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You can never have enough...
Has anyone read books by the author Scott Blade? He writes very similar to Lee Child and his main character is also very similar to Reacher. I see if I can download some for my Kobo and see what they are like.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Really lovely day here - mild with a gentle breeze.

Just finished my baking morning. A few ladies from church are baking each week for cyclone workers. Was wondering if still needed until the lady who delivered last weeks supply came back really moved at the reception she got. One man who was shovelling silt had tears in his eyes as he said that they are feeling like the world has forgotten them now. 

Some of the living conditions are really aweful and many families have no kitchens so a bit of baking is appreciated.  So I’ll continue as long as needed even though my 6 ice cream containers full a week isn’t much I guess every little bit helps.

Had to go to supermarket first and was pleasantly surprised that bill was at least $20 less than I though it would have been. Mind you it was nearly all just things needed for baking and no meat and I don’t buy snack type foods as can’t be bothered with them also garden is supplying all veg. and fruit at the moment. Have had a huge crop of mandarins so many that the branches were threatening to break so have given away many bags to neighbours and friends and still plenty left for me.  Big Grin 

Now off for a walk across the park to post 2 jerseys that I’ve finished for a niece and nephew. Now knitting smaller things again to restock my charity bins again.
Being back will help Mr P settle with luck Popeye.

Managed to mow the front lawn earlier & then had another bash at That Bloody Hedge & made a bit of headway.

Today is youngest granddaughter's 20th birthday & just had a phone call from eldest granddaughter to let me know her younger sister has just gone into labour with her second daughter, though whether or not she'll be born today is another thing.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
More greats! How lovely...
Oh I do punish myself. but the front of the lawn is done. Knee not too bad but the shoulder is.

MrP has this.. Oddly I heard the phone while I was near it when doing the lawn..

They have offered him counselling and physio but declined both. He just wants to go back to the home to the mental health man and physio he already knows.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(31-05-2023, 03:42 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: More greats! How lovely...

Well - she was apparently determined to arrive today; I got the call about 4 to say she'd hurried up & was here, on her Mum's cousin's birthday. Who is delighted by it apparently.  Smile

 Interesting because her  mum has a cousin who arrived on her second birthday, also in a hurry  - & I'm not entirely sure she's ever forgiven him for turning up on her birthday! Smile Rolleyes

Hopefully going to meet her tomorrow.

One more this year but not till September thankfully.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(31-05-2023, 07:19 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(31-05-2023, 03:42 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: More greats! How lovely...

Well - she was apparently determined to arrive today; I got the call about 4 to say she'd hurried up & was here, on her Mum's cousin's birthday. Who is delighted by it apparently.  Smile

 Interesting because her  mum has a cousin who arrived on her second birthday, also in a hurry  - & I'm not entirely sure she's ever forgiven him for turning up on her birthday! Smile Rolleyes

Hopefully going to meet her tomorrow.

One more this year but not till September thankfully.

Congrats Lilith.. Lots of cuddles coming Up
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(31-05-2023, 07:19 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(31-05-2023, 03:42 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: More greats! How lovely...

Well - she was apparently determined to arrive today; I got the call about 4 to say she'd hurried up & was here, on her Mum's cousin's birthday. Who is delighted by it apparently.  Smile

 Interesting because her  mum has a cousin who arrived on her second birthday, also in a hurry  - & I'm not entirely sure she's ever forgiven him for turning up on her birthday! Smile Rolleyes

Hopefully going to meet her tomorrow.

One more this year but not till September thankfully.
That’s lovely Lilith - something so very special welcoming a new little one  Heart
morning ladies Smile  It's cold this morning!  And it's Gypsy Day, the day farmers move their stock to new farms.

Wonderful, Lilith Heart  Congratulations on the new safe arrival!  It's always great to hear some happy news Smile

Not sure what's on the agenda today, I know I have to remove some old netting from around the rainwater tank where an ornamental grapevine was planted by the previous owner.  We spotted a rat using it to gain access to our roof the other day.  One rat down, one to go (that we know of).  And the mouse trap needs emptying again Big Grin  We knew when they cut the maize we would have vermin around and would be pretty much back to square one with our pest control.

The birds are slowly coming back.  It's taken a while as the magpies chased a lot off. The bird pest people were around the other day too.  I must buy some bird seed for bird puddings but until we can get rid of this rat, there is no point encouraging the waxeyes.  It would only mean more food for the buggar.

I fixed the beak on my embroidery and am very happy with it so might work on the thrush a bit more today.  I'm also sewing bags for the fruit and veg at the supermarket.  My last lot were around eight or nine years old and gave up the ghost a while back.  I'm using tulle and fabric from my stash and have plenty of ribbon etc to thread through them.  So, no cost to us and saves us using plastic or the paper bags. Quick and easy to sew as well.

We're expecting to hear any day now our friend with breast cancer has died.  She's just skin covering bone and hanging on.  I wonder if anyone has told her it's OK to go.  We love her and would miss her but hate seeing her this way.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet but Sunny here

Your right Kiwimade. Your friend needs to be told its ok to go.. They often hang on for others, thinking of others before themselves to the end.

Its lovely seeing the birds back. And I thank you for helping get rid of the vermin that take them away. I wish more people would do it. I kind of expect to see them with the drain hole thing we have here but I haven't so far anyway.

