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You can never have enough...
Thanks for that info KM Heart 

 I didn't realise that you could turn off the payWave option. I have turned off my card now although I haven't been caught out having payWave by mistake but it will also prevents others being able to help themselves if i happen to lose my card.
morning ladies Smile The storm is here Big Grin and the garden is saying thank you lol.

You're welcome, venetian Smile I block our credit card every so often and turned off the paywave when it first came in as I was unsure and skeptical of it. I also have a wallet that prevents (supposedly) paywave from being used accidently. When my eftpos card fell out of my phone cover, I was able to block it straight away until I could go back to the shop and claim it. And our credit card details were stolen (before debit cards) when online shopping and I was able to block the card immediately. I think this is partially why the bank refunded our money so quickly. The banks apps are very useful and it pays to have a good nosey around them.

'Spring' cleaning today, starting in the laundry and working my way through to the kitchen. This kind of weather is perfect for it. And then I'm free to finish the weeding when the storm has passed.

Maybe I'll start the quilting this afternoon Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast and calm

Good tip re bank app might have to put it on my phone

Spent yesterday afternoon looking at curtain fabrics with DD, didn't he,p that the roads were packed with very slow/ hardly moving traffic due to Haywards road being closed this weekend Chaos.

Traced of smaller sweat shirt pattern and cut out blue fabric so will sew that up for DGS today. 

Kitchen needs a good wipe down DH good at doing the dishes and general tidy up but does wipe surfaces quite how I like and I like my tap to be shiny not covered in smudgy finger prints

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Why does MrK decide he needs to do some cooking just as I'm starting the spring clean in the kitchen? He knew today was "D" day. I'm working around him and he's getting frustrated but not half as frustrated as me!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Still no rain. Looks like its bypassing us.

Got the rest of the lawn done yesterday so it can grow as slow as it likes now.

Thanks for the tip Kiwimade. I've called them but I will do it on my other account too. Different bank.

Feel a bit blah today, my breakfast isn't liking me I dont think. Will try again later.

Sister friend didn't arrive yesterday so hopefully it will be at some stage today.

I read our Thursday local paper last night. To discover MrP's new roommate on the front page. He has been in Middlemore for 6 months, yes 6 months. They took his hip out, but didn't replace it. Then he developed a pressure sore that they had to operate on. And 6 months down the line he still has no hip.

I want to talk to his mum when she goes in next.

The same thing happened with Mum. They took the hip out but never replaced it. Then messed her around so much she got sick and died. I remember them ringing me and asking how long she had had asthma. I said never, its cos you're not making her sit up and her lungs are flooding.

Have a fab day everyone

(30-04-2023, 09:04 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Why does MrK decide he needs to do some cooking just as I'm starting the spring clean in the kitchen?  He knew today was "D" day.  I'm working around him and he's getting frustrated but not half as frustrated as me!

Cos they feel guilty seeing you busy and try to make themselves look equally busy, just in the most stupid place they can be.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
There were two stuff articles on this guy recently...
How the devil can they do that - remove someone's hip & then never replace it?! Is this still NZ?

We did an early walk this morning then made a quick strudel for the freezer. Have managed to get up to date with the next two birthdays next month so some progress made, although slightly more than I'd planned to spend but youngest granddaughter will be turning 20 so I wanted something special for hers this time.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lol so true, popeye Tongue That poor man, why do the op if they can't do the actual replacement.

Kitchen and laundry is finally done. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Even under the fridge wasn't as bad. I must have cleaned there recently Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It sounds nuts eh

Taking the bad hip out but never replacing it.

I dont know why they didn't put mums new one in, but leaving her lying-in in a bed flooding her lungs with fluid wasn't on the plan. Just run off their feet and they probably didn't like a bossy daughter.

Liying down is the worst thing you can do when sick. We were taught that years ago. Im no Dr but I couldn't see any reason not to put the new one back in.

