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You can never have enough...
Good morning. 

The sun is coming out, very cold ... it 'may' have been a frost.

Another one a bit slow this morning, I watched the Coronation intending bed once the Royals in the Abbey but was still up after midnight ... pomp and ceremony for sure with so much ancient tradition being followed. I always enjoy people watching!

I've started a newborn (due July) cardi ... the back nearly completed while in front of the TV.

That reminds me my machine is well due for a service as well KM.

Looking forward to home again in 2 days ... I expect plenty of garden tidying after nearly 2 weeks of rain. 

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

Chilly and wet here.

I watched the whole thing.. well I did Miss the Family arriving, but otherwise watched it all. Charles looked tired and scared. I kept saying to Missy he looks like he wanted a cup of tea and a pee lol.. but he did seem to pick up after Wills Part of the ceremony..

I have always loved marching etc. the end of it was the best part for me. 4000 people marching in time was awesome. George did well being a Paige boy too. the only thing I didn't care for was all the singing. Cos I couldn't really understand what they were singing.. I like Brynne Tirwell (sp).

MrP is in luck, I found 6 chargers, but Ill take them up tomorrow. I may nip up to the supermarket at some stage.

Would be MrP's Sisters birthday today, and his Eldest granddaughter's.

Just checked my blood results All good, which is nice to see.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile There is even more rain today by the he looks of it.

We have another rat, I spotted it running along the fence while doing the dishes last evening. The maize hasn't been cut yet thanks to the rain, so we are going to have these extra visitors for a while. I'll put more bait out today.

MIca, I think it is a sign of the economic times to not eat out as much. I read this morning that mortgage rates have exceeded the stress level tests the banks did to new home owners. The sparky who fitted our oven was saying his mortgage has gone up over $100 a week. Something has to give budget wise.

Roma, I can imagine the garden when you return home! It's not just the rain, it's the warmth as well. I'm still mowing lawn once a week and it's like spring growth. We are having a few breaks in the weather and the other day I even had washing dry outside.

Yesterday I weeded where the camellia will go and today I'll buy the screw things we need to hook the training wire too. The espaliered camellia beside where the new one will go looks very pretty flowering. I'm going to suggest to MrK we have espaliered camelias all along the fence which will mean taking out some shrubs.

Yesterday I started setting up my embroidery frame, there are two sides left to stitch to the fabric. I'm going back to embroidery while my sewing machine is out of action. Still to decide what to embroider. Did you notice the headdress Kate and Charlotte wore to the coronation? They were both hand made with silver embroidery on the leaves. To have that level of skill would be amazing.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Another bleak grey old day out there.

Was nice to have a quiet day yesterday after my late night... Will have to rewatch some of my two fave building shows later today tho, lol.. I missed the end of one and the start of another...

Need to have something in my hands to keep me awake while watching tv I think lol.

They are talking about us becoming a republic. Im not keen on that, but I think they need to look at the cost as well.. I would assume they would want to take the King off everything, just an extra expense I think.

Off to see MrP this morning to see if I can sort his phone out. And if it can't be then he will have to live with the knowledge that he tu-tu'd so much that he wrecked the phone. its getting hard to find phones with buttons rather than swiping.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well, that was easy lol. MrK likes my idea for along the fenceline Big Grin Big Grin I sweetened the idea with maybe we could replace our very old hedgecutter that is on its last legs with a nice shiny new battery one Tongue

Popeye, whenever the republic thing happens, I think replacing the king's face on everything would be a gradual thing. Bank notes and the like would be replaced as needed, like what they are doing now with replacing the Queen's face. I like the idea of breaking away from the monarchy and I was surprised MrK felt the same way.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning, it is drizzling and cold. 

One more night here ... be good to be home and back into our familiar routine. Hoping it has rained itself out though!

