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You can never have enough...
morning all
overcast and mild 

LOL can put my hand up for a few baking disasters Big Grin

glad that your sister is ok JanW what a scare and what a great kid, hope that the other sisiter doesnt cause trouble over the diaries - she has to learn she cant have everything Well I suppose if you are feeling magnanimous and she paid for the cost of you having( paying someone) them scanned she could have a copy.

Our kitchenless friends are coming for dinner again tonight so another experiment Thai black rice coconut with mango for dessert

made DGS the blue sweatshirt yesterday and traced of and did full bust alteration on a long line vest pattern for me. Thinking of making it out of boiled wool. 

first gym session since covid and I have much reduced fitness so a bit tired k9s not pleased as I am too tired to take them for a walk might think about it this afternoon.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Just been out to breakfast with my niece - daughter of the witch of the north - she is a very highly qualified ICU nurse - has been offered a job in Oz - eye watering salary - moving costs paid but the icing on the cake 2% mortgage finance - she is thoroughly burned out and is extremely worried about the times patients are not getting adequate care - I am not sure it is any better over there -she has 4 cousins already living in Sydney so won’t be on her own .I listened to all she had to say but it’s out of my league to give her advice -I didn’t want my granddaughters to go over there to finish their law degrees and I was wrong - so sent her up to talk to my son - he worked over there for 10 years - if she doesn’t go she is going to quit - it’s all she ever wanted to do
Weird day weather wise today - my gardener is here chopping my hedge and washing the outside of the house - the rain is threatening so he might be back again tomorrow
I dearly wish my daughter lived here, but the fact is they would not have nearly the opportunities Perth has delivered. Even the medical support is better, and boy she has had the benefit of that from assisted fertility to her ongoing treatment. And their home, brand new, purpose designed with all the bells and whistles, for less than half what it would cost them here. Job wise, from fly in fly out roles in the mining industry to building his own rigging team, her husband could provide for his family in ways he simply could not achieve here, unless he started robbing banks or getting clever in the drug trade.

No wonder we are losing so many of our young people, it's simply commonsense to make the most of what is available to them there, and not available here.

But I do wish it wasn't so...
Brilliant idea Olive - banana pudding! As older women used to say about mistakes like that, 'a name can hide multitude of sins'.

Even with those reasons for not replacing a hip, it means the person would be immobile which doesn't seem a good thing especially if an older person after surgery.

That sound s an epic fail Jan, far worse then mine but at least you'd get a new one eventually.

Somewhere I have the most gorgeous recipe for what could easily be called a chicken stew; it has lashings of white wine & mushrooms in it & somehow always turns out well.

Successful hunting; human & budget knackered. I won't be doing much else today. Found a lovely wee bunny & a jacket with bunnies on - she had better like bunnies! Smile

I can't remember exactly when but some years ago there was a documentary series about the likely outcomes of this country was to take various different directions. I can only remember now two of then, the Green future & the becoming part of Australia future.
As far as I can recall the NZ Green future came out rather better - but it was ages ago & I may have that wrong.
The Australian came out worst, with kids here obliged to head to Oz for any higher education & this country rapidly becoming a retirement colony.

Oddly enough youngest grandson is toying with the idea of venturing over to work in the mines once he finishes Uni; he says just for time to earn some money but if things are really so good then they may decide to stay. Which would not go down well with either family as his partner is an only daughter.
Who has 5 older brothers...he's a brave lad is the youngest grandson.Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well she is going - she evidently has been stewing it over for a couple of months but Friday she spent an hour crying in the corner of a store room over something that happened in iCU - it’s better to move on than completely break down .I didn’t want my granddaughters to go - they are Joint citizens and realised very quickly they were lagging behind their Ozzie cousins also doing law degrees - my two were still only offered online lectures but the Ozzie uni was functioning normally - one of them was an intern atva large law firm in Dunedin - the lead lawyer of the practice advised her to redo the online year which they have done - hopefully they will come back when they qualify .I know how you feel OH but they only get one shot at the best years of their lives
Yes I did buy a new crockpot Lilith - bought one that does six things - haven’t used it for ages - but do fancy a chicken stew with plenty of mushrooms
I hear the chef Jock from Masterchef died - wonder if the new series will go to air
Years ago I came across a psychotherapy style developed by an ozzie psychologist, called ACT. Acceptance and commitment therapy. It reminded me of the Desiderata and the Serenity Prayer in its advice to accept the things we cannot change and commit to living well in spite of them.

Rather than rail against the unfairness of life with its slings and arrows we should devote our strength to do what we can with what we have.

Always seemed like a damned fine road map to me. If a tad challenging at times...  Big Grin
(01-05-2023, 05:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Years ago I came across a psychotherapy style developed by an ozzie psychologist, called ACT. Acceptance and commitment therapy. It reminded me of the Desiderata and the Serenity Prayer in its advice to accept the things we cannot change and commit to living well in spite of them.