I can see why the delay happened with Arthur, he had a bed sore that needed to be operated on, so that would have delayed it. His family had someone stay with him 24/7. But they had to wait for the two "Sides" to decide who was going to pay for his extended life now. Age wise he doesn't qualify for the residential subsidy care I guess. But they have that sorted out.

He has a lot of weight to gain back, he is tiny. So Im guessing they will get him back to good health before they try and put a hip back in.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
We have no idea why a hip has to be removed as there can be a lot of different reasons and may be the best option for the patient to have the bone removed and be without the offending hip bone.

There are actually quite a lot of reasons why an artificial joint cannot be inserted, some of which are not able to be identified until the time of the original surgery eg the state of the bone in which the new joint has to be inserted if this is too weak to support a piece of metal it can do more harm than good.

The general condition of the patient or An open wound anywhere on the body considerably increases the risk of infection and once any foreign substance within the body becomes colonised with bacteria  the resulting infection can be nigh on impossible to get rid of and can even be life threatening.

Unless you are the clinician treating a patient you do not have the full information as to why a particular decision has been made. 

Reading the article about this particular case it appears that it was a matter of finding somewhere for him to go and the associated funding as much as his hip problems.
Replacing a hip is major surgery, and a tremendous assault on a body. It takes not just physical strength and health to withstand, but cooperationwith rehab services and advice in order to make the investment worthwhile. And it is a hugely costly investment.

I was lucky with my first one, I am much older this time round and it will not be quite such a simple procedure. I have watched several people go through the op and have serious difficulties afterwards. One simply gave up and died three months afterwards. To cope with it without being healthy and mentally strong would be an enormous challenge. My Mum broke her hip while in dementia care, had it pinned, and never walked again despite the efforts of surgeons and medical staff, and those who looked after her for the following years.

I am glad this man has such a good place to be now, but I do not underestimate the workload he places on the staff, and those he shares space with.

(30-04-2023, 11:52 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: lol so true, popeye Tongue  That poor man, why do the op if they can't do the actual replacement. 

Kitchen and laundry is finally done.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Even under the fridge wasn't as bad.  I must have cleaned there recently Tongue

I cleaned the microwave.

I am deeply ashamed of myself for letting it get so grotty. My only excuse is it is on top of the fridge, lol, out of sight out of mind...  Confused
Well - that'll teach me. Eldest granddaughter called in earlier so was telling her how pleased I was to be a bit ahead with the two family birthdays next month.

She gave me her best eldest granddaughter look & proceeded to remind me that there are three next month, not two.
And of course the one I'd missed is first up. Next week. Naturally, of course it is - how could it be otherwise once Murphy's sodding law kicks in! So I'll be hunting in earnest tomorrow dammit.

(And I'm betting that will be added to the stories about the daft stuff gran did, to be told once I fall off the perch. Like the one they love telling about The Time Gran made ANZAC biscuits & forgot the flour - completely leaving out inconvenient little facts such as those three turning up 1/3 an hour early & all talking to me at once about 3 different subjects, so of course I forgot the flour! I may have to come back & haunt that lot!)

But on the bright side I did get some good ideas for their two boys; they're apparently very keen on board games so have now got a list of some possibilities for them for Xmas & birthdays so that'll help. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well, I can share that banana cake without baking powder is not bad. Not fluffy, but not bad...
Call it banana pudding and share it as a special treat.
It was a while back and ir was the contribution to a shared lunch. We all agreed it was tasty, despite...
My worst cookery fail was forgetting to put the bowl in my slow cooker and just piling the chicken casserole ingredients straight in - the cooker did not survive
Nearly lost my sister yesterday - her house is enveloped in silt so she has gone down to live with her granddaughter near Bulls - the family all went into town for the day but my sister and her 9 year old foster grandson decided to go to the beach - it’s a short 20 min walk through the forest - she was stung by a bee - neither of her epi pens worked so she tied a tourniquet around her arm - no phone coverage so she sent the boy back to the house to ring the ambulance - they told him to run back to her with a wooden spoon and put it on her tongue to help her breathe - he remembered his Mum putting ice on his swollen knee after rugby so he took a box of ice blocks - he held one on her tongue until the helicopter arrived 30 mins later - she remembers nothing - until they gave her adrenaline before flying her to hospital- he saved her life .
So after all this drama I rang the other sister -the witch of the North - and tried to make peace over the blardy woolscour but she is intent on getting her pound of flesh .I stupidly told her I had read what Dad wanted in his diary - I will not be surprised if she makes a move on them .This is the truck Dad used as collateral- that’s me with my school bag on - my Uncle is standing on the boat - Dad took the launch to Taupo - its still on the lake - found the old photo in his diary