Espaliering is a nice way of covering fences/walls and saving space. My dad was a regular "user" of it especially once we moved into town. It meant we could still have fruit trees  Smile

It was interesting  to read that the King's Oil Anointing Screen (a bizarre old ritual) was made from NZ and Australian wool portraying a tree representing the 56 Commonwealth countries. It was worked on by expert craftspeople and members of the Royal School of Needlework. Yes, I also noticed the gorgeous handmade (matching) headwear worn by Charlotte and her mum. 

Cuppa over, time to move and try and dry some washing for starters.

Enjoy the day all.
My little Nokia flip has buttons, $129 through Spark, but I know there are others out there, bigger and more easily handled. They are special orders I think, I hope you find one that suits.

This ongoing wet is starting to get a bit challenging. We are about to run out of c a t  f o o d but don't tell youknowwho.  Big Grin
Morning all
Damp again but not cold

The grass and weeds are growing here too DH has been spending time in our and DD garden.

made 2 cot quilt tops yesterday  will sandwich them up for quilting  this afternoon.

 Got this link off Patternreview 
Patrick from Great British Sewing Bee  fronts it It is about the making of all the military uniforms for the coronation right down to the milling of the fabric, making of the buttons and all the gold silk fabrics . Quite an insight

Nothing much on my agenda today other than off to dermatologist for melanoma check

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Woo hoo! I actually got down to the supermarket for essentials (wine, cheese and cat food, lol), and the library and yes it is warm. Windy but warm. And got some weeding done - species alstromeria, a catastrophe in the garden. Worse than couch. And I discovered mignionette vine seedlings coming up everywhere which is even more invasive...

I may have to give up gardening that patch completely.
The first charger I tried worked lol.

Ive told him not to unplug anything, and to stop playing with things.

Played Bingo with the gang, Well I played "one Off" the whole game lol. But it was fun.

Stopped at the oppy and got myself two lovely red cardies... and two nice cookbooks. Same brand, one is baking the other desserts.. I do like matching things lol.

Glad you made it to the shops Hunni.

I think I have a passionfruit vine growing in with one of my geraniums.. Haven't had a close look but will later. And then will decide what Im doing with it. I guess along with the Property manager lol There's plenty of fence and I can train it easy enough.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Went to library to pick up a book on hold & dropped off some shoes & boots for donating at opshop - did not weaken & look at more books while at the library.

Came home to find the gutter sweeper had been re arranging stuff out of the gutter & into the berm, so got the broom & swept the gutter clear of leaves & then lugged the council's road signs back into the gutter so I can mow that bit of lawn when needed. They're quite heavy, with a weight sandbag thing to stop it flying away in the wind & have been there for months since they did road work months ago.

Really warm out there, hope it lasts through tomorrow morning & I can get the groceries done before the bad weather arrives.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(08-05-2023, 01:28 PM)popeye333 Wrote: The first charger I tried worked lol.

Ive told him not to unplug anything, and to stop playing with things.

Played Bingo with the gang, Well I played "one Off" the whole game lol. But it was fun.

Stopped at the oppy and got myself two lovely red cardies... and two nice cookbooks. Same brand, one is baking the other desserts.. I do like matching things lol.

Glad you made it to the shops Hunni.

I think I have a passionfruit vine growing in with one of my geraniums.. Haven't had a close look but will later. And then will decide what Im doing with it. I guess along with the Property manager lol  There's plenty of fence and I can train it easy enough.

I was weeding and one of the corporates appeared, so I seized the opportunity to ask her if my idea of slowly planting a food plant shrubbery along the fence line would be permissable... Blueberries and fruit trees and passionfruit vines etc, and she said 'Go for it!" So, tomorrow - just in case - I am going to email our community manager and confirm permission has been given...

As she said, fencing quotes were too high, and that would solve the problem.

So guess who will be saving and germinating seed, officially...

(08-05-2023, 03:21 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Went to library to pick up a book on hold & dropped off some shoes & boots for donating at opshop - did not weaken & look at more books while at the library.

