitches to the inch? Just counting them on my Amish makes my eyes water. My slow stitching can never compete!

But oh I love the way a hand quilted piece feels under my hand. It is like stroking a beloved companion, lol...

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