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You can never have enough...

Sun shining after a cool start. 

That was some trip Mica ... my DH is from that neck of the woods. Good to have a family catch up and a few bonus buys along the way. 

10 Pound Pom was certainly different to what we thought the show would be.  Will continue to watch the series to see how it pans out. My ancestors would have come to NZ before that scheme. It must have been devastating to find all was not what it was cracked out to be upon arriving.

Knitting on hold and have started another newborn cardi for a new wee neighbour. Should be a fast knit. 

Had better get out for a walk while the sun is still shining. 

Have a good day all.
My Mum was born on the boat coming here - would have been 105 years ago - her father was always a mystery - spoke very posh was supposedly a roading engineer and had been sent out here by his family to start a company - they brought a lot of beautiful furniture with them - as the years passed we never saw him work at all - he drank a lot and I can remember as a child dragging him out of the blackberries when he crashed his bike on the way home from the pub - awful to say but when he died us kids weren’t sad - after my Nana died one of my Uncles went to England to meet the UK relatives - was no surprise he had been sent out here for his excessive drinking .My Mum obviously had her mother’s longevity genes - Nana lived to 99 was walking along the side of her country road on a drizzly day and the bus driver didn’t see her - we missed and mourned her
Ten pound Pom was quite good, still trying to work out if that boy shown leaving on a train is that woman's son but no doubt all will be revealed eventually. There were quite a few people sent out to various countries because their behaviour wasn't up to the standard of their usually posh families. They were known as Remittance men.

Haven't met the new baby as yet; yesterday her Mum hadn't had much sleep & today is far too cold so told them we can catch up once its warmer - snow is expected in the high country & its freezing already so wouldn't expect them to venture out in this.
I've seen photos, & she has a name now, Violet. Her big sister is Scarlett so sounds right somehow. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Lilith I think the boy is the nurses son.

Which I think from what it insinuated was the reason she drugged her Fiancé so he couldn't go on the boat with her. He obviously doesn't know about the boy.
And they were shipped out just as much as the adults and families.

MrP is happy. They had real fish and chips for lunch.. And when he got back to his room after his shower there was a new air bad for him. So that's 3 of them blowing up in his room now. its nice to sit on lol.

Bobbie rang so Ill go and see the girls tomorrow. Will pop in to see MrP and deliver a bacon buttie on my way. She wants to get some moisturizer etc, so we will arrange for me to take her out on Thursday. They just have to get her some money for her to shop with cos I cant do it.

Town is busy here today despite not much being open.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I think quite a lot of immigrants over the years have been rather surprised that what they had been told about NZ or thought it would be like has been so very different to what they actually found it was like. 

Following the war the government set up a scheme for people from a variety of countries to come and help on farms. My grandfather had a family from the Netherlands come but the poor father was so out of his depth with absolutely no idea what farming entailed never having met farm animals before, he didn’t last on the farm very long.  I’ve don’t know where the family went after leaving the farm as being a kid I didn’t think to ask Grandad.

Just home from a really lovely trip,to Hamilton and then to see Hamilton (the musical) with my 2 sisters. Youngest sister had a ticket given to her as a present for a big 0 birthday so fantastic opportunity for a sister’s treat together. 

The musical was great although was wondering a bit after the first number as wasn’t what I thought it would be like and I think we were near the speakers as rather loud but we had great seats and didn’t miss a thing on the stage and it turned out to be a lively, fun and interesting show.
(04-06-2023, 01:27 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Lilith I think the boy is the nurses son.

Which I think from what it insinuated was the reason she drugged her Fiancé so he couldn't go on the boat with her. He obviously doesn't know about the boy.
And they were shipped out just as much as the adults and families.

MrP is happy. They had real fish and chips for lunch.. And when he got back to his room after his shower there was a new air bad for him. So that's 3 of them blowing up in his room now. its nice to sit on lol.

Bobbie rang so Ill go and see the girls tomorrow. Will pop in to see MrP and deliver a bacon buttie on my way. She wants to get some moisturizer etc, so we will arrange for me to take her out on Thursday. They just have to get her some money for her to shop with cos I cant do it.

Town is busy here today despite not much being open.

Oh, cheers for that Popeye - I managed to miss the first few minutes so that clears that up.  Smile

Glad Mr P is happier, makes things easier all  round.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Boy we had some rain last night!

Good to hear MrP is home and settled, popeye. As Lilith says, it makes life easier.

We're watching 'Black Snow' TVNZ+ and had no idea that people from Vanuatu were kidnapped and taken to Queensland to work in the sugar cane fields.

Arise Dame Jacinda Heart and Sir Wayne Smith Heart I am so pleased for them both.

Wairere Nursery have been in touch and the three roses I ordered, Westerland, Blackberry Nip and Graeme Thomas will be available in two to four weeks Smile Now to put the wire up along the back fence for the two climbers.

I haven't heard our little 'friend' in the ceiling for a few days so I'm assuming it is safe to say it has gone.

There won't be much done outside today by the looks of it which means a bit more time stitching and sewing Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

I can see a few white clouds and the sun, so hopefully it will be drier today. Lost HGTV last night, of course it was my fave night. The shows I like are repeated today so will have to juggle things.

Taking a bacon buttie , toothpaste and some of the home made chocolate I made yesterday. I've had some kremelta in the fridge for ages so decided to make the chocolate. Had to 2/3rds the recipe, but Im actually thinking I used all the kremelta but shouldn't have, tastes ok tho lol. So Ill pop some into cellophane parcels to take to the girls. MrP will have his in a bag lol.

MrP loved my blanket, and told everyone as they came into the room. Ill be taking it with me on Wednesday to the craft group. Missed out last month, but unless its me there wont be anything stopping me this time. Need to get some cash, hmm that will be tricky lol.