Came home to find the gutter sweeper had been re arranging stuff out of the gutter & into the berm, so got the broom  & swept the gutter clear of leaves & then lugged the council's road signs back into the gutter so I can mow that bit of lawn when needed. They're quite heavy, with a weight sandbag thing to stop it flying away in the wind & have been there for months since they did road work months ago.

Really warm out there, hope it lasts through tomorrow morning & I can get the groceries done before the bad weather arrives.

I noticed some joker has found the abandoned Temporary Bus Stop sign left behind by contractors months ago, and placed it inside of one of the bus stop shelters. Should confuse a few passengers...
(08-05-2023, 05:07 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(08-05-2023, 01:28 PM)popeye333 Wrote: The first charger I tried worked lol.

Ive told him not to unplug anything, and to stop playing with things.

Played Bingo with the gang, Well I played "one Off" the whole game lol. But it was fun.

Stopped at the oppy and got myself two lovely red cardies... and two nice cookbooks. Same brand, one is baking the other desserts.. I do like matching things lol.

Glad you made it to the shops Hunni.

I think I have a passionfruit vine growing in with one of my geraniums.. Haven't had a close look but will later. And then will decide what Im doing with it. I guess along with the Property manager lol  There's plenty of fence and I can train it easy enough.

I was weeding and one of the corporates appeared, so I seized the opportunity to ask her if my idea of slowly planting a food plant shrubbery along the fence line would be permissable... Blueberries and fruit trees and passionfruit vines etc, and she said 'Go for it!" So, tomorrow - just in case - I am going to email our community manager and confirm permission has been given...

As she said, fencing quotes were too high, and that would solve the problem.

So guess who will be saving and germinating seed, officially...

(08-05-2023, 03:21 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Went to library to pick up a book on hold & dropped off some shoes & boots for donating at opshop - did not weaken & look at more books while at the library.

Came home to find the gutter sweeper had been re arranging stuff out of the gutter & into the berm, so got the broom  & swept the gutter clear of leaves & then lugged the council's road signs back into the gutter so I can mow that bit of lawn when needed. They're quite heavy, with a weight sandbag thing to stop it flying away in the wind & have been there for months since they did road work months ago.

Really warm out there, hope it lasts through tomorrow morning & I can get the groceries done before the bad weather arrives.

I noticed some joker has found the abandoned Temporary Bus Stop sign left behind by contractors months ago, and placed it inside of of the bus stop shelters. Should confuse a few passengers...

Oh, that's brilliant!  Big Grin Big Grin

Love the food fence idea - a few raspberry bushes might work too, but they need pruning in winter. Is there a height restriction - if not, perhaps runner beans might be useful too. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(08-05-2023, 07:15 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(08-05-2023, 05:07 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was weeding and one of the corporates appeared, so I seized the opportunity to ask her if my idea of slowly planting a food plant shrubbery along the fence line would be permissable... Blueberries and fruit trees and passionfruit vines etc, and she said 'Go for it!" So, tomorrow - just in case - I am going to email our community manager and confirm permission has been given...

As she said, fencing quotes were too high, and that would solve the problem.

So guess who will be saving and germinating seed, officially...

I noticed some joker has found the abandoned Temporary Bus Stop sign left behind by contractors months ago, and placed it inside of of the bus stop shelters. Should confuse a few passengers...

Oh, that's brilliant!  Big Grin Big Grin

Love the food fence idea - a few raspberry bushes might work too, but they need pruning in winter. Is there a height restriction - if not, perhaps runner beans might be useful too. Smile
It's a standard ancient five wire fence and the runner beans loved it last seasin and this. Definitely putting more of those in next Spring. Best beans ever though are snake beans. They need the heat, but are great in the harvest and pretty to look at - lilac pea type flowers.