I am up to row 236 of my 240 row blanket - will do about 10 rows of border and then have a million ends to weave in
morning ladies Smile We have more wet weather today, which is fine by me. It's so good to have plenty to do both inside and out.

I've had a few cooking fails too, usually forgetting to put an egg in the chockkie biscuit mix.

Great pics, Jan. Wow, your sister was lucky she was with someone. Her foster child is a hero Heart And I suspect you are going to regret telling your sister about the diary. We gave our son dad's watch and I never told my sister for the same reason.

Murphy's Law loves you, Lilith lol. I hope you have better weather than us while out shopping.

The Fury One needs more of his meds and his script has run out which 'forces' us in for his checkup. I'll phone the vet shortly to make the appointment. May is becoming an expensive month for us so far.

MrK has his optometrist appointment this week, his previous appointment had to be changed as there was no optometrist. Fingers crossed they can use his frames again. He also needs to have his physical done to redo his drivers licence as he will be 80 this month.

Today it's the bathroom's turn for a good once over. It shouldn't take long to do Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wild and wooly out there. I wont be going out in it that's for sure.

Two cooking messes that stand out for me, on the bad side. Once when we were still in primary school and friend and I decided to make the Edmond's 3 minute sponge. Had it in the oven before we realised we hadn't put the baking powder in. Took it out, added it and it turned out edible , just. her dad was my Dr and I can still hear him laughing.

Not long after getting together with MrP I decided to cook him a chicken stew? In a pot on the stove. Honestly it looked like lumps of chicken in wall paper glue. I buried it way out the back and suggested we had fish and chips that night. he could smell it tho , so there was no way of hiding it lol.

I was thinking about Arthur, and realised they would probably have to teach him how to walk again. Im not sure how he was before the opp. I do hope to talk to his family tho, just to share they certainly aren't the only ones. But Ill also tell them about the Bolt they were searching for not long after MrP moved in. To reaffirm the Safety first in the home and that will help them know they dont have to worry now. they are certainly safety first there and that peace of mind is awesome.

I tidied the sewing room yesterday, and may have overdone things, yep well not May have... certainly did. but then it was 3 days in a row.
One must learn that the exercises and pain meds are helping the knee, but that does Not mean one who try and carry on like the problem doesnt exist. lol... Slow learner here. lol

Many May birthdays here, its odd tho, before I met MrP I only knew us, my Grandfather and nephew. Now theres quite alot of Family ( 5 alone in MrPs family) and Internet Friends. Irene is 98 tomorrow, in the old home.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My husband was allergic to bee stings and carried an ampoule when he went hunting, which was just as well when his best dog walked into a wasp nest. He gave him the adrenaline as best he could and then carried him out - five kays, to the Landrover and back to town to the vet.  The dog survived but had a thing about buzzing insects from then on so became one of the house dogs.

It is a very frightening thing to deal with, keeping calm is half the battle, I'm glad it worked out so well.
Good morning.

Still a very cold 5 degrees. I hope we see the sun at some stage. In the meantime glad of the fire.

Your sister sure was lucky Jan ... a very close call.

We are keeping busy exploring the area around here, a bit further afield today to Arrowtown .... look forward to the Autumn colours it is renown for. We have been lucky with the weather so far, especially when we see how wet it is back home which included soggy dogs after being outside!

Oh yes, guilty here as well for missing ingredients from baking, mostly irretrievable and resulting in a binned effort.

DH back from dropping GS at school, time to make the most of the day.

Enjoy the day all.

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