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You can never have enough...
(13-06-2023, 02:32 PM)JanW Wrote: Pleased you like the blankets - the pretty one is much bluer than the photo shows - the old boy asked me to make my granddaughters a blanket that looked like the sea - he spent a lot of time with them on the sea or in the sea and my grandson one in his Lindisfarne school colours - so he got two one for his bed at home and one for his school bed - picture below - found the photo of the rabbit made from the scraps

You definitely caught the sea with that lovely blue one Jan, its just beautiful & strongly evokes exactly that - the sea. They're all gorgeous, beautiful work. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Gorgeous blankets. On the strength of those I have decided to abandon any plans to learn to crochet... I may even give up knitting. Ahhhh, no. Not giving up knitting lol.

As for that wire ball, I saw it, on farcebook I think a while back and considered whipping two hanging baskets to gether to make one. But better suited to succulents I think!
morning ladies from a very frosty Waikato. A perfect start to the Field Days Smile The traffic started very early, around 4.00am and is still going strong.

I love your blankets, Jan, a real labour of love.

That wire ball for chooks made me smile and think of our tart of a chook. I'm sure she would have found a way out of it lol. Good idea about using it for succulents, OHH.

The roses are all prunned and I can't fit anymore in the compost wheelie bin. Am glad that job is over for now.
Our friend is coming Thursday to cut out the shrubs along the fence and trim the taller trees we can't (more likely won't) trim. He will mulch it all which will save us paying for it all to be dumped but best of all, be 'free' mulch for the garden.

We have been watching 'Tracked' over the last few weeks and were so pleased the young kiwi lads won. Normally we don't watch reality type programmes but we both love Vinnie lol and thought we'd give this one a go. We sure live in a gorgeous country, it was worth watching just for the scenery.

Time to get moving, the Furry One is up and about and demanding we play. This well trained owner will do as she is told.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

No frost here yet. They are rare here. But I live in hope lol

Watching Jenny-May at the Fielday's reminds me of the coldest day I remember. We took a Dutch friend to the Fielday's and it was freezing. I ended up buying a wool flat cap, thankfully I can put anything on my head and it suits me. Our friend couldn't get over the fact that I loved the woodcutting. But its something I've loved since I was a kid.

Off to see MrP this morning. So Ill thaw out for a while.

Didn't do anything yesterday, so I need to make myself do something, or Ill turn into a lazy lump.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The sun is climbing up into the massive pohutukawa tree and soon will be in the perfect place to burn my eyes with dark dots, but that bodes well for my scooting day. The local farcebook page tells me the village is full of orange cones, roadworks everywhere so that will be fun to navigate. The library calls though, I have seven to return and nine to pick up and a bag of discards for the Hospice shop before my coffee and cake stop. Then I shall fill the front basket with mandarins and cat biscuits and amble home, delivering a handful of excess garlic cloves to a couple of neighbours on the way. A nice productive day ahead, with no housework planned at all...

Other than making my pretty bed that is, which really isn't work at all...
Morning all
Raining here

KM you will be pleased to have the pruning done.

Got my document reviewed, scanned some quilting patterns for inspiration, researched making roman blinds they don't look too hard to do so mightvoffer to have ago for DD who has a quote for $3500 fir 2 standard sized windows in her bedroom thats with$90/m fabric with no repeat. I might regret saying it doesn't look too hard Shy . I must love her as I do not like making curtains in fact it has been a decade or two since I did have used free making offers

Not sure what I will get up to today might make baby quilt

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
arrrggg Roman blinds lol. I remember having them in our lounge when we lived in town. They cost as much as curtains but if I remember right, it was mostly for labour. The curtain people said you may save on fabric, but not the time to make them so it all works out pretty much the same price. Good luck, mica!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Gorgeous day looming after a cool start. 

DH out the door at 5am to work at Fieldays and son and family a few hours later so a quiet house to myself.  I see that it's pretty cold in Hamilton but at least not raining! 

Plenty to occupy myself with baking, gardening and some jobs in town to do.  Always my knitting to get back to  ... 4yo GD's cardi coming along quickly. I see vests are "in fashion" so might make myself one next ... perhaps even crochet one Smile 

Those blankets a work of art Jan ... amazing.

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
I was saddened this morning to read of Treat Williams death by motorcycle accident. From the sound of it very similar to the one we had all those years ago, vehicle turning into the path of the bike. If you ever watched the rather gorgeous American soap (the scenery and interiors are so lovely) Chesapeake Shores, he played Mick O'Brien, so I guess my hopes of another time wasting series just faded. Never mind, there's still Virgin River to satisfy my romantic heart, lol...
Have managed to achieve a bit today; hunting this morning I found the main gifts for the next three birthdays so just little extra bits & pieces to get for those. And wonder of wonders, they emptied the green bin early for a change which meant I was able to get a bit more on That Bloody Hedge done, so slowly making some progress with it & a bit of odd pruning here & there where needed.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another frosty -2 frost here this morning Big Grin But the sun is shining so it's going to be a stunning day.

I saw Treat Williams had been killed, OHH. Very sad and an avoidable death.

