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You can never have enough...
Its a stunning day today.

Photos of the plant that has found a home in the pot with my white geranium. It looks like passionfruit to me. there are a couple of plants there.

And then one of Mount Egmont / Taranaki that my Friend took out her front door on Friday evening. Hence the Pinkness of it. Not bad considering she is in bell Block so quite a way from it.

But it still feels like home to us.

Have collected stuff together for the Inorganic. Is going to take some good stacking to have it within the 1m square limit. but Im good at packing.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(14-05-2023, 01:16 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I must try Picoult again. I gave up on her a while back after reading two of hers back to back and thinking actually they were the same book, with minor variations. My daughter loved her books though, so maybe a revisit is in order. I'm currently addicted to Lisa Gardner's novels. Fortunately, there are a lot of them.

I have read some of hers in the past - just finished the Seven Sisters series - by Lucinda’s Riley - beautiful writing

(14-05-2023, 12:09 PM)R2x1 Wrote:
(14-05-2023, 11:47 AM)JanW Wrote: Harm less I have watched the movie it’s certainly not macabre but it is a brilliantly well written insight into the mind of a troubled kid and the effects it has on family .I like Jodi Picoult as well they always have a twist - another author I can’t put down .

Be a bit cautious about authors you CAN put down, that occupation is a bit reserved. Formerly restricted to Generals and the Judiciary, but now exclusively reserved for the Judiciary's clients.
Getting my nose stuck in a book yesterday - top notch coffee delivered to my bedside was a win - but I don’t think I will try it again - was rather embarrassing having half the neighbourhood waiting to see if I had left this universe
I have fumfookled myself. Tomorrow a generous hearted best friend is coming to help me move my bed into its usual Winter position, a job that requires vast amounts of preparatory shifting of excess Stuff - every bit of which I deem as essential. Well, I did, till now. The discard pile is getting taller by the hour...

I may have to leave the excavating of the depths where the red eyes of the monster dust bunnies glow, for the early hours tomorrow. Every year I get more and more aged, plans are increasingly less likely to be matched by the physical wherewithal they require.

I think it must be wine time. Maybe after I throw together a vegie bake to go into the oven alongside the brisket that just needs caramalising to reach perfection.

Gods, I live well, despite the decrepitude.
Gradually clearing more hedge when sweetie darling turned up & managed to squash it all the way further down in the bin - by jumping into the damn thing, with his beady eye on moi while telling me not to try it.

As if I would - well not while he's around anyway, & not without a stepladder to get in & out of the bin anyway. No idea why that lot don't trust their saintly Aged Parent.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Reminds me of a neighbour, a tiny woman, who tossed her recycling into her freshly cleared bin and lost a bangle she loved in the process... So, she climbed up on a stool and leaned in stretching to reach it, and fell in head first. Fortunately she was wearing jeans.
Evening all

Hope everyone had a lovely mothers day says she who is a bit squiffy from couple glasses of bubbles.
DD and her wee family bought around lovely antipasto plate yum yum.

Pieced and sandwiched a couple cot size quilts today for DD to give as gifts for her friends that have babies due. I quilt them quite heavily so that they survive the washing machine It is very rare for quilts to actually be used as bedding as babies sleep in sleep sacks and blankets shouldn't be used with them. Hope to get them quilted sometime during the week.

JanW nice to know your community is looking out for each other, glad the coffee was good  Big Grin

I have to often put he oven timer on when I have my nose in a book. This year I have worked my way through Jane Harper books currently on Lucinda Riley and Liane Moriarty, mixture ebookx and audio books. Like to listen to audio books while sewing. I have enjoyed reading for pleasure since I retired 3 years ago as I got out of the habit as I had to do alot of serious, technical reading for work so didn't feel like reading in my down time.

I have had a good day Cool
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(14-05-2023, 01:19 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Its a stunning day today.