MrP is still in his Normal Hospital mode, of angry and leaving blah blah blah.. I wont ring today, he simply isn't worth talking to while he is like this.

Shopping this morning, but since Im not bound by time restraints to make phone calls Im going to take my time. Not sure if Im leaving town or not. I need to check some meat prices, I badly need some red meat, my INR is going up despite taking less warfarin. Im glad Im not feeding both of us now tho. Id be having less so MrP can have more.

A friend showed me a cheesecake recipe yesterday. I said it would have to be good it had 10 yes 10 eggs in it, let alone all the rest of the ingredients. I wont be trying it that's for sure lol

I didn't crochet yesterday my shoulder was rotten. Niggly this morning, so maybe when I get home.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Mornining all
Overcast dull day here

Lilith lovely new G baby Heart

My morning at the warehouse sorting baby stuff  spent yesterday afternoon repairing some merino clothing and replacing a zip in a merino sleep sack which I will take back too.

Hope to get to sewing cave this afternoon 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Well that's some iris' divided and replanted with a warning if they don't stop sulking and flower this spring, they are gone. Some weeding done too. It was the perfect morning for weeding. Slightly cold with damp ground to make weed pulling easier Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Some photos from the newest member of my extended family - not sure if I have mentioned him before he had a terrible start to life - my DIL works in the children’s court and she just moved heaven and earth to take him into her family - it all became official forever last week - he is 11 so finally could have his own pup - until it was all permanent wouldn’t have been fair to him to let him get a pup and have to leave it behind -as you can see he has chosen her for her melt your heart eyes - he called her Bonnie
The one of her lying on his clothes which he hadn’t taken out to the laundry was taken while he was away at school
It’s just wonderful to see he has had an unbelievably bad start to life - is facing multiple operations to mend his bones but his heart and mind are healed
morning ladies Smile Another cold winters day Big Grin

omggg Jan, what a cutie Heart Those eyes... there's something about a Lab that makes me melt. I hope they are prepared for at least four years of chaos lol.

Housework for me today so I can get out in the garden when it's fine tomorrow. Then a bit more sewing. I have to find my bobbin first though. I was using it to thread ribbon, left it on the sewing table and now it's gone. That will teach me not to put it away.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun is out today, so far.

MrP is meant to be coming home today. but Im not going to ring and find out. He's not eating or taking meds, and I certainly wont reward that stupidity.

Woke up and I must have slept curled in a tight ball. My sternum is aching. Hasn't hurt like this for quite a while, so a quite day till it eases off.

Yep Kiwimade, put away , instead of putting down lol.

I have two friends who never involve their brains when they put things down so are always looking for Lost things. Simple things like the TV remote or their fave coffee mugs.. I mean one goes beside your chair the other in the sink... But they are always "looking" for things.

Hope to get some crochet done today since I haven't managed it for the last couple of days.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Sunny and warm have the doors open, k9s enjoying lying in the sun.

Can't beat a nice lab pup Cool

Have people coming for dinner tonight so prepping for that, and of  course vacuum and tidy up

Have started swiss darning a zebra head onto front of a vest I am knitting for DGD1 got a couple of neck stripes done last night.

Just looked at my nails theynseriously need some shaping might even pretty them up with some colour later, 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I found it Tongue And in a place I looked yesterday. The sooner my new glasses arrive the better!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Labs are lovely dogs, Jan. They invariably have that lovely nature & are such loyal dogs that they make good companion pets. Smile

Still waiting to meet the newest member of the family; it was to be yesterday but the idiocy of our local women's maternity services meant that they were 'released' (aka chucked out) yesterday & a midwife visit is set for today, so hopefully tomorrow.
I do wish blokes could become pregnant & give birth too - there'd be a birthing centre in every suburb & those who'd given birth would be given time to recover before being chucked out.

There were two foolhardy daffodils which had decided to come into flower in the back garden so took pity & picked them; they brighten up the day considerably.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good morning.

Another nice day with a bit of breeze .... good for washing on the line.

Our first family dog a black lab .... lovely dog and SO good with the kids when little. Plenty of energy those first few years, loved water and even more so ... food - of any description and from any source! The pup will be a welcome addition Jan, a calming influence for the young man.

The zebra head will look good Mica ... I've never really mastered swiss darning, just had to be content to work a shape into the knitting.

New cardi on the go, always good to have it there during evening TV time but will have to have my wits about me with the whole thing patterned!

Congrats Lilith on a new babe to add to your family, another name to add to your birthday list  Smile

Time for dog walk now that I'm back from doing a few errands.

Enjoy the day all.
A beautiful lab.

We adopted "Harley" who had been left at the SPCA as his family were moving to Aussie.

So he became "Harley Davids son" lol MrPs first name.. he was over 6 stone but a gentle big boy. Our friends came to see him and I was squatting down patting him and he promptly peed on me.

I shed a lot of sweat trying to get him in the bath cos he was leaning on me so wore it as well. He loved to travel in MrPs truck. Sitting on the front seat. He stayed with my parents for a while to lose weight. But he was adorable. Used to tell him it was time to go to bed and he would hit the floor a couple of times with his tail. When we moved into the Bus we gave him to one of our friends who he loved him and Harley adored him. It would have been hell for him in the bus.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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