Rather than rail against the unfairness of life with its slings and arrows we should devote our strength to do what we can with what we have.

Always seemed like a damned fine road map to me. If a tad challenging at times...  Big Grin

Totally agree. 

I havent seen my twin brother for 23 years... And have two more generations from him I have never met.

But the bonus is, we can "See" each other online.. And I remember joking with a friend when we were 18 that wouldnt it be funny if we could video call. That was 1983ish. 

Ohh Dear Jan not good re the crockpot. 

I saw a post on FB the other Day. A woman saying she can't do this, that or the next thing.. and I thought she needs the pep talk I often use, seldom listen to.. I told her to try and alter her thinking to what she Can still do. Alot of people have agreed.

I have a nephew in the gold mines inland from Kalgoorlie. Sadly it ruined his marriage, but I think the biggest problem was living apart, more than the mines themselves. 

Im sacking the house keeper.. How dare she leave me without Coco powder when I feel like Fudge... Shes on Notice. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Ohhhh, fudge...

I better go make a fluffy coffee to drown the urge, lol.
There will always be the things we can change & those we can't, the things we can control & those we can't. I think it helps to try to see everything as a means of learning - even when we sometimes really don't want to, its possible to learn & that is the one thing we humans can always do regardless.

(01-05-2023, 06:05 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(01-05-2023, 05:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Years ago I came across a psychotherapy style developed by an ozzie psychologist, called ACT. Acceptance and commitment therapy. It reminded me of the Desiderata and the Serenity Prayer in its advice to accept the things we cannot change and commit to living well in spite of them.

Rather than rail against the unfairness of life with its slings and arrows we should devote our strength to do what we can with what we have.

Always seemed like a damned fine road map to me. If a tad challenging at times...  Big Grin

Totally agree. 

I havent seen my twin brother for 23 years... And have two more generations from him I have never met.

But the bonus is, we can "See" each other online.. And I remember joking with a friend when we were 18 that wouldnt it be funny if we could video call. That was 1983ish. 

Ohh Dear Jan not good re the crockpot. 

I saw a post on FB the other Day. A woman saying she can't do this, that or the next thing.. and I thought she needs the pep talk I often use, seldom listen to.. I told her to try and alter her thinking to what she Can still do. Alot of people have agreed.

I have a nephew in the gold mines inland from Kalgoorlie. Sadly it ruined his marriage, but I think the biggest problem was living apart, more than the mines themselves. 

Im sacking the house keeper.. How dare she leave me without Coco powder when I feel like Fudge... Shes on Notice. lol

Popeye, one simply just cannot get the staff these days!   Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Another fine day its been quite warm too despite the nippy starts.

Slow start this morning but need to move soon as I am doing extra stint at warehouse today.

Dinner was good last night I tried a new dessert coconut black rice with mango.  Good enough to repeat Cool

Who mentioned fudge now I want some !

Got to move enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another wet day today which is fine by me again.

We have a friend working the mines in Aussie and he seems happy enough. I think moving to Aussie is an individual thing and may not suit everyone in spite of the $$$. Sometimes the grass isn't always greener. And Aussie always looks out for itself.

I have the binding to put on the quilt and that will be one Christmas present done and dusted. Then I'll finish the NICU quilts I have sitting there waiting for the wadding.

The Furry One informed us last evening we have a mouse in the house. Nothing gets passed his nose. So the trap is set and hopefully the lure of peanut butter and a small doggy biscuit will tempt it onto the trap. It's the first mouse we have had for over a year. When we first moved here, I trapped 15 mice in a week. Over the years we have slowly gotten rid of the vermin.

Better get moving, it's easy to sit on a wet day.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet here again but I have to go out. MrP has finished his munchies, I need the Cocoa lol... I only take 50% of the fault for mentioning Fudge. Yes I've wanted it but there was a woman on the chase last night who makes fudge for a living lol.

I "moved" to Aussie in the late 80's. There was an aversion to hiring Kiwis in those days. I couldn't get a job once I opened my mouth. Knew that I could go straight back to my old job so came home again. I dont like not having an income. So It was an extended holiday really.

The rain has brought the pollen down, my face is aching. Worst its been for a long time.

Good luck on the mice hunt Kiwimade. Annoying little creatures. if they stayed outside they wouldn't have to die.

Odd thing with Mango, I love the fresh fruit but not anything Mango flavoured.. same with Blueberries. Love them fresh but not cooked.

Should be visiting the old home today as one of my ladies is 98 today. But Ill see how I feel later. Certainly below par at the mo.

53 kilos gone yeeha.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sad news my steam generator which is only 12 months old cant be fixed as the manufacturer doesn't have the part.
Not very sustainable  is it. So now I have to go collect the iron and a letter from manufacturer and take both to the store where I bought it get a replacement. Yes right there are none of this model in NZ  Sad possibly a lessor model can feel a run around about to happen wish me luck. I will go collect the item tomorrow.