Photos of the plant that has found a home in the pot with my white geranium. It looks like passionfruit to me. there are a couple of plants there.
From those photos my guess would be a fatsia japonica. A fairly hardy outdoor plant if you're after a tropical look.
I agree. we always called that five finger... Is a very useful plant but gets quite big.
The witch of the north - sister - lost a beautiful ring when she was gardening - had a bloke go over the ground with a metal detector nothing so she blamed her husband as he had taken the rubbish to the dump before she noticed it missing - when she dug her freesia bulbs up the next year - found her ring with a freesia growing through it
(14-05-2023, 10:10 PM)JanW Wrote: The witch of the north - sister - lost a beautiful ring when she was gardening - had a bloke go over the ground with a metal detector nothing so she blamed her husband as he had taken the rubbish to the dump before she noticed it missing - when she dug her freesia bulbs up the next year - found her ring with a freesia growing through it

I did that one year, but found it when I went back to the spot. I was so relieved I can even remember the plants growing there thirty odd years later...

Memory is a funny business.
morning ladies Smile Fog and rain... rain and fog...sigh...

Those five finger trees can grow huge. I think you could grow it in a pot, but I don't think it would be happy in a pot for very long.

That's funny about your sister's ring, Jan. We are often quick to blame others when things go wrong, I wonder if she ever apologised to her husband.

Good luck with the bed moving, OHH. They are blimmen heavy things now.

The long range weather forecast for MrK's birthday is rubbish so it looks like his family birthday will be here at home and not at Lake Okatainia. Thank goodness for the family group chat, one message there and everyone knows. MrK didn't want a birthday cake, but our daughter pointed out to him that our grandkids equate birthdays with cake lol. And not just them lol, others do too. I've found a recipe for a chocolate cake in a newish Edmonds book (with photos!) I've had for years but hardly use (I prefer my tatty old 'regular' book) and will give it a go.

It might just be an embroidery day today by the looks of it. I have to go into town at some stage, maybe later.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet here and cool enough that Madam has no desire to go into the garage.

Thank you re the plant. I now know exactly where it came from. The Pink geranium I grew from a cutting at the first rest home had one of the "Five finger" bushes next door to it. It must have carried the seed home with it. I will pull it out tho. I might plant it in the gap between the dreaded yucca's. There's plenty of room in there for it to do its thing. And the area is empty after evicting spider plants and mint.

I annoyed MrP last night. I am just so fed up with hearing about Blardy ants. Every phone call, multiple times. He is fixated on them and has been from long before he went into the home too, now I think about it. Although it did used to be flies. So he Hung up.

Ill pop up this morning but to be honest I dont really expect it to go well. Ive got some photos to show him and more crap food to take him. might make some popcorn.
Taties are off the menu since I need to buy more oil. I emptied my old fryer which doesn't have numbers anymore, and have the new one out. The old can go in the inorganic.
And for oil you just about need to remortgage the house and Im sure the landlord wouldn't like that.

My cousin David was always losing things, but finding them as well. We all remember the time he was at the beach on the gold coast and he was swimming and lost his false teeth.. he wasn't overly concerned, he went back the next day and found them .lol.

Be careful moving things Hunni.. My last attempt ended up with me pinned under a witch of a mattress , flat on my back on the metal bed frame. Had to stop myself from laughing, and thanking goodness that no one could get a photo, so I had to strength to get the mattress off. one of those 1970's heavy suckers.

My reading is different. I love historical romances, and books set in the late 1800's to the war times of the 1900's. But I also love Jack the Ripper style books. Before coming on here I read an article about that Austrian (*&*%%@WW^%) Josph Fritz who held his daughter and their children in the basement of his house. He has written a book. I would like to read it at some point. Not to pamper to his ego, but for more insight of what he put his family through. I didn't know that a Son was there, not sure if it was His son or one of the children his daughter had, but he was so tall he couldn't stand up in the basement. So he had to re learn how to walk and stand.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny with clouds in the background, showers are forecast.

I have Five Fingers popping up in one corner garden, not usually noticed until well grown amongst shrubs whereupon it gets dug out!

Quite true about birthday cake KM ... it's all about the kids plus candles and blowing out  Smile

Have sewn up the baby cardi after unpicking a portion to extend the length and half way through newborn one. Nearly 4yo cardi next. 