Our friend who is a property caretaker/gardener is coming today to help with the heavier stuff around the garden this morning. Last evening, he dropped off a huge load of mulch from someone's garden. It saves his client a $25 dumping fee and gives us free mulch. A win-win all round. Today will be Mulch Moving Day lol and will pretty much take all day. I need to move it as we are meant to have rain tomorrow and I'm also taking our friend for his hospital appointment.

My new glasses are quite a bit stronger than the old pair and are taking a bit of getting used to. The old pair have been donated to the Fred Hollows Foundation through Spec Savers. But it is so verrrry good to be able to see to read without having to hold books at a distance. Can't wait to get back to my embroidery and sewing.

Time to get moving, that mulch won't shift itself.

Happy crafting.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

A little overcast this morning. but a balmy 15 degrees in the lounge lol.

I had the best sleep last night. better than many just recently. Yay. I used to hate the way that Missy is a skinny Mini, but when you wake up with her sleeping on your chest, I'm quite thankful lol Shes not overly tall but is long and sleek.

was meant to be doing my bloods, but Ill do it tomorrow instead. Off to see MrP, to make up for not being there tomorrow. I had a word with his Physio yesterday about my shoulder. She agrees either a tear or I'm pinching the nerve or muscle. She got me to lift my arm, with my thumb pointing up, and then pointing down and there is a big difference of where the muscle and tendons sit. So has to be Thumbs up to help stop it pinching.

Yesterday was Arthurs Birthday. So he was happy and everyone was singing. He was so happy. But MrP said that later in the day he got grumpy and the air was blue. MrP's family is good at swearing but he told me Arthur was topping them all lol.

Grr there's a person selling a bulk listing of retro Tupperware on TM and there are 8 watchers, so they have increased the starting price. So I wont be bidding I dont think. Pick up is fairly local too

The birds are in early today. Must get them some more seeds etc.

Have fun in the garden Kiwimade. Free is good

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Chilly start but going to be a lovely day - had an SOS from the school breakfast club - two ladies sick - I haven’t been doing it for a while it’s too depressing - nothing has changed in fact it’s worse - the gangs living in the emergency motels alongside these kids are destroying any chance of them keeping up at school - anyway
Pleased to see Fielddays are having good weather - the first time we went after we bought the orchard there were huge queues of traffic so a bloke asked I& we wanted to park in a paddock and bus in - we leapt at the chance but what he didn’t say was that you had to walk back - we loaded ourselves up with all sorts before finding out we had a long walk ahead of us - cars stopped and offered us a lift but they were moving so slowly - the old boy would thank them politely I would whibe and whinge and we would quickly catch the car up who offered us a ride - so he would go on and on - we argued all the way back to the car - at least it enabled me to ignore my sore feet
The mongrels who butchered the trees next door have been given notice but they tell me housing Corp have found them another house - they should be stuck in a motel and a family given the house - they are just waiting until their time is up until they can join the rest of their family in Oz - they came here as refugees - the arborist couldn’t save the magnolia - he estimated it was 90 years old
My youngest granddaughter passed her driving test - frightening to think she is out on the road - she is really sensible but it’s the other buggars - isn’t it Hunni
Thinking of buying a Karcher - do I need to buy the most expensive one? My weeping windows are driving me stupid
No, shop around and get the basic version. I'm looking for an extension kit for my steamer (my old vinyl is getting to me! $65 + post from Bunnings is tempting me...) and noticed TM had several window vacs listed. Might be worth a weekend browse. Mine just has the one wide blade and it is fine. The charged battery lasts for ages! Love it, even though the healthy homes update has helped with crying windows, I have no doubt come real winter it will get used for that as well as the long overdue window clean!

And yes, I agree about the roads. It is a frightening prospect, best not thought about too much Jan...
25 wheelbarrow loads of mulch done with loads more to do. Our friend worked like a trojan and now we have more light in the house and around the garden.

I had to replace our Karcher the other day and Mitre 10 had them for $99, then Bunnings advertised them for $75. Just the basic one and it does the job just fine. But it does pay to shop around.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Cheers for that advice - the kids didn’t want me to buy this house because the ceiling is not insulated because of the roof so I am stuck with crying windows - the expert who tried to convince me that he could do my roof but couldn’t give me any references did the house across the road - the lady who bought it recently is having no end of problems with her roof leaking pleased I didn’t let him touch mine - my house gets the sun all day and I could leave the air con on all night - in fact the kids growl at me for not doing so but I am not cold in the night so I can live with a bit of window weep
Much as I detest the racket the new (bottom of the line cheap as rubbish) range hood makes it does pull a lot of the steam out of the cooking process, so if I am boiling something I use it, and I am sure that makes a difference.
We have to open windows when cooking as our oven is under the window and it pretty much goes to the ceiling so no space for a rangehood. If we could have afforded it, we would have bought an oven with the induction bit on it, so the steam is sucked through the wall. Oh well... will add that to my wishful Lotto win list Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The noise I am told could have been hugely reduced if the motor had been installed inthe ceiling, instead of in the hood, and if the aluminium exhaust tubing had been replaced with the more expensive more solid alternative - but hey, it is all about budgets.
I have a really nice range hood but whoever installed it must have been a giant - the switch is halfway to the ceiling so I use the broom handle to switch it off and on .We had a weird one in the house in Taupo that you pulled up from beside the cooktop - it was useless

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