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You can never have enough...
Cleary men who are designing these ovens.

Im the total opposite when it comes to BP Hunni.. They take mine 3 times cos they dont believe how low it is.. My older brother is the same.

"Are you drinking enough" Yes... "Must be the machine" Nooo... "Oh well we will do it again" "it will be the same" me.

Just cos we are big people it doesn't mean we will have high blood pressure.. lol.

Have to admit we both like proving them wrong lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(17-05-2023, 03:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I did have another win today though. My blood pressure reading at the gp yesterday was seriously high. Unusual for me, and she started muttering things about drugs. I have enough Must Take drugs and am averse to any more, and have even dropped one of the ones she insisted on, and been growled at as a result. So today I called in to my favourite pharmacist and got one of the girls to do my blood pressure again. Three times. Normal. Normal. And normal.

Take that bossy doc, lol.
I may be stating the obvious OH but I had a recent BP that was above my normal. It was taken just after I had consumed a fresh coffee which the nurse had just been good enough to make for me. We put it down to a 'caffeine elevation', and sure enough next visit (after denying myself my usual morning espresso) BP was as it should have been. Apparently licorice has a similar effect so no Blackadder tea before BP tests either.
I hadn't had any coffee, but did have my usual two Dilmahs and no brekky before scooting up there. I am pleased today's were back to my normal, but I am a bit concerned about some weirdnesses going on with my breathing and energy levels. Having had the big saddle PE I am a bit wary of those kinds of episodes. So I went up to ask about a check up, maybe some lingering lung damage or something, so she requested a chest xray appointment at North Shore, and blow me down the email arrived today, with a time and date on Monday. So fast, I am a bit sus about what she put in the referral, lol.

Still, can't hurt to have a look see...
(17-05-2023, 03:39 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I agree with you Lilith, those idiots who design these things obviously never cook or clean.  Let them clean the ovens a few times and see how they like it.

And on a similar subject I've come to believe that architects really should have to live in the houses they design for a few months.. Rolleyes

Gloria Steinem was right - women do get more radical as they age! Big Grin Big Grin

(17-05-2023, 03:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I did have another win today though. My blood pressure reading at the gp yesterday was seriously high. Unusual for me, and she started muttering things about drugs. I have enough Must Take drugs and am averse to any more, and have even dropped one of the ones she insisted on, and been growled at as a result. So today I called in to my favourite pharmacist and got one of the girls to do my blood pressure again. Three times. Normal. Normal. And normal.

Take that bossy doc, lol.

I had one of those a few months back - it was  a bit higher than usual so Dr said to lie down for 10 minutes & the nurse would do it again.

It was a very fortunate thing that I hadn't at that stage realised they'd taken to charging more for longer visits or it would have gone a damn sight higher; as it was the budget suffered somewhat. I won't be doing that again. Big Grin

I think at anything over 60 ish we're lucky to have blood pressure at all... Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have the trifecta - fog, rain, and cold.

OHH, your landlords are certainly behind the times. It sounds like the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.

Our daughter and her family arrive tomorrow Heart Heart for MrK's 80th birthday weekend. Today I'll blat round and do some housework as the rest of the family arrive Saturday. I'll roast the beetroot for a salad and bake MrK's birthday cake tomorrow and the grandkids can decorate it. I'm in two minds about candles with all these bugs going round. The pav worked out perfectly Big Grin so this oven is a keeper (It's a Westinghouse Tongue) And I also have a pile of stuff for our daughter to take back with her.

MrK built me some blocks for the folding table we bought a few weeks ago, to stand on. What a difference it makes to my back. Just a few centimeters higher was all it needed. I'm short so would hate to think how a taller person would cope with it. Another thing manufacturers never think about.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

The fog is down here. First time in a while.

Going to the supermarket is enough to put your BP up these days too lol... Still I hope they do a thorough check and sort out any problems Hunni.

Totally agree, males minds dont think of all the bases. Thats why you often see women's toilets further away than men's.

The worst thing here is our new Vaccination hub out the back of the med center . The ramp is 2 full lengths of the new building, staring opposite the door then you have to walk to the other end, turn back and walk back to the door. And the parking is a long way away from it too.

Low benches and tables are a problem. My sister was a tallish woman, but once in her wheelchair they renovated her kitchen to accommodate her wheelchair. which was great for her but both her tall sons. Both 6'4" and 6'5", they struggled. The microwave was below the oven.
But the idiots who designed it put the power points behind the electric Hobb on the wall. Instead of wiring then on the front or side of the pantry etc. That was under ACC paying for it, I dont have any experience other than that of knowing what sort of people they hire.