I wonder how many rings still lurk in the soil ... one friend lost her engagement ring way back while gardening and I've heard similar stories!

The day is mine with a swap day for gc minding so now my cup is empty had better start with hanging washing on a rack.

Have a good day all.
(14-05-2023, 04:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Reminds me of a neighbour, a tiny woman, who tossed her recycling into her freshly cleared bin and lost a bangle she loved in the process... So, she climbed up on a stool and leaned in stretching to reach it, and fell in head first. Fortunately she was wearing jeans.

  And that would be just my luck! Big Grin Big Grin

Tipping down here so no danger of being able to do anything outside. Madame Le Dog fetched the ball when I threw it this morning but trotted very smartly past & deposited it in the bowl on the back porch while giving me that look...& she has got a point. Rolleyes

Not so keen on book as I was; its a bit lacking in detail & the characters are a bit insubstantial - it is an interesting idea but perhaps could have been developed a bit more. Still worth finishing though.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(15-05-2023, 11:54 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(14-05-2023, 04:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Reminds me of a neighbour, a tiny woman, who tossed her recycling into her freshly cleared bin and lost a bangle she loved in the process... So, she climbed up on a stool and leaned in stretching to reach it, and fell in head first. Fortunately she was wearing jeans.

  And that would be just my luck! Big Grin Big Grin

Tipping down here so no danger of being able to do anything outside. Madame Le Dog fetched the ball when I threw it this morning but trotted very smartly past & deposited it in the bowl on the back porch while giving me that look...& she has got a point. Rolleyes

Not so keen on book as I was; its a bit lacking in detail & the characters are a bit insubstantial - it is an interesting idea but perhaps could have been developed a bit more. Still worth finishing though.

What are you reading Lilith
There is something very satisfying about moving furniture around. Even if it leaves me seriously tired out. The sun is pouring in the deck doors, I need a chair there for the Winter, and will need to do a bit more shifting to arrange that bit of loveliness. Tomorrow maybe. And I have rediscovered how much easier it is to make a double bed with a helper on the other side. Especially one trained in hospital corners, and one who knows the right way to fold fitted sheets. Next time she comes for coffee she's getting handed all my bed linen to do that magic with.

And I cleaned. Along the trim, under the bed, up the walls, both bedside lamps, even along their leads... I love Tuffy wipes.
I am feeling very angelic, but thank goodness there are leftovers for dinner...
(15-05-2023, 11:58 AM)JanW Wrote:
(15-05-2023, 11:54 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:   And that would be just my luck! Big Grin Big Grin

Tipping down here so no danger of being able to do anything outside. Madame Le Dog fetched the ball when I threw it this morning but trotted very smartly past & deposited it in the bowl on the back porch while giving me that look...& she has got a point. Rolleyes

Not so keen on book as I was; its a bit lacking in detail & the characters are a bit insubstantial - it is an interesting idea but perhaps could have been developed a bit more. Still worth finishing though.

What are you reading Lilith

This - it did start well to be fair. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(15-05-2023, 03:16 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(15-05-2023, 11:58 AM)JanW Wrote: What are you reading Lilith

This - it did start well to be fair. Smile
I downloaded that book and my interest fizzled- it was recommended to me as similar to Child 44 a book I really enjoyed - but the similarities were lost on me
Placed a library Reservation for the latest Lucinda Riley which tells Pa Salts story - only 111 reservations ahead of me - may be a bit of a wait   Big Grin
morning ladies Smile I wouldn't mind the cold so much if we didn't have the fog.

lol ventian, I hope you have other books to read in the meantime.

MrK had his medical yesterday for his drivers licence. I use the word 'medical' very loosely as he was asked two questions, the doctor signed the form and he was charged $80. No blood pressure taken or other tests so what's the blo**y point of it. It seems a rort to me. At least have the decency to take his blood pressure and make out you're earning the money.

Today is pav making day Tongue Now let's see how well the new oven cooks lol. I ummed and arrrrred about making a pav as eggs are so expensive but you only turn 80 once Heart And I better not forget birthday cake candles lol. Better add that to the list.

The thrush is coming along nicely and looking 'thrush-like' Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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