Slow day at home no incentive to sew  so blobbed out with book.

Further bleat/pity party NZPost has lost my fabric parcel which should have been delivered last Friday
So a sad Mica
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Remember The Consumer Guarantees Act entitles you to a replacement because the item involved has not fulfilled reasonable expectations of a usual worklife and you are entitled to a free replacement.

Don't let them put you off, they sold it to you and it is their responsibility to get you an equivalent replacement, mention of the Small Claims Court and The Consumer Guarantees Act at a judicious time will help them to make the correct choices which are your right.

"The Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) gives you the right to seek a remedy, eg a repair or a replacement, from the manufacturer whether or not the products come with a manufacturer's warranty (called an “express guarantee” in the Act)."
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(02-05-2023, 05:33 PM)zqwerty Wrote: Remember The Consumer Guarantees Act entitles you to a replacement because the item involved has not fulfilled reasonable expectations of a usual worklife and you are entitled to a free replacement.

Don't let them put you off, they sold it to you and it is their responsibility to get you an equivalent replacement, mention of the Small Claims Court and The Consumer Guarantees Act at a judicious time will help them to make the correct choices which are your right.

"The Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) gives you the right to seek a remedy, eg a repair or a replacement, from the manufacturer whether or not the products come with a manufacturer's warranty (called an “express guarantee” in the Act)."
Oh yes up with all that and appliance is still under manufacturer 2 yr warrantee just not looking forward to discussing with retailer. I am told that I am quietly v assertive so I will get an acceptable outcome. Will keep you lot posted Big Grin8
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I got one of those electronic thingamajigs from Mitre 10 a few years ago, after discovering a few unwanted furry tenants upstairs n the roof. I haven't seen one since so although it was a bit pricey it does seem to work well.

Good luck with that Mica; as long as they behave reasonably it should go well.

Tried out some vegan bacon tonight (Next brand) & I have to say it was excellent, so will be getting more in future as its quite handy & quick to do.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile More rain!

I haven't checked the mousetrap yet but the Furry One is still on the prowl so I don't think it has been caught. A friend has trapped three in her kitchen over the last few weeks. It's going to get worse when they cut the maize.

MrK has new reading glasses Big Grin and they will be ready for pick up in two weeks. Specsavers are certainly cheaper, that's for sure. He picked a $69 frame (which looks really nice) so all up, including the lenses and eye exam using his goldcard, the cost was$99. We were expecting a massive bill, so this was a real surprise. Including petrol for two trips to Tauranga and one future trip, it was cheaper than an eye exam locally. That's just nuts.

The trip to Tauranga over the Kaimai Ranges was slow thank goodness. Coming back, there was this 'river' of water across the road. Really hard to see until you were pretty much on top of it. Thank goodness I was driving slowly anyway and the car behind us was keeping a good distance. There is so much water about already and the next storm hasn't hit us properly yet.

I decided to machine quilt our daughter's quilt as it was too hard on the fingers hand quilting even with the leather thimble. It's a shame, but I might hand embroider a bit here and there on it because I can. Big Grin

Another day at the sewing machine today, I think. There's no chance of weeding with this rain.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet here too. Certainly not cold either.

I think we women have become very assertive now and won't let shops etc walk all over us. And now with price comparisons we dont have to shop in one place and competition is certainly a good thing. MrP taught me to haggle. I seldom pay full price for things or at least come away with a bonus.

Today is the first day of the new craft group. Soo hope its going to be good and regular. I haven't got anything to take with me but hope to be inspired to do something.

I didn't go up to see the girls yesterday. I've decided to make a cake and take it up on Friday for my birthday. Chelsea sugar has a recipe for an eggless banana cake, which you can also make dairy free as it uses oil, and you can use any kind of milk.

Need to talk to the head nurse today. And find out the results of MrP's x-rays, he picks a tiny bit of information and builds his own story around things, so I need to double check the results.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Some rain overnight, not too cold and the sun is even peeking through despite more rain forecast.

The Kaimais can sure become a moving river  KM, even scarier when the rain is tipping down as well!

I think we become wiser and more assertive as we age Popeye, we always strive for a better deal ... if you don't ask you don't get, we've found! Enjoy your new Craft Group.

I hope you get the result you want Mica.

Baby cardi all knitted bar the neck band.  Will have to sew up when I get home, haven't found any pins or a darning needle!

Cuppa finished, time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Well, the weather is stink up here - tempting to just stay in bed and ignore life in favour of a good book and knitting. But the litter tray needs attention, I have mince to cook up for a pie, and there is a bit of housework that really should get seen to. But the forecast is not pretty...

I did something really dumb yesterday. I won two auctions on TM, had to chase the sellers for shipping costs and account details (why do people not just get organised grrrrrr?) and when those came through I went online and paid. And swapped them. 

Just as well the sellers were honest, lol.

Stupid woman...  Big Grin

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