I planned to be out by now. but never mind. MrP will just have to wait for his call today. He's still grumpy and hung up yet again last night.. Is anyone else married to a dare I say it, either a Two year old or a teenage badly hormonal girl. Its diabolical at the mo.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Grey overcast day here

KM I am glad your new oven passed the pav test Cool  

We had a lovely, dinner with our friends last night even better there is enough left overs for dinner tonight. 

OHH your LL don't sound super organised the old left hand not knowing what the right is up to. So inefficient they would have had notice of the inorganic collections a while ago.

Late breakfast here, my day at The Nest collective, hope to get another of DD request quilts quilted then I can get them bound and done before the weekend

Gotta move  enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The fog has cleared and the suns out Big GrinBig Grin So the washing is on the airing rack outside in the front yard for all the world to see. I don't care who sees my bra and knickers as long as it gets dry lol.

The beetroot has been roasted and the walnuts to go on top have been toasted at the same time. The kitchen smells divine Smile

Our council are having a public meeting about the huge rate increase tomorrow. It was originally going to be at a cafe but because of the intense outcry and public uproar, they are holding it in the council buildings. I'm going to go along and see what's what.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Just had an interesting conversation with my niece who married a few years ago and they have scrimped and saved and finally had enough money to buy a very small section in Kinloch - they both work rurally around Taupo doing things with cows reproductive bits and pieces - anyway they had an architect draw up plans - took it to their three neighbours because the garage was 40cmoutside the building envelope - the neighbours all wrote supporting letters but the council have knocked it back - they can build a big two story house as long as the floor area is inside the building envelope without consent - that would block the lake view of all the neighbours - the council have told them they cooked get consent from every homeowner in the street to build their one story house but the council still don’t have to agree .It is not amongst a lot of big flash houses - it’s in one of the old streets OH you would know it’s all Keith Hay single story homes many of them the original owners nearing retirement and their section with lake views will be worth enough to see them through their retirement plonk a great big two story house in front of them or beside them their value drops - my advice was to put the section back on the market - they could spend thousands on legal fees and the council will still knock it back - if they shrunk the garage 40cm to fit on the section they wouldn’t get their car in
Ooh as I went to type I saw my first Wax eye in a while..

Been a raw cold today, and plenty of fog. But home safe and sound and I still have a few dollars to spare.. Yippee lol.

Sad that I have to leave town to do that, but Im still on the win side even including the petrol.

Got home to see places who still had their inorganic stuff outside, So figured mine would still be there. But its all gone Yay, including a couple of things they could have legal left.

Now I can have another sort in the garage and plan a garage sale. I have access to the tables now lol.. Well the legs. MrP made two sets of trestle table legs years ago, and with a spare door and a long piece of ply wood we kept it means I can put everything on them, so people dont have to bend over boxes or tarpaulins are what a lot of people use here and that's not good or easy for some.

Considering making it a Nothing over $10 sale. It might tempts a few more buyers if they know there's nothing too expensive.

Time to enjoy my Ham sammie and do my games.. Then Ill watch the Budget although I dont expect too much.. cant be disappointed that way lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Had a sudden rush of blood to the head & got the dreaded lawn done - despite the predicted rain which had instead turned up during the night & then had another go at That Bloody Hedge & got another bin full of it ready for next time.
Slightly knackered now but glad its done, stuffed spuds & veg burger tonight nice & easy.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have been exceedingly lazy. Finished a novel, did the quizzes, that's about it.

Did come up with a new furniture arrangement though, saved me moving everything to the wrong places. Pork chop, frizzled punkin potato mash, and masses of raw vegies for dinner plans. Easy and yum. And there are dishes that need doing...
morning ladies Smile It's a pretty wild day out there.

Our daughter and her family are arriving today Heart I am waiting for MrK to finish his breakfast so I can bake his birthday cake and later this morning I plan to go to the council meeting about our rates increasing anywhere from 19.6% - 26%. I suspect it's going to be a very vocal meeting.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

There is one advantage to being hard of hearing. I dont hear rain or wind so didn't know how rough the weather was until I woke up and the tv was blipping on and off. But it seems to have settled.

I imagine it will be vocal Kiwimade. I remember years ago that "Stupid" little man Ron Marks came in Mangakino to try and tell us what was happening, no discussion, just that it was happening. He got Booed and stormed out of the hall. He really needed to work on his communication skills. Big time. I still dont like him.

Off to cut MrP's hair this morning. Put it off long enough. I should be going to see the girls too, but that will depend on the weather. but Ill ring the home and ask if they can get Bobbie to ring me over the weekend.