Definitely raspberries, would love black currants too, but I think it might be too warm...
morning ladies Smile What a blustery day we have today.

lol, I love the bus stop sign being moved. We had a road works sign left behind for months and after countless phone calls to the company, we gave it to the next road works company Tongue who fixed the road. They are heavy and I had to move it everytime I mowed the lawn. It made us wonder just how much gear these companies loose by forgetting stuff.

A food wall sounds like an excellent idea, OHH. You could espalier fruit trees to give you more room. Our plums do very well planted this way. The ideas for this wall are endless. I feel for you with those dam invasive weeds. COuch is bad enough without those others.

Glad you were able to find a charger, popeye.

Thanks for the link, mica, but my computer won't download it saying it's too big Sad Sad I'll google it and see what I can find as it looks very interesting.

My sewing machine has been taken in for its service. The Janome shop people in Hamilton are planning to move out to Frankton as soon as their new building has been finished. The owner was saying they have had many customers saying they feel threatened by the beggars where they are now and for the sake of their business, they have to move.

Sometime around August/September we're going to have one of our grandies stay for two weeks while our daughter's house undergoes major work. That should be a fun time lol. Heart Heart

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very sad looking out there today.

Oh I love the idea of the food fence. And hopefully everyone will get involved. And I think you are doing the right thing in confirming it first Hunni.

I saw passionfruit in our New World on Sunday, $34-99 a kilo. And then of course you throw away the most of the weight.

I remembered that I booked an inorganic pick up for this month. I still need to cut down some old timber. Have tried giving it away over the last few years. So it can be cut down now and go, along with a few dead appliances etc. But Ill need some fine weather, then Ill use the drop saw and make it fit within the 1 meter length limits. I like the drop saw lol.

Im going to be in the sewing room later. re attaching the elastic to my underskirt becoming a petticoat and hopefully adding some lace to an older petticoat that finally gave up the ghost. Then I will do another pair of socks for MrP , and put the Velcro on his belt.

Stay dry everyone... Tis going to get chilly later on by the looks of it.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Sunny windy here at the moment

Sorry the the link didn't work for you KM, did you see Q Camilla had her 2 dogs embroidered on her dress.

That food fence sounds great OHH yum

Filling in at the warehouse today so thats my morning spoken for will quilt this afternoon

3njoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Its absolutely Hosing down.

Best rain in ages... Tv has gone but I do like a good rain
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(08-05-2023, 10:11 AM)Mica Wrote:  Got this link off Patternreview 
Patrick from Great British Sewing Bee  fronts it It is about the making of all the military uniforms for the coronation right down to the milling of the fabric, making of the buttons and all the gold silk fabrics . Quite an insight

Thanks for that link Mica, a fascinating watch, especially the fabric and the helmet.
Was a beautiful morning - now it’s blustery and clouding over but still 22 deg so I won’t complain too much
Mica that link was fabulous- why did I have a career in finance when I could have been doing something creative like that .
The embroidery on Camilla’s dress was stunning - no doubt it will be preserved for historical reasons - the thing that amazed me the most was the survival of all the previous crowns and swords etc for centuries - through all the wars - back in the day they had a war and a change of the monarch every six months but the Crown Jewels were kept safe
If any of you like Mealmate type crackers Pam’s original crackers are way cheaper more in the packet - thin and seedy - love trying new product .Wont say the brand he brought me a couple of new ready meals - I tried the chicken parmigiana- tomato sauce with what looked like chicken breast on top - the sauce was beautiful just enough seasoning chef quality - but the chicken breast was a beautiful piece of chicken on each end and the middle bits of the strip were potato cut to look like chicken - it was perfectly laid out - clever packaging - said potato on the ingredients so it wasn’t misleading just surprising - was very nice

I am starting on the blanket border today and then I have a million ends to get rid of - a box of quilts arrived at one of the relief centres made by the quilters of CHCH - I saw them on Facebook being offered if you want one come and grab one - felt a bit sad some wouldn’t appreciate the hours and hours of work that would have gone into creating them - probably being picky but they are special and maybe should have gone to one of the community groups to distribute

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