Will get some washing and dishes done later. Im not a fan of leaving extra appliances especially when involving water going when Im not home.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Windy, raining and cold  another indoors day.

Glad the patter of feet overhead stopped KM.
Homemade  chocolate  brings back childhood  memories  

Got some sewing done took longer to make bias  its black and white going to use it to trim black boiledcwool  vest.

Quick trip to supermarket this morning to get cream for dessert  I am making for lunch tomorrow.  Got 5 people coming so making heart chorizo  and chicken soup with panacotta for dessert 

Need to shower after gym the bundle up to go out.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  Omg it's cold outside.  Our nieghbour's large dog tried to squeeze through the Furry One's doggy door this morning so it was a rude awakening for all of us.

Our friend with breast cancer died last evening much to her and her family's relief.  Brokenheart  We'll find out about her celebration of life later today.  I'm going to miss her terribly.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Cold damp overcast day

Sorry about your friend KM.

Both our kids and their families popped in yesterday afternoon neither of us felt like cooking dinner so we made chicken hamburgers.

Got to tidy up and prep lunch for friends that will be joining  us.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I am sorry for your loss KM, despite it being a release. It is always hard to lose a good friend.

It is a tad nippy up here in the City of Sails. Tg I have a good book, and a heat pump.
Morning everyone

Sorry for your loss Kiwimade. And I love the having a celebration, especially if that's the type of friend she was.

OMG its cold. After visiting MrP and then the girls, I was comfortably warm. Didn't take my brolly in so it was freezing when I walked as fast as I could to my car after leaving Bobbie.

I plugged MrP's phone in last night and it worked, So I will quickly take that up later.

Many times through the night I wanted to try and climb onto my bed and relax, and that may very well be what I do later. Im not sleeping well at the mo and that ruins the day.

But Ill put washing and dishes on first.

Im taking Bobbie out on Thursday, She wants some cleanser and moisturizer and Yes Im using the fact that the manager isn't there to take her out. She will have to wrap up tho.

It was lovely to sit and yack yesterday, and I managed to talk to Colleen about Bobbie and what the plans are, so she will keep an eye on her too.. I will say Bobbie wasn't looking as tired yesterday as she was last time I saw her.

Stay warm and dry everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Winter has arrived. Too cold to be anywhere outside today!

Sad news about your friend KM, even if it is a welcome relief for all.

Not too much happening today, glad to have got the groceries yesterday. A book to finish and plenty of knitting on the go. There's always housework if really struggling for things to do  Big Grin

Stay warm and dry all.
That's sad KM, its never easy to lose a friend.

Freezing here but managed to get the dreaded groceries done before the predicted rain. Spent much of yesterday afternoon attempting to re make the cushioned cover for an old box used for fabric scraps.
I'm fairly useless with tools so managed to whack my thumb rather than nail heads quite often & there might possibly have been some swearing involved. This morning thumb has gone an interesting shade of blue & looking at what I've done I see a need for more nails so will have to have another go at some point.

Don't think I'll bother mentioning my feeble efforts to the sweetie darlings.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
God its been cold today.. lol.

Although the thermometer says 17, I swear its way less.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

So I listed a bunch of 50s kitchen storage things on TM, stressing Pick Up only, and they sold. To someone in New Plymouth. So I was a bit wary... And sure enough now she's doing the after auction blackmail thing. Blasted woman.
morning ladies Smile The sun's out!

grrr OHH, that really pi**es me off when people do that. Maybe TM can help you. Or you could wait for her feedback and reply what has happened. I would return her money too and relist or even sell it on FB Marketplace.

It was good news to hear the police had arrested a man for the death of the lady in Northland. Her whanau and community will be relieved. He lived only a few doors down the road too.

Our son is on holiday so he's giving his motorbike a good run today and coming for lunch. He needs a few more kilometers on it before he has it serviced for the first time.

The lawn needs mowing (oh yay, wet grass) and I'll get that done this morning.

Roma, if you are planning on coming over the hill next week, remember the Field Days are starting next Wednesday so the traffic will be horrendous.

Better get cranked up for the day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunshine here as well ... yay! Some welcome drying out underfoot might happen.  

Thanks for the heads up KM ... yes we are aware ... DH is actually doing 2 days there in his Work's site ... good luck to him, lol. I shall steer clear.

I see there are 6 guests visiting this thread ... yesterday when I had a look in .. 58 .. join in people  Smile

A library book to return and the veg garden could do with a weed and dig over. 

How annoying OHH ... I hope it can be resolved via TM help.

Time to move ... washing out first off.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

A clear day but cold.

That would annoy the hell out of me too Hunni. People clearly dont read the whole post. TM are a bit useless and slow to help to these days.

I decided last night to sleep in the bed... Getting up wasn't too bad, I guess the exercises are making my leg stronger. but I woke up at 3-45 soo sore I could barely move. So it took about 15 minutes to get myself, the bedding and the walker out to my chair.
Im meant to be going to craft this morning, but even with pain meds on board I doubt I could even get in the car. And for the first time in months ,my back and hips are the trouble. Grrrrr.. Im not meant to go I think. Im really annoyed with myself, but I just wanted to see if I would sleep better on the bed.

Apparently the nurse who was too lazy to swap phones on Monday night and let MrP and I talk for 5 minutes using the
"Work" phone instead of ringing me back on the Patient phone is in trouble. She was just too lazy to do so. And then apparently tried to make it look like it was a younger nurse who she doesn't like did it, simply cos the younger one has a good rapore with the patients. They can sort it out but I can prove how long the call was.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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