I've started setting up for a baking session. Will measure some ingredients out this afternoon. 4 different biscuits and a new to me apricot loaf recipe which is one of Jo Seagar's. And only 4 eggs in total over them all.

I asked MrP what he wanted.. Anzacs are his thing at the mo. I dont mind cos no eggs, not masses of butter and he will need the fiber cos they are putting him on slow release oxycontin's so they will help keep him going lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Wild and windy here as well with rain thrown in. 

Catch up today after gc day yesterday.  Hopefully baking included once I have done a food shop. Babysitting tonight for resident family and also tomorrow with  a planned sleepover for other family.

Google tells me our rates are going up 3.9% so that's a big hike KM. I'm not too sure about the Budget though ... the rate of inflation is not going to improve! 

Cuppa finished, time to think about the grocery list. 

Stay warm and dry all.
Birthday cake in the oven and smelling pretty darned good, ironing done (there wasn't much), kitchen bin emptied and cleaned, washing thrown in the drier (no time for trying to get it dry outside and no space for the airer inside today), and rat bait thrown into the ceiling. We knew there were going to be rats thanks to the maize (still not cut) and we both spotted two together yesterday. All these years getting the rodent population down and now we have to start again.

Yep, mica, it's a massive increase. The council have all sorts of reasons why, the rubbish collectors contract finished and another is taking over so rubbish collection is more expensive is just one of them. I feel for those in town as they will have the biggest increase. At least we don't get charged for rubbish collection (pay that ourselves), water and sewerage. Although we pay $520 to have our septic tank emptied and $50 a fortnight for rubbish collection. When our bore needed work, that cost us $2500. So, we pay in other ways.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The wind is getting brisk after a lovely start to the day, so laundry is on the to do list. Catty is still happy with her unusual litter box and so am I. A quick scoop and stir in the morning beats the hell out of the usual performance. Though I was rather amused this morning early to wander out to the loo to find her sitting on it so I am wondering if she has ambitions, lol...

She does keep me amused this one.
Morning all
intermittent rain here.

Been to city - wasted trip as my hairdresser was closed waited for quite a while too so I am not happy. Have been on line and rescheduled for next week not with my hairdresser - but desperately need a cut.  I will be expressing my disappointment about their poor communication.
Bleat over.

Seems like a trend to increase rates ours are going up 12.5% a chunk of loot. 

Went with DD yesterday afternoon to Wellington design library - they hold gazillion samples fabric, wallpaper and mats. Not for retail but if you find what you like take a note and let your retailer know and they obtain the sample. Some Lucious fabrics - they dont give the prices but a kind women did indicate that the section my DD was looking at the curtain fabrics were $ 300 - 500 definitely not in our league Tongue so we moved on to another manufacturer Big Grin

Hope yo finish the quilting of baby quilts today since my time was interrupted yesterday

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Having grown up in the family business's showroom I have a thing about glorious fabrics and ceramics. But I couldn't afford the curtains I wanted so for years opted for heavyweight calicos and indian cottons. And then I discovered TradeMe's listings, and every now and then the most amazing pieces show up in shorter lengths, left overs and recycled lots and that is how I found both my last two curtaining bargains a good five or six years apart. I used the two linings from the first set to back up the current and though they have been up for a couple of years now I still love them everytime I see them. That's another blessing from living in a tiny space!

And I still spend happy hours browsing those fabrics! Big Grin
Its a stunning day here now. A good bit of wind tho.

Did MrP's hair and put cream on his back. Poor Arthur was having a hard morning, he was swearing his head off, but sounded very upset. So I was standing behind MrP with tears rolling.

Bobbie and Colleen are good. Irene is back in hospital. As I thought the "regular" taking her to the toilet has stopped and she has to wait again. She has a urine infection and pneumonia. They weren't going to do anything so her Daughter told them to get the ambulance or she would. She sent me a photo while I was with the girls, def blue shade around her mouth. But her Daughter said she still has 2 lives left yet. She turned 97 on May 2nd. Showed a couple of the staff who are two that do care and they were shocked.
Ill keep in contact with the Daughter tho. She is particularly close to her mum and will be devastated when she does go.

Bobbie is threatening to run away. I feel like I should let them know. But that will also make me feel like a traitor too. But I dont want her roaming around somewhere lost either. So I think I need to. But I also only want to tell the boss.

Will do that, do my games and then measure out the ingredients for my baking tomorrow.

Enjoy having the family there Kiwimade, Im sure the furry one will have fun too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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